

This is, hands down, the most excited I have ever been for the NBA season to start!

最激動人心的 NBA 賽季馬上就要開始啦!

The West is absolutely stacked, and will be so much fun to watch. Golden State, Houston, OKC, SA, Minnesota...can't wait for the bloodbath.

Also looking forward to watching the Cavs figure out their lineups and nut on the Celtics opening night.



[ – ] Nets BandwagonNetsBandwagonFan 830 指標 16 小時前

The Cavs vs Celtics opener really does feel like Christmas.

騎士 vs 凱爾特人的揭幕戰就像過聖誕節。

[ – ] Cavaliers BandwagonMrDingus20 301 指標 16 小時前

Christmas game when IT returns will feel even more like Christmas.


[ – ] Nets BandwagonNetsBandwagonFan 218 指標 16 小時前

Bonus if IT is wearing elf shoes.


[ – ] Rockets Bandwagonsean85 72 指標 11 小時前

And Lebron dyes his beard white. Ho ho ho b*tches.

Obviously JR will have a red nose.

然後詹姆斯把胡子染成白色。吼 ~ 吼 ~ 吼。 [ 譯註 1 ]

顯然,JR 還會帶個紅鼻子。

[ 譯註 1 ] :" 國外慣用的,模仿聖誕老人的笑聲。"

[ – ] Spurs Bandwagongrungygarcia 52 指標 10 小時前

might have red eyes too


[ – ] Wizardsireddit270 91 指標 16 小時前

I feel like DRose is gonna go off in that game and make everyone forget about IT


[ – ] [ CHI ] Jimmy Butlerklobbermang 129 指標 15 小時前

Rose is going to dunk and I am going to die.


[ – ] Heatcquinn32 210 指標 13 小時前

so will rose


[ – ] Nets BandwagonNetsBandwagonFan 11 指標 1 天前

I hope so. Really want to see him have a great year.


[ – ] Lakers_TIMBER_ 544 指標 13 小時前 *

This summer was the GOAT and it gave us reasons to be excited ( my updated list ) :

Paul George traded to OKC

Chris Paul traded to Houston

Gordon Hayward signs with the Celtics

Jimmy Butler traded to Minnesota

Isaiah Thomas traded to Cavs

Kyrie Irving traded to Celtics

Derrick Rose signs with Cavs

Rudy Gay signs with the Spurs

Avery Bradley traded to the Pistons

Phil Jacks* 河蟹 *d

David Griffin fired as Cavs GM

Tim Hardaway Jr.'s Massive contract with the Knicks

Sham vs. Woj reporting battles

Paul Pierce retires as a Celtic

Hoodie Melo

Jamal Crawford signs with the Twolves

Carmelo waives no-trade clause and gets traded to OKC

Dwayne Wade reaches buyout with CHI and signs with Cleveland

Kevin Durant's multiple Twitter accounts.

Kobe becomes the first player in NBA history to have two numbers retired.

China Klay


保羅喬治被交易至雷霆、保羅被交易至火箭、戈登 - 海沃德簽約凱爾特人、吉米 - 巴特勒被交易至森林狼、小托馬斯和歐文互換東傢、羅斯簽約騎士、魯迪 - 蓋伊簽約馬刺、佈拉德利被交易至活塞、菲爾 - 傑克遜被炒、騎士經理大衛 - 格裡芬被炒、小蒂姆 - 哈達威大合同簽約尼克斯、Sham 和 Woj 的消息戰、皮爾斯以凱爾特人身份退役、連帽衫甜瓜、克勞福德簽約森林狼、甜瓜放棄交易否決權前往雷霆、韋德被買斷後加入騎士、杜蘭特推特小號、科比成為首位退役兩個號碼的球星、中國克萊。

[ – ] CelticsHorsNoises 117 指標 9 小時前

You forgot about hesi pull-up jimbos and the 400 3s challenge.

你忘記瞭 "hesi pull-up jimbos" [ 譯註 2 ] 和 400 三分挑戰。 [ 譯註 3 ]

[ 譯註 2 ] :"hesi pull-up jimbos 是杜蘭特誇贊富爾茨的話,由於晦澀難懂而成為瞭一個梗。"

[ 譯註 3 ] :" 內容為‘你被鎖在體育館裡,投中 400 個三分才能出來,你能活下來嗎?’的挑戰。"

[ – ] [ NYK ] Tracy McGradyyoloqueuesf 2 指標 4 小時前

if we're talking about hesi pull-up jimbos, we should include the 8:30am

既然說到杜蘭特,那就更不能忘瞭 8:30 起床的梗。txtx [ 譯註 4 ]

[ 譯註 4 ] :" 杜蘭特說自己每天八點半起床,第一個到訓練館。"

[ – ] RiffRaff0625 205 指標 13 小時前

Upvoted. But my friend please dont forget ..



" 你傻啊!"。 [ 譯註 5 ]

[ 譯註 5 ] :" 前段時間詹姆斯力挺庫裡反對特朗普時說的話。"

[ – ] weems13 3 指標 9 小時前

U misspelled Jamal Crawford U BUM


[ – ] Nuggetssleepydogg 3 指標 1 天前

Seeing it listed out like that is almost dizzying. What an offseason.


[ – ] [ POR ] Detlef Schrempfstupid_sexyflanders 168 指標 16 小時前

Mark your calendars guys, Blazers home opener, Tuesday October 24th, Meyers vs. Boogie showdown.

開拓者球迷:記好日子兄弟們,10 月 24 日星期二,開拓者主場的揭幕戰,邁耶斯 - 倫納德和考辛斯的決勝時刻。 [ 譯註 6 ]

[ 譯註 6 ] :" 邁耶斯 - 倫納德曾和考辛斯在場上互相推搡,兩人最終都得到技術犯規。"

[ – ] 76ersTmwill87 13 指標 13 小時前

I'm more excited for the Embiid vs Boogie Ass slapping contest round 2

76 人球迷:我更期待恩比德和考辛斯的第二輪拍屁股競賽。 [ 譯註 7 ]

[ 譯註 7 ] :" 兩人曾在場上互相拍屁股開玩笑。"

[ – ] Anti_Thon 165 指標 16 小時前

I've had this erection for the last 72 hrs tbh

為瞭這個新賽季我都硬瞭 72 個小時瞭!

[ – ] dailycrossover 74 指標 16 小時前

Is it as big as the Eiffel Tower?


[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin 10 指標 16 小時前

mourning wood to mourn Hugh Hefner

晨勃一下悼念休 - 海夫納。 [ 譯註 8 ]

[ 譯註 9 ] :" 休 - 海夫納是色情雜志《花花公子》的創始人,於 2017 年 9 月 28 日去世。"

[ – ] Brewval904 [ S ] 6 指標 16 小時前


安息吧 28。

[ – ] Spursifuckwithit 81 指標 16 小時前

I ’ m just glad you included our guys in there.

My biased opinion: can ’ t wait to see what Kawhi will do this year

Unbiased: I ’ m probably going to watch every OKC game this year with that lineup




[ – ] Brewval904 [ S ] 29 指標 16 小時前

Of course! You can never count out the Spurs. Basketball nirvana resides in SA


[ – ] [ SAS ] Marco BelinelliChiliConChaos 29 指標 16 小時前

My dad has been doubting the Spurs and telling me they ’ re too old since I was in 7th grade. I ’ ll laugh in his face when Tony Parker gets the MVP and Ginobili gets another 6MOTY.

在我 7 年級的時候我爸就跟我說馬刺太老瞭,他覺得他們不行瞭。等著看帕克拿到 MVP,吉諾比利再拿個最佳第六人,到時候我去嘲笑他。

[ – ] Brewval904 [ S ] 18 指標 16 小時前

Pop could win 50 games with the ITT Tech Nicians. And yeah Tony Parker and Manu will be solid again this year, even at ages like 36 and 40. 10 years of minute restrictions will do wonders for longevity

波波維奇帶 15 個碼農都能拿 50 勝 [ 譯註 9 ] 。就算帕克 36 歲、馬努 40 歲瞭,他們今年肯定還是很穩。十餘年限制上場時間的保護對延長球員的職業生涯絕對有奇效。

[ 譯註 9 ] :" 層主將 Technician 分開成 Tech Nician,寫成類似人名的形式,指代碼農們。"

[ – ] [ MIL ] Giannis AntetokounmpoEnergyiskinG 15 指標 1 天前

Lmao first sentence


[ – ] [ OKC ] Russell WestbrookH3rQ133z 7 指標 13 小時前

Love u bb, i always root for spurs first when im not cheering on OKC. There is absolutely nobody that i can hate on your roster and pop is the goat. Having said that, if we cant take out the warriors in playoffs this year, I need it to be Kawhi and Pop. Thanks, bb.


[ – ] LEDONGDESTROYER 545 指標 14 小時前

Cleveland vs Warriors

22 seconds left on the clock in the 4th quarter.

Lebron starts his drive from the top of the key.

Durant and Green collapse

Lebron Dishes it out to Love

Love drives, dribbles, posts up on Klay Thompson

Love step-back, pump-fake. Outlet pass to IT

12 seconds left on the clock.

IT looks up and its KD.

IT Hesitates

BronBron Sets a screen

6 Seconds left

IT turns the corner, passes it to Lebron,

Rose sprints in from the wing past Iggy

Lebron no looks to Rose.

Rose leaps in the air and slams it home with 0 on the clock.

Warriors win 142-111

騎士 vs 勇士

第四節剩餘 22 秒


KD 和格林包夾


樂福持球,低位單打克萊 - 湯普森


此時剩餘 12 秒

小托馬斯觀察,防守人是 KD



此時還剩 6 秒





太精彩瞭 !

最終勇士 142-111 騎士。

[ – ] Rocketsmomo_anus 51 指標 13 小時前

Nothing will ever beat that tbh


[ – ] weems13 141 指標 1 天前

Enjoy the ride, cuz we know the destination.


[ – ] [ HOU ] Clint Capelaclutch-city2k15 49 指標 16 小時前

I was in the shower yesterday and realzied that the 17-18 Warriors will be better than any of their teams in the past few years. No matter what other teams do, nobody is beating them as long as this core stays together.

昨天我冼澡的時候想到,17-18 賽季的勇士將比過去幾年的勇士都要強。不管其他球隊如何,隻要勇士的核心陣容還在,那麼他們就是不可戰勝的。

[ – ] LakersLevelHeadedFan 75 指標 16 小時前

Probably true. But why worry? We can all bitch and moan in June when GS makes another 15-1 death March through the playoffs. Might as well enjoy what the next 6 months is going to bring us: new stars emerging, new inter-team dramas yet to unfold, new memes and posterizations right around the corner. It's going to be very, very fun!

多半是這樣。但那又如何呢?明年六月我們可能會為季後賽中勇士打出的又一個 15 勝 1 負大屠殺而捶胸頓足。但不妨看看接下來的六個月會為我們帶來什麼吧:新星的誕生、新的球隊宮鬥戲、新的表情包和貼圖。這些都一定會非常非常精彩的!不是嗎?

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