在美國大學官網的申請清單中,個人陳述 ( Personal Statement ) 是必要的申請材料。每年申請季,各高校招生官都會閱覽數以萬計的 PS 文章,哪些內容會讓他們眼前一亮 ? 哪些表達又會讓他們惱火 ? 美國哥倫比亞大學官網給出 30 個小建議,教你如何寫好一篇個人陳述。
1 ) Answer the questions that are asked. Don ’ t be tempted to use the same
statement for all applications.
2 ) Tell a Story. Show or demonstrate your points using concrete examples from
your experience.
3 ) The essay should come from your heart and brain.
4 ) Give yourself some distance. During revision process put your writing away for
a day or two and then come back to look at it with fresh eyes.
適當遠離你的 PS。在修改過程中,可以先把你的文章放一兩天,再重新審閱。
5 ) Don ’ t be afraid to delete. It ’ s okay to let it go. Sometimes you will need to
delete words, sentences or entire paragraphs as your writing and ideas evolve.
Get rid of that which no longer fits.
6 ) Be specific. Broad sweeping statements will not make you stand out as an
individual. Illustrate your points with personal examples or experiences.
7 ) Find an angle. An angle helps you to focus and make your statement
8 ) Have a strong opening paragraph. Your first paragraph should state your
thesis and grab the reader ’ s attention. Examples include a remarkable or life-
changing experience, an anecdote, or a question that will be answered by your
personal statement.
9 ) Show continuity. Conclude your personal statement by referring back to the
introductory paragraph and restate your main thesis in a slightly different way.
10 ) Avoid cliches and quotes. This statement is about you and should not borrow
from other ’ s words.
11 ) Write well. Be meticulous about your writing style. Type and proofread your
essay very carefully. Don ’ t rely on spellchecker.
12 ) Don ’ t write a descriptive resume. This is a common mistake. Don ’ t restate
your extracurriculars in prose. This can be found in other parts of the application.
13 ) Have an adult comment on your essay, but not re-write your essay.
14 ) Caution writing about experiences before high school. Colleges will expect
that you have had significant experiences while in high school.
15 ) Don ’ t focus too much on another person, even if they have been influential in
your life.
16 ) Do not solely discuss why you want X career/major. Instead, again, try to
discuss what experiences led to your choice and what unique attributes you will
bring to that field.
17 ) Be positive. Don ’ t badmouth anything.
18 ) Avoid controversial issues. The person ( s ) reading your statement may feel
offended or awkward.
19 ) Be honest.
20 ) Everyone Fails. Writing about a failure can demonstrate that you have been
able to learn and grow from your mistakes.
21 ) Find a balance between creative and cautious. This can be tricky. There is a
fine line between creative and interesting and odd and gimmicky. Don ’ t write your
personal statement as a poem unless asked.
22 ) Be concise. This is greatly appreciated by those who are reading thousands
of applications.
23 ) It ’ s hard to be a stand-up comedian. Humor is difficult and can be
misinterpreted. It ’ s best to avoid it.
24 ) Read the statement aloud.
大聲朗讀你的 PS。
25 ) Keep it a reasonable length. If the length is prescribed, keep it within that
length, otherwise a good rule is to keep it to two pages.
26 ) Double space and make the margins at least an inch.
27 ) Put your name on each page.
28 ) A title is not necessary.
29 ) Do not write like a thesaurus. Avoid words you don ’ t understand.
30 ) Use an "active" voice.
看瞭這麼多建議,是不是覺得自己的個人陳述踩瞭好多 " 雷區 "? 那還不趕緊把這些建議運用到自己的文書寫作中,制作出一份能夠獲得招生官青睞的 PS。
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