【名師精選】GMAT 邏輯高頻考點全題型難題實例講解(25)


GMAT 邏輯題其實是很難通過考生自己閉門造車就獲得進步提升的。因為大傢的思維方式相對固定,想要轉換改變並不是輕松的事情。因此考生在解答邏輯題時最好多找一些帶有權威解析說明的題目資料才能真正有所收獲。下面小編就為大傢帶來 GMAT 邏輯名師精選的高頻考點各題型難題的實例分析,為大傢講解邏輯難點題型的解題思路和技巧。


Vargonia has just introduced a legal requirement that student-teacher ratios in government-funded schools not exceed a certain limit. All Vargonian children are entitled to education, free of charge, in these schools. When a recession occurs and average incomes fall, the number of children enrolled in government-funded schools tends to increase. Therefore, though most employment opportunities contract in economic recessions, getting a teaching job in Vargonia ’ s government-funded schools will not be made more difficult by a recession.

Which of the following would be most important to determine in order to evaluate the argument?

( A ) Whether in Vargonia there are any schools not funded by the government that offer children an education free of charge

( B ) Whether the number of qualified applicants for teaching positions in government-funded schools increases significantly during economic recessions

( C ) What the current student-teacher ratio in Vargonia ’ s government-funded schools is

( D ) What proportion of Vargonia ’ s workers currently hold jobs as teachers in government-funded schools

( E ) Whether in the past a number of government-funded schools in Vargonia have had student-teacher ratios well in excess of the new limit


evaluate the argument


V 要求公立學校的學生教師比不得超過一個特定的數值。所有的 V 地的學生都有權在公立學校接受免費教育。當經濟危機發生的時候,平均收入會下降,此時到公立學校上學的人會增加。因此,在經濟危機中,到 V 地的公立學校找一份教師的工作不會很難。以下哪一項最有助於評估這段論述的正確性 ?




A、在 V 地,是不是有非公立的學校也為學生提供免費教育。無關項。

B、正確選項。如果答案是 " 是 ",那麼在經濟危機中到 V 地的公立學校找一份教師的工作就會很難 ; 如果答案是 " 否 ",就不會很難。

C、V 地公立學校現在的學生教師比例是多少。無關項。

D、V 地的勞動力現在有多少在公立學校當老師。無關項。

E、過去 V 地公立的學校有沒有學生教師比超過現在新規定的。無關項。即使過去有,以後也不會有,因為規定是新的。




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