2018 年 2 月 1 日場的雅思寫作真題為:Figures show that in some countries, there is an ever-increasing proportion of population aged 15 or younger. What do you think are the current and future effects on those countries?15 歲以下的人口比例非常大,對於國傢社會的現在和將來所造成的影響。這個題目的出題是比較靈活的,運用我們教的教育、政府、社會類話題的詞匯和素材來寫就可以瞭。范文自取:
就現階段而言,主要是政府的教育支出比較多 increase the budget on children ’ s education,需要修建更多的幼兒園、學校、體育設施 construct more kindergartens, schools and sports facilities,為青少年的成長提供良好的環境 create a good environment for children ’ s growth。某些相關的產業會因為少年兒童人口增加而獲利 gain benefits,比如課外輔導 tutoring,傢政保姆 housekeeping and baby-sitting,生產玩具和文具的公司等等。對於傢庭而言,因為孩子數量多,父母工作比較忙,或者經濟負擔比較重 economic burden,或者父母的方法經驗不足 wrong methods and insufficient experience,可能某些孩子無法獲得很好的傢庭教育 do not have good parenting。
對未來的影響有好的一方面,未來幾十年國傢的勞動力比較充足 abundant supply of labor force,經濟發展速度能夠加快 accelerate the economic development,但是也有負面影響。首先青少年之間的競爭會非常激烈 fierce competition,因為隻有一部分人能夠考上名牌大學 enter top universities,其次是失業的問題 unemployment,工作崗位的數量有限 number of vacant jobs,無法滿足畢業生的需求 meet graduates ’ demand,年輕人的高失業率可能會造成貧富差距和犯罪等社會問題。
Lifestyle has undergone dramatic changes over a couple of decades. Presently, the population of teenagers is on the rise in some countries which might have both positive and negative effects on the progress of a nation. Here, I would like to account for current and upcoming consequences of this phenomenon.
Multifarious positive effects can be put down behind this happening. First and foremost, youthful generation plays a phenomenal role to flourish the progress of a nation. For example, majority of young people are expected to learn professional skills related to science, engineering, medical, technology, sports and so on. As a result, a country will be enriched with a massive number of prodigious talented people who could contribute remarkably at jobs to ensure the development of their nation. Besides this, advancement strides only in the presence of youngsters. To be specific, young blood is energetic, agile, creative and adaptive who welcome new changes, adjust nicely and can introduce innovative ideas for betterment of living standard. Hence, a nation is supposed to be more advanced than others.
Moreover, youngsters are well educated, advanced and conscious about healthy living standard. Thence, they could be made willing to participate in social welfare activities such as planting more trees, promoting cleanliness, saving wild life, using biodegradable materials so on to evolve pleasant ecological conditions and superior lifestyle. On the contrary, it has thorny side too.
To begin with, in many thriving regions, employment sources are less due to deprivation of industries and other commercial sectors. Therefore, increasingly number of young people is leading to lack of job opportunities in such areas. Furthermore, the cultural heritage of a nation may lose its significance. To be specific, unlike other age groups, youthful generation has tendency to develop their own ways of living and attitudes rather than following traditional values. Thus, individuality of a culture will be at the low ebb. All of above, generation gap will spread its roots on account of imbalanced ratio of different age groups. Hence, misunderstandings and disputes might be the order of the day between young and late adulthood.
To recapitulate, elevation in the number youngsters may lead to some hardships. However, I still believe positive outcomes will exceed negative results.
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