

歐文、利拉德和其他的一些 NBA 球員已經成為瞭素食主義者。歐文表示:" 隻要你醒 [ 譯註 1 ] 瞭,那些東西就仿佛過眼雲煙。"

[ Haberstroh ] Kyrie Irving, Damian Lillard and other NBA players have recently joined the Vegan movement and given up eating meat. Kyrie: "Once you're awake, you don't see that stuff anymore."




[ 譯註 1 ] 歐文之前曾表示 " 如果你很清醒(woke),生活中就根本沒有幹擾存在哦。" 而 Woke 常是陰謀論愛好者和假聰明的人願意用的詞匯,類似於中文中的 " 機智如我 "、" 眾人皆醉我獨醒。"

[ – ] [ ORL ] Jameer NelsonLieutenantKumar 2064 指標 9 小時前

Damn Kyrie been sleeping a long time huh.


[ – ] Wizardssomestupidschit 384 指標 7 小時前

For someone so woke that dude sure has some droopy sleep-eyes all the time.

歐文這麼 " 清醒 " 的一個人咋總睡眼朦朧呢?

[ – ] [ PHI ] Richaun Holmestopper4444 278 指標 6 小時前

tired eyes because he's too woke to sleep


[ – ] Raptorspedrodot 175 指標 9 小時前

No such thing as sleeping when you're very much w0ke.


[ – ] CelticsBlazerTC 41 指標 8 小時前


睡明會? [ 譯註 2 ]

[ 譯註 2 ] illuminati 是光明會,坊間流傳光明會是統治世界的幕後主使,最受歡迎的陰謀論之一。

[ – ] Sunsfinchdad 180 指標 6 小時前

It's fine that someone with as much free time and money as Kyrie wants to go vegan and I hope it works out for him. However, it's absurd to believe the "research" of a person that thinks the earth is flat and the moon landing was faked. The man is a basketball god but a scientific idiot.

像歐文這麼有錢、空閑時間這麼多的人,吃素沒什麼不好的,我也希望他能有所成效。但是,一個認為地球是平的、登月是假的人做的所謂研究真的沒啥可信度。歐文籃球打的六六六,但是科學知識就 …

[ – ] CavaliersTurtledude400 76 指標 3 小時前

I sadly agree, I am vegan and when I read the post I almost cringed. It's great that he is vegan but he is just going to add to the stereotype that vegans are crazy hippies and/or conspiracy theorists.


[ – ] Cavaliersviniribeiro 3146 指標 9 小時前

This dude can't be serious


[ – ] Pelicanserldn123 1154 指標 9 小時前

At least now he's saying "once you're awake" rather than "once you're very much woke".

Progress I guess?

最起碼歐文的措辭已經從 " 清醒 " 變為 " 醒 " 瞭,還是有進步的?

[ – ] Huskiesu_have_a_nice_butt 544 指標 8 小時前

Next stop: "unsleep"

歐文下一步:" 不眠 "。

[ – ] Raptorspleasefeedthedino 298 指標 8 小時前

It's kind of a shame that the one takeaway from this lengthy article is going to be the Kyrie soundbite that OP put in the title. There's a lot of interesting reading in there, whether or not you agree with veganism.


[ – ] [ MIA ] Goran Dragicmeahoymemoyay 152 指標 8 小時前

Seriously, the article is actually one of the more informative stuff I've seen here, and everyone goes nuts over one measly quote. Y'all are missing out on some good stuff.


[ – ] Raptorsneobowman [ ] 66 指標 6 小時前

Just read through it, and while there's some interesting information there, a lot of it is just similar weird quotes and a bit of misinformation.


[ – ] [ CHA ] Kemba Walkerzezxz 1576 指標 8 小時前

"Steak? Nah, I don't eat that," Irving says as a parting shot. "It doesn't come from anything natural, so why would I eat it?"

Pretty dumb reasoning, I'm pretty sure someone on a 19 million dollar contract can source all-natural meat

歐文原話:" 牛排?不不我不吃。牛排根本不是來自大自然,我為什麼要吃?"

歐文這個邏輯挺蠢的,年入 1900 萬美元的富豪會吃不到純天然的肉?"

[ – ] ProbabIyNotOrYes 283 指標 8 小時前

I mean "because it's natural" isn't a great reason in itself to do anything, since it doesn't tell us that it's automatically somehow good. Like brushing ones teeth isn't natural, but it's still a good thing to do.

而且 " 不是天然的 " 這個理由根本也不是啥可靠的論據啊,非天然不代表不好,天然不代表好。好比刷牙吧,刷牙肯定不是天然的,但是刷牙肯定是好事啊。

[ – ] Lakerspsilocybin_sky 131 指標 8 小時前

While heroin comes from natural seeds, but isn ’ t exactly great for you

海 X 洛 X 因的提取物來自大自然,但是它對人類的身體並沒有任何好處。

[ – ] ThunderSleepyEel 2623 指標 8 小時前 *

Cows aren't real. Fake moos


[ – ] [ CHA ] Dwayne Bacongwease23 151 指標 7 小時前

Have you ever seen an actual picture of a real cow?

你見過一頭(奶)牛的真的照片嗎? [ 譯註 3 ]

[ 譯註 3 ] 歐文曾經詢問記者,你見過地球真的照片嗎?

[ – ] Toronto HuskiesOdorsE4 296 指標 4 小時前

Actually I was going through your mom's Facebook just yesterday. /s

話說到這瞭我就不得不坦白瞭,我昨晚剛上你媽的臉書上轉瞭一圈。TXTX [ 譯註 4 ]

[ 譯註 4 ] 此樓的點亮數是樓上的一倍。

[ – ] Clippers19O1 69 指標 7 小時前

how come cows are round but steaks are flat? look for alternative news sources for real facts.


[ – ] Heat Bandwagonjeyborne 421 指標 9 小時前

next week he'll join Scientology

下周歐文搞不好就要加入科學神教瞭。 [ 譯註 5 ]

[ 譯註 5 ] 美國臭名昭著的近邪 X 教團體,裡面不乏好萊塢大咖,湯姆 - 克魯斯便是其中一員。

[ – ] Knicks69thAmendment 84 指標 7 小時前

This man needs a weekly talk show where he's allowed to just voice his opinions on every facet of life. We only know a few of his hilarious beliefs, imagine the convoluted nonsense he hasn't revealed yet.

歐文就應該每周上一次談話節目,暢談自己內心對於生活各個方面的觀點。想想吧,歐文現在出口成金,沒講幾句話就給我們 JR 樂得不行,這要是全部給我們分享瞭那還有郭德綱什麼事?

[ – ] Celticsrat3an 20 指標 5 小時前

While hilarious, this idea is painful to me.


[ – ] [ PHI ] Richaun Holmestopper4444 35 指標 6 小時前

I bet kyrie drinks raw water


[ – ] instamentai 92 指標 7 小時前

I think at this point it's safe to say Kyrie don't know much outside of basketball


[ – ] [ LAL ] Shaquille O'NealCapOnBrimBent 2179 指標 9 小時前

It's easy to be Vegan when you have your own chef which Kyrie probably does. The number 1 problem is accessibility


[ – ] instamentai 862 指標 7 小時前

I'd be Vegan too if my personal professional chef cooked me Michelin level meals whenever I wanted


[ – ] Heatclear831 1458 指標 7 小時前

I wouldnt. Meat tastes too damn good.


[ – ] torontodrakes 349 指標 6 小時前

Yup. I was a vegetarian for the first 20 years of my life. Helps that I ’ m Indian and Indian food is top 2 or 3 in terms of meatless cuisine. Ate eggs and drank milk but no other meat or fish.

Started eating meat recently and I love it. Chicken, turkey, duck, steak, beef, sushi... can ’ t go back now


最近才開始吃肉,簡直愛不釋口。雞、火雞、鴨、牛排、牛肉、壽司 … 我這輩子是再不可能吃素。

[ – ] WarriorsRaginReaganomics 265 指標 5 小時前

Indian food is the EZ GOAT in meatless cuisine, though hardly anything is vegan. Clarified butter is in everything, and paneer/cream in most of the heartier north Indian dishes.


[ – ] CelticsMinnitMann 57 指標 5 小時前

Hard to be a vegan when bbq ribs are on the menu. That said, I'm all for part-time vegetarianism for the benefit of the planet.


[ – ] LakersnomoredrivinginLA 128 指標 5 小時前

I'm vegetarian and I never talk about it unless I'm asked about it. But this is all I ask of people: just try eating less meat. If you wanna eat steak every Sunday, so be it. If you wanna BBQ every Saturday, ok. Just don't act like meat is the only source of food and is irreplacable, and in return, I won't act self-righteous and try to impose my diet on you.


[ – ] Celticspugerko 54 指標 7 小時前 *

True but grocery stores have come a long way. Tofu is easily accessible imo, and then you got rice, beans, breads, and all sorts of veggies. But tbh, since I started vegan all I eat is pb and j sandwiches :/


Also I kinda cheat and will eat a burger once every couple weeks or so. I think more people should make a change to eat less meat, but it can be done in a way to suit an individual's needs. I've lost 20 pounds so far in 2 months since I stopped eating meat ( apart from the occasional taco or burger ) . The point is for people on a large scale to think about how much meat they eat and hopefully scale it down. It honestly doesn't take a personal chef or anything like that.

而且我還時不時的來頓作弊餐,每一兩周吃個漢堡啥的。我覺得大傢都應該減少肉的攝入量,但是具體方法可以因人而異。自從我戒掉瞭肉(除瞭偶爾吃個玉米餅或漢堡)以後,我在兩個月內已經掉瞭 20 斤體重瞭。關鍵是要讓人們很大程度上意識到自己該吃多少肉,希望能從此慢慢的再降下來。說實話,吃素並不需要什麼私人廚師之類的高級配備。

[ – ] Clippersmattroom 168 指標 7 小時前

Yeah, agreed that it's easier for Kyrie. It's not really accessibility though. I feel if you're middle class, it's entirely possible to go vegan. But it requires a lifestyle change and ( maybe ) a lot of effort to learn about proper nutrition.


[ – ] GrizzliesAll-TimeGringo 122 指標 7 小時前

The good thing about veganism is that ( contrary to what some enthusiasts say ) it's not actually an all-or-nothing proposition. You can learn one dish per month that you cook 1x a week and within a year you've reduced the animal products you eat by 50% or more.

素食主義的一個好處(跟一些素食狂熱愛好者的看法恰恰相反)就是,不是說你是素食主義者就馬上完完全全一點肉不能吃。你可以每個月學道新菜呀,一周做個 10 幾次,一年之內你就能減少 50% 甚至更多的肉類攝入量。

[ – ] TimberwolvesTBLegend7 565 指標 9 小時前

It is better for the environment


[ – ] BullsxSepulcherx 282 指標 8 小時前

Even just cutting out red meat is better for you/the environment.


[ – ] Lakersram0h 123 指標 8 小時前

this is the direction i've gone. Bringing my consumption of meat down to about once a week


[ – ] Trail Blazersdipset4444 30 指標 7 小時前

yes, because of the amount of green house gases animals release.


[ – ] Trail Blazersmontyberns 42 指標 6 小時前

Also the considerable contributions from energy used to produce their food, to take them to market, and to transport the prepared final product. There's a lot of waste involved in eating meat vs the majority of most vegan diets.


[ – ] Bullsraspberry_man 124 指標 9 小時前

going vegan is a positive move for the earth, there's literally no downside to him doing it

people are really gonna criticize him for that?

吃素對地球很有好處,對歐文個人來說也沒有任何負面影響,結果各位 JR 還要噴他?

[ – ] CavaliersAFlaccidNarwhal 179 指標 9 小時前

He ’ s literally combining "woke" with being vegan. It ’ s obnoxious, so yes.

關鍵是歐文把吃素跟 " 清醒 " 聯系到瞭一起啊,這很討人厭啊。

[ – ] PelicansUnimpressedAsshole 66 指標 8 小時前

but being vegan is woke

但是吃素確實是 " 清醒 " 的表現啊。

[ – ] AutomatedTacos 40 指標 7 小時前

Woke is such a stupid term. Anything can be woke if you convince yourself that your world view is infallible. Its just more pretentious bullshit from psudeo intellectual college kids who believe they are "on the right side of history".

清醒這個詞就很蠢。如果你能成功說服自己,認為自己的世界觀無可挑剔的話,啥事都能跟你的所謂清醒聯系上。" 清醒 " 實際上就是偽智大學生搞出來的那一套裝模作樣、自以為是的名詞罷瞭,覺得自己才是天選之子。

[ – ] KnicksNothingToDoubt92 258 指標 9 小時前

Yes he thinks he's so "woke" but I respect him for this. It's a just cause, for several legitimate reasons. Most would prefer to stay in their bubble and completely ignore the crisis of animals and the environment. Rag on him all you want, but he's doing something good.

是,歐文是覺得自己很 " 清醒 ",但是我很尊重他吃素的決定。從很多原因來看吃素都是很值得贊賞的舉動啊。大部分人都寧願生活在自己的泡沫世界中,拒絕意識到環境和動物危機。噴歐文就噴吧,但是歐文做的是件好事。

[ – ] SupersonicsBleoox 93 指標 8 小時前

We all can benefit from eating less meat, it won't give you any wokeness points on my book, but it's a fair cause for those that can't defend themselves. Go Vegan!

少吃點肉,所有人都會收益。在我看來,雖說吃素不能給你的 " 清醒 " 屬性加技能點,但是對於那些不能保護自己的牲畜來說,這真的值得贊賞。素!素!素!

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