

[ Tsuji ] Kristaps Porzingis-ism: "Education is important, but big biceps are importanter" ( mobile.twitter.com )

克裡斯塔普斯 - 波爾津吉斯的信條:" 教育很重要,但強壯的二頭肌更重要 "

[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin 1567 指標 23 小時前

Dwight nods and forwards this tweet to all of his kids

德懷特 - 霍華德點頭表示同意,然後將這條推特轉發給自己的孩子們。

[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 844 指標 23 小時前

Twitter support: We recently received a DDoS attack but the site should be operational again within a few hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.

推特彈出提示:我們最近遭到瞭 DDoS1 攻擊,網站會在幾小時後恢復原有功能。對因此帶來的不便我們表示抱歉。

1 譯註:DDoS 是 Distributed Denial of Service 的縮寫,即 " 分佈式拒絕服務 "。是指攻擊者利用大量 " 肉雞 " 對攻擊目標發動大量的正常或非正常請求、耗盡目標主機資源或網絡資源,從而使被攻擊的主機不能為合法用戶提供服務。


[ – ] NetsNJNetsFan5152433 291 指標 23 小時前

Good God Almighty that man had 936282764922737272 families

額滴神吶,這傢夥有 936282764922737272 個傢人!

[ – ] NBAzxc123zxc123 24 指標 18 小時前

Only? I think you're only counting the ones he's paying child support for and not the bastard ones.


[ – ] KnicksRiceOnTheRun 2 指標 1 小時前

The seed is strong


[ – ] CavaliersDeanBlandino 25 指標 19 小時前

Real talk, girls love big shoulders and biceps but it's a nightmare to buy shirts if you got that going and not fat. I wonder where Dwight his baby mommas clothe those kids.


[ – ] InexorableWaffle 16 指標 18 小時前

Not as much of a nightmare as it is to find slacks that fit when you've got squat thighs, though. Finding dress pants for work that fit your legs that aren't super loose at the waist is a borderline miracle if you do heavy ( ish ) lifting.


[ – ] 76ersAngryUncleTony 18 指標 17 小時前 *

Big thighs & glutes + slim waist = nighmare pants shopping for a dude. You either end up looking sloppy or like an Instagram ass model.

粗腿、大屁股、細腰的老哥買褲子才叫難。要麼就穿得很沒精神,要麼就穿得像 Instagram 上的臀模。

[ – ] CelticsGekthegecko 67 指標 23 小時前

All 24 of them

霍華德一共有 24 個孩子。

[ – ] CelticsWalkerg2011 47 指標 22 小時前

If I had more than 5 kids, I'd start forgetting names.

我要是有超過 5 個孩子,我就得開始記不住名字瞭。

[ – ] Knicks BandwagonSaucy_Totchie 70 指標 22 小時前

Unless you get them all custom jerseys with their names.


[ – ] RaptorsThaNorth 55 指標 21 小時前

Or you call them all Dwight Junior.

你也可以統一叫他們 " 小德懷特 "。

[ – ] Knicks BandwagonSaucy_Totchie 20 指標 21 小時前

Or simply just number them.


[ – ] RaptorsThaNorth 18 指標 21 小時前

Give them all the number 12.

幹脆統統叫他們 12 號得瞭。

[ – ] Charlotte HornetsZoombini22 33 指標 22 小時前

So glad we picked up Dwight this offseason, big add to our team's meme game, been pretty one-dimensional with the Crying Jordan memes since purple shirt guy fell from relevancy.

黃蜂球迷:這個休賽期能得到霍華德真是太好瞭,他大大豐富瞭我們的表情包遊戲。自穿紫色襯衫的那個傢夥過氣以來,我們把 " 哭臉喬丹 " 的表情包都玩壞瞭,也開始感到厭倦瞭。

2 譯註:15-16 賽季季後賽,熱火 VS 黃蜂 G6,韋德在客場遭遇一名紫衣球迷挑釁,然後砍下 23+6+4 帶走比賽。(附圖)

[ – ] RaptorsThaNorth 5 指標 21 小時前

I will never get tired of Dwight children jokes.


[ – ] CavaliersLeBronzong 139 指標 23 小時前

He's gonna look like Ben Wallace next season lol

哈哈哈哈,波爾津吉斯下賽季會像本 - 華萊士一樣強壯的。

[ – ] LakersoOoleveloOo 221 指標 23 小時前

[ – ] Knicks BandwagonSaucy_Totchie 22 指標 23 小時前

"I bet you're wondering how I ended up like this."


[ – ] 76ersMoptop39 115 指標 23 小時前

He looks like someone took a 5 year olds head and stuck it on a 7'3 dude.

波爾津吉斯看上去好像是一個 7 尺 3 的身體安瞭個 5 歲孩子的腦袋。

[ – ] Celtics BandwagonJaylenBrown7 208 指標 23 小時前

I feel sorry for zinger his arms are too long, they'll never look big :- (

對波神表示抱歉,我覺得他的手臂太長瞭,永遠都不會顯得很強壯 :- (

[ – ] Nets BandwagonLanaRhoades- 186 指標 23 小時前

they will he just has to put up more work than guys with shorter limbs

Kawhi has long arms and he looks jacked as fuck



[ – ] NBAbluemagic124 252 指標 23 小時前

Kawhi is also a robot tho


[ – ] [ PHX ] Devin Bookerrice_bledsoe 15 指標 23 小時前

Tru just look at Giannis' progression


[ – ] KnicksMednieks 18 指標 23 小時前

Would prefer to be NBA player instead of having normal length arms

比起擁有正常長度的手臂,我更想成為一名 NBA 球員。

[ – ] CelticsKingArya30 12 指標 21 小時前

anthony davis and gianny overcame the curse of the noodles, hell be aite if he wanna be


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