

樂福將任首發中鋒,TT 替補出場,這是要和勇士對轟還是調試陣容?

Kevin Love may start at center, relegating Tristan Thompson to bench

凱文 - 樂福或許會出任首發中鋒,把特裡斯坦 - 湯普森擠到板凳

[ – ] [ TOR ] DeMar DeRozanDeKobe-DeBryant 344 指標 12 小時前

It really seems like Cavs are just trying to outscore the Warriors now.

Super bold plan.



[ – ] HowToBeaGoodLeader 121 指標 9 小時前

You would think they'd learn after this finals that you can't ignore team defense and then expect to outpace the Warriors. Instead, they're doubling down on scorers...

我本來以為騎士經過這次總決之後明白瞭這個道理,就是你不能忽視團隊防守而去指望靠提速來超過勇士。相反,他們在得分手身上下瞭雙倍賭註 …

[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jameswill1816 103 指標 8 小時前

Well, the only game they won was when they outscored them with ridiculous heaps of 3s


[ – ] Supahflii 51 指標 7 小時前

That was historic; and even then, there were times the Warriors were within striking distance. The game the Cavs played that night would probably beat any team, ever. It was raining fire.

那是歷史級的三分表演 ; 就算投的那麼好,勇士還是有很多次追到瞭近在咫尺的距離。那晚騎士的表現或許能贏下任何隊伍。騎士的三分箭是地獄的火焰!

[ – ] HowToBeaGoodLeader 35 指標 7 小時前

Which is not something you can replicate consistently over 4 games ( especially the garbage reffing that allowed 20 fts in the first quarter alone but didn't call the same fouls on GSW, especially the whole Draymond technical nonsense ) . As you saw, Game 5 went back to normal.

That's why it doesn't make sense to try and outpace GSW when your team defense is nowhere near elite. Add in that outside of Jae Crowder, the pieces that the Cavs added aren't really stoppers or at the very least known for their defense.

這樣的三分表現你是不可能持續復制四場的(特別是裁判的拙劣表演讓第一節就出現瞭 20 次罰球,但是同樣犯在勇士身上的規卻沒有吹罰,尤其是追夢格林的技犯)。如你所見,G5 騎士的表現就回歸正常瞭。

這就是為什麼當你的團隊防守跟精英級別差的十萬八千裡的時候,試圖打快跟勇士拼進攻是行不通的。而且,除瞭傑 - 克勞德之外,騎士補充的球員沒有防守大閘,連以防守著稱的都沒有。

[ – ] the1Smokeybear 1913 指標 15 小時前

fuck defense


[ – ] NuggetsWeirdRedBeard 1600 指標 15 小時前 *

Congratulations, you are now a head coach for the Denver Nuggets.


[ – ] Trail Blazersisopropylone 236 指標 13 小時前

Jokic looked way faster than I've ever seen him yesterday though


[ – ] Timberwolvesmarkyellowstone 319 指標 13 小時前

did you see him on defense? he was getting carved tf up. zaza got like 5 straight rebounds on him at one point. he is slow as hell lol.


[ – ] [ DEN ] Nikola JokicDontTouchMyRaf 172 指標 15 小時前

Cavs were like +46 in the playoffs with love at center

季後賽中樂福打中鋒的時候騎士好像贏瞭 46 分。

[ – ] Netsaydee123 169 指標 15 小時前 *

It was only 44 minutes over 18 games. 2.4 mpg, probably against specific opponent lineups.

A team's best lineup ( usually its starters ) play like 15-20 minutes per game together over the course of an 82-game season.

這是總共 44 分鐘分散到 18 場球的數據。場均 2.4 分鐘,可能是為瞭針對對手特殊的佈陣。

在 82 場比賽組成的賽季中,一支球隊的最佳陣容(通常是其首發陣容)每場大概打 15-20 分鐘。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Kawhi LeonardCrustyMuffinn 45 指標 15 小時前

Is tt that much better of a defender than love?


[ – ] Wizards Bandwagoncaveman57 207 指標 15 小時前

tt, to me, is one of the most overhyped defenders in the league so probably not that much better.


[ – ] CavaliersCLErox 157 指標 14 小時前

Wow I completely disagree. He ’ s not a great rim protector but he ’ s elite for his position at switching the pick and roll and picking up guards on the perimeter. Sure he gets cooked occasionally in these situations but he keeps smaller guards in front of him better than most big men.


[ – ] [ OKC ] Daequan CookJoshatthecarwash 443 指標 15 小時前 *

Why not trade thompson for melo ?

Edit: Not that im complaining.



[ – ] Vancouver GrizzliesVinceMeatPie 94 指標 18 小時前

I rather have Tristan come off the bench. Start Edy Tavares and Kevin Love at the C and PF positions. Nice three man big rotation.

灰熊球迷:我寧願讓塔瓦雷斯首發,TT 打替補。這樣的話,三個大個子的輪換就成形瞭,還挺不錯的。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Daequan CookJoshatthecarwash 173 指標 13 小時前

Idk Melo at the 4 and Love at the 5 could be deadly spacing. If you're gonna ditch defense anyway

雷霆球迷:甜瓜打 4 樂福打 5 可以拉開廣闊的空間。反正騎士現在這架勢也是放棄防守瞭。

[ – ] BullsDadAttitude 90 指標 12 小時前

IT, JR, Lebron, Melo, Love is ridiculous spacing. Bron's gravity generates spacing regardless and the other four are elite shooters.


[ – ] Cavaliersrubber_bastard 96 指標 11 小時前

The hell? TT has been playing with our core for three straight final runs now, almost is never injured, is consistently a great offense rebounder and a serviceable offensive pick and roll player, and a above average defenseive pick and roll big. That's like 300+ games of NBA experience with our team, system, high level competitive basketball.

Edy Tavares has like no experience with our team or the NBA. Why in the world would an unproven random 14th man start over TT.


TT 在我騎的體系下打瞭 300 多場高級別的比賽,跟隊友都磨合瞭很長時間瞭。

埃迪 - 塔瓦雷斯不管是跟我騎也好,還是在 NBA 也罷,他都幾乎沒有任何經驗。為什麼一個球隊第 14 人要代替湯普森首發?

[ – ] rzpieces 60 指標 11 小時前

You want a guy a few months removed from the d league to start over one of the best offensive rebounders in the NBA?

那位灰熊球迷,你想讓一個幾個月之前還在發展聯盟的球員代替 NBA 最佳前場籃板手首發?

[ – ] 76erssportsinaround 250 指標 14 小時前


I feel like Wade being promised a starting spot kind of messes with things to be honest.


I'd think until IT comes back, Rose / JR Smith / LeBron / Love / TT would make the most sense and have Crowder and Wade come off the bench. The biggest problem for the Cavs has been their stagnant offense when leBron sits.


Crowder would provide good defense off the bench and could compensate for Wade's underwhelming 3pt shooting. Wade could help with playmaking and preventing a stagnant offense on the 2nd unit and would still see time with LeBron. Wade starting next to Rose messes with spacing a lot and JR is probably the better defender at this stage.

克勞德能為替補提供不錯的防守,還能彌補韋德差勁的三分。韋德能幫助組織進攻,防止第二節進攻停滯,還能跟勒佈朗一起上場。韋德和羅斯一起首發拉不開空間,而且 JR 現在或許是比韋德更好的防守者瞭。

[ – ] [ DET ] Chauncey Billupsharbaughkhakis2017 51 指標 14 小時前

Yea that's what I would do if I were the cavs. Maybe to close games in the playoffs they can go IT wade Lebron crowder and love but to start I think they should play both love and Thompson.


[ – ] RaptorsWhiteVegas 107 指標 15 小時前

Why change what isn't broken


[ – ] [ POR ] Damian Lillardirelli 46 指標 14 小時前

It is broken. Against the warriors at least


[ – ] NBAbryankalbrosky [ S ] 179 指標 15 小時前

Because without Kyrie on the squad, the team needs as many three-point opportunities as possible.


[ – ] RaptorsWhiteVegas 47 指標 15 小時前

When healthy they should start Thomas - JR - Bron - Love - TT and bring Wade/Crowder as 6th and 7th man. Would be tough team to beat.

全員健康時他們應該首發小托馬斯、JR、勒佈朗、樂福、湯普森,韋德和克勞德作為第 67 人。這會是很難擊敗的陣容。

[ – ] Netstotsnotbiased 78 指標 15 小時前

But Thomas isn ’ t healthy, and Wade ’ s been promised a starting spot. Love is basically the best shooter in a Rose-Wade-LBJ-Love-TT lineup, so putting Love at Center let ’ s you add another shooter and defensive wing in Crowder.

但是小托馬斯有傷,韋德也被承諾瞭首發位置。樂福在羅斯 - 韋德 - 勒佈朗 - 樂福 - 湯普森的陣容裡是最好的射手瞭,所以把樂福放在中鋒位置的話,騎士就能插入一個能防守能三分的側翼 - 克勞德。

[ – ] Ohgrave1 33 指標 14 小時前

Why does every one talk as if once you've chosen a line up. You're stuck with it. Playoffs are at least 16 games against 4 different teams. No two series should have the same game plan. That's lazy coaching.

為什麼每個人討論時都一幅 " 一旦你選擇瞭一套陣容就必須一條路走到黑 " 的樣子?季後賽是至少面對 4 支球隊打 16 場球。沒有哪兩輪系列賽計劃是一樣的。真要一樣的話,那教練就是無能。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Paul Piercejallain 88 指標 13 小時前

Playoffs are at least 16 games against 4 different teams.

Chris Paul: "WHAT?!?"

季後賽是至少面對 4 支球隊打 16 場球。

克裡斯 - 保羅:" 什麼?!?"

[ – ] NBADankDunker15 17 指標 11 小時前

DeMarcus Cousins:"Oh,there is a postseason!?"

德馬庫斯 - 考辛斯:" 什麼,還有季後賽這回事!?"

[ – ] WarriorsParenegade 92 指標 15 小時前

#1 rated team defensively in 2K.

騎士可是 2K 防守排名第一的隊伍。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Stephen CurrySwaggersaurusWrecks 29 指標 11 小時前

Cavs are #1 rated team on both offense and defense in 2k17. Warriors follow at #2 in both categories.

2K17 中騎士是進攻防守都排第 1 的球隊。

勇士兩項均是第 2。

[ – ] Raptors BandwagonJevvyMedia 29 指標 11 小時前

Cavs are always overrated in 2k. This year it's especially bad because so many players in Cleveland are overrated because they play with Lebron.

騎士在 2K 中被高估瞭。今年被高估的尤其厲害,因為騎士太多球員因為跟勒佈朗一起打球,他們被高估太多。

[ – ] KingsTheFoxKing5 165 指標 15 小時前

I don't see it. Zero rim protection. And you break LeBron's body down having to guard the 4 position. I think we're going to see a mix of lineups until they find one that works.

Lue has a hell of a season ahead of him trying to get this team to work together.

我看不出這個安排有什麼好處。零護筐。而且讓勒佈朗防守 4 號位是在消耗他的身體。我覺得在騎士找到一套可行方案之前,我們會看到很多種陣容的。


[ – ] KingsTheFoxKing5 121 指標 15 小時前

Not good for his longevity either. And who is going to defend the rim? Crowder is 6'6 and Love can't jump over a credit card.


[ – ] wheresmyinhalor 161 指標 15 小時前

Crowder would play and guard the 4

如果用樂福打中鋒的這套陣容的話,克勞德會打 4 號位並且防守對位人的。

[ – ] datrok 25 指標 14 小時前

Break down his body? Lol dude


[ – ] Count_Machocula 17 指標 14 小時前

They should move him to guard the 2 so he doesn't break his body down as much as he would guarding the 3

騎士應該讓勒佈朗防守 2 號位,這樣他的消耗就比防 3 號位少瞭。

[ – ] Pistonsitsallgoood 37 指標 13 小時前

Guard the pg, become immortal


[ – ] [ TOR ] DeMar DeRozanDeRusselDeWestbrook 7 指標 11 小時前

Yall think ya smart but they've already made him guard nothing in the regular season. They're light years ahead.


[ – ] WestBamaborn97 59 指標 14 小時前

Cavs will either win 120 to 118 or lose 120 to 90

騎士要麼 120 比 118 贏球,要麼就 90 比 120 輸球。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Cherokee ParksTheHerdAlert83 15 指標 16 小時前 *

Full on 91 nuggets

average 120ppg

Give up 130 ppg

奔著 90-91 賽季的掘金去吧,場均得 120 分,失 130 分。

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