福利:《花花公子》休 · 海夫納改變瞭她的命運


大傢非常熟悉的性感旅遊博主莎拉 · 安德伍德突然發瞭這樣一張照片,右側就是《花花公子》雜志創辦人休 · 海夫納。莎拉 · 安德伍德就是他發掘並一手捧紅的性感美女。她寫道,RIP Hef. I owe so much to this man. I am where I am today, because of him, and now he is gone... but only in the physical sense. In my memory he lives, so strong. Life is beautiful like that. I can close my eyes and literally hear his infectious laugh, see his cute little walk...well more of a scoot/shuffle, feel his kiss on my cheek followed by a "hiya darlin'" every time I'd come over to visit, I can even still smell those lamb chops he loved so much. He was my friend, and contributed to so many of my favorite memories in my life. I honestly can't think of anyone I owe more to, next to my parents, and my grandparents. My condolences to his family, and to this world, you lost a good one today. ~ I am forever grateful to have met you Hef, been your friend, and your Playmate of the Year...they were all an honor. Love you。

休 · 海夫納一生不僅創辦瞭一本雜志,更將一種生活態度帶給這個世界,並改變瞭無數人的命運。他離去後,能有無數人懷念他,想必休 · 海夫納在天堂也會非常幸福。

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