科爾:濃眉是高中生,別人是 12 歲小孩


Steve Kerr on Anthony Davis's Game:"You ever seen a pickup game where there's a high school kid playing but everyone else is 12?"

史蒂夫 - 科爾評價安東尼 - 戴維斯:“你見過一個高中生去打比賽,然而他的對手都是 12 歲的小孩兒嗎?”

Check out the dad-dicking AD gave Kerr's team immediately after he made this quote early last season:


Anthony Davis making other elite athletes look like children is a beautiful thing to watch. He is just so tall, long, quick, and coordinated. It's like he's a GMO.

濃眉打其他精英級別的運動員就像打小孩兒似的,看著真爽啊。他又高又長又快又協調,就像個基因突變的怪物 ……

[ – ] shanmustafa 846 指標 13 小時前

AD is one of the few players that has just killed the warriors, it's like him, lebron, I think zbo does damage, Kyrie is inconsistent but when he goes off he goes off

But this season alone AD was averaging like 35/15 vs them


僅這個賽季,濃眉對勇士場均 35 分 15 籃板。

[ – ] SpursGatherLemon 71 指標 12 小時前

Basically guys Draymond struggled to guard


[ – ] Wolves Bandwagongrpocz 12 指標 11 小時前

Yet draymond stopped ad in the clutch 1 on 1 just last season.


[ – ] Pelicansidentitycrisis56 55 指標 10 小時前

He stopped him one play by arguable fouling him. Stay is a superb defender but AD wins that matchup 9 out of 10 times.

格林是靠一個疑似犯規的爭議性動作 [ 譯註 1 ] 防住他的。他確實是個超強的防守者,但濃眉對位他十次有九次都能打成。

[ 譯註 1 ] :“濃眉認為格林這次搶斷是一個犯規,他向裁判表達瞭不滿,然後得到一次技術犯規。”

[ – ] TheFirstGayRapper 213 指標 13 小時前

Didn't Juan Hernangomez completely torch the dubs this season haha

這賽季的胡安 - 埃爾南戈麥斯不也痛扁他們瞭嗎哈哈哈。

[ – ] SpanishDemocrat 173 指標 12 小時前


他在“胡安領域”裡拿下瞭 27 分 10 籃板。

[ – ] Suns BandwagonDepletedMitochondria 38 指標 11 小時前

Juan HernanGOATmez

胡安 - 埃爾南 - 史上最佳 - 戈麥斯。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Kevin GarnettMarkHoppusJr 247 指標 11 小時前

AD comes to GSW to form the Exodia.

濃眉來勇士湊成一套艾克佐迪亞吧。 [ 譯註 2 ]

[ 譯註 2 ] :“艾克佐迪亞是《遊戲王》的一套卡組,由五隻怪獸組成,一般情況下無特殊能力,但五隻集齊時會自動獲得勝利。”

[ – ] Cavaliersjumpbreak5 65 指標 8 小時前

That really would be just about the perfect fit. Hard to imagine they could get even better

那肯定是即插即用完美適配的。很難想象勇士還能變得多 NB。

[ – ] RocketsMuddyWaterrs 61 指標 7 小時前

an 82-0 season is coming sooner than we think

82 勝 0 負的賽季將要比我們想的來得更早一些瞭。

[ – ] Celticsyoungyuno 9 指標 4 小時前

Shut your damn mouth

…… 你特麼給我閉嘴!

[ – ] Wizardsireddit270 88 指標 13 小時前

Karl Anthony-Towns is another guy who gives them problems.. he shredded GSW and Houston last year they have no matchup for him.

The Pels aren't as scary because their team isn't balanced in other areas, but I'd bet a lot of top West teams are more worried about the Wolves than fans realize

卡爾 - 安東尼 - 唐斯也是一個能給勇士造成麻煩的人。上賽季他簡直撕碎瞭勇士和火箭,沒人能跟他對位。


[ – ] [ TOR ] Norman PowellPormanNowell 34 指標 12 小時前

Really though how many players can really match up well vs KAT? He has such an amazing combination of post skills and a nice shooting touch too plus he is pretty quick. I would like to believe AD can do well vs him but I never watched those matchups


[ – ] Trail Blazerslillardmvp 13 指標 11 小時前

Here's one.


[ – ] BucksKevin_Jim 49 指標 11 小時前

AD, KAT, Giannis. I think these types of freaks really give the Warriors a run for their money.

Kawhii is murdering them but he is not that type of player.



[ – ] Pelicans BandwagonWhoDatBrow 66 指標 10 小時前

That's cause these types of freaks give everyone a run for their money lol.

因為這種怪物夠每個隊喝一壺的瞭 ……

[ – ] [ MIN ] Tyus Jonespollinium 307 指標 13 小時前

Shabazz Muhammad

But fr KAT does well. Any 'unicorny' big can give them trouble as long as he doesn't foul

還有沙巴茲 - 穆罕默德。


[ – ] MyHonkyFriend 33 指標 10 小時前

Muhammed did well against them?


[ – ] [ MIN ] Tyus Jonespollinium 104 指標 9 小時前

His career high is 35 ( also the game high ) on 9 of 12 shooting vs the 73 win Warriors when we beat them at home. Put up 16 vs them at home that year and 24 in Oracle this year

In the linked game he was freaking +29

Weirdest game ever

森林狼球迷:他生涯最高得分是 35 分(也是那場比賽中的最高得分),12 投 9 中,是在對陣那支 73 勝勇士時得到的,我們在主場打敗瞭他們。上賽季還有一次主場對陣他們的時候他拿下瞭 16 分,本賽季在甲骨文球館他拿過一次 24 分。

連續的兩場比賽中正負值 +29。


[ – ] [ GSW ] Draymond GreenKLAYMOND 11 指標 9 小時前

Kristaps was horrible against us

勇士球迷:可是波爾津吉斯跟我們打的時候就打得很糟啊。 [ 譯註 3 ]

[ 譯註 3 ] :“杜蘭特和禪師都曾稱波爾津吉斯像一頭獨角獸。”

[ – ] Warriorsalwaysreadthename 18 指標 9 小時前

I mean, he put up 25-15 on an acceptable shooting % in March. That's probably a bit more representative than his 8-5 performance in December during his first encounter with Draymond.

我想說,他在今年三月的比賽裡以還不錯的命中率拿下瞭 25 分 15 籃板。這比 12 月他第一次面對格林時拿 8 分 5 板更有代表性。

[ – ] WarriorsMacDerfus 2 指標 3 小時前

He learned a lot in those few months, then. The only way to really break through Dray's defense is to be both big and skilled.


[ – ] bendany 77 指標 12 小時前

Love how you conveniently forgot Dion “ The GOAT ” Waiters.

就喜歡看你們這樣忽略掉迪昂 - 史上最強 - 維特斯。

[ – ] Warriorschaoism 29 指標 11 小時前

I'm a simple man. I see dion waiter, I upvote


[ – ] CavaliersDion_Waiters 76 指標 11 小時前


ID 迪昂 - 維特斯:好像聽到有人說我帥?

[ – ] Kingsbababerands 33 指標 11 小時前

Demarcus Cousins goes in my dude.

我覺得還有德馬庫斯 - 考辛斯。

[ – ] KingsBigGreekMike 14 指標 10 小時前

Boogie with shooters who can defend beats the Warriors

Whichever really good team figures that out first will give them hell


任何一支強隊隻要做到瞭這一點(大個子 + 射手)就足以擊潰勇士。

[ – ] CavaliersDatsWumbo 26 指標 9 小時前

Easier said than done to get 4+ plus defenders and solid shooter

要找到 4 個以上的防守者和射手,這說著容易做著難啊。

[ – ] Knickstommy_the_tit 8 指標 8 小時前

houston is like 6/8ths of the way there

4 個防守者和 4 個射手?火箭快湊齊瞭(阿裡紮 + 保羅能防能射,其餘全是射手)。

[ – ] RocketsStryker45 17 指標 8 小時前

1 DMC please


[ – ] Kingscfus5 3 指標 1 小時前

Wow... imagine DMC on the rockets and if the warriors never happened that has gotta be the most stacked team in the NBA

Damn I never knew how much I wanted boogie on the rockets until now

哇 … 想象下考神去瞭火箭。假如宇宙勇沒成型的話這將是全 NBA 最迷人的球隊瞭。


[ – ] [ CHI ] Brad MillerThonMaker_KDplusKG 371 指標 1 天前

get this man on a super team #FuckParity #RocketsBig3

快把濃眉搞到一支超級球隊中,# 去 TMD 貧富差距 # 火箭三巨頭

[ – ] ThunderDaeioude 56 指標 1 天前

I hope him and DMC wreck the league next year and become some big ball anomaly.


[ – ] [ MIA ] Hassan WhitesideErectusPenor 163 指標 1 天前

Anthony Davis for Clint Capela and Ryan Anderson who says no

濃眉換卡佩拉 + 安德森,誰反對?

[ – ] [ TOR ] Norman PowellPormanNowell 75 指標 1 天前

Rockets smh how do you think that trade works without them throwing in Boogie too?


[ – ] PelicansTrolljaboy 36 指標 1 天前

Capela, Ryno and $50 million the next time a hurricane destroys our city.

鵜鶘球迷:卡佩拉、安德森加上為下次颶風襲擊我們新奧爾良時準備的 5000 萬美元的賑災基金。

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