勝之不武的 bilingual:雅思 8.5 及口語 9 分經驗


大傢好 我是拜拜拜倫(揮手)


^ 這是我 2015 年 3 月考的成績


- 我 5 歲被爸媽帶去英國讀書,讀到 11 歲回國讀初中(當時中文奇差、不適應應試教育之怨念省略一萬字)

- 剛剛從臺灣某大學英語專業畢業

- 去美國某村裡大學做過交換生一學期

- 雅思考瞭四次瞭,分別 8、8.5、8.5、8.5 …… (正在復議 no. 4,樂觀的期待 BC 給我個滿分)

-gap yr 中,在上海某律所當一個小翻譯

- 準備明年 / 後年去美國讀法學 JD 學位


第一次考好像是高二(2012),閑的沒事,我媽讓我考考看看水平。我把那時候的劍 1- 劍 8 刷瞭一遍,翻瞭翻作文書,就去考瞭。成績好像是:聽力 9、閱讀 8、寫作 6.5、口語 8

記得口語分到瞭倒黴的早 8 點第一場,考官感覺還沒睡醒,撐著腦袋無比厭世地問我:

What's the climate like in your city?


當場開始冷汗:Um...it's close to the sea and like, sometimes rainy?^ ( #U^

出分之後就被麻麻批評:你英語那麼好跟英國孩子一樣怎麼沒考滿分 怎麼作文才 6.5 =_=

到瞭高三(2013)開始申請大學,因為劍橋要 4 個 7,所以又刷瞭一發雅思。那時候好像很偷懶也沒怎麼準備,每次都在美其名曰 " 復習呢 " 然後看小說。但是可能我自己都不知道我有多機智,我看的都是英文小說 :3 所以還是進步瞭。第二次考:聽力 9、閱讀 9、寫作 7、口語 9。

具體考試內容已年代久遠忘記瞭,但是那次就跟口語考官聊得非常嗨!大約考官一天要接待無數的 5-6 分考生心力憔悴,我考完還依依不舍地送我到門口。我就跟帥哥考官客套瞭一句:I really like your accent, where are you from?


我:Oh, no wonder. : )


後來我拿到瞭口語滿分的成績單就開始教育身邊要考雅思的小夥伴想辦法恭維恭維考官(捂臉)但是好像某些不長心的小夥伴給學歪瞭,跑去告訴考官 you are very beautiful 結果考官 very alarmed,這我實在是不負責任的……

第三次考就到瞭 2015 年,這時候我已經在讀英語專業大二瞭,考來申請我們學校的出國交換甄選。我在我們系的作文課上學到瞭很重要的一個知識點:如何寫考試八股文。(劃重點!)

開頭首先要有一個 hook,吸引觀眾閱讀。大部分考生在寫雅思作文的時候第一句就是復述一下題目,如果你能寫的切題又比較有吸引力,立刻就有 first impression 分數無數。

比如說一個關於運動的題目就可以拽一句:From the Olympics to Wimbledon, competitive sports have always captured the hearts of its spectators as well as its participants.

然後第一段還要有一個 thesis statement, 就是明確表明文章觀點,在雅思作文裡一般就是表態:agree/disagree/both sides have some merits etc.

之後可能會有正反兩段內文,或者一二三三個論點。這些段都要第一句表明段意,e.g. One important reason for traffic congestion is bad urban planning. 然後表態瞭之後再論述 + 丟一些例子。最後一句要 transition,e.g. While this is the main reason for the problem, another reason also has some influence. 然後下一段開始下一個論點。

最後結尾段,再把你的 thesis statement 換句話重復一遍,最後一句升華一下,就結瞭。升華就是隨便套一點大道理,比如寫父母是否要陪伴孩子閱讀就可以 : A parent's guidance in building reading habits is essential not only to a child's education, but their overall mental development as well.


hook+thesis statement

main point 1 + argument + example + transition

main point 2 + argument + example + transition

possibly main point 3 etc etc

restated thesis + conclusion

有瞭結構,再往裡面套內容和好詞佳句就很好辦啦。我這次作文就考到瞭 8 分。

不知道為什麼,我的口語考試是一個巨大的階梯教室,考官坐在下面的老師桌前,對面給我張椅子。考的時候要從上面走下去,背後無數空座,不知道為什麼壓迫感 max,很怨念。口語方面,我沒拿九分應該主要是一道題答得不好。考官問我 Which is your favourite pair of shoes?

我:(誰還在鞋子裡面挑最喜歡的啊不就是個鞋嗎)Well I haven't really thought about that before, and I don't have favourites. If I had to choose I'd probably say it's a pair of high heeled sandals I have.

考官:Can you describe them?

我:They're black and shiny and they have very high heels, and I like when I wear them because it makes me feel tall. : )

後來研究瞭一下雅思口語評分標準,在不熟悉的話題中有停頓猶豫顯得吃力是 8/9 分的一個分水嶺。唉。

最後一次考就是今年五月瞭,分數是聽力 9、閱讀 8.5、作文 8、口語 8.5。現在正在天荒地老的等復議結果。我那時候同時在復習 LSAT,美國法學院入學考試,裡面的閱讀比雅思閱讀難 n 倍,所以就覺得不用去特別準備雅思瞭,當時閱讀答完還檢查瞭兩遍覺得應該沒錯,沒想到最後還是 8.5。作文我考完下午回來就趁著記得清楚給寫下來瞭,應該不差幾個字,給大傢參考一下實戰雅思 8 分作文。(希望復議之後他會變成實戰雅思 9 分作文??)


People have a duty to society to take care of their own health, not only for their own benefit. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

People often say that health is a good fortune that money cannot buy. Such a comparison in the materialistic world of today is evidence of the emphasis given to personal well-being. While it is obvious that this is life and death to an individual, its implications on society are also a valid concern.

Humans have always been selfish creatures, and that has never been more evident than in the fast-paced, globalized, man-eat-man world we live in. A person ’ s attentiveness to their physical and mental well-being can have a great influence on their personal planning. A bad flu, for example, could put a damper on a long planned trip. Others may face more serious concerns such as terminal diseases. Either way, it has been extensively discussed by all types of experts the effects that personal health has on the individual.

Yet among all the advertisements of fitness classes and nutritional supplements, the effects of a person ’ s health or lack thereof on their society is rarely discussed. To expand the narrative a little, one might note that a person ’ s sickness may have an impact on the physical, emotional, and economic stability of those around them. Patient Zero of an epidemic certainly causes a detrimental effect on far more than just themselves. Those who have severe conditions may cause their families not only grief but financial stress in paying for their treatments. On a grander scale, the sickness of an individual can cause depletion of the workforce, a strain on healthcare, and increased burden on other taxpayers. Such a statement may seem like an exaggeration, but the proverb of the horseshoe nail that spurred the kingdom ’ s loss can well exemplify the relationship between the individual and society.

Humans remain short-sighted creatures with a self-centred view of the world around them, and therefore, personal implications are still more persuasive in encouraging careless people to take better care of themselves. But to gain a holistic view of the issue, it is imperative to realise that the influence of a person ’ s health on society is deep and far-reaching.  

明天繼續更考雅思 + 給各種同學做口語、作文指導的一些心得。



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