Nike 球衣為何如此糟糕?


Why are Nike uniforms so bad?


If you guys haven't seen /r/nba's front page recently, there has been a lot of posts about the uniforms ripping or recently Wade's complaint of the uniforms not absorbing sweat well. Are they skimping out on extra costs by making these weak uniforms? Don't they have the money to make good well-made uniforms that still look good?

如果各位 Jrs 最近沒有來逛濕乎乎 NBA 板塊的話,我來告訴你們,最近有很多關於耐克球衣被撕爛和韋德抱怨球衣無法很好吸汗的帖子。耐克是不是為瞭省錢才做瞭這麼些糟糕的球衣啊?他們難道不是有足夠的資金去生產高質量又好看的球衣嗎?

[ – ] LakersSandz_ 3203 指標 15 小時前

I hope they fix it. The Lakers went from the storied Purple and Gold to fucking Purple and Neon Banana Yellow.

湖人球迷 1:希望耐克能解決這個問題。湖人的球衣從傳奇般的紫金色居然他娘的變成瞭紫加霓虹香蕉黃色。

[ – ] Lakersmj62 1309 指標 14 小時前

Finally someone said it

湖人球迷 2:感謝老哥,終於有人肯站出來說話瞭。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kyle Kuzmacrackcrack12 617 指標 14 小時前

Yes, they finally did. I hate the new jerseys. I did appreciate the old Minneapolis throwbacks, though.

湖人球迷 3:沒錯,大傢終於意識到瞭。我恨死瞭湖人這些新球衣,但我還是挺欣賞那件森林狼復古版球衣。

[ – ] PistonsMobster96 223 指標 11 小時前

I was just telling my buddy that they ruined the Lakers' color scheme. I hate the yellow, not as a Lakers fan ( which I am not ) , but as a basketball and basketball history fan.


[ – ] Kingschinasawr 282 指標 7 小時前

A sentient basketball, impressive


[ – ] [ TOR ] James JohnsonELSPEEDOBANDITO 62 指標 7 小時前

I'm not a basketball history fan but as a basketball I could not agree more. Thank you for being our voice.


[ – ] HoraceGrantGlasses 358 指標 14 小時前

They ruined the classic Celtics design...why would they stop the stripes?


[ – ] LakersSandz_ 495 指標 13 小時前

Cause Nike doesnt care about the culture smh


[ – ] HoraceGrantGlasses 570 指標 13 小時前

If Celtics and Laker fans are agreeing on something you know it must be really bad...


[ – ] LakersSandz_ 209 指標 13 小時前

Exactly. Like Fuck the Celtics, all day everyday, but FUCK THESE JERSEYS


[ – ] Celticstenacious_masshole 98 指標 11 小時前

At least by the end of the game the sweat makes the jerseys the right shade of green.


[ – ] KnicksJohnnyVNCR 239 指標 12 小時前

The Knicks orange is now highlighter orange. The Celtics green is way too bright as well. Nike has a hard on for neon crap.

This happened in the NFL too when they took over. They infamously couldn ’ t create the Eagles green, so they couldn ’ t wear their green jerseys for several weeks to start a season.

Nike has seriously color issues. It ’ s well documented over at Uni-Watch.



耐克一直都有著嚴重的調色問題,ESPN 的 Uni-Watch 欄目組也報道過這件事。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe Bryantnini1423 301 指標 14 小時前

Seriously, I've been saying it ever since the Lakers account revealed the new jerseys on Twitter. I assumed they just looked that way in the picture and that they would look more gold on the court, but nope. Also, what's up with the team wearing their Sunday whites on random days on the road? Chick Hearn is probably rolling in his grave lol

湖人球迷:說真的,自從湖人的官方賬號在推特上發佈瞭這些新款球衣圖片開始我就說這黃顏色不太對啊。我一開始還以為是因為圖片的原因,等到實物在球場上穿出來就會看著更像金色瞭吧,但是我大錯特錯。而且以前湖人隊隻在周日穿的白色球衣怎麼現在在客場隨意某天就穿啊?發生瞭什麼?" 湖人之聲 " 奇克 - 赫恩知道這事估計得從墓地裡爬出來吧哈哈。

[ – ] IT-3 2963 指標 15 小時前 *

Mods removed my video of Wade's jersey failing to give him any sweat protection. Posting it here

Edit: Took out 'failing to absorb sweat'. It's absorbing way too much sweat, like cheap toilet paper

我發佈的 " 韋德的球衣無法提供吸汗保護 " 視頻被管理員刪掉瞭,所以我發在瞭這裡。

註:去掉 " 無法吸汗 ",因為這球衣明明就是吸掉過多的汗,就像廉價的廁所紙一樣。

[ – ] Celticsnot_a_robot1 1227 指標 14 小時前

That's crazy. I've noticed that the jerseys appear pretty damp at all times this year, which is something I'd never noticed while adidas was the supplier.


[ – ] yarnaldo 521 指標 14 小時前

Looks like his jersey absorbed the shit out of the sweat but it's supposed to wick it away from your body and dry off quickly. Either Wade just jumped in a pool or the jersey is failing.


[ – ] ryfyrdio 337 指標 12 小時前

Yeah, I have noticed in some games players slipping because when another player fell more than usual sweat is being put onto the ground. The ball boys weren't ready for these Nike jerseys.

對啊,我觀察到在有些比賽中,當一位球員摔倒在地板上時隨之帶來的汗水比往常多,然後其他球員就會踩著這些汗水滑倒。這幫小夥子們還沒準備好穿 NIKE 的球衣啊。

[ – ] dank_lemons 437 指標 14 小時前

My nipples are chafed just looking at that video.


[ – ] HeatGhostifiedMark 109 指標 14 小時前

Saddest thing about this is that Wade would probably rip the jersey if he tried to wring out all the sweat


[ – ] Buckstheconfuserx2 523 指標 14 小時前

I guarantee that some jersey malfunction will occur in the finals


[ – ] Cavaliersyuhanz 486 指標 14 小時前

Waiting to see a breakaway dunk by Aaron Gordon with a torn jersey while Anthony Davis attempts to stop him by pulling on his jersey in futility.

等著今年總決賽看濃眉哥嘗試通過拉扯球衣來阻止阿龍 - 戈登石破天驚的暴扣,卻無力地發現扯的是一件撕爛的球衣。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Kawhi Leonard-917- 430 指標 13 小時前

And both their peens pop out

然後他倆的 28 都一覽無餘。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Tony AllenDriveByStoning 551 指標 14 小時前

Fuck, imagine if KG was still playing. They'd need the mop boy to shadow him on the court. Games would be suspended if Ewing was still around.

凱爾特人球迷:我去,假設如果 KG 現在還在打球的話,他們可能需要擦地板男童全場跟著 KG 跑。假設如果尤因還在打球的話,比賽可能會因為他流汗過多而被終止。

[ – ] WizardsBJUmholtz 165 指標 13 小時前

Ewing is the reason for climate change raising ocean levels.


[ – ] CelticsSnowedIn01 209 指標 13 小時前

Just to piggyback on this comment's awesomeness, Kendrick Perkins had a very underrated sweat game. Dude was giving KG a run for his money on the regular. And that's while playing less minutes and moving 50-60% slower.

借下這條高亮評論的樓說一句,帕金斯發達的汗腺被嚴重低估瞭!他的出汗水平還經常能跟 KG 的出汗水平一拼高下,而且劃重點,帕金斯打得更少,且移動速度也比 KG 慢瞭 50%-60%。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Luke WaltonIzzyIzumi 78 指標 13 小時前

Underrated? I'm surprised he didn't collapse on the court due to dehydration.

On the flip side, Big Baby didn't seem to sweat all that much.



[ – ] Warriorstypesett 44 指標 13 小時前

Ewing could save California if he was signed by a CA team


[ – ] BullsI_like_sillyness 8824 指標 17 小時前

Whenever you try to make something truly revolutionary like jerseys out of thin one sheet toilet paper, you have to steer thru some initial design flaws.


[ – ] Twoweekswithpay 842 指標 15 小時前

I consider myself now WOKE

原來如此,我認為我醒瞭。 [ 譯註 1 ]

[ – ] Hawksfermatprime 194 指標 15 小時前

But are you very much woke?


[ – ] Rocketsimyourking12 247 指標 15 小時前

Bruh he ’ s done his own research


[ – ] Heatbauwsman 78 指標 14 小時前

Idk man, I mean there are no actual pictures of the Nike jerseys, how can you be sure they're bad?


[ 譯註 1 ] :此樓都為借用調侃歐文之前說過的言論。

[ – ] HeatJoeRaynne 933 指標 17 小時前

why are you getting downvoted lmao


[ – ] Supersonicsneongem 850 指標 16 小時前

Nike plants lol

因為耐克安排瞭 * 河蟹 * 哈哈哈。

[ – ] [ ATL ] Ivan Johnson3pol 436 指標 15 小時前

Durant lent out his click farm

杜蘭特借給瞭耐克自己的 * 河蟹 * 大隊。

[ – ] BullsI_like_sillyness 363 指標 17 小時前

Nike doesn't want the truth out in the open.




[ – ] [ HOU ] James HardenJamesHard-On 937 指標 15 小時前

NBA jerseys should be made by lulu lemon.

NBA 球衣應該交給瑜伽服裝品牌露露檸檬來做。

[ – ] CelticssonQUAALUDE 286 指標 13 小時前



[ – ] matt-lang 272 指標 13 小時前 *

This is the whitest I ’ ll feel this weekend, but Lululemon is the shit. Everything I buy there for working out is comfortable af.

If they made jerseys and clothes for the NBA, players would be hugging themselves on the bench.


如果他們開始做 NBA 球衣和文化衫,球員會舒服得在替補席上抱著自己摸。

[ – ] The_Dumblebee 3461 指標 17 小時前

Some cheap material + Nike logo = Profit

" 廉價的原材料 " 加上 " 耐克的商標 " 等於 " 盈利 "。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Marcus SmartIbakaFlockaFlame [ S ] 530 指標 15 小時前

Oh yeah I forgot to mention a big part of this. Part of the question was going to be the public opinion of the company. Why make cheaply made uniforms when they ’ re going to be worn by like only 450 people ( the NBA players ) ? They can make a higher quality uniform and keep public opinion high which keeps more money. Do they have to make the same uniform for the fans as the players?

關於耐克劣質球衣引起很大的一個問題就是公眾對於耐克的看法。為什麼要給這些僅有的需要穿這批球衣的 450 人(所有 NBA 球員)制造出一些低劣生產的球衣呢?他們如果生產一些更高質量的球衣會讓公眾對他們產品的看法提高,從而賺到更多的錢。他們難道需要給球迷生產跟球員同樣質量的球衣嗎?

[ – ] KingsKINGoftheSAC 561 指標 14 小時前

They definitely do not make the same uniform for the players as they do for the fans.

I don't even think its a matter of "make these as cheap as possible" because I know from doing business with Nike personally that these uniforms are constructed in the US, not overseas.

I think like the top commenter said...they tried to be right on the cutting edge of the tech and they fell off the edge.


我甚至不認為這事關 " 盡可能壓低成本價 ",因為從我個人以往跟耐克做生意的經驗來看這些球衣都是在美國本土生產,而不是在海外。

就像這個貼最高亮的那位老哥說的一樣:" 他們嘗試走上科技時代的尖端,但卻不幸從尖端處摔下來。"

[ – ] WarriorsGreat_Chairman_Mao 369 指標 14 小時前

And ripped their jerseys on the way down. Every time one of these things rip on TV, an Adidas exec jizzes their track pants.

" 而且在摔下來的過程中把自己的球衣都撕碎瞭 "。每一次有耐克球衣在電視上被撕爛,阿迪的高層就興奮地在運動褲裡狂擼一發。

[ – ] Lakersshootmans 1173 指標 16 小時前

Nike spends their money on athletes not the quality of product


[ – ] [ IND ] Domantas Sabonisdaymanxx 602 指標 16 小時前

Apparently they spend their money on down vote bots.


[ – ] NBASMOKE2JJ 2018 指標 16 小時前

I've done all I can. I've literally gone through and upvoted every post in the thread. Vive La Résistance!!


[ – ] BullsI_like_sillyness 370 指標 16 小時前

✊ right on brother!


[ – ] PelicansHustle_Marsalis 1031 指標 17 小時前

Damn Nike is salty


[ – ] [ TOR ] Vince CarterNortho4 1764 指標 17 小時前

Didn ’ t know Nike had downvote bots


[ – ] Rocketsminh_la 74 指標 16 小時前

Nike using downvote bots? This has to be a joke...


[ – ] KnicksAxon14 101 指標 15 小時前

Bot here


[ – ] [ DET ] Tobias Harrismtommy2597 1891 指標 17 小時前 *

The downvote bots make Nike look even worse

Edit: When this post was new everyone was going into the negatives.



[ – ] Lakersthe_far_yard 529 指標 16 小時前

Lmao. Nike cares about posts in Reddit rather than the jerseys they made.


[ – ] 76ersEmperor-Octavian 424 指標 17 小時前

They used cobwebs instead of cloth


[ – ] [ CHI ] Cameron PayneSim888 208 指標 17 小時前

The funny thing is if they did make them out of spider silk they ’ d probably be fine.


[ – ] SpursSurprizeBigSize 243 指標 15 小時前

Nike jerseys look bad, are made bad, and Nike should feel bad. #BringbackAdidas

耐克球衣看著惡心,做的惡心,耐克應該感到惡心。# 還我阿迪

[ – ] Spursblack_flag_4ever 257 指標 16 小時前

Jr. high uniforms are officially better than what the NBA has.

初中生球衣官方超越 NBA 球衣的一貼。

[ – ] KnicksYungManila 237 指標 15 小時前

Because Nike is dogshit. Go look at their Soccer jerseys. The current crop is the same template over and over. They do the bare minimum, always. Coming from a soccer background, their cleats are dogshit too. They break easily even if you take extreme care of them. All in all, they're just a cheap company making cheap shit product.


[ – ] Pacersbusche916 120 指標 16 小時前

Serious question, are the retail jerseys as prone to ripping or is that just the authentic game versions?

I ’ m really liking some of these redesigns but I don ’ t want to drop a decent amount of money if the thing is going to fall apart in the wash or something.



[ – ] Celticsssjgoat 188 指標 16 小時前

If the professional jerseys don't hold up I don't have much hope for their retail jerseys.


[ – ] Bullspninify 162 指標 15 小時前

Depends. Do you use the setting on the washer where elite athletes aggressively grab & tear at your clothes the whole time?

取決於你的情況吧,你洗衣服的時候會經常把自己的洗衣機調成 " 精英運動員瘋狂蹂躪撕扯 " 模式嗎?

[ – ] 76erstimacles 232 指標 15 小時前

Prime Ron Artest washes my clothes


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