

Cavaliers currently have the worst defense in NBA history

騎士最近打出瞭 NBA 歷史上最差的防守。

[ – ] WarriorsIronEad [ S ] 62 指標 16 小時前

Here is the list of the worst defenses in the history of the league, for those who can't go on Twitter


[ – ] [ HOU ] Shane Battierpuffz0r 12 指標 15 小時前

surprised we didn't make that list a couple seasons ago


[ – ] WarriorsGet_Buckets 43 指標 15 小時前

I'm surprised only one of the 2000's Warriors made it

勇士球迷:我很震驚勇士 21 世紀以來隻上榜瞭一次。

[ – ] [ MIN ] Tom GugliottaTheTrenchMonkey 6 指標 12 小時前

My reaction to not seeing the Wolves on the list


[ – ] Cavalierslegodmanjames 2289 指標 16 小時前

we did it


[ – ] Lakerslebbe 830 指標 14 小時前

Don't worry once Isaiah "The Glove" Thomas comes back he'll right this ship in no time.

噢別擔心,等以賽亞 - 手套 - 托馬斯復出你們立刻就能走上正軌瞭。

[ – ] Spursdanny780714 246 指標 11 小時前

I mean he did get recognized for his outstanding defense last year by receiving a vote for all defensive team....

呃 ... 其實他去年確實因為出色的防守而得到瞭最佳防守陣容的選票 ……

[ – ] Warriorsgervaistweet 109 指標 10 小時前

Tbh he got robbed for DPOY


[ – ] [ WAS ] Kelly Oubretherealkellyoubre 135 指標 15 小時前 *

Y'all obviously need Isaiah Thomas back, he's a lock down defender right?


[ – ] CelticsThatUSguy 211 指標 13 小時前

He might look like one on this team

小托馬斯在這支球隊中看起來真算個防守悍將瞭 …….

[ – ] [ BOS ] Isaiah ThomasDeowine 49 指標 14 小時前

Thomas > Kawhi

我覺得小托馬斯防守比倫納德好。(# 滑稽)

[ – ] HornetsKeepItRealTV 13 指標 6 小時前

They have the same defensive stats this year so that's pretty close.

他倆本賽季至今防守數據一樣,所以這麼說沒毛病。(# 滑稽)

[ – ] UTFan23 231 指標 15 小時前

The rest are after 82 games though, right? I'm not defending Cavs at all but I would be curious if we're still the worst if you look at only the first 11 games for every team in NBA history.

這份名單剩下的隊伍都是打過 82 場之後排出來的吧?我不是在為騎士辯護,但我很好奇,如果我們都隻看前 11 場的話,騎士的防守還是歷史最爛嗎?

[ – ] Kingspuffthisfish 144 指標 12 小時前

It's the 11th worst if you're looking at the first 11 games.

No team above them finished above .500, but right behind them are the 83-84 Lakers who finished with 9th best defense and lost in their third Finals straight appearance.

如果僅看前 11 場比賽的話,他們是第 11 爛的。

排在前面的十支球隊最終勝率都沒過 50%,但排在他們身後的是 1983-84 賽季的湖人,他們賽季末防守排在聯盟第九。那年是那支湖人連續第三年進入總決賽,但輸掉瞭。

[ – ] [ CLE ] Derrick Rosecalebkeith 38 指標 15 小時前

Teams are real hot with 3s against us. It is a simple explanation. We do have shit defense though. Swiss cheese essentially.


[ – ] [ BOS ] Kelly Olynklawlamanjaro 115 指標 14 小時前

I mean if they're really hot with 3s consistently it might be your defense


[ – ] RaptorsWhiteVegas 685 指標 16 小時前

I'll take these Cavs over that 7 win Bobcat teams.

我覺得這支騎士還是比那支 7 勝山貓強的。

[ – ] BullsFire_Gar_pax 364 指標 13 小時前

7 wins>5 wins

然而 7 勝 >5 勝。

[ – ] BulletsRyanLeafgOaT8 57 指標 8 小時前

Numbers don't lie


[ – ] CavaliersConnor4Wilson 186 指標 15 小時前

Idk man is this LeBron guy as good as Kemba? I'm not so sure

騎士球迷:這個叫勒佈朗的三旬老漢比肯巴 - 沃克強嗎?我不確定。

[ – ] WarriorsMeowMixDontEatIt 429 指標 14 小時前

Just compare their college careers. Kemba was amazing in the tourney and hit one of the best buzzer beaters against Pitt. Lebron was LITERALLY a no show in college.

就比比他們的大學數據吧。肯巴 - 沃克在錦標賽中表現驚人,而且還在對陣匹茲堡大學的時候命中瞭最精彩的絕殺之一。而那個老漢根本沒在大學比賽中出場過。

[ – ] [ TOR ] OG AnunobyPormanNowell 45 指標 12 小時前

And he calls other guys bums. Smh

而且這老漢還罵其他人傻 X。

[ – ] CavaliersAloisych 606 指標 16 小時前

Remember when Raptors had the best offense in history?


[ – ] RaptorsSpike_der_Spiegel 413 指標 15 小時前

That was a good couple weeks

猛龍球迷 A:哦那真是迷人的兩個禮拜。

[ – ] [ TOR ] DeMar DeRozanN7Brendan 16 指標 9 小時前


猛龍球迷 B:實際上是兩個月。

[ – ] [ TOR ] Amir JohnsonModernPoultry 92 指標 12 小時前

DeMar getting re-animated into prime MJ was a fun 15 games

猛龍球迷 C:德羅贊那時化身瞭巔峰喬丹,那 15 場比賽真是太棒瞭。

[ – ] kissmibacksidestakki 33 指標 15 小時前

That happened literally all the way into late December and only stopped because of key injuries. It's not like that was some 10 game fluke at all.

猛龍那時候一路高歌直到 12 月底傷病來襲。他們那十幾場球可不象是靈光乍現。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Manu Ginobilibigcassexposednipple 194 指標 14 小時前

Or when the Mavs had the best offense in league history, and then blew it by trading for Rondo


[ – ] MavericksCcollin 85 指標 14 小時前


[ – ] Warriorsuntouchable765 710 指標 16 小時前

I know its only 11 games but they've also had the easiest schedule in the league. Not only that but the player they are waiting to come back is one of the worst defenders in the league.

我知道雖然這才 11 場比賽,但他們的賽程已經是聯盟裡最輕松的瞭。不僅如此,那個他們盼望著復出的球員可是聯盟裡的防守大漏勺之一。

[ – ] Kingsccupgirl 329 指標 15 小時前

Sure, but bad offense makes defense harder. Good offense makes defense easier.


[ – ] Wizardslivefreeordont 121 指標 15 小時前

Their offense is already very good tho


[ – ] Celticsscarecrowbar 254 指標 15 小時前

Sure, when LeBron decides to single handedly destroy a team. Otherwise they have a very bland, iso-heavy offense.


[ – ] [ GSW ] Harrison Barnesgatx370 127 指標 14 小時前

You ’ re saying their offense is less ISO heavy when LeBron decides to do it on his own?


[ – ] Wizardslivefreeordont 22 指標 14 小時前

There offense has been and always will be about Lebron beating his man off the dribble and kicking it to a shooter. The only difference is they don ’ t have Kyrie who can do it himself too. Lebron ’ s teams always focus on ISO ball


[ – ] CavaliersMrDingus20 17 指標 15 小時前

Our offense looks pretty ugly honestly. And we are getting battered on transition.


[ – ] WarriorsDSouT 19 指標 14 小時前

A 5'9 Turnstile isn't going to help you on transition defense. He might be able to sell a charge call easier with his frame.

那個 175cm 的漏勺可不能幫你們防快攻啊。他那個小體格騙個進攻犯規還靠點譜。

[ – ] SpursNoteful 60 指標 16 小時前

They have 3 of the worst defensive guards in the league. I'm not sure what the Cavs expected..


[ – ] ClippersKobeNotTop100 32 指標 16 小時前

Oh yeah the obtuse coaches and front office of the Cavs didn't see this coming, they don't have the sharp mind and thinking skills of this redditor

是啊,可惜騎士遲鈍的教練和管理層根本意識不到這一點,他們沒有這位 JR 這麼敏銳的思維。

[ – ] SpursNoteful 25 指標 16 小時前

Sure, you can TRY to get guys to play defense, but Lue isn't that coach. They don't respect him. Fucking Shumpert used him as a towel rack for fucks sake. Pop would've cut a player for that disrespect.

是的。你可以試著讓球員們努力防守,但盧做不到,球員們根本就瞧不上他。TMD 香珀特直接把他當毛巾架瞭。如果是波波的話早把他裁瞭。

[ – ] RaptorsFlameOfWar 119 指標 15 小時前

Terrible defensive guards and Love at center. It's practically an open lane to the basket.


[ – ] frugalNOTcheap 58 指標 13 小時前

It's practically an open lane to the basket.

Just like the 2017 Finals

" 一條寬闊的大馬路直通籃筐。"

2017 年總決賽不就這樣嘛。

[ – ] NBAtrashtipper23 9 指標 16 小時前

still making the finals


[ – ] 76ersdlandis13 11 指標 11 小時前

Id be willing to bet $20 to charity that they don't. My friends uncle is Adam silver and he told me sixers vs bucks has already been decided for the ECF. Unfortunately sixers won't win cause they wanna help Greece economy with freak boy : (

76 人球迷:我賭 20 塊錢他們進不瞭。我朋友的叔叔就是亞當 - 蕭華,他告訴我們雄鹿和 76 人的東決已經被內定瞭。不幸的是他們不會讓 76 人贏,因為聯盟想通過字母哥來振興希臘經濟。: (

[ – ] RaptorsFlameOfWar 17 指標 17 小時前

They're just not constructed to play against this high-paced league, especially with Love at center. Teams are just running them off the floor.


[ – ] Heso1334 118 指標 15 小時前

Cavs somehow trying to get two no.1 picks while making the nba finals. Class act.


[ – ] [ LAL ] D'Angelo Russellsw2365 20 指標 16 小時前

Come to LA LeBron...we aren't last in defense

湖人球迷:來洛杉磯吧詹姆斯 … 我們這防守不是最差的。

[ – ] Trail Blazerspostbyproxy 27 指標 13 小時前

"I have decided to take my talents to Los Angeles."

Big three of LeBron, Griffin, DJ would be unstoppable.

" 我將把天賦帶到洛杉磯。"


[ – ] Cavaliersbryanrobh 2 指標 11 小時前

Wake me when the Cavs wake up


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