[ Chris Sheridan ] Don't underestimate how strongly the #Cavs will be lowballed on @KyrieIrving offers. Oh, and @drose is not the answer. This is major crisis.
[ ESPN-Chris Sheridan ] :千萬不要低估其他球隊對騎士的 @凱裡歐文空手套白狼的野心。哦,還有,@德裡克 - 羅斯並不是你們的真命天子。這次危機真的相當嚴重。
[ – ] this_place_stinks 1031 指標 19 小時前
I'd expect offers to be through the roof for a young guy with 2 years left on a very team friendly deal...
一位年輕球員,身背著對球隊整體及其友好的合同,而且期限還剩 2 年——我會指望交易得到他的籌碼高出天際的。
[ – ] RaptorsRaptorer 335 指標 17 小時前
I wonder how strong his desire to leave is, and the odds of him being convinced to stay.
Also, can't the Cavs just refuse to trade him. I don't think he's gonna pull a Carter and decide not to play.
[ – ] Wolves BandwagonDrWolves 260 指標 17 小時前
At this point though, it seems like going into next season with Kyrie would be a huge locker room distraction. These aren't just made up rumors. Kyrie legitimately requested a trade and that won't sit well with guys in the locker room.
Also, LeBron seems like he's on his way out. Staying in Cleveland doesn't make sense for him long-term since the Cavs are so hampered from a roster standpoint.
Being that LeBron is probably out, now you're stuck with Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love who I imagine both would have zero desire to be in Cleveland if LeBron isn't there.
[ – ] Cavaliersaussiefrzz16 61 指標 16 小時前
Again, Kyrie signed a deal with the cavs BEFORE he knew Lebron was coming back.
[ – ] Cavaliersthisismyeighthtry 33 指標 17 小時前
I think we'll get something good. Kyrie is great but he's not the be all end all. Even if we don't get a superstar for him, I think we can a few players where the sum of the parts will be greater than Kyrie, if that makes sense.
My only real concern is Griffin getting canned. I hope Koby doesn't do something stupid. But this is Cleveland sports so he probably will
騎士球迷:我認為我們會換回來一些不錯的籌碼。凱裡雖然很出色,但是他沒辦法全盤接管比賽兩端。就算我們沒法用他換來超級巨星級別的球員,我認為我們還是會得到幾名不錯的球員,加起來他們的作用應該會超過歐文一個人吧?如果這樣說得通的話 ...
我真正擔心的一點是大衛 - 格裡芬卸任瞭總經理。我希望科比(Koby Altman,騎士隊副總經理)不要幹什麼傻事兒。但是這是哪兒?克利夫蘭啊!所以他很有可能會誒。
[ – ] RaptorsRaptorer 14 指標 17 小時前
Agree with you. There is every reason why a Kyrie Irving will fetch good returns in a trade. And to be brutally honest, Kyrie wasn't actually the best fit on the team to begin with. Yes, they made it work, as all great players do. But someone with, let's say Chris Paul or even Kyle Lowry's skillset, would work better for that team than Kyrie.
同意你的觀點。凱裡歐文肯定能換來不錯的回報,這不是沒有原因的。然後掏心窩子說句實在話,凱裡從一開始就不是最適合這支球隊的人選。沒錯,騎士三巨頭取得瞭成功,就像其他偉大的球員們那樣。但是也許換另外一個人,咱舉個例子比如像克裡斯 - 保羅甚至是凱爾 - 洛瑞這樣技能全面的控衛,可能會比歐文更加適合這支球隊。
[ – ] Cavaliersfuck_going_shopping 14 指標 17 小時前
If we end up with a decent shooting defensive PG and some help down low I'll be incredibly content.
Losing his offensive power sucks, but he had some pretty concerning weak spots that we might now be able to mend. And we still have everyone else.
[ – ] Supersonicsstoopslife 12 指標 17 小時前
That sum of parts better be clutch as hell in the finals, dropping 40+ pts and scoring game winners.
層主,你說的 " 加起來的作用 " 最好能比得上在總決賽裡砍下 40 分以及命中制勝球喲。
[ – ] 3000milestoSpacejam 14 指標 16 小時前
Same guy took a step back brick with a hand in his face to lose game 3. Kyrie is as unstoppable as it gets but if he's not hitting his tough shots, he's not doing a whole lot to help beat the Dubs. Sum of those parts better be offensively good and better at slowing Curry and/or Durant.
但是同樣是這個人在嚴防死守下的後撤步三分打鐵,最終導致騎士輸掉瞭今年總決賽的第三場。歐文可以變得不可阻擋,但是如果他無法命中那些高難度投籃,那他就沒辦法幫助球隊擊敗勇士。所以這些 " 加起來的作用 " 最好是進攻端能夠提供足夠的火力並且防守端能限制一下庫裡以及 / 或者杜蘭特
[ – ] CavaliersZeedude22 6 指標 19 小時前
I don't think the Cavs will get lowballed though. The difference between Kyrie and the George situation for example is Kyrie is younger and has more years left on his contract.
我不認為騎士會得到很低的報價誒。拿保羅 - 喬治舉個例子,歐文和喬治的區別在於前者更加年輕而且他的合同還有好幾年才到期。
[ – ] [ DET ] Jerome WilliamsWhatsUpBras 22 指標 19 小時前
3 years left at 20M, probably one of the best contracts in the league
Low balled my ass.
歐文還有三年合同,每年差不多 2000 萬左右,這可能是聯盟裡性價比最高的合同瞭吧!
[ – ] edgar3981C 348 指標 19 小時前
DRose isn't the magic piece a Kyrie-less Cavs need to win a ship? Well, better close down the sub. We're done here.
[ – ] [ LAL ] Elden CampbellKoba8 83 指標 20 小時前 *
It's not like the Cavs have to accept anything tho
[ – ] CavaliersFinal_Smash 737 指標 20 小時前
We're not getting lowballed. He's under contract. If no one gives us a good offer, we'll just not trade him. This is not a PG scenario.
騎士球迷:我們不會被搶劫的。歐文還處於合同中,如果沒人能夠給我們足夠好的籌碼,我們就不會交易他。這個情況和保羅 - 喬治的並不一樣。
[ – ] Raptorsilikeslamdunks 46 指標 19 小時前
I dunno. This isnt Vince Carter playing for a 36 win raptors team. This is a team that has a made the finals three years in a row and a player who wants to sign a big contract at some point. I think, disgruntled or not, Kyrie will be just fine on the court and LeBron doesn't need BFs to run the rest of the east into the ground
猛龍球迷:我也是有點兒懵瞭。這又不是文斯 - 卡特在為 36 勝的那支猛龍隊效力那樣。這可是支連續三年殺進總決賽的球隊,而且歐文也會想在之後簽下一份大合同。我認為,不管自己滿意與否,歐文在騎士肯定還是會像往常那樣打球,而且勒佈朗也不需要花什麼額外的精力就能碾壓東部。
[ – ] SpursComebacKids 8 指標 17 小時前
What happened with Vince and the 36 win raptors?
當時卡特和 36 勝的猛龍隊發生瞭什麼?
[ – ] Raptorsilikeslamdunks 21 指標 17 小時前 *
We drafted a terrible Brazilian centre instead of Iguodala and a disgruntled VC quit on the team & forced a lop sided trade.
【註】猛龍 04 年第八順位選擇瞭巴西中鋒拉菲爾 - 阿勞約。76 人則以第九順位選中瞭伊戈達拉。2004 年 12 月 17 日,猛龍與籃網達成交易,籃網送出阿隆佐 - 莫寧,阿隆 - 威廉姆斯,埃裡克 - 威廉姆斯,2005 年第一輪選秀權和 2006 年第一輪選秀權,換來猛龍隊的文斯 - 卡特。然而由於無法通過體檢,猛龍最終買斷瞭莫寧的合同。
[ – ] Sunsiguanamac 27 指標 16 小時前
He was taking uncontested fade away 3's like they were going out of style. Young Vince Carter was a diva.
卡特當時經常在空位時出手後仰三分,就好像這項技術馬上就要過時瞭一樣。年輕的文斯 - 卡特有些自私。
[ – ] artf234 84 指標 20 小時前
I think Kyries mindset can change for the purpose of winning. Just a few weeks ago he was saying he made the decision to sacrifice his personal goals to achieve something bigger with Lebron. That something is a championship. I'm sure Kyrie and Lebron are good friends so they can work it out.
Also Lebron hasn't been too clear on his motives after a year which is kind of messing the front office up. But maybe it's because he even doesn't know yet.