喬丹 9 次得分王 + 防守陣容,誰是下一個?


喬丹 9 次單賽季獲得得分王同時入選最佳防守陣容,誰會是下一個?

Players who won the scoring title and named All-NBA Defense: Jerry West ( 1x ) , Kareem ( 2x ) , Jordan ( 9x ) , David Robinson ( 1x ) , Kobe ( 2x ) , D-Wade ( 1x ) . Who will be next? ( self.nba )

在一個賽季中拿下得分王同時入選最佳防守陣容的球員包括:傑裡 - 韋斯特(1 次),賈巴爾(2 次),喬丹(9 次),大衛 - 羅賓遜(1 次),科比(2 次),韋德(1 次)。誰會是下一個呢?


Logo 男——傑裡 - 韋斯特: 1969-1970 賽季得分王並入選最佳防守陣容一陣;

賈巴爾:在 1970-1971 和 1971-1972 得分王,並同時兩次入選最佳防守陣容二陣;

喬丹:1987-1988、1988-1989、1989-1990、1990-1991、1991-1992、1992-1993、1995-1996、1996-1997、1997-1998 均獲得得分王並入選最佳防守一陣;

大衛 - 羅賓遜:1993-1994 賽季得分王並入選最佳防守二陣;

科比:2005-2006 賽季得分王並入選最佳防守一陣(得票數與基德相同),2006-2007 得分王並入選最佳防守一陣;

韋德:2008-2009 賽季得分王並入選最佳防守二陣。


The only players in history to win a scoring title and be named All-NBA Defense in the same season:

The Logo Jerry West: 1969-1970, All-NBA Defense 1st team

Kareem Abdul Jabbar: 1970-1971 and 1971-1972, All-NBA Defense 2nd team both times.

MJ: 1987-1988 All-NBA Defense 1st Team, 1988-1989 All NBA Defense 1st Team, 1989-1990 All NBA Defense 1st Team, 1990-1991 All NBA Defense 1st Team, 1991-1992 All NBA Defense 1st Team, 1992-1993 All NBA Defense 1st Team, 1995-1996 All NBA Defense 1st Team, 1996-1997 All NBA Defense 1st Team, 1997-1998 All NBA Defense 1st Team

David Robinson: 1993-1994 All NBA Defense 2nd Team

Kobe: 2005-2006 All NBA Defense 1st Team ( tied with Jason Kidd ) , 2006-2007 All NBA Defense 1st Team

D-Wade: 2008-2009 All NBA Defense 2nd Team

Who do you guys think can do this next?

[ – ] [ HOU ] Chris PaulHottestDude 82 指標 12 小時前


安東尼 - 戴維斯。

[ – ] rnba_oldhead 102 指標 12 小時前

Jordan 9x lmao

喬丹 9 次做到,嚇尿瞭。

[ – ] PistonsPapaPapadopoulos2 41 指標 12 小時前

Jordan didn't deserve all of this selections, but even at like 6, that's far more than anyone else.

喬丹並不是每次都值得這個榮譽(入選防守最佳陣容),但即便就算他獲得 6 次,也比其他任何人多得多。

[ – ] rnba_oldhead 34 指標 11 小時前

Yeah, everyone else combined has 7. It's pretty insane

是的,其他所有人加起來一共也就 7 次,喬丹太假瞭。

[ – ] ktsavage24 11 指標 11 小時前

He deserved them all. You people kill me with this revisionist history.


[ – ] PistonsPapaPapadopoulos2 21 指標 11 小時前

Oh fuck no he didn't lol. He wasn't even the best guard defender on his team that second three peat.


[ – ] [ CHI ] Chris DuhonTundraaa 5 指標 10 小時前

damn i dont see lebron anywhere.


[ – ] KnicksRonsCigar [ S ] 11 指標 11 小時前

Nope. Only has one scoring title in 2008, made his first All-Defense team the next year. Was a bit surprising to me as well.

沒有他。勒佈朗僅在 2008 年拿過一次得分王,之後一年才第一次入選最佳防守陣容。不過這的確有點意外。

[ – ] Lakers Bandwagonking_k_7 10 指標 12 小時前

Giannis is definitely the safest answer.


[ – ] Nets BandwagonLanaRhoades- 24 指標 12 小時前

I think AD is the safest, Giannis passes a lot


[ – ] Hawksjumboponcho 26 指標 11 小時前

I don't see Giannis even shooting enough to get 28-30 ppg, which is the minimum for a scoring title.

我不覺得字母哥的出手次數足以讓他場均砍下 28-30 分,而這是拿下得分王的最低標準瞭,

[ – ] [ MIL ] Thon MakerCruser752 22 指標 12 小時前

I watch Giannis a lot and I think he's going to be an MVP, but I just can't see him getting a scoring title with all of the better scorers in the league rn

我看過很多字母哥的比賽,我覺得他會成為 MVP,但是相比聯盟中其他更好的得分機器,我不認為他能拿下得分王頭銜。

[ – ] Spursrepetitionofalie 36 指標 11 小時前

I don't think he's super likely, but Kawhi is a possibility. We don't have much else in the way of offense.


[ – ] [ SAS ] Robert HorrySweatycocks 13 指標 11 小時前

Between Russ now playing with PG, Harden with CP3, KD on the warriors, this is a damn good chance for him to do it.

Fuck id put money on it. I think close to 30 per is very possible for him this year.

相比於現在威少搭檔保羅 - 喬治,哈登搭檔克裡斯 - 保羅,杜蘭特身處勇士,倫納德的確有很好的機會完成這一切。

我會賭上一把,我覺得他今年場均得分很可能接近 30。

[ – ] [ MIA ] Mike Millerisraelipm 3 指標 7 小時前

Possible? Yes. But I don't think Popovich will give him that much lee way with the ball. Kawhi ranked 19th in FG last season, just 2 places above Devin Booker. Unless Popovich changes the plan for this team, I don't see Kawhi scoring 30.

CP3 isn't a big threat to Harden's numbers. If at all, he's going to make it easier for Harden to score.

有可能麼?是的,但我不覺得波波維奇會給他那樣的機會。倫納德上賽季的投籃命中數是全聯盟第 19,僅比德文 - 佈克高兩位。除非波波維奇改變球隊的打法,我不覺得倫納德能場均得到 30 分。


[ – ] BullsWowGoodStats 22 指標 12 小時前

Kawhi or Durant


[ – ] Lakers Bandwagonking_k_7 19 指標 12 小時前

Durant isn't winning any scoring title on the Warriors


[ – ] BullsWowGoodStats 6 指標 12 小時前

He could easily if anyone gets hurt or leaves the team


[ – ] [ WAS ] Tom GugliottaPMmePICSofBAGELS 3 指標 12 小時前

If Kyrie is gone and LeBron is expected to go for 30/game, could be Bron.

如果歐文離隊,且勒佈朗需要場均得到 30 分的話,那可能就是勒佈朗瞭。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Stephen CurryIronhide94 11 指標 12 小時前

Lol there is no way Lebron is expending that much energy over the course of a full season again


[ – ] [ MIA ] Dion WaitersTito_Our_Saviour 2 指標 12 小時前

Honestly I just want another full season of LeBron playing like it's the playoffs


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