約什 - 傑克遜:"NBA 比賽的身體對抗真的是太瘋狂瞭,比如就說我們這賽季的第三場比賽,我 TMD 居然在防佈萊克 - 格裡芬,要知道我才 90 公斤啊。"
Josh Jackson: "The physicality of the NBA game is crazy, Like our [ third ] game of the season, I'm f--king guarding Blake Griffin. And I'm barely 200 pounds."
[ – ] SunsChrisAZ480 3023 指標 8 小時前
Because Earl Watson's dumbass was making him play PF when he is more of a SG than PF.
太陽球迷:相比起大前鋒,傑克遜更像是個得分後衛,然而沃特森那個 vbhfd 硬要讓他站到四號位。
[ – ] Buckstheconfuserx2 658 指標 8 小時前
Thon playing at center has gotten me accustomed to large grown men dismantling skinnier men
雄鹿球迷:索恩 - 梅克就是打的五號位,所以我對於這種細長條身材的傢夥被那些壯漢活活拆瞭的景象已經見怪不怪瞭。
[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin [ S ] 1143 指標 8 小時前
Some people just don't put on weight no matter how much they eat. Case in point: Thon Maker has had centuries to bulk up
猛龍球迷:有的人就是不管吃啥都不長肉啊,舉個栗子:梅克 [ 譯註 1 ] 都花瞭幾個世紀來增重瞭。(然而你看他現在還那樣)
[ 譯註 1 ] 索恩 - 梅克一直被認為實際年齡超過上報年齡,所以經常會被人拿年齡問題玩梗。
[ – ] Wizardslivefreeordont 731 指標 7 小時前
Bosh only had a few million years
[ – ] [ DAL ] Shawn Bradleyanal-gland 90 指標 8 小時前
The Cretaceous period was when there were a large number of veloceraptors. So he had around 71 to 75 million years.
白堊紀時期擁有數量龐大的伶盜龍,所以嚴格來說他花瞭大概 7100 萬年到 7500 萬年的時間。
[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin [ S ] 301 指標 7 小時前
But he made it tho, he's 240lbs
猛龍球迷:可是波什成功瞭啊,他有 110 公斤呢。
[ – ] Wizardslivefreeordont 112 指標 7 小時前
He ’ s got Durant ’ s build
[ – ] NBAYourMajesty90 116 指標 7 小時前
That is not true at all. If you eat enough you will put on weight.
I think it's just that for a guy his height he needs to eat a lot to put on weight. I'm talking adding a large pepperoni pizza to his meals every day.
[ – ] Knickschestnutman 46 指標 7 小時前
It's kind of hard to eat that much food with artificial teeth. Give that man a break
[ – ] CelticsAlfred_978 60 指標 6 小時前
Some people just have skinny frames though. KD has probably tried to put on weight for a decade now and still looks like a fucking snake.
[ – ] NBAYourMajesty90 109 指標 6 小時前
If KD wanted to put on weight he would've. He stays skinny to remain nimble and lessen the stress on his knees/ankles. Guys like Embiid will always be injury prone because they carry too much mass around.
杜蘭特隻要想增重他就能成功,他保持比較瘦削的身材是為瞭保證靈活性並減輕對膝蓋 / 腳踝的壓力。像恩比德這種球員永遠具有玻璃屬性,就是因為體重太大瞭。
[ – ] CavaliersMrDingus20 796 指標 8 小時前
He was playing power fucking forward? I haven't watched any of your games, but that is bonkers.
約什 - 傑克遜他娘的打的是大前鋒???我沒看過你日的比賽,但是這簡直就是石樂志啊。
[ – ] SunsChrisAZ480 441 指標 8 小時前
When Watson was coach the starting lineup was Bledsoe/Booker/Warren/Jackson/Chandler. It was an absolute disaster; since we had 2 forwards who couldn't guard a PF at all, and also because we were playing Bledsoe.
太陽球迷:沃特森執教的時候,首發陣容是:佈萊索 + 佈克 + 沃倫 + 傑克遜 + 錢德勒,簡直就是災難,一部分原因是我們的兩個前鋒都完全沒法防四號位,另一部分原因就是佈萊索瞭。
[ – ] NBAYourMajesty90 179 指標 7 小時前
Well....he was the Tank Commander afterall.
I don't see any problem with this. He was doing his job. A little too good though.
好吧,沃特森可是你們 " 擺爛戰車 " 的指揮官啊。
[ – ] SunsWicksDog 160 指標 7 小時前
No. You can tank and still help the kids grow. Watson couldn't coach a girls JV team
[ – ] SunsQuarterfront01 651 指標 8 小時前
New guys learn quickly that hitting the weight room and gaining some serious muscle matters in a league with vets that have 5+ years of proper nutrition and strength training.
新來的菜鳥很快就會意識到泡在力量房給自己掛上肌肉對於在這個聯盟生存是多麼重要的事情瞭,要知道競爭對手都是已經維持合理膳食和力量訓練超過 5 年時間的老兵啊。
[ – ] Lakersvincevuu 260 指標 7 小時前
There's always the issue of growing too quickly and opening yourself to injuries on things you can't grow ( joints, ligaments ) .
[ – ] CelticsSkibxskatic 635 指標 7 小時前
i see you ’ re familiar with the process.
看起來你對 " 過程 " 很熟悉啊。
[ – ] TimberwolvesGheeGhee 991 指標 8 小時前
I wish I was barely 200 lbs.
我真希望我 " 隻有 90 公斤 "。
[ – ] [ MIA ] Hassan WhitesideErectusPenor 572 指標 8 小時前
6ft and 155 pounds here haha. Same
你看我,1 米 82,才 70 公斤,哈哈哈我也希望自己能有 90 公斤。
[ – ] TimberwolvesGheeGhee 451 指標 8 小時前
Im the other direction
[ – ] Kingswillin_dylan 1509 指標 8 小時前
155 ft and 6lbs?
70 米,1.82 公斤?
[ – ] 76erscrylicylon 398 指標 7 小時前
no, no. 6ft wide and -155 lbs
不不不,應該是 1 米 82 寬,負 70 公斤。
[ – ] Jazzgotscill32 60 指標 6 小時前
Gave me a migraine tryna picture what this would look like
[ – ] 76erscrylicylon 53 指標 6 小時前
In my mind, a very wide person standing upside down on the ceiling.
[ – ] SunsJra805 31 指標 9 小時前
I ’ m 6 ’ 1 200, I️ do not look fat at all.
我 185,90 公斤,可我看起來一點都不胖。
[ – ] Raptorsmikekowa 141 指標 9 小時前
sure ya don't, fatty.
[ – ] drleeisinsurgery 516 指標 8 小時前
I remember watching Rodman guard Shaq in his early prime. He did ok, but the 120 lb difference ultimately made it look like child abuse.
我還記得當時看羅德曼巔峰初期的時候防奧尼爾,他做的不錯,但是整整 55 公斤的體重差距讓這組對決看起來就像虐待小朋友。
[ – ] [ GSW ] Stephen CurryHeisdan 113 指標 6 小時前
Did he do well? I would think he did actually well.
[ – ] Bullsthat_Dave_you_know 243 指標 6 小時前
He did well. I️ think he actually did do well. But the 120 pound difference ultimately made I️t look like child abuse.
他防的很好,我覺得確實很好,但是我還是要說,這 55 公斤的體重差距讓這組對決看起來就像虐待小朋友。
[ – ] LakersKB2408 612 指標 8 小時前
I dont get how 6'8" guys are only 200 pounds. Im not saying he's lying, it's just i know 6'1" guys who are heavier than that and they're not fat or buff
我真是搞不懂,2 米 03 卻隻有 90 公斤?我不是說他在忽悠人,隻是我認識一些傢夥,隻有 1 米 85,就比傑克遜還重瞭,而且這些人也不肥,也不是大肌霸,就普通人。
[ – ] Pelicans Bandwagoncorgispls 524 指標 8 小時前
Because these guys walk around between 8-12 percent body fat. He's 6'8 and lean. The 6'1 guys you know who float around 200-220 lbs are probably 20% body fat or more and look average because that's your average 6'1 dude.
Also you have to take into account genetics, how Josh's muscle bellies look and how he holds fat and muscle is all on his diet, training, and genetics.
那是因為 NBA 這些傢夥體脂率都維持在 8%-12%,傑克遜 2 米 03,全身都是瘦肉。你說的那些 90-100 公斤的哥們體重率可能都得 20% 甚至更多瞭,你覺得他們身材還行那也是你眼中的對於這些 185 身高的 " 還行 " 罷瞭。
[ – ] Cavalierswavecycle 187 指標 7 小時前
I'm totally guessing here, but basketball probably selects ( evolutionarily speaking ) for players with light bone structures as well. You want players built like eagles:big, strong, fast and light.
[ – ] brokenRimjob 243 指標 7 小時前
Also high calf insertions. Ever wondered why a large majority of NBA players have chicken legs? Their calf muscle bellys are located high near their knee which is the best for quick movements and running/sprinting.
還有小腿肌肉位置要靠上,知道為什麼 NBA 裡大多數人都有一雙細長小腿嗎?他們的小腿肚的肌肉幾乎都靠近膝蓋那裡,這種是最適合快速移動和全速奔跑的。
[ – ] SunsQuarterfront01 100 指標 7 小時前
Read the whole article, if you can. Offers some interesting perspective on college vs rookie life. Seems to underscore what Simmons said about one and done being a waste of time. These NBA bound athletes aren't getting the nutrition they need in college either with no funds for anything but fast food. Someone buys you a meal and all of sudden you're a "pro" and the NCAA gets pissed.
建議你們去通讀一下原文。文中提到瞭一個很有趣的觀點,是討論大學之於新秀的意義。裡邊特意強調瞭西蒙斯說的 " 上一年大學就選秀簡直就是浪費生命 "。這些 NBA 級的運動員在大學裡沒有保證充足的營養,也沒錢,所以就隻能吃快餐。要是誰發好心(多為 NIKE 這類的贊助商)請你吃瞭頓大餐,你就搖身一變成為規定裡的所謂的職業運動員瞭,這是 NCAA 絕不樂意看到的。
[ – ] recamie 30 指標 6 小時前
Do they not get fed at all by the program? My friend plays Volleyball for a D1 school and during the summer they get breakfast and dinner served to them and then during the season the get dinner after practices. Not arguing with your/his overall point just wondering!
大學不管飯嗎?我朋友是打排球的,在 NCAA 一級聯盟,夏天訓練的時候會有專門提供的早餐和晚餐,賽季開始他們在訓練結束後也會給他們準備好晚餐。我不是在撕逼或者啥的,就是單純好奇。
[ – ] SunsWicksDog 37 指標 6 小時前
They do. They get meals for free in the cafeteria but that's not appealing most of the time to them.
[ – ] Offtheheazy 14 指標 6 小時前
Unless you go to UCLA
除非你去 UCLA(加州大學洛杉磯分校)。
[ – ] Mirajp95 24 指標 5 小時前
UCLA has phenomenal tasting healthy food
UCLA 那裡的飯又好吃又健康,超喜歡那裡的。