

Young Kobe told Jerry West, "My teammates hate me" and Jerry West responded "I ’ d hate you too if I were your teammate."

年少時期的科比跟傑裡 - 韋斯特說:" 我的隊友都討厭我。" 而韋斯特回答:" 我要是你隊友我也討厭你。"

Yet when it comes to basketball Kobe is better, perhaps, than anyone who ever played, with the inevitable exception of Michael Jordan. They all know it. They know that he knows it. "Putting Kobe in the NBA – what that ’ s like," says his teammate Brian Shaw, "Is if you put me on a high school team. I could score whenever I wanted. I could get through four guys. I ’ d have to decide: Do I do that because I can do it, or do I play the right way?"

But Kobe is not always interested in playing the right way. By his fifth year that has taken its toll. He goes one night to the home of Jerry West, the Lakers ’ general manager, one of the all-time greats and a man who understands that the exceptionally gifted play by a different rule book. "My teammates hate me," Kobe tells West.

"I ’ d hate you too," West responds, "if I were your teammate."

在籃球方面,除瞭喬丹這個無可避免的例外,科比可以說比前輩都出色,這點人盡皆知。人亦知,科比亦自知。" 讓科比來打 NBA,就像讓我去打高中校隊一樣。我想什麼時候得分就什麼時候得分。我能不費吹灰之力過掉四個人。但我也需要去抉擇:我是因為自己有能力就隨心所欲,還是要一直做‘該做的事’?" 科比的隊友佈萊恩 - 肖說。

但科比也不總是喜歡做‘該做的事’。在他生涯的第五個年頭,這便讓他付出代價瞭。有天晚上,他去瞭一個人的傢。傢的主人是傑裡 - 韋斯特,時任湖人總經理,歷史最偉大球員之一,他清楚這樣一名天賦異稟的球員是如何無視那些條條框框的。" 我的隊友都討厭我 ," 科比告訴韋斯特。

" 如果我是你隊友的話," 韋斯特答道," 我也會討厭你。"

[ – ] [ TOR ] Hakeem OlajuwonMvcraptor11 1805 指標 13 小時前

He wasn't wrong at the time.


[ – ] SpursBearsNecessity 1058 指標 13 小時前

I don't think he was ever wrong. Kobe was never really loved by any teammate that I can remember.


But MJ was that way too. Doesn't mean you can't win titles that way.


[ – ] Pistonsthrowaway_5256 1020 指標 13 小時前

Aren't kobe and pau still good friends? Also I thought kobe and Odom are still tight pretty, kobe visited him in the hospital


[ – ] HawksFuckYouMartinShkreli 1182 指標 12 小時前

I think Pau had the perfect "sidekick" demeanor for someone as obsessively dominant as Kobe. Pau is sort of gentle in personality compared to the average guy in the league, particularly when he was younger. A lot of gentle or chill guys like that get destroyed by Kobe. Dwight is a perfect example.


But as Kobe's teammate Pau got a lot tougher and played hard. I remember Pau being very hard on himself in those years and always pushing himself to be tougher and it really became noticeable when they were championship caliber. Pau was a fucking beast and played with an edge. I think Kobe respected that and also the fact that Pau was content with winning rings and not having an ego.

但作為科比場上的隊友,加索爾就打得強硬努力許多瞭。我記得前些年加索爾一直嚴於律己,也一直逼著自己打得更硬氣,這在湖人的爭冠時期就凸顯出來瞭。加索爾在場上簡直 tm 像隻鋒芒畢露的野獸。我覺得科比在這一點上會比較尊敬他,也會對他能一心爭冠而不露野心比較滿意。

[ – ] Lakersfun_times_420420 577 指標 12 小時前

Kobe definitely had learned from his failed relationships with teammates by that point though. He was still an ultra competitive dick, but he at least knew where the line was when he was crossing it, compared to with shaq/smush parker/kwame brown/etc.

不過在那個時候科比肯定已經在他與隊友的不和中學到瞭點東西瞭。他仍是個極其好勝的傢夥,但和他與奧尼爾,斯馬什 - 帕克和誇梅 - 佈朗的關系比起來,他至少有點自知之明瞭。

[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 578 指標 12 小時前

Frobe was a different animal but the Black Mamba was the same beast.


[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe BryantFrostyFett 446 指標 11 小時前

What the fuck does that mean Kobe Bryant?

" 科比,你 tm 在講什麼?"

[ – ] Lakersbrokid 334 指標 11 小時前

you're welcome.

" 不客氣 [ 譯註 1 ] 。"

[ 譯註 1 ] :這三句話均來自 ZK7 科比體系廣告中,科比與坎耶 - 韋斯特的對話。原句中科比說 "different animal,same

beast" 時,坎耶聽不懂,就有瞭後面的 "what the fuck does that mean"。

[ – ] LakersVindicare605 141 指標 10 小時前

It was a lot of things besides just Pau's overall demeanor which was obviously important.


They spoke to each other in spanish on the court sometimes, they both have very fundamental strong all around games where they can each make the other better, they both thrived in Phil Jackson's offense, they both took on an extraordinary level of media criticism, Pau for being soft and Kobe for being a dick.

科比和加索爾有時候會在場上用西班牙語交流。他們都很紮實全面,在賽場上也可以相互促進 , 也都在禪師的進攻體系中發光發熱。他們都是媒體的重點批評對象,加索爾被批軟蛋,科比被批是個獨逼。

When Pau came over, you could see the look in Kobe's eyes that year, he KNEW that he finally had the missing piece he needed to win another championship. From the very outset of that relationship Kobe had a shit ton of respect for Pau even when the media would criticize him Kobe would defend him. On the court Kobe would get in Pau's face and yell at him but anyone that really knew the way those two played together that yelling was to get Pau to hype up and play more dominant and physical. Pau needed that, even if it looked a bit harsh on our end. Kobe would do the same thing whenever Pau made a great play like dunking over somebody, Kobe wanted Pau to play mean and angry because that's when he was at his best.


Kobe and Pau were great teammates but there are others. Kobe and Fish had a lot of respect and trust for each other, obviously Odom was already mentioned but there's a very good reason that Kobe wanted Artest after 2009 and Artest came over too.

科比和加索爾是關系很好的隊友,但科比和很多其他人的關系其實也不錯。他和老魚互相都很敬重信賴,前面有人提到奧多姆,但我們有理由相信阿泰斯特也是科比 2009 年之後主動要求招募的,事實是之後他也來瞭。

Kobe's personality doesn't fit with everybody but the team we had in 2008-2010 did fit for the most part. The guys we had, they meshed with Kobe and Phil well and thats why they won.

的確,科比的個性並不是和所有人都合得來的那種,但我們那支 2008-2010 年的王者之師隊內的關系大體上很不錯。那支隊伍裡的其他人都能和科比、禪師良好地融入,這就是他們的取勝之匙。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe Bryantablackcloudupahead 159 指標 12 小時前

People are taking it like West was throwing shade.


[ – ] Lakersspyson 30 指標 3 小時前

For real, Jerry West was a big mentor to Kobe.


[ – ] WarriorsSF_CrawNik 73 指標 4 小時前

"... the difference between Shaquille O ’ Neal and Kobe Bryant is that Shaq has never been an adult and Kobe has never been a child"

So accurate lol.

" 奧尼爾和科比的區別就在於,奧尼爾從未成熟,科比從未幼稚。"


[ – ] Raptorsbeerdude111 8 指標 4 小時前

Fucking 79 and still building dynasties. How often you see an almost 80 year old, still getting shit done like that?? I'm excited to see what how things work out with the Clippers. An unstoppable force vs. an extremely cursed franchise.

艸,韋斯特都 79 歲瞭,還在建立一個又一個王朝。你見過一個七老八十的傢夥還 tm 這麼能幹的嗎?我特別想看看他能在快船玩出什麼花兒來。無敵聖手與惡魔詛咒的直接交鋒。

[ – ] LakersMelonElbows 259 指標 10 小時前

Young Kobe was equal parts frustrating and mesmerizing. He would charge into the lane and shoot over 2 guys. He'd iso himself on the perimeter and try to ball fake his defender into an open shot. He'd get a pass and keep it for 15 seconds of the possession. But when he dunked over those 2 guys, when he'd hit a fadeaway 3, or when he'd break down the defense and get his teammates an open look, you marvel at how good he was. Its not by accident that he got his reputation and to be sure, he lost games for the Lakers when he did that, but he would also win games, win games they had no business of winning, and win championships too. So Lakers fans lived with the 5/14 nights, they lived with him keeping the ball ( who was he gonna pass to, Smush Parker?? ) , and they got to witness one of the all time greats leave everything out on the court for the city. Damn, I miss Kobe.

幼年科真的是令人愛恨交加。他會一路帶球猛沖之後隔著兩個人就扔,也會一根筋地側翼單打試圖晃出空位。他接到球之後可以持球持個 15 秒。但當他完成隔扣兩人,後仰三分,獨力撕開防線為隊友創造大片空位之類的壯舉時,你就會驚嘆於他的優秀瞭。他的名譽都是他應得的。的確,他這麼打球的時候湖人輸過,但他也贏過啊,而且贏的都是那些本來贏不瞭的球。他也靠這個拿過冠軍啊。所以湖蜜對於他那些 15 中 4 的夜晚和無限的單打獨鬥(他能傳給誰啊,死神帕克嗎?)也就這麼看看過去瞭,而且他們還能見證歷史上最偉大的球員之一為瞭這座城市在球場上毫無保留地拼殺。日,我想他瞭。

[ – ] Spurstng29 118 指標 9 小時前

At the 2008 Olympics, there were many superstars on that team, but Kobe was the player who shined the most. Always got the ball in crunch time.

2008 年奧運會,那支隊伍群星雲集,但科比才是那個最閃耀的。他總是在比分膠著的時候自己拿球解決戰鬥。

[ – ] NBA80cent 41 指標 6 小時前

Wade won tournament MVP, something people seem to forget.

不過總有人忘瞭,那屆奧運會 MVP 是韋德。

[ – ] Sperm_Garage 42 指標 5 小時前

My personal well thought out theory is that the Beijing officials who selected the MVP were 14 year olds who never watched Kobe in his prime

對此,我自己精心思考得出的理論是,那幫投 MVP 的北京奧組委成員都是群沒見過科比巔峰的 14 歲小孩兒。(都沒那個說科比是最閃亮的超巨的球迷懂球,對不對? [ 譯註 2 ] )

[ 譯註 2 ] 原文後文中,此人其實是在諷刺科比,故出此言。

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