[ McDonald ] ESPN introduces new rules which forbid their reporters to break the news via Twitter and other social media
ESPN 新規:禁止旗下記者在推特和其他社交媒體平臺上爆料新聞。
[ – ] Sunstoasty_- 2013 指標 6 小時前
No more woj bombs?
所以,Woj 涼瞭?
[ – ] NBACameronPlain 1594 指標 6 小時前
They're gonna fuck all their reporters with this.
ESPN 就是想折騰死他們的記者。
[ – ] preme1017 1324 指標 6 小時前
Yep. Shams gon be eatin'
沒錯。Woj 跌倒,Shams 吃飽。 [ 譯註 1 ]
[ 譯註 1 ] Shams,雅虎記者,Woj 的弟子,休賽期時曾先於 Woj 爆出多條重磅消息。
[ – ] Celticsmr_showboat 365 指標 6 小時前
It seems really stupid to spend a bunch of money on a guy like Woj who has made his career off of breaking news very quickly and remove his ability to break news in the quickest way possible.
這真是太愚蠢瞭,在 Woj 身上投入瞭這麼多錢,而 Woj 也以迅速爆料在記者界功成名就,現在卻不準他(在推特)迅速爆料,要把他吃飯的碗給砸瞭?
[ – ] Hawkshelpmeredditimbored 153 指標 5 小時前
This clause has been in the ESPN social media guidelines since 2011. ESPN has never enforced it. The only reason it's getting attention is because ESPN updated their guidelines regarding political/social commentary.
其實早在 2011 年, ESPN 的社交媒體平臺指導原則裡就有瞭這條規定。隻是 ESPN 沒有強制執行而已。之所以要重新強調這條原則,唯一的理由隻能是,ESPN 更新瞭有關政治、社會新聞報道的指導原則。
[ – ] CelticsShAd0wS 81 指標 4 小時前
Yeah that article has a tweet in it from someone at ESPN themselves confirming it doesn't apply to top reporters. This isn't news.
是的,ESPN 的人把這個條款發在瞭推特上面,證實瞭,它不適用於頂級記者。這其實算不瞭什麼新聞。
[ – ] 76ersfiremonkey1313 181 指標 5 小時前
There is no way this applies to Woj. No possible way. Even ESPN can't be stupid enough to shoot itself in the dick like this.
這條新規不適用於 Woj 的,絕對不可能。愚蠢如 ESPN,也不可能搬石頭砸自己的腳。
[ – ] Pistonsrichb3 1332 指標 6 小時前
ESPN just doesnt want to exist in 10 years. WTF
臥勒個槽,ESPN 是不想活過這十年瞭吧。
[ – ] EsACtrooDrd59kF9ByTP 390 指標 6 小時前
why are they trying so hard to fuck themselves so completely
[ – ] CelticsSegundaMortem 85 指標 6 小時前
10 years? They ’ re trying to crash their business by next week.
[ – ] [ NYK ] Baron Davisthemariokarters 990 指標 6 小時前
RIP Woj ’ s career lol
哈哈哈,Woj 的職業生涯到頭瞭,安息吧。
[ – ] RocketsSolar24 413 指標 6 小時前
Shams is the winner here.
Shams 恐成最大贏傢。
[ – ] ThunderTonyStarksLazySusan 89 指標 6 小時前
Probably working himself a nice handy right meow.
估計 Shams 得笑瘋瞭,趕緊擼一發慶祝一下。
[ – ] ThunderTonyStarksLazySusan 49 指標 6 小時前
I mean he's still getting paid, he just won't be relevant to us memelords anymore.
我的意思是,Woj 還是會拿他該拿的薪水,隻是他再也不會是那個梗之源泉瞭。
[ – ] Wizardsblast0ise 486 指標 6 小時前
Shams 強勢崛起。
[ – ] Celtics17461863372823734930 316 指標 6 小時前
ESPN thought they could buy Woj, corner the market on NBA breaking news, and then take the news off of twitter and put it on their platforms. But they didn't foresee the rise of Shams.
ESPN 以為可以通過將 Woj 招致麾下來壟斷 NBA 猛料的市場,然後就能把內容從推特轉移到自己的發佈平臺。但他們沒有預見到 Shams 的崛起。
[ – ] TimberwolvesBridgewaterection 132 指標 6 小時前
100% this is my bet. Yahoo has more connects than ESPN thought
百分百確定,我敢打賭,雅虎(在 NBA)的線人比 ESPN 想象的要多。
[ – ] LandryGroans 288 指標 7 小時前
Shams is my new best friend
Shams 現在是我的新寵。
[ – ] Cavaliersrosesarewet 98 指標 7 小時前
Friendship with Woj ended
Woj 我們友盡瞭。
[ – ] BullsBigLurker 13 指標 5 小時前
someone make the meme
[ – ] Cavalierstandemtactics 15 指標 3 小時前
[ – ] BjergCop 144 指標 7 小時前
cool theyll just break the news here
[ – ] HornetsKeepGpodawunding 85 指標 7 小時前
This is a media aggregation website, not specifically social media. Loophole confirmed.
這裡隻是個論壇,網友聚集的地方,嚴格意義上不是社交媒體。Woj 你可以鉆空子上這發瞭。