腦袋缺氧瞭?掘金最後 4 秒居然不叫暫停


[ Post Game Thread ] The Boston Celtics ( 36-15 ) defeat the Denver Nuggets ( 26-24 ) 111-110

[ 賽後 ] 凱爾特人 111-110 掘金,歐文 27 分,塔特姆 20+6,約基奇 24+11

[ – ] [ BOS ] Jaylen BrownCazkall 109 points 39 minutes ago

Really confused why Denver didn't call a timeout.


[ – ] [ DEN ] Nikola JokicKATAndJokic 37 points 37 minutes ago

Ask malone and his shitty lineups lmao


[ – ] Nuggetshyperadhd 14 points 29 minutes ago*

Here's his answer:


圖中推文:邁克爾 - 馬龍解釋為何在最後時刻不叫暫停:我們不想給對手佈置防守的機會 … 威爾 - 巴頓之前命中過這樣的投籃,我仍認為最後不叫暫停是正確的。

[ – ] [ DEN ] Nikola JokicKATAndJokic 11 points 27 minutes ago

Oh my god, is this what kids feel when they say they got triggered?

掘金球迷:.... 我 TM... 現在的小屁孩們說 " 寶寶氣炸瞭 " 時想表達的是不是就是老子現在這種感覺 ?

[ – ] [ DEN ] Danilo GallinariA_Perfect_Scene 10 points 19 minutes ago

Will has made good plays in transition with the clock running down, but this wasn't one of them. Look at Torrey this whole play. A wide open layup under the basket is the best look a team can ask for, for a game winner.

掘金球迷:巴頓曾在最後關頭打進過幾次轉換過程中的關鍵球,但這可不算其中之一。看看托裡 - 克雷格的位置啊,在籃下的一個大空位,這可是球隊命中絕殺的最好機會。

[ – ] Celticswellgroomedmcpoyle 7 points 27 minutes ago

Lol he'd rather have Barton taking that shot than drawing something up? I mean I guess it would be a bad look to throw his player under the bus but in the process he's essentially saying "I couldn't have drawn up anything better anyway!".

凱爾特人球迷:哈哈哈!馬龍寧可讓巴頓瞎扔一個也不想停下來畫個戰術?我是說,在這種情況下,木已成舟,球隊的教練當然不應該在接受采訪時把鍋分給自己的球員,但是馬龍這番話的意思基本上就是 " 反正我也畫不出更好的戰術瞭 "。

[ – ] Nuggetshyperadhd 4 points 26 minutes ago

Well with how bad his set plays are I don't blame him haha


[ – ] Raptorsrokchoi 6 points 41 minutes ago

Will "not steph curry" Barton

威爾 - 不是庫裡 - 巴頓。

[ – ] Nuggetstruch90 3 points 35 minutes ago

I literally yelled "you're not fucking Steph curry" as the buzzer went

掘金球迷:在最後時刻我真的喊出來瞭:" 你 TM 可不是庫裡啊!!!"

[ – ] Celticsdatstarboable 41 points 46 minutes ago

I hate what the Boston Celtics have done to my heart health.

Kyrie is good.


[ – ] CelticsKiron- 27 points 41 minutes ago

God bless Ainge. Just remember some people thought we got fleeced lmao


[ – ] CelticsiAmTheRealLange 27 points 38 minutes ago

For Jae "best contract in the NBA" Crowder


凱爾特人球迷:因為我們送出瞭 "NBA 最超值合同 " 的克勞德吧,哈哈哈!

[ – ] [ BOS ] John HavlicekParsnipPizza 5 points 40 minutes ago

Kyrie is a lifesaver. Him and Horford are a terrific safety net for such a volatile young team.


[ – ] LakersPalifaith 72 points 49 minutes ago

What's a time out? ¯_ ( ツ ) _/¯

敢問暫停為何物?¯_ ( ツ ) _/¯

[ – ] Celticscrackdup 21 points 48 minutes ago

Looks like lack of oxygen finally got to a Denver team


[ – ] Nuggetsicanhazdinna 8 points 48 minutes ago

Didn't you know? Barton is basically Steph Curry, so a half court heave was our best option instead of a well thought up play /s


[ – ] HeatNumber333 2 points 48 minutes ago

Heat didn't call a timeout vs Charlotte around a week ago after a miss at the end even though they had a timeout, but the game was tied. Get not wanting to let the defense set and considering how good of a coach Stevens is, it'll be problematic, but with only 4 seconds or so not a great call.

熱火球迷:我熱幾周前對黃蜂的比賽裡最後時刻也沒叫暫停,但那時情況是兩隊打平。我能理解掘金不想讓對手佈置防守策略,尤其對面還站著個足智多謀的少帥。但是,隻剩 4 秒啊!不叫暫停真的算不上明智之舉。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Kevon LooneyArmedinar 35 points 51 minutes ago

They had a time out, Craig was absolutely alone under the basket, and Barton decides to shoot it from deep, what a fucking disaster of an ending for the Nuggets


[ – ] NuggetsTheFlyingCandle 11 points 48 minutes ago

As is tradition


[ – ] [ HOU ] Chris PaulBriand2714 21 points 51 minutes ago

Terrible last shot by Barton


[ – ] Heatquiquedont 24 points 50 minutes ago*

Not his fault his coach didn't call a timeout.

Edit: Nevermind, NBATV coaches pointed out he could've easily passed it for the easy layup but went all Westbrook instead. He wasn't looking for anything besides a three. Still a timeout should've been called, Barton is gonna Barton.


多說一句,NBATV 的解說員說瞭,他明明可以傳給籃下的克雷格,後者輕松上籃,但那一刻巴頓被威少附體瞭。他眼裡隻剩下投三分。原本可以叫暫停的,但巴頓就是巴頓。

[ – ] TheParquetPosse 157 points 45 minutes ago

So nice of the league to let the Celtics have an extra home game


[ – ] CelticsQuinntervention 62 points 44 minutes ago

Yeah what's with all the Celtics fans in Denver ?


[ – ] [ DEN ] Jamal MurrayPropuhganduh 30 points 43 minutes ago

We have loads of Chicago and Boston fans here. It ’ s very noticeable when Red Sox and Cubs are playing here.


[ – ] CelticsScarr0214 12 points 39 minutes ago

Yeah I went to CU ( from Boston ) and there are a crazy number of us there. I think the most common states for students are 1. Colorado 2. Cali 3. Mass which is really random

凱爾特人球迷:沒錯。我從波士頓來科羅拉多大學波爾德分校上學,那裡真的有大量的我凱球迷。我覺得學生最多的州是:1. 丹佛;2. 加州;3. 馬薩諸塞州(波士頓隸屬的州)。所以到底哪球迷多就不是很確定瞭。

[ – ] [ DEN ] Gary Harriskevdawg289 19 points 43 minutes ago

There ’ s always been a ton of Boston fans in Denver. Not sure why exactly


[ – ] Celticsmrspuff202 21 points 38 minutes ago

Denver ’ s an amazing city to move to if you can deal with the climate and especially if you know how to ski. Most New Englanders can do both.


[ – ] [ GSW ] Draymond Greenjthc 9 points an hour ago

Yeah, 300 days of sunshine is pretty rough.

是哦,三百多天陽光普照,真慘呀 ~~

[ – ] Celticscompensatedshill 13 points an hour ago

what the fuck was that about? It's not like the game was in Brooklyn, it was halfway across the country.

I've never seen a western conference game with as much Celtic green in the crowd. It was insane. I was hearing Celtic cheers that were drowning out the announcers.

This was insane. It was like back in the 80s watching a Montreal Expos that was all people who drove up from Boston. But in fucking Denver.

凱爾特人球迷:這咋回事?又不是在佈魯克林打球,這可是穿越瞭大半個美利堅啊。我從沒見過西部的比賽裡觀眾中有這麼多綠軍球迷,太不可思議瞭。為我凱的吶喊助威聲都高過瞭解說員的聲音。好像回到瞭 80 年代看蒙特利爾博覽會隊的比賽,人們都從波士頓開車過來的,但這回是在丹佛啊。

[ – ] Celticswellgroomedmcpoyle 4 points an hour ago

When Jaylen hit the game winning 3 I swear like 75% of the fans in the corner were wearing Celts gear.

凱爾特人球迷:當傑倫命中關鍵三分的時候,我看到在底角處,絕對有 75% 的球迷都穿著凱爾特人的球迷服裝。

Horford finds Jaylen Brown in the corner to put the Celtics up three with under 35 seconds left! – NBCSB

霍弗德找到瞭底角埋伏的傑倫 - 佈朗,後者命中三分幫助凱爾特人取得領先,剩餘 35 秒!

[ – ] TheParquetPosse 25 points 58 minutes ago

This game is crazy. So many Celtics fans there too.


[ – ] Thunderunderceeeeej 17 points 57 minutes ago

are they playing in boston???


[ – ] Celticsdatstarboable 32 points 59 minutes ago

Jaylen Brown is coming.

凱爾特人球迷:傑倫 - 佈朗來瞭!

[ – ] RaptorsThe_Unknown98 39 points 58 minutes ago

Horford does the little things that people don ’ t get as to why he ’ s an all star.


[ – ] [ MIN ] Karl-Anthony Townsogkilla24 12 points an hour ago

That's just pathetic from Jokic


[ – ] NuggetsTheFlyingCandle 6 points 56 minutes ago

Don't know why you're getting downvoted. It was trash defense


[ – ] CavaliersThatGuyFromCanadia 1 point 19 minutes ago

Jokic... cmon man you've gotta do better than that :/

約基奇 … 唉,大哥你以後可長點心吧!

[ – ] Celticsacken3 10 points 54 minutes ago

0-4 from 3 before that

傑倫在命中這個三分之前,三分線外 4 投 0 中。

[ – ] CelticsVeryMuchWoke 8 points 41 minutes ago

That's my favorite part of this. Our young guys show NO hesitation to pull the trigger whatsoever. Even Semi, Theis, Yabu etc.

Brad must pound it into them in practice, you're set and open for three.. you take the three.



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