

Icelandic's fans epic viking clapping during the game against France. Eurobasket 2017

2017 男籃歐錦賽:在對陣法國的比賽中,冰島球迷展現史詩級“維京戰吼”。

[ – ] RocketsPetevonPete 300 指標 15 小時前

pretty huge traveling fanbase for a country of 300,000 people playing their 3rd most popular sport over 1,000 miles away.

對於一個隻有 30 萬人口而且籃球隻是排名第三的運動的國傢,能有這麼多人跨越 1000 英裡來看比賽,這個球迷基礎可以說是很好瞭。

[ – ] tofiwashere 101 指標 14 小時前 *

Icelandic fans had a nice day on saturday when first in the afternoon they had an Eurobasket game in Helsinki. After that they had a private train right from outside the arena to Tampere ( just 100 miles ) , where there was Finland-Iceland World Cup qualification soccer game. So a lot of soccer fans on the trip also I guess.

對於冰島球迷來說這一天簡直棒極瞭:周六下午他們在赫爾辛基【譯註 1】有一場歐洲籃球錦標賽,然後出瞭體育場他們就有一輛私人火車開到坦佩雷【譯註 1】(也就 100 英裡路程),去看一場冰島對陣芬蘭的足球世界杯資格賽。所以我估計路上得有一大票足球迷。

【譯註 1】赫爾辛基為芬蘭首都;坦佩雷為芬蘭西南部城市。

[ – ] GeorgeKnUhl 39 指標 13 小時前

Lauri Markkanen's brother, Eero, represented Finland in that game.

勞裡 - 馬爾卡寧的哥哥 Erro 會代表芬蘭在那場比賽中出戰。

[ – ] Lakersreversebayleycanrana 246 指標 14 小時前

This brings me good memories from when England got Viking dicked at Euro 2016 lmao

這又讓我想起瞭 2016 年足球歐洲杯上英格蘭被維京人幹翻瞭的美好回憶,笑尿瞭!

[ – ] Wolves BandwagonRoyalLake 221 指標 16 小時前

I love how the Vikings adopted this once the new stadium opened.

Such an awesome chant.

我喜歡維京人隊【譯註 2】自打新主場一開始使用就來這個。


[ – ] Trail BlazersBirdunit 43 指標 14 小時前

I traveled there with my dad for the giants game last year. It was incredible to be a part of it.

去年我和我爸去那兒看一場對陣巨人隊【譯註 2】的比賽。能成為這個儀式的一部分簡直太棒瞭。

【譯註 2】維京人隊和巨人隊均為 NFL 聯盟球隊。

[ – ] Sixers BandwagonAmenz 349 指標 16 小時前

Euro sports fans are the best


[ – ] Pontus_Pilates 119 指標 12 小時前

One of my favorites is Polish soccer fans turning up at a youth tournament.




[ – ] [ BOS ] Isaiah Thomasdk240996 35 指標 10 小時前

Oh, understanding that the announcer saying this was a 9th place match made this instantly better. What a memory for the kids on both sides though.


[ – ] RocketsVague_Intentions 52 指標 12 小時前

They brought road flares, classic


[ – ] Timberwolveseudezet 11 指標 11 小時前

tbh this is more common than you think. I'm Polish and we do it on pretty much every game of my local team even though the team is in 3rd league and is pretty shitty. Stadium is always packed too. This chant/clap doesn't happen on every single game cause it's usually the "DJ" ( or whatever his name is ) who starts the chant and the rest of the fans follows so it's up to him but it happens often.

It's also present on speedway matches. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're right.

老實說,這其實比你們以為的更常見。我是波蘭的,我們在主隊比賽的時候都會做這個,哪怕那支隊就是個三級聯賽的辣雞隊。體育場也總是人山人海的。不過這種儀式 / “維京戰吼”也不是每場比賽都有,因為一般都是現場 DJ 帶頭然後球迷再開始做,所以有沒有全取決於 DJ,不過還是很頻繁的。


[ – ] Warriorspatricksimon1 52 指標 15 小時前

Icelandic fans had some epic celebrations during their amazing Euro Cup 2016 run -- check this out ..

2016 年冰島令人瘋狂的歐洲杯之旅的時候,球迷的史詩級慶祝方式,你們可以看下。

[ – ] Bullsyomama629 3 指標 6 小時前

I'll take this opportunity to point out that this chant is not Icelandic in origin. It's been done in stadiums all over Europe for years prior to the Euro.


[ – ] JazzJimmyGlazz 18 指標 13 小時前

old guy in pink - credit for trying but a bit too late on each clap


[ – ] PelicansDredeuced 31 指標 15 小時前

Buddy you're a boy make a big noise playing in the street gonna be a big man some day

“夥計,你是個隻會大聲嚷嚷的孩子,在街頭嬉鬧,希望有一天能成為大人物”【譯註 3】

[ – ] Trail Blazersfsm_the_alfredo 19 指標 14 小時前

... the song doesn't go "buudyorabigoyanljxsdvjmng..."


【譯註 3】《We Will Rock You》的歌詞

[ – ] florian-pnn 21 指標 15 小時前

They also have an amazing president that don't go into the VIP part, he stays with his people.

他們還有個賊親民的總統,都沒去 VIP 席,直接就坐在他的人民當中瞭。


[ – ] Bitmazta 23 指標 13 小時前

To be fair you can't pull that off in a nation of millions


[ – ] [ NOP ] Chris Paulhuecohoyo 9 指標 13 小時前

Richard Nixon did it at a college football game. But yea, definitely not a good idea

理查德 - 尼克松曾經在一場大學橄欖球比賽裡也這樣做過。【譯註 4】不過嘛,就是那不是什麼好主意。

【譯註 4】尼克松是個超級橄欖球迷,他的一個著名舉動就是在 1969 年乘直升機空降阿肯色大學體育場,在阿大橄欖球隊對壘得州大學隊賽前逐一探訪兩隊更衣室。

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