

Dwight Howard agrees with KD: he would indeed drink Scarlett Johansson's bath water ( twitter.com )

德懷特 - 霍華德加入瞭杜蘭特的行列:我也會喝斯嘉麗 - 約翰遜的洗澡水!

[ – ] [ HOU ] James HardenDeezNuts0218 818 指標 7 小時前

I thought they were just rumors up until this point, but now I have confirmed that Charlotte Hornets Dwight is the best version of Dwight we have had


註:此前有段子調侃斯嘉麗 - 約翰遜曾向杜蘭特表示隻有奪冠才能有機會喝到洗澡水。

[ – ] NetsGalactusAteMyPlanet 29 指標 6 小時前

So 2nd time Dwight will deny LeBron's path towards the NBA Finals.


[ – ] [ GSW ] Klay ThompsonMrVanillaIceTCube 7 指標 5 小時前

while shooting 50-50-90. drink bathwater ---> shot so wet.

同時命中率達到 50%-50%-90%。想喝洗澡水 ---> 射得可真準。

[ – ] Bulls BandwagonLiquidgoldvelveeta 360 指標 7 小時前

l like "don't give af" dwight lmao


[ – ] Hornets BandwagonCarolinaDeem 87 指標 6 小時前

As a charlotte fan it's nice to have someone like him. Hope he can play as well as he tweets.


[ – ] [ GSW ] Klay ThompsonMrVanillaIceTCube 40 指標 5 小時前

that's a high standard b. he's 2nd Team All-Twitter C after Embiid, idk if he can make 2nd Team All-NBA at this point in his career.

老哥你這個要求可不低啊。現在霍華德可是推特最佳陣容二陣的中鋒,排在推特第一中鋒恩比德之後,但我不確定目前的他是否還能入選 NBA 二陣瞭。

[ – ] throwawaynmb69 21 指標 4 小時前

Dwights Twitter game is way better than embiid's don't @ me


[ – ] SunsRomo_is_GOAT 6 指標 3 小時前

Embiid's is just something about the Process every time

恩比德每次發的推特都是關於 "The Process" 的內容。

[ – ] Supersonicsnorth_west16 7 指標 2 小時前

Yeah he's gone stale. Dwight is the new p4p Twitter King.


[ – ] Lakersjon_snow_jones 30 指標 6 小時前

He's finally doing what Jon Jones already did: ditch the obvious choirboy act and go full heel

霍華德終於和喬恩 - 瓊斯做同樣的事瞭:告別他以前的唱詩班乖仔形象,徹底變身壞孩子。


1、 喬恩 - 瓊斯是前 UFC 輕重量級冠軍,在 MMA 界被一致認為是目前世界上最好的選手之一。2015 年 4 月 24 日因肇事逃逸並拘留,被 UFC 剝奪輕重量級冠軍頭銜並處以無限期禁賽處罰。

2、 霍華德是一名基督徒,高中時參加過學校的唱詩班。

[ – ] Celtics BandwagonTheMaskedBooty 24 指標 6 小時前

Drinking bath water is pretty lit I wouldn't say it's a heel thing to do.


[ – ] Lakersjon_snow_jones 13 指標 5 小時前

Oh for sure. I'd drink pre-boob reduction ScarJo bathwater.

But the choirboy act Dwight would never admit that. That dude might quote a bible verse or some shit.

Now he just admits it freely

確實是這樣,我也會喝縮瞭胸之前的斯嘉麗 - 約翰遜的洗澡水。



[ – ] throwawayWPs 44 指標 7 小時前

I would too. Is there a problem?


[ – ] Wizards BandwagonClickClackKobeShaq 104 指標 7 小時前

Who wouldn't?


[ – ] LakersILikeMyAssEaten 43 指標 5 小時前

Scarlett Johansson's Father?


[ – ] LakersNoahFHewitt 36 指標 7 小時前

Ok surely we can top this. Let's have competition on who can get the single funniest/ridiculous response from Dwight


[ – ] WarriorsCCams 58 指標 6 小時前

In a perfect world

Some fan: Dwight have my babies

Dwight: fuck that, you can have one of mine.




[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin 3 指標 5 小時前

Who wouldn't want that sweet child support tho?


[ – ] HawksK242 10 指標 4 小時前

Tbh I'd let Dwight impregnate me just so my bloodline will have those glorious shoulder genes


[ – ] CommenceTheWentz 11 指標 5 小時前

Anybody gotten ScarJo's reaction to this? She could make a killing slinging that authentic bath water

有人知道斯嘉麗 - 約翰遜對此事的反應麼?她可以憑借認證的洗澡水而大賺一筆瞭。

[ – ] Spurswaitressinthesky 3 指標 3 小時前

Doesn't even have to be authentic... Who would be able to tell?

甚至不需要什麼認證,反正沒人能分辨得出 ……

[ – ] supremeViracocha 10 指標 6 小時前

dwight has like 9 kids from 9 different women, hed drink any 8.5+/10's drinking water

霍華德好像有 9 個孩子,分別是和 9 個不同的女人生的,所以他喝過 8.5 歲 /10 歲之間任何年齡段的洗澡水。

[ – ] SonSSBGoku 13 指標 7 小時前

Dwight also agrees that Condoms are overrated


[ – ] [ SAC ] Chris Webbercalistorm 18 指標 6 小時前

Am I the only person that wouldn't drink her bath water?


[ – ] [ TOR ] Ed Davisnametakenalready 29 指標 4 小時前

Yeah probably


[ – ] Lakersbetterthanhalf 1 指標 7 小時前

I don't like drinking soap.


[ – ] [ GSW ] Jeremy Linptam 8 指標 7 小時前

That's not how baths work. The soap is neutralized by all her body juices and dirt. You're just left with slightly diluted Scarlett Johannson.

洗澡的機理不是這樣。肥皂水中和瞭她的體香和體屑,留給你的將是稍被稀釋的純純斯嘉麗 - 約翰遜之味。

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