

大衛 - 格裡芬談到安東尼 - 本內特時說道:" 本內特從生下來就比別人更高大,更優秀還有著出眾的天賦。但當形勢變得困難的時候,他就完瞭。我確實是被蒙蔽瞭。人有失手馬有失蹄嘛。"

David Griffin on Anthony Bennett: "His whole life, he rolled out of bed bigger, better, and more talented than everybody else. As soon as it was hard, it was over. I'm the one who got sold the bill of goods and I bought it hook, line, and sinker. You fuck up sometimes."

[ – ] [ TOR ] Vince CarterNewtGringo 579 指標 20 小時前

Damn, not diplomatic at all. Love it.


[ – ] ThunderTonyStarksLazySusan 150 指標 19 小時前

David "Mark Cuban" Griffin

大衛 -" 馬克 - 庫班 "- 格裡芬。

[ – ] Knicksgtclutch 85 指標 18 小時前

What I really don't like about this quote though is that it feels manipulative, like damage control. Griffin's acting like he's admitting to a mistake but all he's really doing is shifting a lot of the blame on to Bennett. When Bennett fucked up it was because he didn't have to earn any of his success in life, but when Griffin fucked up it was because we all just fuck up sometimes. He says "I'm the one who got sold the bill of goods and bought hook line and sinker" like he was targeted and duped into believing in Bennett. He said "We had no way of knowing the kid had no desire to overcome adversity whatsoever" but that's such bullshit. you get interviews with the players and can talk their coaches. It's the scouting teams job to know that.

Maybe he's just being honest, but this wreaks of spin.

關於大衛 - 格裡芬這段話,我最不喜歡的一點就是感覺這有點工於心計,就像是一種止損行為。格裡芬表現得像是承認瞭錯誤,但實際上是把一切的指責甩給本內特。當本內特搞砸瞭的時候,就是他命中不該有任何成功;當格裡芬搞砸瞭的時候,就是人有失手馬有失蹄。他說 " 我被蒙蔽瞭 " 就像是他是被算計、被騙瞭才去選的本內特。他說 " 我們無從得知這孩子沒有一點克服逆境的渴望 ",但這簡直是扯淡。你可以面試球員,你還可以和他們的教練聊。那是球探團隊的工作。


[ – ] SpursCandiedColoredClown 19 指標 18 小時前

plenty of people are charismatic INTERVIEWEES, but after they become actual employees their motivation and their true self comes out, for some people its not hard getting the job but doing it with consistency everyday


[ – ] CavaliersAminElHassavag [ S ] 1449 指標 20 小時前

And apparently, Dan Gilbert wanted to pick Oladipo over Bennett.

騎士球迷:很顯然,丹 - 吉爾伯特想選奧拉迪波的,而非本內特。

圖中新聞:丹 - 吉爾伯特在 2013 選秀中想選奧拉迪波,而非本內特。

[ – ] Bullsidontknow_whatever 1022 指標 20 小時前

The only time Dan Gilbert's judgement should have been trusted?

這算是丹 - 吉爾伯特的判斷唯一正確的時候吧。

[ – ] Lakersitwasafunrun 438 指標 19 小時前

To be fair, at the time there wasn't really any stand outs in the draft but now we know that's different lol


[ – ] HawksPoetJustice 421 指標 18 小時前

Imagine if Cleveland knew and drafted Embiid and Giannis instead and Lebron said fuck it and came back anyways?

想象下:騎士開瞭天眼,然後選瞭恩比德和字母哥,詹姆斯 2014 年休賽季心想去他媽的吧,噴我就噴我吧,還是得回來。

[ – ] [ NYK ] Willy HernangomezBigRedReppin 357 指標 18 小時前

I don't think Giannis would pair well with LeBron. Embiid and Bron tho... hnnngg

我覺得字母哥和詹姆斯可能不太搭。但恩比德和詹姆斯麼 …… 唔 ……

[ – ] ThunderDaeioude 386 指標 18 小時前

People thought wade wouldn't pair well either and Giannis is like a super wade


[ – ] [ TOR ] OG AnunobyPormanNowell 251 指標 18 小時前

Giannis is like if you put Wade in a more broad shouldered KD. Giannis got less range than Wade as of now though

字母哥就像是有著韋德打法的寬肩版 KD。雖然說字母哥現在射程還比韋德近。

[ – ] Cavaliersthemerinator12 50 指標 17 小時前

You ’ re right about his lack of range compared to Wade, however I can ’ t imagine on-the-market shooters aren ’ t scrambling to get into that team for what could be considered the best catch-and-shoot opportunities imaginable. Korver ’ s and JR ’ s and Frye ’ s would still wind up in that roster, I think.


[ – ] RaptorsTaxonomyoftaxes [ ] 274 指標 19 小時前

Bennett was such a reach at #1 tho, he was a 5-10 guy on everyone's draft list and then the Cavs shocked everyone by picking him #1. The highest I'd seen him on anyone's predraft list was #4, Bennett was a reach and everyone knew it. Griffin needs to quit acting like it was a surprise that no one could have seen coming.

當時選本內特做狀元實在是太牽強瞭。當時人們的選秀名單上他都是 5-10 順位,然後騎士震驚世人地用狀元簽選瞭他。我見過他在所有人選秀名單中的最高順位是第四,本內特選狀元肯定是扯淡,這所有人都知道。格裡芬別再裝的像 " 沒人能預見未來,所以他水掉是個意外 " 瞭。

[ – ] Wizardslivefreeordont 187 指標 19 小時前

That whole draft was a tossup. The best prospect, Noel, tore his ACL and fell 5 spots


[ – ] [ CLE ] Anderson VarejaoBromarE115 105 指標 18 小時前

man Cleveland should've taken Nerlens anyway imo


[ – ] [ GSW ] Kelenna Azubuikegetsituated 12 指標 20 小時前

The draft was definitely a clusterfuck, but even then, Bennett had no business going even top 3


[ – ] CavaliersBenIsLowInfo 1934 指標 20 小時前

Cavs kinda lucked out with that pick being a bust though. Ended up helping them be bad enough to get another #1 pick which probably was the reason Lebron came back. Without Love, I doubt Lebron comes back to Cleveland.


[ – ] [ MIA ] Wayne Simienredditaccount696969 1488 指標 20 小時前

In a way. He's the reason Cleveland has a championship


[ – ] Celticssinnershot67 186 指標 18 小時前

"you're welcome"

-Anthony Bennett, probably

" 不用謝我。"- 安東尼 - 本內特。

[ – ] CavaliersAlarkinspace 67 指標 17 小時前

"That was my plan all along"

" 這就是我一直以來的計劃。"

[ – ] Thunderprestiforpres 789 指標 19 小時前 *

Give that man a ring.

Edit: my highest rated comment is ( of all things ) about Anthony Bennett getting a ring.

Just another thing we owe him thanks for.


編輯一下:我最高亮的評論竟然是 " 給本內特一枚戒指 ",我們得再感謝他一次。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Manu GinobiliPrimid47 55 指標 18 小時前

Got one in Euroleague for expertly riding the bench


[ – ] [ CHA ] Malik MonkBizGilwalker 273 指標 19 小時前

They weren't even that bad in 2014. They held the 9th best odds in that draft. I remember because we held Detroit's pick top 8 protected that year, they had the 8th best odds and Cleveland jumping gave Detroit the 9th pick, which they then had to convey.

Honestly, I think Cleveland wins the lottery that year no matter what.

黃蜂球迷:騎士 2014 年的時候其實沒那麼爛。他們選秀時狀元簽幾率是第九。我之所以記得是因為我們那時手握活塞的前八順位保護簽,他們狀元幾率第八。然後騎士躍居狀元所以活塞就第九瞭,這才把選秀權給瞭我們。


[ – ] CavaliersSuperSamSucks 89 指標 19 小時前

We were in the hunt for the 8th seed up until the last week of the season, along with New York and Atlanta


[ – ] 76erspackimop 186 指標 19 小時前

lol you guys traded some 2nd rounders for Spencer Hawes in an effort to make the playoffs... then got the first pick.

哈哈哈哈你們交易瞭幾個二輪選秀權換來斯賓瑟 - 霍伊斯來爭取季後賽門票 …… 然後你們就拿到瞭狀元哈哈哈。

[ – ] CavaliersSuperSamSucks 131 指標 18 小時前

we also started the year with the Return of Andrew Bynum and dumped him for a sad Luol Deng

2014 was a weird year

騎士球迷:我們那年一開始還迎來瞭復出的安德魯 - 拜納姆,之後又用他換來瞭失意的魯爾 - 鄧。

2014 真是詭異的一年。

[ – ] 76erspackimop 59 指標 18 小時前

and now Luol is making more $$$ than ever. Lmao

哈哈哈哈!結果現在魯爾 - 鄧掙著比以往都多的錢。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe BryantInvalid_Entry 57 指標 17 小時前

While doing less then ever. : (

湖人球迷:幹著比以往都少的活兒 : (

[ – ] [ BOS ] Eddie HouseShinySuitTheory 390 指標 20 小時前

He still does do that, he just chooses not to destroy the league with his talent. Honestly I'm thankful he thinks of others unlike those selfless fools we worship like "Lebron" and "KD".

他一如往常,選擇不用過人的天賦來摧毀這卑微的聯盟。我慶幸他對凡人還有惻隱之心,不像那些自私的愚民——我們視如神明的 " 詹姆斯 " 和 "KD"。

[ – ] Cavalierslegodmanjames 117 指標 20 小時前

A merciful god.


[ – ] SpursTA_Account_12 22 指標 16 小時前

Just like the Lonely God in China.


[ – ] TimberwolvesGet_that_yarn_KAT 120 指標 19 小時前 *

I wonder if he could have succeeded in the NBA eventually if he was picked liked 15th-25th somehwere in that mix.

I feel like a big part of it was confidence with him. If he was just a first round pick instead of having the pressure of being the #1 pick maybe he could have handled that pressure.

Or maybe he never would have been able to hack it? The Suns just cut him so does not bode well for his future anywhere...

我在想如果他是在 15-25 順位被選中的話,他最終能否在 NBA 獲得成功呢?


或者他可能根本就沒有在 NBA 立足的能力?太陽剛把他裁掉瞭,他的前路不知在何方。

[ – ] Lakersfunnyhandlehere 73 指標 18 小時前

What if Giannis and Bennett had switched places? Would Giannis have been the flop and Bennett the Giannis??!?!


[ – ] TimberwolvesGet_that_yarn_KAT 19 指標 18 小時前

Theres a chance Giannis would have developed sooner given number #1 role opportunities straight out of the gate IMO. Or maybe he would have been hampered by the additional pressure?

I am not saying Bennett would have been a star if he would have been drafted 20th or w.e, but I think if it was a confidence/head thing then it probably would have done wonders for Anthony to go later in the draft without the kind of pressure that a #1 pick gets.



[ – ] KnicksRiceOnTheRun 57 指標 18 小時前

Giannis was pretty mediocre in his first few years in the league.

I remember being on /r/NBA hearing people talk about some Greek Freak and I was so confused why a kid averaging under 10pts a game was such a big deal.

He would've absolutely been labeled a bust if he was held to #1 pick expectations in his first 2-ish years.


我記得我在濕乎乎看到有人討論 " 希臘怪物 " 的時候我都很奇怪,一個場均 10 分以下的小孩兒有什麼可討論的?


[ – ] CelticsKleverHans 62 指標 18 小時前

He was also like, what, not even 18? This is why I don't want to ridicule Lakers fans about Ingram yet. I don't think you can declare 18-21 year olds playing against grown men busts. Rookies used to be older than that.

字母哥那時候好像還沒十八歲呢?所以這也是我現在還沒因為英格拉姆而去嘲諷湖人球迷們的原因之一。我覺得人們不能斷言 18-21 歲的還在和成年人對抗的孩子是水貨。以前新秀甚至還沒這麼年輕。

[ – ] LakersTalkQwerty 12 指標 15 小時前

Thank you mate. So many people screaming for Ingrams head after a bad night yet the talent is obviously there and if his body matures the way people expect / hope it to he can definitely make it work in this league.


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