

Isaiah Thomas posts video about Cavs Celtics trade ( instagram.com )


isaiahthomas"They say every man is defined by his reaction to any given situation. Well who would you want to define you? Someone else or yourself? Whatever you do, give your heart to it and stay strong"... THE MARATHON CONTINUES!!!

小托馬斯:“都說可以根據一個人在特定場景下的反應來定義他是個什麼樣的人。你願意由誰來定義你呢?是你自己還是其他什麼人?不論做什麼,全心投入,堅持到底” …… 人生的馬拉松仍在繼續!!!

[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesthisismyeighthtry 192 指標 11 小時前

I'm going to feel like a massive piece of shit if we trade him


[ – ] Cavaliersmybachhurts 101 指標 10 小時前

Yeah... I really don't want that to happen. I liked him anyway, but if he's going to play with a chip on his shoulder, and give us all he's got, I know he will win over the city of Cleveland real quick. I want to see this guy succeed with us. I want to see this guy go the fuck off.


[ – ] [ BOS ] Larry BirdI_Enjoy_Taffy 340 指標 11 小時前

God I feel so fucking bad for him. He deserves his max. And I'll be rooting hard for him to get it and to ball out this year.

Let's go iT!



[ – ] [ BOS ] Jae Crowderendubs 93 指標 10 小時前

I don't think he deserves a max, but he deserve a nice contract. He definitely deserves to be paid more than he's been getting.


[ – ] Celticsfurryeyes 163 指標 9 小時前

He played like a max contract player all last year. There are countless games he put the team on his back


[ – ] RocketsJJWattGotSnubbed 44 指標 9 小時前

Its definitely not all because of his defense that I dont think he will be getting the max. I think his age ( 28 isnt that old but its not young ) and injury will play a pretty big factor in why I think he won't get the max. He definitely played like a max contract player though last year. Dont think there is any doubt in that.

我覺得他拿不到頂薪的原因不僅僅是因為防守方面的問題。他的年齡(28 歲不算老但是也不再年輕瞭)和傷病史也是重要因素。不過上賽季他絕對是打出瞭頂薪球員的表現,這點毋庸置疑。

[ – ] Xanaxdabs 27 指標 8 小時前

He's good, but playing well for one season doesn't really merit a longer term max contract.


[ – ] [ CLE ] Andrew Bogut_SotiroD_ 71 指標 11 小時前

I'm easily influenced and this video got me hyped. Let's go, IT!


[ – ] elfridpaytonshair 42 指標 9 小時前

Fuck a chip He bout to be playin with a Pringle on his shoulder

不是什麼木片,他的比賽是扛著木樁去和對手叫板 [ 譯註 1 ] 。

[ 譯註 1 ] :have a chip on one's shoulder 在英語中源自一個典故:如果雙方意見相左且無法調和。他們會放一塊木片在自己的肩膀上,問對方敢不敢把木板打掉。當木板被打掉後兩人就會真正打起來,類似於中文叫板的意思。引申為因心中感到委屈不滿而對抗。

[ – ] CelticsCazkall 43 指標 9 小時前

pringles are chips

品客薯片也是薯片 [ 譯註 2 ] 。

[ 譯註 2 ] :復數 pringles 是指一種美國著名薯片;而復數 chips 則范指炸馬鈴薯。

[ – ] elfridpaytonshair 33 指標 8 小時前

They big though


[ – ] Cavalierspoopdog1000 24 指標 7 小時前

more ergonomically designed for shoulders though imo


[ – ] [ PHI ] Wilt ChamberlainFun-Times 355 指標 11 小時前

Nothing will make me happier than seeing the Cavs with IT sending Boston home in the ECF


[ – ] Spursmrilly 217 指標 11 小時前

LeBron sending Kyrie home*


[ – ] LakersEvenGandhiHatesLVG 7 指標 11 小時前

Not even if Philly went 82-0 and swept everyone in the playoffs ?

難道讓你覺得比 76 人獲得 82 勝 0 負然後一路橫掃所有對手拿下總冠軍更爽?

[ – ] CelticsChestR0ckwell95 84 指標 11 小時前

Can't really blame you. Sixers fans need any excuse they can find to watch basketball in May.

也難怪你腦洞如此之大,畢竟 76 人球迷還得在 5 月自己主隊釣魚後找點其他什麼理由去看球。

[ – ] Celticsahundo 18 指標 9 小時前

"You cant hate from outside of the club, you can't even get in"

凱爾特人球迷:”看看黑子們在夜店外眼紅的樣子,他們想進都進不來“。 [ 譯註 3 ]

[ 譯註 3 ] :美國黑人歌手 Chris Brown 的單曲 《Look At Me Now 》中的歌詞。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Larry Birdbigvahe33 26 指標 11 小時前

I want the best for IT. Dude deserves it.


[ – ] Lakers Bandwagonkkhire 21 指標 9 小時前

i'd take 10 more consecutive warriors-cavs series if it means no celtics in the finals


[ – ] Celticsward0630 14 指標 9 小時前

Sounds like you hate the Cs more than you like basketball.


[ – ] movieball 62 指標 11 小時前

IT talked shit all year about the Brinks truck so why wouldn't he expect to get traded? The guy started wearing Brinks slippers. It's called hubris, and it'll bite you whether youare big or small. Remember when Shaq yelled at Jerry Buss "pay me" during a game, then next thing you know he gets traded for Lamar Odom. Fact is IT is never gonna get the max because he is the worst defesive player in the league. And the Celtics were never winning a ring with Isaiah as their best player. Thank god Danny Ainge isn't sentimental and wants to win a ring not just make the playoffs.

小托馬斯之前接受 CSNNE 的采訪時曾表示與他續約需要一卡車的美刀,既然這樣,他有什麼理由覺得自己就不會被交易呢?這傢夥有些瘋瞭,這是狂妄自大的表現,這會讓你付出代價,不論你塊頭大小。我記得奧尼爾曾在一場比賽中沖傑裡 - 巴斯怒吼:付我錢,後來的事情你們也都知道,他被交易瞭,換來瞭奧多姆。事實上小托馬斯不可能獲得頂薪,因為他是聯盟中防守最差的球員。如果以小托馬斯為核心,凱爾特人永遠也不可能獲得總冠軍。謝天謝地,安吉並沒有感情用事,他希望爭奪冠軍而不是僅僅滿足於進入季後賽。

[ – ] GrampyPanda 19 指標 10 小時前

Do you have alts that upvoted you or something or is this a /s?


[ – ] [ BOS ] Jaylen Brownjwiggler 35 指標 10 小時前

I mean, I don't necessarily agree with the prediction that IT won't get the max, but I think this guy makes some points that a lot of fans, me included, don't wanna say.

The fact is the Celtics didn't want to pay the max to a 29 year old 5'9" guard who can't play defense, and maybe the brinks truck stuff had an impact in their decision, maybe it didn't, but IT made it abundantly clear he wants and deserves the max.

As much as he's done for the Celtics, was Ainge supposed to hold on to him and then pay him, possibly risking future titles? Honestly, I'm not too sure. That's not a question that I ever want to have to answer.


這就是凱爾特人不想向一個已經 29 歲、身高隻有 1.75 米而且防守真空的後衛提供頂薪。一卡車美刀的言論或許對凱爾特人高層的決策有影響,也許沒有,但是小托馬斯的確很明確的表示過他希望也值得獲取頂薪合同。


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