

馬刺球迷網站 "AirAlamo" 新聞,追夢在談及勇士將要面臨的最大挑戰時表示:" 我會說是馬刺。森林狼有瞭很大提升,火箭和雷霆也變強瞭。但是,看看馬刺過去取得的成就吧,我真覺得馬刺還是我們最強的對手。他們從來沒大幅度下滑過,上賽季的馬刺可是拿到瞭 60+ 的勝場。"

[ AirAlamo ] Draymond on Warriors toughest challenge: "For me, it ’ s the Spurs. I think Minny's gonna be much improved, Houston improved, OKC improved. I just don ’ t think you can put anyone above SA because of everything they ’ ve done. They ’ ve never had a dropoff; they won 60-something games last year."

[ – ] CelticsIfuckinglovebball 992 指標 18 小時前

I really don't know how they can perform so well with their talent level. But they keep doing it, so I'm not going to underestimate them.


[ – ] Knicks Bandwagonearl_smith_thethird 677 指標 18 小時前

having a team that doesn't make mistakes on defense and doesn't foul is incredibly valuable


[ – ] Wizardsruffus4life 305 指標 16 小時前

yep they stay focused in ways that other teams don't. everytime i see keef get lazy and take a dumb foul i think. pop wouldn't play this dude for the next 2 games.


[ – ] [ SAS ] Andrew Gazetimrs 347 指標 15 小時前

when kawhi didn't cut hard enough one time last year

sets the standard for everyone



[ – ] [ DEN ] Nikola JokicImperiumSolis 279 指標 15 小時前

This right here is why even if you hate the spurs you gotta respect them. You can see the look on Kawhi when he's scratching his chin he's like, God damnit you're right, and the amount of practice and trust they have in pop and the system is #1 always, and it continues to work.

這種東西就是為什麼即使你狠馬刺恨得牙癢癢,依然會給予他們尊重。你能看到卡哇伊用手摸自己下巴的時候就好像在說 " 我靠,好吧,你是對的 "。他們訓練刻苦,他們有對波波充分的信任,還有聯盟第一的戰術體系,這些讓他們屹立不倒。

[ – ] [ HOU ] Patrick BeverleyHarden-Soul 190 指標 12 小時前 *

I really don't think that was a "you're right" chin scratch. I think it was a "I'm not sure that would've made a difference but I don't have the battery life to argue right now" chin scratch

我可不覺得那個撓下巴動作是在說 " 好吧你是對的 ",明明是在說 " 我沒覺得按你說的做就有啥區別啊,可是我要沒電瞭就不跟你計較瞭 "。

[ – ] Warriorswizardofaus23 34 指標 11 小時前

Plus it's Pop. Who the fuck is going to argue with Pop?


[ – ] Spursvsn611 30 指標 10 小時前

When in doubt, the answer is Joey Crawford

每次產生這種困惑的時候,一般答案都是喬 - 克勞福德。 [ 譯註 1 ]

[ 譯註 1 ] 前 NBA 著名裁判,以嚴厲著稱。

[ – ] Knicks Bandwagonaoifhasoifha 84 指標 15 小時前

pop wouldn't play this dude for the next 2 games.

Nah, Pop isn't a miracle worker and he's smart enough to know that- not even he can change guys like keef.

Pop would just never sign a guy who fights with his coaches on the sideline.

" 接下來兩場比賽莫裡斯就別想上場瞭。"



[ – ] SpursNeutral_Meat 46 指標 15 小時前

But he would sign a guy that fights with the fans on the sideline

是啊,於是他簽瞭個跟球迷對著 " 幹 " 的。 [ 譯註 2 ]

[ 譯註 2 ] 指斯蒂芬 - 傑克遜,他在步行者時期參與瞭著名的 " 奧本山宮殿 " 事件,毆打球迷。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Manu Ginobilimsc49 37 指標 14 小時前

But he was on the Spurs before that. He had some clutch plays and I think Pop felt he could control him. Unfortunately, he thought he was better than Kawhi and that didn't work with the team.

可是,傑克遜在去步行者之前可是為馬刺效力過啊,他也打出過高光時刻,波波可能是覺得他能 hold 得住武聖吧。但是後來傑克遜第二次加盟馬刺的時候,他覺得自己比卡哇伊強,這可就不 ok 瞭。

[ – ] SpursApplecakesMcGee 73 指標 16 小時前

Talent level is good though. If you watch actual games and don't go by 2k ratings, that is. Patty Mills was getting offers to be a starter. Danny Green is an amazing defender and, while he apparently can't recover his finals 3pt shooting, he's a decent shooter. Plus he's the most mentally strong man on earth. Seriously watch how Pop yells at him. I seriously think Pop just goes and yells at Danny in his house sometimes. Pau is old but still good. Becoming a legit 3 or shooter too. LMA is good but god dammit he pisses me off. Kawhi. Davis Bertans and Bryn Forbes are two legit prospects. DJ Murray too. It's a talented squad.

馬刺球迷:可是,我刺球員的天賦並不低啊。如果你真的看球,而不是隻會看 2K 評分話,就更會意識到這點。有球隊追求米爾斯並許以先發位置,丹尼格林也是頂級防守者,雖然他回不去那年總決賽的格林瞭 [ 譯註 3 ] ,但也是個不錯的三分手,他還有著極強的精神意志,看看波波咋吼他的吧。我都懷疑賽後波波沒事也會去他們傢大喊大叫。大加索爾雖然上瞭點歲數但狀態依然出色,現在又成功轉型合格的三分射手。阿德很棒,但是吧,就是我 tm 看他球能氣死。倫納德就不用我多說瞭吧。貝爾坦斯和福佈斯值得期待,德章泰 - 默裡也是。這支隊伍還是很有天賦的。

[ 譯註 3 ] 指 14 年總決賽對陣熱火時狀態絕佳的丹尼格林。

[ – ] CelticsIfuckinglovebball 25 指標 16 小時前

I'm not saying they aren't ( otherwise they wouldn't be so successful ) , but they consistently really outperform their on-paper talent level

我不是說沒天賦,不然也不會這麼成功。但是要論賬面天賦,他們確實是在 " 超水平發揮 "。

[ – ] Spurslazytech 6 指標 14 小時前

Forbes is a D

Lauvergne is a D.

Parker could be depending how he comes back from injury

福佈斯和洛文吉也就是個 D 級的水平。帕克要是傷病恢復的不好,可能也會淪為 D 級球員。

[ – ] SpursApplecakesMcGee 10 指標 14 小時前

No Way Forbes is a D. Killed it in D league last year, murdered summer league, best shooting coach ever calls him the best shooter he's seen. If motherfucker plays 8 minutes a game and goes 1/2 for 3 without a defensive mistake he's a C.

福佈斯可不止 D 啊。上賽季的發展聯盟和今年的夏聯都大殺四方。頂級投籃教練甚至稱他是 " 所見過的最好的純投手 "。隻要能每場打 8min,貢獻 50%的三分命中,防守端不犯錯,他絕對是個 C 級的球員。

[ – ] Lakers Bandwagonvictor396 1 指標 11 小時前

It all depends in how the coach "administers" his "resources". You could have a squad like the 2011 Mavs playing each one his role and looking better for it or trying to make stars play to their weaknesses instead of their fortes and getting tired by over playing.

這還是取決於教練怎麼 " 調動資源 "。就像 10-11 賽季奪冠的小牛,球員各司其職,球星能夠發揮長處而不是揚己之短,也不讓他們過度疲勞。

[ – ] Cavaliersvoyaging 2 指標 14 小時前

Patty Mills and Danny Green are the two best examples of how underrated some of their talent is. Both are high caliber starters on most teams. And yeah Pau is still great

帕蒂 - 米爾斯和丹尼 - 格林是兩個典型的天賦被低估球員。他們夠格成為大多數球隊的高水準先發。而且嘛,大加索爾依然出色。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Vlade Divacweeyummy1 2 指標 13 小時前

Dude what? No, they're just average starters on most teams or high caliber bench guys. Just as they are on the Spurs


[ – ] [ SAS ] Andrew Gazetimrs 3 指標 11 小時前

Danny is better than almost any SG if you dont need scoring from that position. 2nd team all defence last year and can shoot the three!

I think if you were to rate all the point guards patty would be 20-25, which is pretty darn good for a bench guy

嘿,丹尼 - 格林比大多數得分後衛都棒啊,恩,隻要不考慮這個位置的得分問題。上賽季的防守二陣,而且還附送關鍵三分!

如果要是全聯盟控衛排名的話,米爾斯差不多能排在 20-25 名的,這對於一個替補來說就已經是超級棒瞭。

[ – ] LakersXYZPokeLeagueRigged 3 指標 10 小時前

because people dont value intelligence and chemistry that much. They all just wanted to lump 3 superstars on one team and expect it will work.


[ – ] Nets BandwagonSwoah 3 指標 9 小時前

Whenever I think about the West I want to put San Antonio behind Golden State, Houston, and OKC, but I just can ’ t do it.

All three of those teams have more talent than the Spurs but somehow the Spurs are going to end up with 60+ wins and wind up the two or three seed.


這三支球隊都有遠超馬刺的天賦,可是馬刺就是能夠最後拿下 60+ 勝場,成為總冠軍競爭者中的二號或者三號種子。

[ – ] WarriorseBelieve 6 指標 16 小時前

48 minutes of mistake free basketball because of their depth.

他們的板凳深度確保瞭他們能夠在 48 分鐘的比賽中不犯錯誤。

[ – ] NBAdrdownvotes12 5 指標 16 小時前

Do you realize they had 5 former all stars last season along with Kawhi? They aren't young and athletic big time scorers, but they've got veteran talent on that roster, and that goes a long way.

你有意識到他們隊伍裡不算卡哇伊有 5 個曾經的全明星嗎?或許他們不再年輕,運動能力退化,不能再成為決勝時刻的得分手,但是他們賦予整個團隊以老兵的經驗和智慧,這些隻會幫他們走的更遠。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Kevin Durantshanetrey5 406 指標 18 小時前

He right. Other guys need to build up chemistry. Spurs don't have that disadvantage. They also have a Kawhi and a Pop.


[ – ] [ MIN ] Tyus Jonespollinium 99 指標 18 小時前

I feel like 82 games is a long time to build up that chemistry and the question was geared towards the post-season

I don't see any of these teams missing the playoffs

我覺得用 82 場比賽建立化學反應是個很長的時間瞭,主要是化學反應這個問題應該是針對季後賽的啊。


[ – ] [ HOU ] James HardenGettingLostInDaSauce 97 指標 21 小時前

As long as Pop is still there the Spurs are always gonna be in the playoffs


[ – ] ThunderGamerghost44 57 指標 19 小時前

You could roll out 15 of me on the roster and Pop could get a playoff berth.

波波能把 15 個我帶進季後賽。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Klay ThompsonMurdathon3000 56 指標 17 小時前

True, but a team whos core has remained mostly the same for years, including being tested and proven in the playoffs, is still going to be more cohesive and a better developed chemistry than one who has just completed their first season together and is now on the big stage of the postseason.


[ – ] TimberwolvesDirtysMan 11 指標 15 小時前

Yeah, there's regular season chemistry and playoff intensity and focus chemistry. When one of the best teams in the NBA spends a week practicing, watching video, and game planning specifically to beat you personally and your offense and defense it's a different animal.

是的呢,化學反應也分常規賽的 " 一般性化學反應 " 和季後賽的 " 緊繃式化學反應 "。一支花一星期時間來訓練,看錄像,制定戰術,想方設法在進攻防守兩隊打爆你的 NBA 頂級球隊,那可是一隻完全不一樣的猛獸啊。

[ – ] RocketsLowKeyE0915 68 指標 18 小時前

I agree Spurs will spur... just for how long? This could be the year? I've been saying this forever lol

火箭球迷:我同意馬刺是常青樹 …… 隻是,這棵樹會青到什麼時候呢?今年可能就是馬刺枯萎的一年瞭?哈哈哈哈,這種話我已經說瞭一輩子瞭。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Kawhi Leonardneburz 78 指標 17 小時前

Until Pop retires or Kawhi has a systems malfunction


[ – ] [ GSW ] Stephen Curryparanoideo 19 指標 15 小時前

When Pop retires, Duncan comes back, right?

The circle of The Spurs.



[ – ] Warriorsmilkonyourmustache 44 指標 17 小時前

They're not a potent offense but they are efficient, and always great defensively. Kawhi has improved every single year and he's my bet for league MVP. They won't beat you with talent, they'll just execute better than most teams in the league.

他們看起來進攻不是很強,但是極有效率,防守頂級,倫納德每年上一個臺階,我甚至會賭他成為 MVP。馬刺取勝靠的不是天賦,他們靠的是全聯盟最強的執行力。

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