

科懷 - 倫納德與喬丹品牌就新球鞋合同的談判陷入瞭僵局。倫納德曾非常接近簽下一份 4 年 2000W 的續約合同,但倫納德團隊認為這份報價沒有體現出倫納德所取得的成就和在聯盟所處的地位。

[ Shelburne ] Kawhi Leonard's talks with Jordan Brand about new shoe deal have stalled. Kawhi was very close to a 4 year $20 million extension but he felt it didn ’ t reflect his accomplishments and standing within the league

新聞:倫納德與喬丹品牌關於新球鞋合同的商討已停滯 >>

[ – ] LakersEatingLunchAt 1387 指標 11 小時前

Yup, that's how negotiating works.


[ – ] YoungJebediah 230 指標 11 小時前

First it was the Spurs, now Jordan brand, Kawhi's uncle is literally telling him "DELETE THIS NEPHEW"

之前是和馬刺,現在是和 Jordan Brand,倫納德的舅舅就是在告訴他 " 刪掉這個,外甥 "。 [ 譯註 1 ]

[ 譯註 1 ] :DELETE THIS NEPHEW 是 reddit 中 BlackPeopleTwitter 板塊的梗。一位用戶發瞭一條 " 誰系安全帶誰傻 X,黑人就該放飛自我!" 的推特,其舅舅在該推特下發瞭一張自拍,並評論道 DELETE THIS NEPHEW ( 外甥,快刪掉! ) 。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Jordan BellBBallChintu 76 指標 9 小時前

Kawhi's uncle: Delete this nephew

Kawhi: Deleting Air Jordan folder..... 100% Complete


倫納德:嗶嗶嗶 …… 正在刪除 Air Jordan 文件夾 …… 刪除完畢。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kwame BrownKamikazeMack 897 指標 11 小時前

His shoes would do horrible numbers. Melo couldn ’ t sell, CP3 couldn ’ t sell, and Westbrook ’ s are sitting on shelves. Kawhi would barely sell anything, sigs aren ’ t for everyone


[ – ] Trail Blazersjohnsom3 111 指標 9 小時前

It's because by and large the Jordan brand signature shoes are hot garbage. The durants and LeBron sell well because they are usually fire, same with Kobe's. Jordan brand needs to sack their designers and get some new talent.

那是因為 Air Jordan 出的簽名鞋都太爛瞭。杜蘭特和詹姆斯的鞋子賣得火是因為鞋好看,科比系列也很好看。Jordan Brand 快炒瞭現在的設計師,找點有才華的新人吧。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kwame BrownKamikazeMack 48 指標 9 小時前

Seriously, Jordan Brand ’ s designs on new models are trash for the most part.

說真的,Jordan Brand 新出的鞋型大部分都很辣雞 …

[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron James6inchblackviper 365 指標 11 小時前 *

True tbh. He needs to sign with Nike. Nike shoes WILL sell no matter what.


[ – ] [ LAL ] Kwame BrownKamikazeMack 413 指標 11 小時前

Nike is packed at the moment. They got PG, KD, Kyrie, and Bron with AD and Giannis getting their own shoes soon. They ’ d just make him be the leader of the Kobe line with DeMar.

Adidas is making dope shoes, but their top 2 athletes don ’ t sell much. He ’ s in a bad spot



[ – ] [ HOU ] James Hardencartesiansmoove 208 指標 11 小時前

I thought Harden's sell. Don't they? I mean a lot of his Colorways sold out.


[ – ] [ LAL ] Kwame BrownKamikazeMack 56 指標 11 小時前

They do well, but the later colorways of the V1 ( minus the lifestyle pairs ) sat, the B/E didn ’ t do well, but the V2 seems to be doing really well but older V1 colorways seem to be more popular

確實賣得不錯,但哈登一代後期的幾個配色(生活款除外),還有 B/E(簡版實戰鞋)賣得都不怎麼樣。但二代看起來賣得很好,但一代的配色好像更火一些。

[ – ] nancyd180 165 指標 10 小時前

No. Adidas puts out limited quantities and then scream "sold out". The only shoes that sell out are the kind the company doesn ’ t make a lot of. Would you rather sell 1000 shoes only or sell more but they don ’ t sell out.

不不不。阿迪經常隻放出一定數量的鞋子,然後就大喊 " 已售罄 "。他們售罄的通常是那些沒生產多少的鞋。你是想隻賣光 1000 雙,還是賣得更多但剩餘一些賣不出去呢?

[ – ] [ HOU ] James Hardencartesiansmoove 44 指標 10 小時前

I didn't know that. I guess you're right then. Who actually kills the shoe game roght now? Is it Kyrie?


[ – ] BIGJ0N 145 指標 10 小時前

Bron, Kyrie, Curry, and KD are leading


[ – ] WizardsRicechairsandbeans 114 指標 9 小時前

The Dame shoes seem to be really popular too.


[ – ] 76erssportsinaround 46 指標 11 小時前 *

I'm actually not sure how I feel about this.

Kawhi is introverted, doesn't have a big social media presence, etc. but he still gets an extremely high level of respect when it comes to his game from basketball fans around the world. Everyone knows Kawhi -- he's just not talked about as often.

I think there is a kind of sophistication and allure there. People might be interested to explore what someone so down to earth and skilled at the game of basketball considers a good shoe. Sometimes the best of products don't need much advertising.



[ – ] Kingsjennys0 25 指標 9 小時前

little kids wouldn't want Kawhi shoes. I'm sure a majority of sales come from marketing at kids.


[ – ] NBAarsenemugabe 32 指標 10 小時前

To be honest, I think social media presence is quite overrated for anyone who isn't a famous for being famous socialite. There are plenty of examples of athletes and artists with next to zero social media presence who still do extremely well with their endeavors. Kawhi's exposure through his actual profession is more than enough ( that's why networks are paying billions of dollars for the tv rights ) . He just needs to get paired with a great shoe and it would probably do well.


[ – ] Warriorsstml 34 指標 8 小時前

Having a good social media presence is actually one of the most important criteria nowadays for getting endorsements. Doesn't matter if you're a superstar like Taylor Swift or Leonardo DiCaprio. Having 100 million followers on Instagram will still allow you to easily charge millions of dollars more for any endorsement.

someone to make $10-20 million solely from Instagram ads easily.

現如今,有一個粉絲超多的社交媒體成為瞭能否獲得代言合同的重要評判標準。不管你是不是泰勒 - 斯威夫特或小李子那樣的巨星,在 Instagram 上有一億粉絲能讓你通過代言合同輕松收入百萬美金。有些人僅通過 Instagram 的廣告就能賺個 1000-2000W。

[ – ] ClippersDepressedClippersFan 744 指標 11 小時前

No disrespect but the guy isn't that marketable. He's barely active on social media,he keeps to himself with media, and he literally plays like a robot. I'm sure his reps know this but still.


[ – ] NetsLanaRhoades- 466 指標 11 小時前

He is still worth more than 5m a year lol

He still has a lot of fans, he is constantly top 10 in shirt sales, and Spurs have a really big fanbase, plus everyone likes him

盡管如此,倫納德的價值還是高於每年 500W 的。


[ – ] ClippersDepressedClippersFan 160 指標 11 小時前 *

Idk who's worth 5 mil a year and who's not, since I'm not familiar with what other comparable athletes get paid, so you might beright.

I would argue though that Jersey Sales and stuff is different from a guy being able to sell a brand. I think companies would like a guy who's a little more on the front lines I'd suppose.

我說不清誰值每年 500W,誰不值 500W,因為我真的不清楚同級別運動員的合同是什麼樣的。所以就算你說的對吧。


[ – ] [ LAL ] Smush Parkercheesefries98 120 指標 11 小時前 *

Damian Lillard's contract with Adidas is estimated to be about 10 million a year.

I think people are looking at this like NBA contracts, which it's not. 10 million might not seem like much for an NBA player, but Dame's contract is the third largest for an NBA player, behind only DRose and LeBron James.

利拉德與阿迪的合同預估在每年 1000W 左右。我覺得人們都把球鞋合同和 NBA 合同混為一談瞭,實際上不是這樣的。1000W 對 NBA 球員來說可能不算多,但利拉德的球鞋合同已經是 NBA 球員中第三高的瞭,僅次於羅斯和詹姆斯。

So, while 5 million definitely isn't enough imo, he's not gonna fetch 20 million or something. It's just not how much a company will pay.

Edit: it was the third largest at the time. Harden's is bigger

所以我認為每年 500W 是絕對不夠的,他肯定不能滿足 2000W 左右的報價。NIKE 是不會給他這麼多錢的。


[ – ] RocketsLikeAGregJennings 112 指標 10 小時前

Sure, but Harden is the premier face of adidas. His signature shoes are adidas's best basketball shoe.


[ – ] 76ersBaked_Bt 79 指標 10 小時前

I think he ’ s saying Hardens deal is bigger than Lillards, which it is


[ – ] WarriorsArrivedercii 455 指標 11 小時前

Kawhi sign with BBB

倫納德還是簽球哥傢的 BBB 吧。

[ – ] RaptorsWhiteVegas 227 指標 11 小時前

He has the lowest amount of star power of any top guy.

他是頂尖球員中最沒 " 星味兒 " 的。

[ – ] Spursjohnny__ 60 指標 11 小時前

But he's also worth more than $5mil a year. PG13's deal is $5.5mil and includes his own shoe, which makes the deal worth more for PG13 since he gets royalties. Kawhi's $5mil offer doesn't include the shoe, which greatly reduces the actual value of the deal.

馬刺球迷:但每年 500W 也太少瞭吧。喬治的合同是每年 550W 外加自己的簽名鞋,這意味著喬治通過分成可以得到比紙面上更多的錢。倫納德 500W 的合同不包含簽名鞋,這使這份合同的價值大大降低。

[ – ] [ MIN ] Mickael GelabaleRoyalLake 198 指標 11 小時前

But PG is more marketable. That's the point.


[ – ] HoodedNinj4 169 指標 11 小時前

Klay Thompson got a 10 year $80 million deal from Anta.

作為參考,克萊 - 湯普森從安踏那裡拿到的是 10 年 8000 萬美元。

[ – ] NBAyour_backpack 245 指標 10 小時前

You'd think that Klay would actually find this 4/20 deal more appealing

我還覺得克萊會簽一個 4 年 2000 萬的合同呢。 [ 譯註 2 ]

[ 譯註 2 ] 4.20 是美國大麻日。

[ – ] NBAMintastic 22 指標 6 小時前

Klay is actually #10 in jersey sales and really popular in China so that's not surprising. He's pretty much Anta's signature athlete.


[ – ] [ ATL ] Ivan Johnson3pol 124 指標 11 小時前

Klay has 6 times more Twitter followers than Kawhi if that's anything to go by. He's in the Finals every year and a meme every other week. I don't think these shoe companies care about your level of play if you average 1 tweet a year and your fans start and end with the local team fanbase.


[ – ] TimberwolvesTB7_aka_StopNPop 59 指標 11 小時前

U don't sell shoes based on great defense though. Sell them with personality and dunks


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