

Paul George - "It's year one and ( the Thunder have ) proven everything on my check list ( that ) I can check off. That's what feels good. That's what makes me feel like, 'Hey this can be a landing spot for me, and somewhere I can call home for years'"

保羅喬治:" 在雷霆的第一年剛剛開始,而他們已經實現瞭我事項清單上可能實現的每一項。這讓我感覺很好。這讓我感覺這裡可以是我的棲身之處,可以讓我在未來數年裡以此為傢。"

[ – ] Thunder Bandwagonwickergoose 1941 points 12 hours ago

I'm gonna need new pants

雷霆球迷:激動濕瞭 …… 我要去換條幹凈褲子瞭。

[ – ] ThunderRichard73034 476 points 12 hours ago

I'm gonna scream


[ – ] ThunderDhugs88 328 points 12 hours ago

scream cream



叫出來 -> 射出來


[ – ] ThunderRichard73034 146 points 12 hours ago



[ – ] Lakersoscarveli 86 points 11 hours ago

While I sigh and cry.


[ – ] Warriorsbravesabo 1161 points 12 hours ago

Lakers fans on suicide watch


[ – ] Lakersalwaysdoubledown 1305 points 12 hours ago

Shit. $500k investment down the drain.

湖人球迷:媽蛋。50 萬美元的投資 [ 譯註 1 ] 就這麼打瞭水漂。

[ 譯註 1 ] :由於提前接觸還在合同期的保羅 - 喬治,湖人被聯盟罰款 50 萬美元。

[ – ] Thunderyouforgotitinmeta 859 points 12 hours ago

Better than garpax paying $40m for one year of DWade.

總比公牛管理層為韋德效力一年付出 4000 萬美元強吧。

[ – ] NBAzxc123zxc123 33 points 7 hours ago

$40M Wade still better than paying $60M+ for President Phil Jackson.

4000 萬美元的韋德仍然比 6000+ 萬美元的總裁菲爾 - 傑克遜強。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Steven Adamswhoami1984 1432 points 12 hours ago

yea people shit on oklahoma but we got hella good fishing spots lmao


[ – ] 76ersWilt2DrJ2Chuck2AI2Jo 537 points 12 hours ago

i watched a vid on pg back when he was in indy and thats the type of stuff he loves. he talked about how indy was a great fit for him cause its slow paced and like a country type atmosphere with great fishing spots and stuff like that. notice how similar oklahoma is lol hmmmm

我看過一段喬治還在印第安納時候的視頻,關於他都喜歡啥。他提到印第安納和他是多麼搭,因為那裡生活節奏慢悠悠,有著鄉村風格的環境,有很多地方適於釣魚之類的。想想俄克拉荷馬在這些特點上和印第安納是多麼相似,嗯 ……

[ – ] [ OKC ] Doug McDermottjmac_21 397 points 12 hours ago

We're even more country than Indiana lol


[ – ] Thunderchefslapchop 120 points 11 hours ago

More "shoreline" than any other state

比其他任何州都要長的 " 海岸線 " [ 譯註 2 ] 。

[ 譯註 2 ] :雷霆所在的俄克拉荷馬州為內陸州,不沿海,但河流與湖泊豐富。

[ – ] Timberwolvesjava_the_hut 90 points 11 hours ago*

I'm not sure where you heard that, but I don't think that's true.

Minnesota claims they have the most shoreline due to lakes and rivers, buts it's tough to get exact numbers.

Michigan has the longest freshwater coastline, Alaska has the longest saltwater coastline.




[ – ] [ OKC ] Steven AdamsNotoriousOKC 76 points 11 hours ago

You are correct. He probably meant to say we have more shoreline than the Atlantic coast + Gulf of Mexico combined, just a fun little fact!

( 11,611 miles )

雷霆球迷:你是對的。四樓的 JR 大概是想說我們州河岸線的長度比美國沿大西洋 + 墨西哥灣的海岸線加起來還要長,就是一個好玩的小知識!

(有 18686 公裡長)

[ – ] [ OKC ] Steven AdamsNotoriousOKC 76 points 10 hours ago*

Honestly! If you ever fly over Oklahoma in the evening the sun reflects on hundreds of bodies of water you didn't know existed.


[ – ] Raptorsjps78 833 points 12 hours ago

Man what the fuck does OKC do to make these NBA players make it sound like a fucking Utopia meanwhile KD hates the organization.


[ – ] [ OKC ] Russell Westbrooksir_alvarex 300 points 12 hours ago

What others have said here. But from what I can tell by reading the countless "speculation" from his mom, friends, and agent from the past year KD was just fed up with moves that weren't win-now. That plus seeing his very close friend Lebron effectively run the Cavs as a mini-GM probably left him feeling sour.

A core trait of KD is feeling accepted and being respected ( which is why I was shocked he went to GS ) . A lot of his actions can be derived from those traits ( once again GS an exception -- tho you can rationalize that he needed a ring to be "respected" ) .

OKC front of office had a vision and they notoriously never consulted either KD or WB on their moves.

That plus KD never was part of a different organization. Not saying Indy is a bad one, but OKC has proven to be one of the best. Just so happens KD left OKC for one of the other best organizations in GS.

Melo and George are just going to see the org with fresh eyes.

雷霆球迷:其他 JR 已經在這裡討論過瞭。但基於我讀到的來自他媽媽,朋友和經紀人的無窮無盡的 " 推測 ",去年 KD 隻是對一步步並不是想立即贏球爭冠的運作失望透頂。雪上加霜的是,他非常親近的朋友勒佈朗正在騎士效率十足地扮演著迷你管理層的角色,這大概讓杜蘭特更羨慕嫉妒恨。

KD 的性格關鍵特點之一,是渴望被接納和被尊重(這也是為何我震驚於他會去勇士)。他的很多行動都是基於這些特點的(再說一遍,勇士是個例外 —— 但你可以把這解釋成他需要一枚戒指從而被 " 尊重 ")。


還有一點,杜蘭特從沒在其他團隊裡待過。不是說印城不好,但雷霆已經證明瞭自己是最好的團隊之一。然而 KD 離開雷霆去瞭勇士,另一個頂級團隊。


[ – ] GDesign66 170 points 10 hours ago

I would argue that OKC's front office has learned from their mistakes coming off the Harden/KD/Westbrook Era. Now they've realized they would've had a better shot at keeping KD if they communicated better with their players.

The organization that PG and Melo are joining is better over the organization that Durant/Harden dealt with.

我覺得這是因為雷霆制服組從哈登 / 杜蘭特 / 威斯佈魯克時代犯下的錯誤中吸取瞭教訓。現在他們意識到,如果能和自傢球員的溝通更順暢,他們本可以有更高的幾率留住杜蘭特的。

喬治和甜瓜加盟的這支球隊,要強於杜蘭特 / 哈登所面對的那支。

[ – ] Warriorsjpfatherree 63 points 9 hours ago

I think this is key. This doesn't really change anything about how right or wrong KD was, it just shows that OKC is learning from past mistakes.

我認為這是關鍵所在。這並不會給 KD 決定的對錯翻案,這隻是表明瞭雷霆從過往的錯誤裡學到瞭東西。

[ – ] Knicks BandwagonMyLadySansa 35 points 13 hours ago*

Seriously. As a Knicks fan, I'd give my right arm for OKC's organization


[ – ] ThunderKapUSMC 15 points 9 hours ago

Take care of Kanter man... He may be a turnstyle on defense, but dude is legit. One of the best guys in the NBA. I hope he finds his way back here in free agency ( although at a LOT smaller number )

雷霆球迷:幫我們照顧好坎特吧大兄弟 ... 他可能在防守端是個提款機,但這夥計依然很給力。聯盟裡最棒的傢夥之一。我希望他有朝一日能以自由球員的身份回歸(不過拿更少少少少些的薪水)。

[ – ] PM_ME_UR_PETS_TITS 68 points 13 hours ago

not everyone has to like the same things. some people don't want to live in OKC. Some people like different styles of basketball or different coaching philosophies. That's ok too. all our energy hating other players and teams is better spent hating Donald Trump.

不是每個人都必須喜好統一。有人不想在俄城生活。有人喜歡不同的籃球風格,或者不同的執教理念。這也沒毛病。我們花在憎恨其他球員與球隊上的精力,最好全都轉移到憎恨唐納德 - 特朗普上。

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