

How crazy is it that a 28 year old former MVP is still a free agent ( self.nba )

德裡克 - 羅斯:一名 28 歲的聯盟前 MVP 在自由市場至今無人問津——這太瘋狂瞭

I'm a D Rose fan and I understand why he's not signed anywhere but just saying that an MVP is a free agent who should be starting his prime is fucking sad.

我是一名羅斯球迷,我理解他為什麼到現在還沒有和任何一支球隊簽約。但是,一名本應正值巔峰的 MVP 淪落至此,心裡真特麼不是滋味兒。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Russell WestbrookIEatPandasEveryday 1632 指標 10 小時前



[ – ] [ NYK ] Chris Copelandbootum 1323 指標 10 小時前

What I find weird is his value seems worse than ever but he had his best season in years


[ – ] SunsUrRightAndIAmWong 455 指標 8 小時前

You realize that even though he had his best season in years..... he ended that season with another knee injury, a torn meniscus. People in this post don't seem to remember but he had another knee injury this year/with the Knicks.

盡管他打出瞭幾年來的最佳表現,但你還是覺得他狀態持續下滑 … 上賽季他再次因膝傷報銷——半月板撕裂。這帖子裡很多人可能都不記得瞭,但他上賽季在尼克斯,的的確確又因為膝傷而賽季報銷瞭。

[ – ] RaptorsThaNorth 140 指標 7 小時前

This really needs to be at the top. He thinks he's worth more than he is and organizations aren't willing to pay him that much because of those injuries.


[ – ] SpursAsheBnarginDalmasca 36 指標 6 小時前

I haven't learned much from Rose, but is he injury-prone because his body fails him like Oden or it's because he plays too explosively for his body like Embiid? If it's like Embiid's shouldn't it be avoidable?


[ – ] Cavaliers BandwagonDoubletift-Zeebbee 85 指標 5 小時前 *

My understanding is that he never learned how to fall/land properly. He played extremely explosively as a slasher and played on his athleticism, but when coming down from the layup attempts he'd land in ways that put a lot of pressure on his knees.

Considering the fact that when his mvp run was going on his playstyle relied on explosive athleticism and slashing, he will never be even a shell of his former self as his knees are completely done. He's had like 4 knee surgeries in 9 years. Torn meniscus in both knees and a torn left ACL isn't really easy to come back from.


要考慮到這個事實——他那年能當選 MVP 很大程度上是依靠他勁爆的身體素質和撕裂防線的能力,由於他兩膝已經完全毀瞭,羅斯再也不可能像過去那樣打球瞭,哪怕僅僅隻是擁有過去的一個軀殼也不可能。9 年裡,他做瞭 4 次膝蓋手術。左右兩膝半月板撕裂、左膝前交叉韌帶(ACL)撕裂,要復當年之勇真的太難瞭。

[ – ] Knicks BandwagonISHLDPROBABLYBWRKING 623 指標 10 小時前

I think it's bc while invidiualy he's improved compared to His previous seasons but compared to the NBA he's behind. He didn't turn with the curve when guys were learning 3's.


[ – ] Nets BandwagonUnlimitedMetroCard 468 指標 9 小時前

Even Rondo is shooting 3's now.


[ – ] Kingseradnz69 712 指標 8 小時前

My boy Rajon was the best 3 pt shooter on the Bulls last season lol.


[ – ] 76erstjt5055 237 指標 7 小時前

Wait Rondo shot 38% from Three last year?

等會 … 隆多上賽季三分命中率竟然有 38%?

[ – ] threeeebo 356 指標 7 小時前

Well, they laid off him at the arc like he had leprosy so good % low volume


[ – ] 76erstjt5055 98 指標 7 小時前

I mean that's always been the case with him and he's still shoot 24%

我的意思是,三分一直都是羅斯的軟肋,他現在仍然隻有 24% 的命中率。

[ – ] [ MIN ] Jimmy G. BucketsWiggles420 142 指標 10 小時前

I think it's down to the disconnect between what he thinks he's worth and what FOs think he's worth. I do still believe he's a starter calibre PG.


[ – ] Kdcjg 21 指標 7 小時前

For whom. Point guard position is saturated at the moment. He is not a + defender and would be entering his 30s with major injury history. Kyle Lowry faced a very soft market and IT will prob face the same next year. I don't think that there are many teams that would want Rose starting.

去哪打首發?聯盟控衛現在已經飽和瞭。羅斯並不是一名優秀的防守者,而且馬上就 30 歲瞭,還有一堆傷病史。連凱爾 - 洛瑞現在的行情都很疲軟,小托馬斯明年很可能也會遇到同樣的情況。我並不覺得有多少球隊願意簽羅斯去打首發。

[ – ] WarriorsEhrmantrautWetWork 34 指標 9 小時前

What team would he start for ?


[ – ] WizardsSpownach 278 指標 9 小時前

bulls could use more point guards


[ – ] Heat BandwagonMiaCannons 132 指標 8 小時前

Three team deal involving the Knicks, Celtics, and Bulls. Bulls get Rose, Celtics get Rondo, and the Knicks fail to trade Carmelo again. Who says no?


[ – ] WarriorsEhrmantrautWetWork 31 指標 7 小時前

the respective fans


[ – ] Supersonicsbigfashionmeme 9 指標 8 小時前

Shanghai Sharks


[ – ] Knicksjohnhenryirons 343 指標 10 小時前

It's even sadder to read quotes from him and his agent at the beginning of the season. There were rumors that he wanted a 5 year max deal at the end of the season...

在賽季開始時,我聽到羅斯和他經紀人的言論心都涼瞭。有流言稱羅斯賽季末會尋求一份 5 年頂薪合同 …

[ – ] Knicksdufo318 224 指標 10 小時前

No one actually expected him to get that


[ – ] [ MIN ] Jimmy G. BucketsWiggles420 261 指標 10 小時前

I think he genuinely did. The guy still has belief in himself when no one else does and I respect that. There are teams that should take a punt on him on a 2/3year deal with team options on the last year.

我覺得這是羅斯本人的意思。盡管全世界都不看好他,但這傢夥還是很自信,對此我表示尊重。應該會有球隊願意在他身上賭一把——給一份 2-3 年合同,最後一年球隊選項。

[ – ] Knicksjohnhenryirons 73 指標 10 小時前

I wanna see a team take a chance on him too. I like watching him play, just not on my team...he was a bad fit here last season.

尼克斯球迷:我也希望有一支球隊願意為他冒一次險。我喜歡看他打球,隻要別留在我的主隊就行 … 上賽季他並沒有融入球隊。

[ – ] Timberwolves127crazie 56 指標 8 小時前

Honey I'm still free

Take a chance on me




[ – ] WarriorsDisgruntledAlpaca 54 指標 7 小時前

Thibs will finish the job.


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