

[ Lillard on being compared to Kyrie as #1 guy ] Bro I'm really gettin tired of y'all throwing my name around. Maybe you should check my track record. Over 500 and in the playoffs every yr

[ 利拉德發推回應自己作為球隊老大與歐文的比較 ] 夥計們,我已經厭倦你們到處提到我的名字瞭。也許你們應該查查我的歷史戰績——超過 50% 的勝率和年年打進季後賽。

註:NBA 記者 Tom Haberstroth 此前發表瞭一篇文章討論歐文要求交易離隊一事。在文中,Haberstroh 認為比起科比,達米安 - 利拉德和以賽亞 - 托馬斯很可能是歐文最好的比較對象,他還提及在過去 3 個賽季裡,當詹姆斯缺席並且歐文首發時,騎士的戰績是 4 勝 13 負(勝率 0.235)。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Russell Westbrookbirdleec47 2035 指標 6 小時前

And doing it in the West, tell em Dame.


[ – ] NBAzxc123zxc123 106 指標 3 小時前 *

While being the BEST ( RAPPER ) IN THE NBA

同時還是 NBA 最強的饒舌歌手。

[ – ] ismokeforfun2 25 指標 3 小時前

While also rapping on the side, and having some bad ass shoes.

Dames a fucking beast.



[ – ] Raptorscrisscross424 105 指標 6 小時前 *

Blazers went 13-17 against the east

Edit: Woah what's with the downvotes, I just said they struggled vs the east

開拓者上賽季對陣東部的戰績是 13 勝 17 負。


[ – ] Trail Blazersdont_care- 247 指標 6 小時前

Just means their record vs West was pretty good


[ – ] CelticsITsLoverBoy 114 指標 5 小時前

East better than West confirmed. Explains why everyone is going West. Pack it up boys.


[ – ] Blazers Bandwagonbakitbakitba 416 指標 6 小時前

Why they gotta keep disrespecting Dame like this...

為什麼他們一直如此不尊重利拉德 ...

[ – ] Trail Blazerstoadtruck 106 指標 5 小時前

Fuel for the fire


[ – ] Trail Blazersgrandpawillow 99 指標 5 小時前

It's a fucking forest fire at this point with how much fuel has been poured on it


[ – ] 76ersTmwill87 2 指標 2 小時前

He's gonna win MVP next year if people keep shitting on him

如果人們一直詆毀他,利拉德明年會拿到 MVP 的。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Brandon Ingrambobberr 456 指標 6 小時前 *

Well he's not wrong

edit: we're both wrong



[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin 448 指標 6 小時前

He is though: in his rookie season they finished 33-49

但利拉德確實說錯瞭:在他的新秀賽季,開拓者的常規賽戰績是 33 勝 49 負。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Brandon Ingrambobberr 410 指標 6 小時前

Did they get the 4th seed as well?

但他們同時還拿到瞭 4 號種子麼?

註:2006-07 賽季起,季後賽種子排名規則為:排名 1 由最好的榜首球隊獲得,排名 2-4 由 2 個賽區的榜首球隊和最好的非榜首球隊以成績排列。2015-16 賽季起,季後賽種子排名完全由成績排列。

[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin 153 指標 6 小時前

Haven't seen that meme in a while


[ – ] [ PHO ] Devin BookerKeefJerky 105 指標 6 小時前

Silver changed the rules because of that meme


[ – ] [ CHA ] Baron DavisHello_Dawl 47 指標 6 小時前

Genuinely cant believe the sheer volume of people who needed the concept of winning a division explained to them.


[ – ] [ ATL ] Predrag Drobnjakrewat5 80 指標 7 小時前

I fucking love Dame, but weren't the Blazers 41-41 last year?

我愛死利拉德瞭,但是上賽季開拓者的戰績不是 41 勝,41 負麼?

[ – ] Celticsshooknibba 127 指標 7 小時前 *

I think he means over .500 in his career and that he has made the playoffs every year.

Edit: Every year excluding his rookie year when the Blazers had the injury bug.

我覺得他是想說生涯總勝率超 50%,同時每年都打進季後賽。


[ – ] [ SAC ] Mahmoud Abdul-Raufheydigme 44 指標 6 小時前

He wasn't the #1 option on that rookie team.


[ – ] [ MIA ] Daequan CookJaySpike 428 指標 7 小時前

Yeah but the west is easy AF. If he was in the east he'd be like an under .500 10 seed at best. Check the facts, Lillard

話是這麼說,但西部輕松如狗啊。如果利拉德在東部,那麼他的勝率會低於 50%,最多也就拿個 10 號種子吧。好好想想這回事兒,利拉德。

[ – ] Knicks Bandwagondillonc2 170 指標 6 小時前

Couldn't make the All-Star team in the shitty west? Trash


[ – ] Rocketsjsting 97 指標 6 小時前

As a PG no less. Seriously whats his competition? Ty Lawson and a few others.

而且還是在控衛這個位置上。說認真的,都誰和他競爭啊?也就泰 - 勞森,和其他幾個路人甲乙丙丁罷瞭。

[ – ] [ UTA ] John StocktonThehealeroftri 52 指標 5 小時前

He has a chance this year now that D'lo went to Brooklyn


[ – ] CelticsITsLoverBoy 29 指標 5 小時前

Also that dude Curry. Seth was it? Idk? His dad was an NBA player iirc.

還有個競爭者,是那個姓庫裡的哥們,是叫賽斯來著不?我不確定哈。要沒記錯,他老爹是個前 NBA 球員。

[ – ] Warriorsmilkonyourmustache 41 指標 6 小時前

"Inside Kyrie Irving's losing track record as "the guy" and why he's more Dame than Kobe"

Haberstroh didn't need to slight Dame like that. It's the West, they were a 50+ win team until Aldridge left as a Free Agent and Dame has done a pretty good job keeping them .500+ since then with moderate playoff success.

" 深挖凱裡 - 歐文作為‘當傢老大’的輸球紀錄,以及為何他比起科比更像利拉德。"

Haberstroh 用不著這麼貶低利拉德。在西部,開拓者曾經是一支 50+ 勝球隊,直到阿爾德裡奇作為自由球員離開。在那之後,利拉德已經幹得相當不錯瞭,他把球隊勝率維持在 50% 以上,外加穩健的季後賽表現。

[ – ] Trail BlazersCroutons 41 指標 5 小時前

And ironically what does Kobe's record without Shaq or Pau look like? Below .500 and missing the playoffs more often then making them.

而諷刺的是,離開瞭鯊魚或加索爾後,科比的戰績又如何呢?不到 50% 的勝率和季後賽出席少,缺席多。

[ – ] Lakersslayinbzs 13 指標 4 小時前

Haberstroh has built a career on degrading kobe, and now he's propping kobe up in order to degrade dame and kyrie. It's pretty sad

Haberstroh 這記者是靠踩科比發傢的,而現在他又把科比捅出來,從而黑利拉德和歐文。這真是相當的可悲啊。

[ – ] johannvandelay 26 指標 6 小時前



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