Klay Thompson offers his thoughts regarding walking under scaffolding on NY nighttime news.
克萊 - 湯普森在紐約夜間新聞中講瞭關於在腳手架下行走的看法。
視頻:克萊 - 湯普森談腳手架下行走 >>
[ – ] [ PHI ] Allen IversonKingPZe 571 指標 19 小時前
I feel like if Klay wasn ’ t a baller, he ’ ll be something chill like an aquarium manager or some shit like that.
[ – ] [ GSW ] David LeePalatablePenis 230 指標 15 小時前
He has said that he wants to be the athletic director of a high school after his NBA career.
[ – ] Lakershealthfood 159 指標 10 小時前
*aquarium director of a high school
[ – ] 76ersAColdNightInMaine 64 指標 9 小時前
"Sir this school doesn ’ t have an aquarium, so what exactly are you here applying for and why did you think it ’ s appropriate to wear a wet suit"?
" 先生,我們學校並沒有水族館。所以你究竟在申請什麼崗位?以及,是什麼讓你覺得你應該穿一身潛水衣來的?"
[ – ] [ GSW ] Stephen CurrySwaggersaurusWrecks 67 指標 8 小時前
"I was told I was supposed to wear a suit to the interview"
" 他們告訴我去面試要穿工作場合穿的衣服。"
[ – ] Rocketsotisthorpesrevenge 109 指標 13 小時前 *
He'd be a technician at one of those gaming arcades, walking around with mad keys to open up games and fix shit.
KID CUSTOMER: "Um excuse me sir, uh the basketball got stuck"
KLAY: "No problem"
Klay proceeds to remove the jammed ball with a broomstick, resets the machine and starts shooting simultaneously with left and right hands on the dual shot basketball games
KLAY: "All fixed, here's a complimentary $5 pre-loaded card for the trouble. Thanks for hanging out at GamingWorld and tell your parents that Wednesday is Family Fun Night where they can enter to win our famous 50/50 raffle"
KID: "Thanks!"
克萊:都搞定瞭!為瞭補償你,這是送你的 5 美元儲值卡。感謝你來我們遊戲世界玩。順便告訴你的父母,周三是傢庭歡樂之夜,他們來的話可以參加我們這裡著名的樂透抽獎。
[ – ] youblewwit 1139 指標 22 小時前 *
I was hoping some newscast interviewed 'random guy on the street' that turned out to be a pro athlete like they did with Adrian Peterson
Edit: apparently this was a 'random guy on street' situation. Klay confirmed they didn't know who he was when they interviewed him.
我一直想看到新聞媒體在街頭隨機找瞭一個人采訪,結果發現那個人其實是一個職業運動員,就像視頻裡阿德裡安 - 皮特森那樣。
視頻:橄欖球球星阿德裡安皮特森街頭隨機采訪 >>
[ – ] WarriorsParenegade 525 指標 20 小時前
The way he hit em with the yeah after he says wait a minute your not
There's a lot of emotion there.
當記者說:" 等一下!你是不是 …"
他回答 " 是 " 的樣子看起來真是五味雜陳。
[ – ] [ GSW ] Calbert Cheaneyswollencornholio 292 指標 12 小時前
Here's one where the President of Portugal randomly gets stopped by a French news team in New York. The reporter asks him what he does for a living and he says "I am the President of Portugal". Lol
這有一個葡萄牙總統在紐約被一個法國新聞團隊隨機攔下采訪的視頻。記者問他,你是做什麼工作的,他說:" 我是葡萄牙的總統。" 笑死我瞭。
視頻:葡萄牙總統街頭隨機采訪未被認出 >>
[ – ] bhd55 79 指標 21 小時前
Chris Long ( currently of the Eagles ) has a great one about buying lottery tickets. Too lazy to link it.
克裡斯 - 隆(目前效力於 NFL 的費城老鷹隊)也被隨機采訪過,記者問他對買彩票怎麼看。那個采訪挺棒的,但是我懶得找鏈接瞭。
[ – ] HornetsBlueBack 129 指標 19 小時前
That was his twitter profile picture for a minute too
"Hopeful powerball player"
有一段時間他把自己的推特個人頭像換成瞭采訪的截圖,截圖上寫著 " 克裡斯 - 隆,滿懷希望的彩票買傢 "。
視頻:克裡斯 - 隆街頭采訪 >>
[ – ] NBADestituteDomino 481 指標 20 小時前
Shit like this has gotta be so refreshing for celebrities. To just give an interview without all the bright lights and starpower being at the forefront. Just a normal human conversation with a news network, over a trivial topic.
[ – ] Warriorsdirtyshits 124 指標 12 小時前
How many interviews do you think regular people give?
[ – ] Knicksrafiki3 118 指標 12 小時前
I was at the Toy R' US in NYC on Christmas Eve a few years ago and got interviewed about being a last minute gift buyer. The news team made me feel kinda crummy about the whole thing.
[ – ] Knickssmileyfrown 155 指標 12 小時前
Well maybe if your lazy ass bought grandma a gift 2 weeks back they wouldn't have to do that story
[ – ] Vancouver Grizzliessop1232 1381 指標 22 小時前
How does something like this even happen lmao Klay really is the most interesting man in the NBA
[ – ] SgtSiggy 396 指標 20 小時前
lol! He's so odd its great. I listened to his dad Michael on ESPN LA for a while ( til they cut the show ) and his dad is weird as well, but hilarious weird not weird weird
笑死我瞭,他特別奇怪,這點很棒。我聽過一段時間他父親在洛杉磯 ESPN 的節目(直到節目被砍瞭)。他爸跟他一樣,也很奇怪。但是是很搞笑的那種奇怪,並不是很惡心的奇怪。
[ – ] Warriorsthrowbacklyrics 518 指標 22 小時前
Klay Thompson sounds like what Kyrie tries way too hard not to sound like.
[ – ] CelticsSomeRandomBuddy 206 指標 15 小時前
Kyrie is living in another dimension. Klay is just stoned
[ – ] CelticsiAmTheRealLange 124 指標 14 小時前
Klay smiles and laughs when he's talking because he knows he's being weird and he's probably baked. Kyrie think he's enlightened and has those sleepy serious eyes. Klay is that dude in high school that everyone was naturally friends with. Kyrie is that dude saying weird shit everyday that everyone was low key worried about doing something crazy
[ – ] PistonsDarnimize 45 指標 13 小時前
no dude I'm pretty sure klay doesn't even realize hes being funny which makes it even better
[ – ] RaptorsO-G-Anunoby 167 指標 22 小時前
Why is he even there lmao. Wtf. I can ’ t tell if he ’ s aware that he ’ s a walking meme or if he ’ s jus the strangest dude out there.
[ – ] [ GSW ] Stephen Currywardellposey 276 指標 20 小時前
While everyone on the team is doing meaningful things in Brooklyn and NYC, he's just walking around the city and answering questions about scaffolding. The funny thing is he can't wait to be done with post game interviews.. but here he is.
[ – ] GavinGT 60 指標 19 小時前
Did scaffolding fall on someone in NYC? And how did they randomly manage to find Klay Thompson for a man-on-the-street interview?
在紐約有腳手架砸到人瞭嗎?而且他們是怎麼做到隨手就能攔下克萊 - 湯普森做街邊采訪的啊?
[ – ] gardenlevelstudio 52 指標 17 小時前
Only bankers and pro athletes can afford to live/visit NYC now
現在隻有銀行傢和職業運動員有錢住 / 逗留在紐約瞭。
[ – ] ForCrying0utLoud 14 指標 13 小時前
To answer the former, over the weekend, a scaffolding did collapse in Manhattan and I think 6 people got buried under it, all ending up with non-serious injuries.
回答樓上,周末的時候在曼哈頓,確實有腳手架塌瞭,我記得有 6 個人被埋在下面。不過好在傷不重。