

Blake Griffin playing right now like Josh Smith did in his first season with Detroit.

佈雷克 - 格裡芬現在打得像轉會至活塞第一個賽季的約什 - 史密斯。

Josh Smith: Age 28. In Detroit 35min 16 points 42% FG 7 rebounds 3 assists 1.4 steal 1.4 blocks 54mln per 4 year.

約什 - 史密斯:28 歲,每 35 分鐘貢獻 16 分,命中率 42%,7 個籃板,3 個助攻,1.4 個搶斷,1.4 個,合同金額:4 年 5400 萬。

Blake Griffin: Age 28. In Detroit 33min 18 points 40% FG 7 rebounds 5 assists 0.4 steal 0.3 blocks 173mln per 5 year.

佈雷克 - 格裡芬:28 歲,每 33 分鐘貢獻 18 分,命中率 40%,5 個籃板,5 個助攻,0.4 個搶斷,0.3 個蓋帽,合同金額:5 年 1.73 億。(沒算昨天比賽的數據)

Next season Josh Smith was waived by Pistons. Ouch.

可就在接下來的賽季,約什 - 史密斯被活塞裁掉。尬尷瞭。

[ – ] CavaliersBurburington 327 指標 22 小時前

I ’ m sorry for doubting you Logo

傑裡 - 韋斯特,我錯瞭,我不應該質疑你的。

[ – ] whatdoy0uknow 33 指標 20 小時前

He has the glass eye

真 - 慧眼識珠。

[ – ] [ ORL ] Aaron Gordonsupertoastergod 151 指標 22 小時前

Jerry West the finesse king

傑裡 - 韋斯特——不是在宰人就是在去宰人的路上。

[ – ] JazzEspadafor [ S, � � ] 222 指標 22 小時前

And Pistons is still paying Josh Smith 5.4mln until 2020.

而且,活塞還在付給約什 - 史密斯每年 540 萬美元的薪水,直到,2020 年。

[ – ] ClippersGermanHabsFan 39 指標 19 小時前

Dam son


[ – ] VeGanbarimasu 35 指標 14 小時前

And paying Blake 38 million until 2022

同時,活塞還要每年給格裡芬支付 3800 萬的薪水,直到,2022 年。

[ – ] [ LAC ] Milos Teodosicwhodey1855 8 指標 12 小時前

Damn idk what's a worse deal tbh


[ – ] PG13-4-DPOY 40 指標 22 小時前

Griffin won't be waived with that contract.


[ – ] JazzEspadafor [ S, � � ] 31 指標 22 小時前

of course no. But Josh Smith signed almost max contract with Pistons and they waived him after one and half season. They still paying for that contract.

爵士球迷:不會是不會啦,但約什 - 史密斯和活塞隊當年簽下瞭一份接近頂薪的合同,活塞隊在一個半賽季後就裁掉瞭他,現在還在支付這份合同的薪水。

[ – ] jebustbot 112 指標 21 小時前 *

Josh Smith is a better defensive player, Blake Griffin is the better playmaker.

I remember how prime Josh Smith could basically guard 1-5, was insanely versatile defensively.

約什 - 史密斯相對格裡芬來說防守更好些,格裡芬的傳球和控場更穩。我依然記得巔峰約什 - 史密斯可以從 1 號位防到 5 號位,簡直堪稱防守萬金油。

[ – ] HornetsNamath96 48 指標 16 小時前

Josh Smith was a surprisingly good passer though

而且約什 - 史密斯也能傳出不少好球哇。

[ – ] HeatJeanviper 12 指標 15 小時前

So is blake, honestly I just wish blake was better on defense, no reason for him not to be a force on defense he has the body, speed and vertical for it.


[ – ] [ TOR ] Bismack Biyombobrownjesus__ 1 指標 6 小時前

Kinda sad that we're making this comparison

最傷的是,咱們現在竟然在拿格裡芬和約什 - 史密斯比。

[ – ] Clipperschrispaulgeorge 27 指標 13 小時前

Have you seen his arms? Dude has T-Rex arms. Good for ball handling at his size but length is super important for almost every aspect of defense. He's not all that tall for a PF either, at least historically. I disagree with the comment below that he lacks instincts on that end. Yeh he doesn't have elite defensive instincts, but his instincts aren't the issue.


[ – ] 76ersKingK5E 253 指標 22 小時前

Never doubt Jerry West. The pistons are gonna be paying 30+ year old Blake $40 million soon enough.

永遠不要質疑傑裡 - 韋斯特。活塞在不久的未來就要為超過 30 歲的格裡芬支付四千萬美刀的薪水瞭。

[ – ] [ HOU ] Hakeem Olajuwonkyotofly 78 指標 22 小時前

Just when I thought he made a bad decision. Fuck


[ – ] Reddits_For_NBA 55 指標 19 小時前

Was it just me that thought Blake was never worth that contract? Hindsight is 20/20, but I remember thinking at the time that he was nowhere near the same tier of players getting those fat contracts.


[ – ] [ TOR ] Zan Tabakkrizzlybear 42 指標 15 小時前

He has the drive and physical talent, but at this point it's been injuries that really prevented him from reaching that next tier of excellence.


[ – ] NBAMrcrowbarscrowbar 11 指標 21 小時前

Wall next.

約翰 - 沃爾會成為下一個格裡芬的。

[ – ] Raptorsraptorsbucketnator 34 指標 21 小時前

Man if the Cap doesn't keep jumping so many teams are going to be fucked. How many guys in the league are truly worth 40 million a year? Under 10 for sure.

如果工資帽不再繼續上漲的話,很多球隊都要完蛋瞭。聯盟裡有多少球員能真值四千萬一年的?毫無疑問,少於 10 人。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Paul GeorgePervy_Sensei 16 指標 13 小時前

Yeah but if the cap keeps jumping ( like if we got the legalized gambling ) then you could potentially end up with the Warriors finding space for Anthony Davis or some shit.

對,但如果工資帽繼續上漲(如果 NBA 將賭博合法化)的話,那麼我們就有可能看到勇士一頓操作猛如虎,騰出空間簽下濃眉或類似水平的球員。

[ – ] [ NYK ] Nate Robinsonh0laSeni0r 14 指標 19 小時前

Lmao that is eerily similar.

Both are athletic and Josh Smith was pretty good in ATL before DET.

What if Blake becomes the nee Josh Smith?


同樣身體勁爆,而且在加盟活塞之前,約什 - 史密斯在老鷹打得很不錯。

我們大膽設想下,如果格裡芬成為下一個約什 - 史密斯會是怎樣的情景?

[ – ] [ MIA ] Hassan Whitesidedeezee72 26 指標 21 小時前

Blake Griffin is proving the haters right lately. His defenders have always been saying that he's playing worse because he's injured, that the Clippers aren't the right fit. But despite having his own team after CP3 left and then being healthy and in a good situation in Detroit, he hasn't really shown much.



[ – ] Clippersohmeohmy78 18 指標 19 小時前

Blake has his shortcomings, but I still think he's a much better player than he's shown in large part due to Detroit not being an ideal fit for his skills.


He and Drummond basically require the same spots on the floor and sorta get in each others way. Both are playmakers who like to operate from the elbows, but there's little room. Plus, no reliable shooters outside of Bullock compounds their spacing, therefore it's really easy to double/triple team them. Also, having a healthy starting caliber PG would relieve them somewhat.

他和莊神基本上都是吃禁區的主,兩人其實有點重合瞭。他們都喜歡從肘區開始組織進攻,這樣一來,空間就不夠用瞭。此外,隊裡除瞭雷吉 - 佈洛克之外,再找不出能夠幫他們拉開空間的合格射手,這樣一來,對手很輕松就能對他們采取雙人甚至三人包夾。而且,活塞現在也需要一個健康的合格首發控衛。

I think they'll be better next year, but they're going to have to make savvy roster moves to make things work.


[ – ] 76ersKhanstipated 50 指標 21 小時前

How West has been able to turn Blake and Chris into assets is astonishing. Clips could've lost both in free agency for nothing but West and the FO turned them into great assets. Even that lightly protected 2018 pistons pick is looking spicy right about now.

傑裡 - 韋斯特用格裡芬和保羅為你船換來一大筆資產的幾筆操作令人拍手稱贊。你船本來有可能在自由球員市場輸個底朝天,但在傑裡 - 韋斯特和制服組的操作下,你船將格裡芬和保羅變為瞭一大筆好資產。就連那個 2018 年受保護的活塞首輪簽現在也是瘋狂升值啊。

Wouldn't be surprised if West resigns DeAndre Jordan this summer for a cap friendly deal since the free agent market isn't all that great and flip him at the deadline like Blake.

而且如果今年夏天自由球員市場行情不太好的話,傑裡 - 韋斯特很可能會用一個對球隊工資帽比較友善的合同重新簽下小喬丹,然後像交易格裡芬那樣,在交易截止日的時候將他交易走,再弄來一筆資產。

[ – ] [ WAS ] Andray BlatcheElaborateHornet 26 指標 22 小時前

It is SO early. Every team adding a star needs time to gel.. it hasn ’ t even been 20 games.

現在就把格裡芬和約什 - 史密斯作對比還為時過早。每個新加入球星的球隊都需要時間磨合才能融為一體,格裡芬來瞭之後連 20 場都沒打夠呢。

[ – ] Celticsward0630 8 指標 14 小時前

The issue is that the Pistons clearly got him to bolster their playoff hopes for this season, now they're 3 games back of the 8 seed with only 20 to play and they just lost to the Magic.

活塞將格裡芬搞來的目的很明顯瞭好嗎,就是為瞭增強他們進入季後賽的希望吶。目前他們離東部第 8 的位置還差 3 個勝場,常規賽僅剩 20 場,然後他們剛輸給瞭魔術,呵呵。

[ – ] [ WAS ] Andray BlatcheElaborateHornet 11 指標 13 小時前

I mean they aren ’ t going to compete this year, and they knew that pre trade. Their point guard is hurt. This trade was clearly for the future, they have him for 5 years. They got their "big three", and if you surround them with 2 shooters and a decent bench who knows how good that team could be.

我的意思是,反正活塞今年也不可能爭冠啊,在做這個交易之前活塞就清楚這點。他們的首發控衛雷吉 - 傑克遜受傷缺席。活塞做這個交易明顯是為瞭球隊的未來,他們能用格裡芬 5 年,因此他們得到瞭自己的 " 三巨頭 "。如果能再給他們配兩個合格的射手和一些靠譜的板凳球員,那這支活塞也是可能搞出點動靜來的。

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