Jason Lloyd tells about the time LeBron and Kyrie kept the whole Cavs team waiting while they stayed late getting up shots until Lue yelled at them for being rude
Jason Lloyd 說到有一次勒佈朗和歐文在一次訓練後讓騎士其他所有人都得等著他們而他們倆還在一直加練投籃,盧吼他們,說他們太沒禮貌瞭。
From an excerpt of his book
Before and after his return from knee surgery, Irving routinely remained on the floor long after the formal portion of practice had ended, working on his shot and rhythm. James often joined him. On this day, while Irving threw up shot after shot — from the wing, the 3-point line, the corner, and all points in between — ( Mo ) Williams spoke for more than an hour about his gym: the office space, the full laundry services, and the small lounge.
在歐文膝傷前後,他每次都要在訓練後留下加練他的投籃和節奏。詹姆斯經常也加入進來。在這天,當歐文從側翼到三分線到底角投瞭一個又一個球時,莫 - 威廉姆斯已經給記者說瞭一個多小時他健身房的話題瞭:辦公空間,全方位冼衣服務,還有那小小的休息室。
What it lacked, however, was showers. So while Irving and James remained on the floor shooting and shooting, the rest of the sweaty Cavs stood on the sidelines or sat in the bleachers and waited. As the minutes swelled into an hour, their patience waned. Sasha Kaun, an NBA rookie, was the first to be visibly irritated. Anderson Varejao saw how mad Kaun was getting and laughed at him.
"He doesn ’ t get it," Varejao joked with me. "This is life with LeBron. Sometimes you wait."
唯一沒有提到的,是淋浴。當歐文和詹姆斯還在場上不停投籃的時候,剩下汗流浹背的騎士球員就站在邊線或者坐在看臺上等著他們。當一個小時過去之後,他們漸漸喪失瞭耐心。亞歷山大 - 考恩,一個 NBA 新秀,是第一個明顯感到不耐煩的。安德森 - 瓦萊喬看見考恩抓狂的情景不禁嘲笑他。
" 他還沒有做好準備," 瓦萊喬跟我開玩笑到。" 這就是和勒佈朗做隊友的日常。有時候你就得等。"。
Yet after about 20 more minutes, Varejao wasn ’ t laughing anymore. Now he was annoyed, too. ( Kevin ) Love fidgeted with his phone. Assistant coaches made dinner plans. James and Irving, however, never flinched. They simply kept shooting.
但在 20 分鐘之後,瓦萊喬也不再笑瞭。他也變得很煩躁。樂福不耐煩地玩著他的手機。助理教練早就做好瞭晚餐計劃。但詹姆斯和歐文,一點都沒有要結束的意思。他們仍在繼續投球。
"I will never leave the court without him," James told me. "Meaning if he ’ s the only person in there shooting, I ’ m not going to leave. I ’ m not. And he knows that."
James knew teammates and coaches were getting upset, but he didn ’ t care. The shooting session went on so long that even Tyronn Lue, still ( David ) Blatt ’ s lead assistant, stormed back into the gym as James and Irving were concluding. "Let ’ s go!" Lue shouted across the gym. "This is fucking rude and disrespectful!" James chuckled and told him not to get so upset in front of the media, even though there were only a few of us there at the time.
" 我永遠不會讓他一個人離開球場," 詹姆斯告訴我。" 我的意思是如果就隻有他一個人在射球,我不會走。我不會離他而去。而且他也知道這點。" 詹姆斯知道隊友和教練都等的不耐煩瞭,但他不在乎。投籃訓練持續瞭很久很久,泰倫 - 盧那時還是佈拉特的首席助教,詹姆斯和歐文的訓練終於快畫一個句號時,他大步沖回球館。" 該走瞭!!" 盧的聲音響徹整個球館。" 這特麼也太沒有禮貌瞭!" 詹姆斯偷偷笑瞭一下然後告訴他不要在媒體面前這麼生氣,盡管當時隻有寥寥幾人在場。
"They can leave us. They don ’ t have to wait for us," James told me later. "We know the way back."
With LeBron, there is almost always sound reasoning behind a display. In that moment, he wanted the rest of his teammates to see how hard the two stars were working, and the more pissed they got, the more they ’ d remember.
" 他們可以丟下我們。他們不必等我們的," 詹姆斯之後告訴我。" 我們知道回去的路。"
[ – ] [ CHI ] Cameron PayneSim888 1881 指標 1 天前
"This is fucking rude and disrespectful!" said Lue.
....LeBron chuckled.
" 這特麼簡直太沒有禮貌瞭!" 盧吼到
… 勒佈朗偷偷笑瞭一下。
[ – ] hello2016 338 指標 1 天前
you know what he did next
[ – ] [ BKN ] D'Angelo Russellj_cruise 95 指標 22 小時前
I hope that this meme never gets old
[ – ] Warriorssplinternz 47 指標 20 小時前
It ’ s got the potential to be up there with Manning and Chalmers. That ’ s all time level material
[ – ] [ BKN ] D'Angelo Russellj_cruise 20 指標 20 小時前
I prefer this one because it's applicable and funnier in more situations. Anything involving surprise
[ – ] Spursavi550m 10 指標 17 小時前
I thought it would be this one
[ – ] [ CHI ] Cameron PayneSim888 15 指標 21 小時前
lmao....HoF pic already!
你想笑死我 … 這已經是個名人堂級別的表情瞭!
[ – ] KnicksSchildkrotes 10 指標 22 小時前
This is the greatest picture
[ – ] Knickstape08 338 指標 1 天前
LeBron has zero respect
[ – ] CavaliersBenIsLowInfo 336 指標 1 天前
Lebron definitely doesn't respect Lue. I don't blame him. But Lebron probably likes him since he can walk all over him.
[ – ] Heatquiquedont 635 指標 1 天前 *
You guys keep trying to create narratives that are in direct conflict with evidence. If Lue was so afraid of Bron then why did he come in cursing at him like so ( in front of the media too ) ..? Part of the reason Blatt was fired was because he didn't hold LeBron accountable ( what you guys claim Lue does ) but Lue actually did. This was from a 1st POV testimony by Haywood. This story backs it up even more.
你們這群人整天就知道危言聳聽,根本與事實不符。如果盧這麼害怕勒佈朗的話那為什麼他還要進來在媒體面前破口大罵他?佈拉特被炒的一部分原因就是他管不瞭勒佈朗(你們說盧也管不住),但事實上盧可以做到。因為前騎士球員海伍德親口這麼說瞭。Jason Llyod 這個小故事更加證明瞭這點。
I remember when Draymond was heard cursing out Kerr like a maniac doing halftime and people bended over backwards to somehow portray that it showed they had a great relationship actually. These false narratives are laughable at best when the evidence for them is people intuitions and you know, not what the actual evidence shows. If LeBron was ever heard cursing out any coach like that, this sub would absolutely drag him through the mud.
我還記得在一次半場休息時,追夢瘋狂的用臟話噴科爾。然後人們這時候就玩起瞭雙 X 標,說他們之間的關系很棒,很平等。這些 JR 刻意制造出來的輿論純粹來自他們的直覺,而不是真的證據來,簡直讓人發笑。如果勒佈朗像格林那樣罵過任何教練,濕乎乎會把他噴成狗的。
[ – ] wileya44 62 指標 23 小時前
There's also the story of Ty Lue telling LBJ to shut the fuck up at halftime of game 7 before they beat the Warriors
還有個故事說泰倫 - 盧在 2016 年總決賽第七場半場休息時讓勒佈朗閉上他媽的嘴。
[ – ] [ CLE ] Delonte Westduckduckgoon 928 指標 1 天前
LeBron said he would never leave the court without Kyrie.
: ( guys I'm sad
[ – ] NBAzxc123zxc123 221 指標 1 天前
Damn. I can't hate on Kyrie for wanting to challenge/improve himself, but Lebron really took Kyrie under his wing.
When you try to be the best dad ( even though you never had your dad ) yet your son hits that edgy rebellious age.
; __ ;
[ – ] 76ersPhillyT 97 指標 22 小時前
Kyrie loves his dad immensly though, because his mother died when he was young and his pops really stepped up big and completely changed his life around for his kids. That is a major reason why kyrie didnt like being the "robin" because he hated the narrative that lebron was a father figure.
[ – ] Olddirtychurro 34 指標 20 小時前
And so he became Nightwing in Blüdha-erm...Boston.
[ – ] KnicksDussstBunnny 351 指標 1 天前
Why did the rest of the team have to stay though?
[ – ] [ MIL ] Oscar RobertsonSuicidalImmortal 483 指標 1 天前
They didn ’ t have to stay
[ – ] Raptorsfabrar 374 指標 1 天前
So it's a complete non-issue and the rest of the team was getting annoyed for no reason
[ – ] [ CHI ] Luol Dengthezachman16 135 指標 1 天前
Forced chemistry building. The mentality of "we're a team, we move as one" is the easiest way to get sick of someone
這是在強行加強隊伍的化學反應。" 我們是一個隊伍,隊伍就要共進退 " 的心態是與一個人建立關系的最易途徑。
[ – ] KnicksDussstBunnny 94 指標 1 天前
So they didn't keep anyone waiting? Just don't get why the rest of the team didn't leave
[ – ] LakersTheBronJamesHarden 136 指標 1 天前
cus they nothin' without them
[ – ] RaptorsEustassKiddd 170 指標 1 天前
Or join them
[ – ] Celticsyoungandsavage 53 指標 1 天前
Or just get a damn cab
[ – ] Trail BlazersAthensGadfly 35 指標 1 天前
This. Why is no one else inspired to keep working by Kyrie aside from LeBron? Further, why is no one inspired to keep working by LeBron? Maybe the work ethic of those players just gets draining after a while?
[ – ] Lakersreversebayleycanrana 47 指標 1 天前
This isn ’ t a movie, or anime.
[ – ] [ ATL ] Taurean Waller-PrinceMachuMichu 30 指標 1 天前
I'm sure every player has his own routine that works best for himself. Taking a bunch of added shots after they're done working and have fatigued muscles could mess up their shot
[ – ] NBAkukukele 99 指標 1 天前
Imagine if all the Lakers players had to be present whenever Kobe practiced
[ – ] [ CHI ] Michael JordanBlackMathNerd 83 指標 1 天前
Kobe would at least have more dudes to pass him the ball after a shot
[ – ] letsnotreadintoit 22 指標 1 天前
They'd be there to practice rebounding
[ – ] 76ersgustriandos 423 指標 1 天前
Rest of the cavs sound like a bunch of bitches
[ – ] ralphrackstraw 360 指標 1 天前
don't think anyone sounds bad here. LeBron and Kyrie rightfully sound as competitors who want to win and be great ( and be showoffs as well ) , the rest of the team sound like normal NBA players who want to get on with their lives.
If anything, I'm surprised Kevin Love wasn't putting up shots with them.
我不認為這裡有人很糟糕。勒佈朗和歐文確實聽起來很像那種求勝欲很強的競爭者(也有可能隻是在炫耀), 剩下的隊員聽起來也就是想過自己生活的普通 NBA 球員而已。
[ – ] KnicksDeenisdecent 216 指標 1 天前
Kate Bock was at home man.
凱特 - 博克可是在傢等著他那,老鐵。
[ – ] LakersDM_ME_UR_SOUL 28 指標 1 天前
He was tryna bock Kate but LBJ was being a cockblock
[ – ] RaptorsAnal_Iverson 50 指標 1 天前