17 年 9-12 月雅思口語話題 Part2 范文 :sth you bought because you watched its advertisement


新題何足懼,舊恨何其多,手握真題集,屠鴨亦可期。一轉眼,雅思口語進入瞭 9-12 月的新一輪話題季,小站雅思懂你更懂雅思,第一時間為大傢整理出超地道的范文答案,趕緊喪心病狂地開練吧,一切皆有可能,沖 7 就在此刻瞭。話題 :Describe something you bought because you watched its advertisement ( 新題 ) 。

范文傳送門:9-12 月雅思口語題庫 part2 范文匯總 抱團輸出

You should say:

What did this advertising promote?

Where did you see this?

What was the content of it?

Why do you think it is impressive?


About a couple of months ago I saw an advertisement on the internet for a special pair of running shoes. It was the picture that caught my attention first because the shoes looked very different from normal running shoes. They were designed like a pair of gloves for your feet, if you know what I mean.

They were made from a special 'breathable' material and had a synthetic sole grafted onto the body so that they fitted like a glove on your foot, but the bottom was quite similar to a normal running shoe so that it gripped well and provided protection for your feet.

Unlike a normal running shoe each toe was separate. It was really strange to see something like that because I had just been wondering a few weeks earlier why someone hadn't invented a running shoe like this before - and then a couple of weeks later by pure coincidence I came across them on the internet. I wasn't even looking for them or anything.

Anyway, the ad was basically a 360 degrees color photo of the shoes, showing them from all angles and some technical and product information about them. There was also a video that was maybe 3 or 4 minutes long and showed a runner going up a rocky hill and the video explained how these running shoes allowed the runner to 'feel' more of the ground underneath his feet and grip better because of the flexing motion of the bottom of the shoes.

It was more an informative ad than anything arty or creative, but it made me want to buy the shoes because I hadn't seen them before and I wanted to try them, so I ordered a pair in my size and they arrived a couple of days later. I've tried them out a couple of times so far and they seem really good. They cost me just a little bit more than some of the normal running shoes, but I think they're worth the extra money. The running experience is quite different from normal and personally I prefer it.

Part3 相關問題:

• What types of advertisements do you often watch?

• Will you buy things because of advertisements?

• How do businesses promote their products?

• Can you Compare different kinds of advertising methods?

• What kinds of advertisements are there in your country?

• How does the advertising industry develop in your country?

• Do you trust advertisements?


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