張伯倫:NBA 改規則限制我,卻照顧喬丹


張伯倫:NBA 改規則限制我卻照顧喬丹!其天賦遠超喬丹、詹姆斯!

[ Wilt Chamberlain ] "Just remember ( Michael ) , when you played, they changed the rules to make it easier for you to dominate...when I played, they changed the rules to make it harder for me" ( youtu.be )

【威爾 - 張伯倫】"(喬丹)要記住一點,當你打球的時候,聯盟改變瞭規則,目的是讓你能夠更容易的去統治比賽 … 而我打球的時候,他們改變規則的目的則是讓比賽對我來說變得更艱難 "

[ – ] LakersNoahFHewitt 6999 指標 19 小時前

Whether you agree or not that's a boss fucking quote


[ – ] Netsthebigticket2 1120 指標 19 小時前

what's there to disagree with? it's true


[ – ] Netsj_cruise 2053 指標 16 小時前

Before anyone freaks out ( maybe it's too late for that ) , Wilt had a TON of respect for MJ. He truly thought he was extraordinarily gifted. One of his books, View From Above, is littered with praise for MJ and Larry Bird. He says multiple times that he doesn't want to be one of those old b-ball players who thinks that everyone is awful now.

Wilt was just doing some friendly trash talking. He probably did believe that he was better, though. Also, I highly recommend his book. It's funny as hell and filled with many interesting stories.

在任何人情緒激動起來之前(也許我現在說已經太晚瞭),張伯倫對喬丹充滿著無比的尊重,他真的認為後者擁有著無與倫比的天賦。在張伯倫的一本書《View From Above》中,到處都充滿著對喬丹和伯德的贊揚。很多老一輩的籃球運動員都會認為現在的每個球星都是垃圾,而張伯倫說過很多次,自己不想成為他們中的一員。


[ – ] Warriorscrabsock 1433 指標 14 小時前

If I average like 50-20 for a whole season, I would definitely believe I was better than anybody else

如果我也能在整個賽季裡場均 50+20 的話,我絕對相信自己比任何其他人都更出色。

[ – ] RocketsCasaiir 851 指標 14 小時前

And the 4-5 women a day too.

外加每天睡 4-5 個女人吧。

[ – ] HowitzerIII 775 指標 19 小時前

What were the rule changes?


[ – ] Sunsximca 1776 指標 18 小時前

Joking aside

no dunking from FT line

widened the paint after the initial expansion because of Mikan

can't inbound over the backboard

Off the top of my head



在最初因為喬治 - 麥肯而第一次擴大禁區後,再一次的擴大瞭其范圍



[ – ] rzpieces 44 指標 16 小時前

I'm blanking, how did this stop wilt?



[ – ] MagichouseQM 147 指標 16 小時前

His teammates could just lob it over the backboard to Wilt, who could just lob it in off that pass


[ – ] Lakers BandwagonA_Lakers 2180 指標 18 小時前

while taking a FT btw. Not in game

" 不能在罰球線扣籃 "


[ – ] MagicDaex33 79 指標 13 小時前

There's no miss involved, the plan was to just dunk it directly instead of shooting FT. In terms of mechanics, he would step back at the very edge of FT circle, take a step or two and dunk.

Important part is that this never actually happened in NBA game. Wilt was fooling around during practice to maybe pull it off as a surprise in an important game, and the word got out so they banned it ahead of time. Funny thing, NCAA also banned the same thing, right before Wilt's freshman year.

這裡不存在罰球故意投不進的情況,張伯倫當時的計劃就是直接扣籃,而不是先規規矩矩罰個球。關於如何完成這一動作的話,他會先後退到罰球區域最後方的邊緣,助跑一到兩步然後就扣瞭。重要的一點是,這其實從未在 NBA 比賽中真正發生過。張伯倫是在訓練的時候吹牛皮,說也許會在一場重要比賽的時候拿出這個動作來,把對手打個措手不及,之後流言傳開瞭,然後聯盟提前就禁止瞭這一做法。有趣的是,正好在張伯倫作為大一新生入學之前,NCAA 也禁止瞭這一做法。

[ – ] [ NBA ] Lebron Jamesomyhomyboy 598 指標 18 小時前

so would people seriously just do this beforehand? just standing long jump dunks from the FT line?


[ – ] Lakers BandwagonA_Lakers 4108 指標 18 小時前

Not people. Wilt


[ – ] TheDudelyPhoenix 155 指標 13 小時前 *

He ran A 10.47 as a 7 ft tall teenager in the 100 yard. I incorrectly stated it was meters

張伯倫作為一名身高 2.13 米的青少年,100 碼跑的成績居然達到瞭 10.47 秒。我之前搞錯瞭,以為是 100 米。

【註】1 碼 =0.9144 米。

[ – ] Bucksmschley2 207 指標 12 小時前

And triple jumped over 50 ft and shot putted 56 ft and won the Big 8 conference high jump 3 years in a row.

In other words, he was only a few feet off the current US olympic qualifying for both triple jump and shot put. He was a foot off current US olympic qualifying measurement for the high jump, but that was before it became popular to high jump backward. So if he had focused on track and field, he probably would've been an Olympian in basically whatever event he wanted to do.

張伯倫的三級跳遠成績超過瞭 15.24 米,鉛球成績也達到瞭 17.07 米,並連續 3 年在八大聯盟的跳高比賽中奪冠。

換句話說,他離現在美國奧運會三級跳和鉛球的參賽標準隻差不到 1 米瞭,而離跳高的參賽標準則隻差 30 厘米,然而那時背越式跳高還並不流行。所以如果張伯倫專註於田徑的話,很可能不管他想主攻什麼項目,最終都能站在奧運會的賽場上。

[ – ] LakersDorienG 149 指標 12 小時前

I thought LeBron was the best athlete I've ever knew of, but Wilt is crazy.


[ – ] Warriorsbumpkinspicefatte 204 指標 17 小時前

Those seem like the rules that were put in place to make it harder for Wilt. What about the supposed rules that were put in place to help Jordan?


[ – ] Knicksveksone 521 指標 17 小時前

Flagrant foul calls so teams couldn't use the Bad Boy style defense against him was the biggest imo. Jordan complained a lot about those Pistons and the league listened, they also changed handchecking from two hands to one.

在我看來,最重要的部分便是,設定惡意犯規,從而球隊無法再使用 " 壞孩子軍團 " 那樣的防守方式去對付喬丹。喬丹對於那支活塞的方式抱怨瞭很多,而聯盟聽取瞭他的意見。另外,聯盟也把之前允許用兩隻手的 "handchecking" 變成隻允許使用一隻手。

[ – ] KeepRooting4Yourself 338 指標 17 小時前

After watching some of the old clips of the Bad Boys in action, I have to say that I'm honestly surprised how often they let Laimbeer get away with the real nasty shit that he did back then. Like I'm cool with hard-nosed ball, but this guy was someting else.

在看瞭一些過去關於 " 壞孩子軍團 " 的錄像後,我真的被嚇到瞭,尤其是聯盟居然能夠忍受蘭比爾如此頻繁的去做那些動作非常暴力的犯規。我能夠接受強硬的籃球,但是這傢夥簡直是另外一個水平的。

[ – ] NBAChopSueyWarrior 107 指標 14 小時前 *

God, some of those hits pre 90's looked like it came straight out of the wwf.

Laimbeer had the worst cred, but Karl Malone is another dirty player check out Malone's special delivery on Zeke that required 40 stitches!

Had Malone threw the same elbow today at the very least 20 games suspension and a huge fine, but in the 80s/90s that's just hard nose basketball! :D

天啊,90 年代之前的那些動作看起來就像是直接從職業摔跤場出來的。

蘭比爾擁有著最差的名聲,但是卡爾 - 馬龍則又是另外一位非常臟的球員。看看他對刺客托馬斯那記讓其縫瞭 40 針的特別待遇吧。

如果馬龍在現在的比賽中做出瞭同樣的肘擊的話,懲罰最少也是 20 場禁賽和巨額的罰款,但是在 80/90 年代,這就是你們所謂的強硬籃球!!!

[ – ] BullsKingLeo23 91 指標 15 小時前

That move was more the NBA protecting assets than appeasing Jordan. Jordan brought in more money to the NBA than any player in history. Letting Laimbeer and Mahorn crack him on every possession is just bad for business. The same reason you can't touch a QB anymore in the NFL.

(做出規則改變)更像是 NBA 為瞭保護自己的資產,而不是去取悅喬丹。喬丹為 NBA 帶來的收入比歷史上任何其他球員都要多。放任蘭比爾和馬洪每一回合都去侵犯他顯然不符合生意邏輯,就和現在在 NFL 裡你不能碰對手的四分衛是一個原因。

[ – ] Rocketsbauboish 46 指標 14 小時前

True and they were good rule changes. Doesn't change the fact that rule changes did make it easier for Jordan to play better while Wilt essentially had rules written just cause he was too dominant.


[ – ] LakersMedievalGynecologist 168 指標 16 小時前

Wilt Chamberlain:

Shooters cannot cross the free throw line while during free throws ( Wilt would throw it against the backboard for dunks )

lane widened from 12 feet to 16 feet

offensive interference/goaltending

ball cannot be inbounded over the backboard ( Inbounders standing underneath the basket would routinely lob the ball over the backboard for Wilt )

Michael Jordan:

Illegal Offense ( clear out isolation on one side of the court )



罰球線從 3.66 米拓寬到瞭 4.88 米。

進攻幹擾 / 幹擾球



非法進攻(把所有球員拉開到球場一端,在另一端 1v1 單打)

[ – ] Celticsandupitt 1166 指標 19 小時前

That's because Jordan only has one leg & Wilt had three.


[ – ] fuckingoff 331 指標 16 小時前 *

Photo of Wilt, Andre the Giant, and Arnold. Arnold is 6'2" tall.

一張包含張伯倫,巨人安德雷和施瓦辛格的照片,要知道施瓦辛格可有 1.88 米高。

[ – ] Bravesloujackcity 169 指標 16 小時前

Holy fuck, Wilt even makes Andre look pretty small


[ – ] Lakerskobe4forever 1383 指標 19 小時前

Probably one of Wilt's best cases for GOAT...they didn't change the rules because the game was not exciting or anything ( ex: Detroit Pistons ) , they changed rules purely to stop Wilt.

這也許是討論張伯倫成為歷史最偉大球員最好的論據瞭 … 聯盟不是因為比賽不夠激烈或是其他原因(比如:壞小子軍團活塞)而改變瞭規則,他們僅僅是為瞭阻止張伯倫而這樣做的。

[ – ] TimberwolvesNaskin 912 指標 19 小時前

They changed rules to stop Shaq as well.


[ – ] CelticsProphet_Of_Helix 541 指標 19 小時前

I mean they also changed the rules to stop Barkley, so maybe that takes a bit of wind out of Wilt's sails ; )


[ – ] Warriorsmohajaf 293 指標 18 小時前

Another great quote came from Bill Russel at the very end: " the way I play, my team wins"

另外,在視頻結尾,有另外一條偉大的來自比爾 - 拉塞爾的話:" 我打球的方式,球隊就能贏球。"

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