雅思口語題庫 part2 話題范文匯總 Describe a quiet place you visited ( 安靜之地 )


本期奉上雅思口語題庫 part2 話題范文:安靜的地方 ( Describe a quiet place you visited ) ,共有 3 篇高分原創范文,主題有爺爺傢的老屋,公共圖書館,比爾弗雷德裡克公園,皆為高分考生所作,良心推薦。友情提示:考生應該盡量避免傳統的背誦套句或者是模版的口語學習方式,去學習口語范文中地道的詞組搭配以及英美人士的思維方式,更加關註詞組和邏輯思維兩個層面。另外,就是要從扣題角度出發,看優秀范文如何從扣題的方面來展開口語話題。戳紅色文字鏈接,查看范文詳情。

Describe a quiet place you visited

You should say:

Where is it?

How long do you go there?

What did you do there?

版本 1:雅思口語高分范文:爺爺傢的老屋☜戳左可入


高分語段:I know this place from my childhood as I was born and grown up here. This place is different to me. I leave behind my busy life and come here to relax both mentally and physically. The memory of my departed grandparents, my childhood and other happy events are related to this place. I can get fresh air, meet some of my relatives, enjoy the country life and stay close to nature here and for all those reasons, I like this place very much.

版本 2:雅思口語外國人原創范文:公共圖書館☜戳左可入


高分語段:Okay, there are just a few places that I know to be quiet. The reason is because nowadays there is just so much activity going on outside that it ’ s hard to find a place that is quiet. Anyway the place is the public library. This particular public library is located in the center of Guiyang near a McDonald's. Um-mm, the library was constructed seven years ago. And when it was finished it was a fascinating achievement. When talking about how often I go there I have to say that in recent years I ’ ve stopped going as often as I used to.

版本 3:雅思口語高分原創范文:比爾弗雷德裡克公園 ☜戳左可入


高分語段:When I went at the park last time, I had a wonderful experience. It was a family get together. We reached there in the evening at the pre-booked location inside the park. We all stayed a night by camping in a camping zone. The barbeque party was amazing and it was arranged by my uncle. Fishing in the lake was another interesting event. We all were happy. I would recommend anyone from my area to have some quality and tranquil time in this park. There is a lot to explore and enjoy.

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