


Kawhi Leonard and Jimmy Butler are the only active players in the NBA to have more steals than fouls in their career.

科懷 - 倫納德和吉米 - 巴特勒是 NBA 所有現役球員中僅有的搶斷比犯規還要多的兩個球員。

Kawhi has 705 steals and 697 fouls, Jimmy Butler has 583 steals and 567 fouls.

There are also 9 other retired players in the NBA that have more steals than fouls in their career.

卡哇伊有 705 次搶斷和 697 次犯規,吉米 · 巴特勒 583 次搶斷和 567 次犯規。

NBA 還有 9 名退役球員,他們的職業生涯中搶斷次數多於犯規次數。 [ 譯註 1 ]

[ 譯註 1 ] :分別是賈森 - 基德、莫裡斯 - 奇克斯、阿倫 - 艾佛森、穆奇 - 佈雷洛克、蓋斯 - 威廉姆斯、唐 - 佈斯、羅尼 - 佈魯爾、萊斯特 - 康納、克林頓 - 惠勒。

[ – ] Rockets Bandwagonpsudoku 1151 指標 16 小時前

I reach and I teach

小手一伸,教你做人。 [ 譯註 2 ]

[ 譯註 2 ] : 原文是 you reach I teach,你敢伸手(斷球 ) ,我就敢教你做人 .

[ – ] [ PHO ] Tyler Ulisthekidboy 1551 指標 21 小時前

Two Way Player


[ – ] Bulls BandwagonLordCruntOfDankMemes 327 指標 17 小時前

get you a man who can do both


[ – ] BullsBSimpson1 206 指標 15 小時前

Or send them away and start a dumpster fire. =/


[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDJ_Mbengas_Taco 98 指標 1 天前

implying it wasn ’ t already a dumpster fire


[ – ] BullsBSimpson1 27 指標 15 小時前

Oh it was, but at least they might have been able to do something with some good draft picks and Jimmy. "Might have" being the key words. I'd say it was more of a burn barrel at that point, balancing precariously on the lip of a dumpster.

It would have been like the rockets trading Harden back after the 2015 season where they went 41-41 for a couple prospects. Maybe not quite to that extent, but closest comparison I can think of.


我們這有點像火箭在 2014-2015 那個 41 勝的賽季後把哈登交易走,換來幾個潛力新人。可能還沒到那個程度,但是也比較接近瞭。

[ – ] KAKS5 31 指標 15 小時前

could Kawhi get buckets on Kawhi?


[ – ] Chavarlison 27 指標 14 小時前

No. They would just end up calculating each other's move while staring at each other.


[ – ] SpursKhornKT 751 指標 21 小時前

sadly Kawhi likely won't be able to play against Jimmy in the season opening game : ( (


[ – ] Spursjflowers321 258 指標 21 小時前

Don't lose hope! It can still happen. I thinks it's a 50/50 chance at this point.

夢想還是要有的,萬一實現瞭呢。我認為這有 50% 的機會實現。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Jaylen BrownJKwellin 1143 指標 20 小時前

Yep, I agree. Either he does or he doesn't.


[ – ] ShyBlack88 286 指標 20 小時前

Either the sun explodes in 10 minutes or it doesn't.

So there is a 50% chance the end of the world is in 10 minutes

要麼太陽在 10 分鐘內爆炸,要麼不爆炸。


[ – ] SpursMini_Snuggle 48 指標 19 小時前

Since the world might end soon, I just wanted to say, "I love you, Kawhi" one last time.

既然可能馬上就是世界末日瞭,我要最後說一句:" 我愛你,倫納德。"

[ – ] [ TOR ] DeMar DeRozanDeRusselDeWestbrook 427 指標 19 小時前

Damn we got lucky.


[ – ] BullsLEGOF 48 指標 11 小時前

At first I was like, "the Bulls aren't playing the Spurs on the season opener."

Then I remembered the offseason moves. :/

公牛球迷:開始我想著," 公牛隊在賽季揭幕戰不是打馬刺啊。"


[ – ] WizardsGMP14 15 小時前

That feels like an absolutely ridiculous stat, wow.


[ – ] SpursATXBeermaker 183 指標 14 小時前

For the number of minutes he plays, Kawhi just doesn't foul that often. It's amazing. You look at other elite defenders and they typically foul at least an average amount if not more. Kawhi has never fouled out of a regular season game. He has fouled out of a few playoff games where he plays more minutes and more aggressive playoff style basketball. It's just amazing how surgical his defense is.


[ – ] Spursavi550m 218 指標 13 小時前

Kawhi doesn't foul. He does this


[ – ] mioraka 65 指標 13 小時前

I will never get tired from watching this clip, it's like taking candy from a kid.


[ – ] [ DAL ] Rodrigue Beauboispm_me_your_trees_plz 64 指標 12 小時前

Jesus christ. The strength, speed, and coordination required to do that is absolutely out of this world.

God I hope Kawhi comes back healthy and doesn't rush things. Would be an absolute travesty if we didn't get to watch more of him in his prime.



[ – ] Spurskawhi_tho 10 指標 6 小時前

Don't worry. Pop would self-immolate before he rushed Kawhi back too soon.


[ – ] Raptorsbeerdude111 46 指標 14 小時前

A steal and a dunk and still a straight face? I'd hate to play poker against him..


[ – ] NetsDescendantofHuangdi 94 指標 13 小時前

that's not a dunk


[ – ] WarriorsJwoey 79 指標 13 小時前

A steal, a dunk, and a magic trick to make you think it wasn't a dunk? Dude's elevated.

搶斷瞭,扣籃瞭,還耍把戲讓你以為那不是扣籃。老鐵 666。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Tim DuncanSWchibullswolverine 107 指標 13 小時前

My two favorite players! : )

Alas what could have been...Jimmy was picked by the bulls after Spurs picked up CoJo. Love CoJo ( esp that dunk on Ibaka in 2014 WCF ) but Kawhi and Jimmy would be an unreal perimeter duo!


巴特勒選秀那年是在馬刺選到約瑟夫後才被公牛選中的。很喜歡約瑟夫(特別是 2014 年西決在伊巴卡頭上那一記暴扣太帥瞭),但如果可以,倫納德和巴特勒會成為最強外線二人組!

[ – ] BullsThing_n_Stuffs 30 指標 12 小時前

Same. I've got a soft spot for under dogs, and late draft picks who have worked their asses off to be great. They've earned their places in this league.


[ – ] [ CHI ] Derrick RoseThe_Crownless_King 267 指標 14 小時前

People have been sleeping on Jimmy's defense lately. I remember that game where he locked Lebron up without fouling him before he emerged as an all star and I knew then he'd be great.


[ – ] Bullswjbc 122 指標 14 小時前 *

Butler ’ s been focusing more on offense but this year he may focus more on defense, now that he has help on offense. He also is at his best defending two guards like Harden but often defends small forwards like LeBron and KD because he ’ s the best option, even though he ’ s giving up inches. That probably won ’ t change.

公牛球迷:巴特勒之前註意力更多地集中在進攻上,但今年他可能更專註於防守,因為現在他在進攻方面有幫手。他最擅長防守像哈登這樣的雙能衛,因為他是最好的防守箭頭,盡管身高稍有劣勢,但他經常會被派去防守像勒佈朗和 KD 這樣的小前鋒。這一點可能不會改變。

[ – ] TimberwolvesSandpapercondem 69 指標 13 小時前

Considering Wiggins is the other wing option, it definitely won ’ t change.


[ – ] Bullsyoudidntreddit 74 指標 15 小時前

Jimmy Butler is an incredible player. It's sad we'll never get to see him on a team treats him like Lebron-Lite and surrounds him with shooters.

公牛球迷:吉米 · 巴特勒是個不可思議的球員。令人遺憾的是,我們永遠也看不到球隊像對待詹姆斯一樣把他捧在手心,給他配一堆射手。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Tim DuncanSWchibullswolverine 59 指標 13 小時前

alas what could have been, that's all GarPax had to do two summers ago and instead they go out and get Wade and Rondo


[ – ] Bullsyoudidntreddit 18 指標 13 小時前

That's what you get when an organization ignores modern basketball and advanced stats, from the front office to the Commentary team.


[ – ] [ CHI ] Derrick RoseCarbonFlavored 49 指標 13 小時前

I have a theory that good defenders like Kawhi, Beverley, Tony Allen and Butler among others get away with more fouls than the average player because they have a reputation of being a good defender.

Basically they get to play more physical defense and more people will see it as good defense rather than a foul.

我有一個理論:好的防守者,像倫納德、貝弗利、托尼 - 阿倫和巴特勒這些人,會比一般球員逃掉更多的犯規,因為他們的名聲在外,裁判會先入為主的以為他們沒有犯規。


[ – ] Warriors Bandwagongfhrtp_ 30 指標 12 小時前

Absolutely true. Also applies to Chris Paul, Draymond, etc. - definitely given more leeway than the average player on defense, not to take anything away from them. Similar to how the best offensive players sometimes get 'superstar calls'

確實是這樣的。也適用於克裡斯 - 保羅、德雷蒙德 - 格林等人,我不是詆毀他們,但是說實話,和普通球員相比,裁判給他們的空間確實更大。類似於進攻頂尖的球員會得到巨星哨。

[ – ] SpursYourUndoing 11 指標 12 小時前

In the case of Kawhi, he just doesn't foul that often. It's not that he gets away with anything. He gets all-ball quite often and his fundamentals are very sound.


[ – ] [ CHI ] Derrick RoseCarbonFlavored 20 指標 12 小時前

I don ’ t doubt that. There ’ s a reason why he ’ s considered the best perimeter defender in the league. I ’ m just saying that the top defenders get away with more than the average player.

For instance, playing close defense on the perimeter and bodying up the offensive player can sometimes get called for a blocking foul/reach in, but Kawhi/Allen/Butler rarely get a call like that.


例如,在外線貼身防守、給進攻球員上身體對抗的時候,有些球員會被吹罰阻擋犯規或斷球犯規,但是倫納德、托尼 - 阿倫、巴特勒就很少被這樣吹。

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