

Jeremy "The Tailor" Lin quietly buys suits for Nets ’ teammates, coaches

傑裡米 -" 裁縫 "- 林不聲不響地給籃網隊友和教練買瞭西裝

[ – ] [ CHA ] Kemba WalkerKraze_F35 186 指標 18 小時前

Jeremy come back. : (

黃蜂球迷:林書豪快回來吧。: (

[ – ] Nets BandwagonBushidoBrowne 150 指標 17 小時前

You didn't want him!

Now he's with us.

Someone who treats him right and cooks and cleans!





[ – ] KnicksPluvioPurple 59 指標 16 小時前

Someone who bakes him cookies and gives him blowjobs!


[ – ] SpursATXBeermaker 29 指標 12 小時前

I kinda want to play for the Nets now.


[ – ] 76ersnickyv917 13 指標 7 小時前

No ones said that phrase for a solid decade


[ – ] [ GSW ] Andre Iguodala7heMA77 308 指標 19 小時前

Lin is buying suits for players, coaches, video coordinators, physical therapists and security guards and Tuesday, they started being fitted for their big-and-talls.


[ – ] PZinger6 442 指標 17 小時前

security guards

He just doesn't want to be stopped from getting into the arena anymore [ 譯註 1 ]


他隻是不想再被禁止進入球館瞭。 [ 譯註 1 ]

[ 譯註 1 ] :林書豪:首次去黃蜂球館,保安卻不認識我

[ – ] LakersDM_ME_UR_SOUL 63 指標 15 小時前

Now those guys will definitely remember him


[ – ] Lakersdnguyen93 35 指標 11 小時前

He specifically had the tailor put a picture of his face inside the security guards' jackets


[ – ] Nets BandwagonBushidoBrowne 116 指標 17 小時前

Jesus fuck that's a lot of $$$$$$$


[ – ] RaptorsOnfiyA 113 指標 17 小時前

Just using his 3 years / 38.3 million Nets deal

It's legit a drop in the bucket. We'll be conservative and say maybe 50K on 38.3 million is equivalent to 0.001305 of just that contract.

If you got paid 100 dollars could you spare 13 cents to make your teammates happier?

他隻是花他 3 年 3800 萬的合同所得罷瞭。

這隻能算九牛一毛。我們保守點說,就算這些衣服 5 萬塊,相比 3800 萬來說隻是那份合同的 0.001305。

如果你工資 100 塊,你能花 1 毛 3 讓你的隊友開心下嗎?

[ – ] WarriorsChickenfriedricee 144 指標 17 小時前

Taxes and agent fees...


[ – ] RaptorsOnfiyA 86 指標 17 小時前

I was originally going to add it in but he's been in the league for a while, his endorsements alone make a nice chunk and he's going to be popular in Asia after he retires.

It's just an example, it's still a drop in the bucket.



[ – ] shoobiedoobie 46 指標 15 小時前

I hate when people do this shit. So what if it's easily affordable for him, how many players buy shit for their teammates and staff? This is extremely generous and when people try to marginalize shit rich people do it's really annoying.


[ – ] [ LAL ] Tyronn Luecrunklos 23 指標 16 小時前 *

drop in the bucket

This mentality is why many athletes go broke 3 years after retiring lol. Lin ’ s a smart dude though, I ’ m sure he ’ s planned well.

Also the whole "13cents vs 1000s of dollars" thing has always been a ridiculous comparison to me. A lot more can be done with 3% of $12million than 3% of $100. You can ’ t build a fortune using $3, but you can definitely build a fortune using $360,000. It ’ s the same when people are diminishing the donations of billionaires. A billionaire giving $10 million is giving away money that could keep 2 generations of family financially independent. A broke person giving away $10 is giving away a hamburger or 2.



而且用一毛三來對比 100 塊,這看起來很可笑。相比 100 塊的 3%,1200 萬的 3% 能幹的事要多得多。3 塊錢不能讓你發財,但是 36 萬可以。這和人們認為億萬富翁的捐款微不足道是一樣的。一個億萬富翁捐 1 千萬,這是可以讓一傢兩代人經濟獨立的錢。一個破產的人捐 10 塊,這是買一兩個漢堡的錢。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Stephen CurryIronhide94 494 指標 19 小時前

That is an incredibly generous gift actually - a fitted suit is going to run you $800-1K minimum and sounds like he's buying it for a minimum of 30 people.

Also wouldn't be surprised if the suits he's buying run a lot more than 1 grand.

這其實是非常大方的禮物瞭 - 一件合身的西裝最少要花 800-1000 美元,而且聽上去林要為最少 30 個人買西裝。

而且如果林買的西裝單價遠超 1000 的話,我也不會驚訝的。

[ – ] Nets BandwagonNetsBandwagonFan 158 指標 19 小時前

I assume they are a few thousand a piece. I couldn't find an exact cost but I did find this auction where the tailor, Abe Ndoye, provided a suit and the bidding started at $800.

我猜要幾千塊一套。我找不到確切價格,但是我找到瞭裁縫 Abe Ndoye 做的西裝的拍賣價,800 塊起拍。

[ – ] RaptorsDinksandDonks 115 指標 18 小時前

He's only 29 but seems to have a veteran, team building presence. Good on you Lin.

林才 29 歲,但是在球隊建設的存在感上像一個老將瞭。幹得不錯!

[ – ] [ MIL ] Bill ZopfFKJVMMP 73 指標 17 小時前

He seems like the kind of guy who ’ s going to have a spot on a roster for like five years after he stops playing meaningful minutes. He ’ s just a good dude to have around.

Plus, his shirts will probably always sell a ton.

林看上去像是一個淡出常規輪換後還能留在球隊名單上 5 年的球員。有這樣的人在旁邊很開心。


[ – ] Lakers BandwagonLoneWolfe2 19 指標 16 小時前

Like a Haslem, Juwan Howard, or James Jones type.

就像哈斯勒姆,朱萬 - 霍華德和詹姆斯 - 瓊斯那樣的球員。

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