Hayward:"I ’ m still looking for an NBA player that ’ s better than me at League of Legends. If Jeremy Lin plays it, he might be the only one who can challenge me "
海沃德:" 我一直在找 NBA 裡英雄聯盟玩得比我好的球員。如果林書豪也玩的話,他可能是唯一一個能挑戰我的。"
[ – ] [ CHI ] Rajon Rondoptam 896 指標 7 小時前
I thought Lin was a DotA guy
我記得豪哥是玩 Dota 的。
[ – ] ColoredRoofing 135 指標 5 小時前
jeremy lin is pretty good at dota2. he was like 4k mmr which is top 1%
是的,林書豪《dota2》玩得很 6。他 mmr 值 [ 譯註 1 ] 有四千,就是前百分之一的水平。
[ 譯註 1 ] :MMR 是一種匹配機制,全稱 matchmakingranking。其值越高,匹配到的玩傢等級也越高。
[ – ] Jazziamabigdreamer [ S ] 1045 指標 7 小時前
Yeah, Gordon knew: "I do know that Jeremy Lin plays DotA. He might be the one guy where, if he played League, he would probably be pretty decent. If he would come over to League, I would take on that challenge."
沒錯。海沃德知道他是玩 Dota 的:" 我知道林書豪玩 Dota,要是他玩英雄聯盟的話可能會玩得非常好。如果他轉行玩聯盟,我會接受挑戰的。"
[ – ] RocketsIndySkylander 381 指標 7 小時前
I want to see them bo3. 1 game in League, 1 game Dota, 1 game Sc2
我想看他們打三局比賽,一場英雄聯盟,一場 Dota,一場星際爭霸 2。
[ – ] RocketsHoustonRocketsGOAT 452 指標 6 小時前
What about osrs wildy 1v1
osrs [ 譯註 2 ] 單挑怎麼樣?
[ 譯註 2 ] :osrs 是國外流行的一部大型多人在線角色扮演遊戲,全稱為《Old School RuneScape》。
[ – ] RocketsKermitnirmit 21 指標 5 小時前
Instead of starcraft, have them play wheelchair basketball
[ – ] [ BOS ] Brian ScalabrineTesticlesSoundGreek 40 指標 6 小時前
League is just an easier version of Dota, but they're pretty much the same game. If Lin is good at Dota, he should be able to pick up League very quickly
《英雄聯盟》比 Dota 簡單,但是它們差不多是一種遊戲。如果書豪 Dota 玩得很棒,那他上手英雄聯盟應該也很快。
[ – ] nimble_trickster 43 指標 5 小時前
They are both built on same basics but they are pretty different
[ – ] Heatdjpain20 82 指標 6 小時前
but they're pretty much the same game
No, not really.
" 但是它們差不多是一種遊戲?"
[ – ] LakersNickmi 104 指標 5 小時前
Yes, yes really. Just like Need for Speed is pretty much the same game as forza. Battlefield to Cog. Diddy Konky Racing to Mario Cart racing. Etc. Yes, they're clearly different, but it's a 5v5 moba with traditionally 4 skills, pushing in 3 lanes with 6 item slots.
我覺得沒毛病。就像《極品飛車》和《極限競速》;《戰地風雲》和《怪物獵人探險》;《大金剛賽車》和《馬裡奧賽車》等等。當然,他們不是一個遊戲,但都是 5v5 的多人聯機遊戲,其中涵蓋瞭固定的四種技能,三條線和六處野怪。
[ – ] NemanyaMI 23 指標 6 小時前
Why not wc3 thats where all of it started?
為什麼你們首先想到的不是《魔獸爭霸 3》呢?
[ – ] johnson_in_a_box 16 指標 6 小時前
maybe too similar to dota2, so Lin is more advantaged?
[ – ] Bucksblimp 31 指標 6 小時前
on the other hand Hayward used to play SC2
雄鹿球迷:其實海沃德之前是玩《星際爭霸 2》的。
[ – ] Flagship2 45 指標 3 小時前
That quote actually is better context than the title. Initially I thought Hayward assumed he'd be good or into LoL since Lin's ( presumably ) Asian. Makes sense if he assumed since he knew he played Dota.
I mean, I assume Jeremy Lin plays league of legends since he's asian too.
海沃德的原話其實比標題更容易讓人理解。最初我以為海沃德假定林書豪英雄聯盟打得很好是因為書豪(大概)是亞洲人。後來我明白瞭他這麼假定是因為海沃德知道書豪玩 Dota。
[ – ] Warriorsowlbi 59 指標 3 小時前
Dota players frequently look down upon and refuse to play LoL so I wouldn't be so sure.
Source: Dota player
Dota 玩傢經常看不起也拒絕玩 LOL,所以我也不太確定。
消息源:資深 Dota 玩傢一枚
[ – ] NetsAbacusxx 36 指標 3 小時前
"Fuck LOL" - r/Dota2
" 辣雞 LOL"-Dota2 專區
[ – ] [ LAL ] Brandon Ingramdmc2020 1444 指標 7 小時前
Since they are both out for the season they should both commentate on some gameplay lol
[ – ] Raptorsneobowman 554 指標 7 小時前
I need them to stream together and teach each other Dota and League. Their injuries coincided. Its destiny.
我需要他倆一起直播,然後互相教對方打 Dota 和 LOL。他們幾乎同時受傷,這就是命運啊。
[ – ] [ LAL ] Brandon Ingramdmc2020 196 指標 6 小時前
Haha imagine while the nets and Celtics play each other in the post season, Gordon and Jeremy play each other in League
我要笑尿瞭,想象一下季後賽籃網和凱爾特人對陣的時候,海沃德和林書豪也在英雄聯盟裡大喊 " 德瑪西亞 "。
[ – ] TimberwolvesTomThiboGoat 4510 指標 7 小時前
dunno bout LoL but I could definitely beat Hayward in Dance dance revolution atm
[ – ] [ SAS ] Tony Parkerballeriffic 530 指標 5 小時前
I bet he knows how to wheel himself around a dance floor
[ – ] NBAzxc123zxc123 107 指標 4 小時前 *
OP should send a public challenge to Hayward or Lin via Twitch or Twitter.
Will enjoy seeing OP realizing only on game day that he miscalculated how competitive Hayward or Lin actually are. And that his competitor technically has 3-4 legs. Start sweatin bullets over the publicly broadcasted humiliation OP might face upon losing to a ( temporarily ) crippled person at DDR.
I don't play LoL nor Dota. But I know this. The only things you need to be a good gamer is stubbornness and a lot of free time. You don't get into the NBA by giving up on stuff. And Hayward/Lin now have both have free time.
樓主應該給通過 Twitch [ 譯註 3 ] 或者推特給海沃德發一個公開挑戰。
樓主隻有在比拼的時候才發現他低估瞭海沃德和林書豪到底多麼有競爭精神,而且他倆每個人從嚴格意義上講都有 3 到 4 條腿(指海沃德和林書豪需要拄拐)啊!樓主汗如雨下,發現自己很有可能被兩個瘸子在跳舞機上打敗,可太丟人瞭,這還特麼是現場直播呀!
我不玩 LOL 和 Dota。但是我知道,成為一個專業玩傢的必備就是頑強的心態和大把的時間。想在 NBA 混的人都不會輕易放棄。而現在海沃德和書豪都有大把的時間瞭。
[ 譯註 3 ] :Twitch 是一個面向視頻遊戲的實時流媒體視頻平臺。
[ – ] SpursElroscow 53 指標 4 小時前
has lots of free time
Is Korean
Why do I suck?
[ – ] ScribeUnSub 1144 指標 6 小時前 *
Lebron James....basketball player and business mogul
Damian Lillard....basketball player and rapper
Gordon Hayward.....basketball player and gamer
勒佈朗 - 詹姆斯:籃球運動員和商業大亨
達米安 - 利拉德:籃球運動員和說唱歌手
戈登 - 海沃德:籃球運動員和電競王子
[ – ] TimberwolvesJusticeforallhobos 281 指標 3 小時前
Kyrie Irving...basketball player and geography scholar
凱裡 - 歐文:籃球運動員和地理學傢
[ – ] username--_-- 33 指標 3 小時前
From what I hear, Irving is actually quite active in NBA 2k
據我所知,歐文特別癡迷玩 2K。
[ – ] [ GSW ] Klay Thompsonpawg-sothoth 31 指標 2 小時前
Lmao I can just imagine his MyGM save: he creates his own franchise called Flat-Earthers, gets a bunch of other woke/"intellectual" players on his squad, and then turns trade-override on and fucks over LeBron by putting him on the worst team possible.
勇士球迷:哈哈,我可以想象他的 " 我的經理模式 " 存檔是咋樣的:歐文的球隊名字叫地平說信徒隊,在他的球隊裡集齊瞭一群腦洞大開的 " 智者 ",然後打開強制交易選項大手一揮把勒佈朗放到最爛的球隊裡。
[ – ] username--_-- 43 指標 2 小時前
plot twist: Lebron still makes it to the Finals
[ – ] SupersonicsTaco-Time 36 指標 2 小時前
I mean that's basically LeBrons first stint in Cleveland
馬刺球迷:是啊,我感覺那差不多就是詹姆斯在克利夫蘭的 1.0 時期吧。
[ – ] WarriorsSane333 298 指標 4 小時前
Too bad that Rondo isn't at Boston anymore. Hayward would've got absolutely
humiliated in Connect Four. Psh, kids and their video games.......
勇士球迷:拉簡 - 隆多不在波士頓真是太糟瞭。海沃德會在四子棋 [ 譯註 5 ] 中被他狠狠地羞辱一番。哎,現在這幫孩子呀,癡迷於什麼電子遊戲,太 low!
[ 譯註 5 ] :四子棋是一種休閑益智類遊戲,將四個小球連成一條直線就獲勝。
[ – ] [ BOS ] James Poseysreynolds1 84 指標 2 小時前