

雅虎記者 Shams Charania 報道,拉馬爾 - 奧多姆:" 湖人的那次交易基本毀瞭我的職業生涯和意志。我們在季後賽輸給達拉斯以後,我被交易瞭,可我那年也拿下瞭最佳第六人啊。在這之後還把我交易,我還能怎樣?為什麼會這樣?"

[ Charania ] Lamar Odom: "That trade from the Lakers basically ended my career and purpose. I got traded the season after we lost to Dallas in the playoffs, and I had won Sixth Man of the Year for the team. To trade me after winning Sixth Man of the Year what else do I got to do? Why?"

[ – ] SpursParkBaller27 1122 指標 7 小時前

Odom always sounds so sad


[ – ] Lakersblabla1608 539 指標 6 小時前

His life has been extremely fucked up and sad.


[ – ] ThunderTonyStarksLazySusan 123 指標 2 小時前 *

His Tribune article probably kept me from touching the devils dust when offered a week or two later though. Respect.

Edit i shitpost often, did not expect these upboats this fast.. But I'm 100% serious. If you are over ( or under for others ) 22 you know what you can or can't handle. I know I didn't need that even introduced into my life. Some can handle it I guess, i have family history, and after Lamar's story I knew it 100% not worth it. I'm not saying don't smoke or drink. Just know especially if you're doing it for the wrong reasons, think twice or thrice. Some of us aren't built for it. No matter how tall or cut or in shape you're in chemicals effect us all different. Have fun but be safe.

看瞭奧多姆發表在球星看臺上的那篇文章後,一兩周吧,有人給瞭我惡魔粉(毒 X 品),我沒要。

PS:我經常水帖,沒想到這個回帖能收到這麼多贊。但我是百分之百在認真地。如果你都 22 瞭(對於有的人可能是 22 歲以下),那你就已經到瞭知道什麼你能掌控什麼不能的年紀瞭。我那時知道我不需要毒 X 品介入我的生活。我猜有人能不被它拉進無底洞,不過我的傢族史告訴我不要和它打交道,瞭解瞭奧多姆的故事後,我百分百確定毒品完全不值得我去冒險嘗試。我不是說不抽煙不喝酒瞭。我隻是說每個人都應該明白三思而後行的重要性,尤其當你是為瞭錯誤的原因去嘗試能讓你上癮的物質時,你更要先思考一下。有些人是抵抗不瞭上癮物質的侵襲的。不管你多高,多強壯,身體多麼棒,這些東西都會在不同程度上影響著你的身體。及時行樂沒錯,但安全第一。

[ – ] Kittens4Brunch 28 指標 1 小時前

If I can't quit Reddit, I probably shouldn't risk coke.

如果我連 Reddit 都戒不掉,那我可能也不該冒險碰可卡 X 因。

[ – ] NBAurfaselol [ S ] 61 指標 9 小時前

coke gives you a brutal come down. that deters me ( and how expensive it is )

可卡 X 因的效果太 tm 強烈瞭,這就足夠讓我對它說不瞭。(而且太貴瞭)

[ – ] [ SEA ] Kevin DurantAltChronic 87 指標 8 小時前

Coke really is a rich man's drug.

它是富人玩的毒 X 品。

[ – ] PM_ME_YOUR_JUMPSHOT 44 指標 2 小時前

You a pepsi man?


譯者註:外國人通常用 Coke 代指可卡 X 因,而 coke 也是可樂的意思。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Kevin GarnettMarkHoppusJr 25 指標 7 小時前

Idk bout coke man but I like sprite better tho.


[ – ] ThunderTonyStarksLazySusan 30 指標 2 小時前 *

Yup. I had friendly antecdotes but Lamar's story was fresh when I was offered. I was drinking but I just passed I don't want any part of his pain on top of what i've been through. Not hating if you can handle it but it's not something I ever even want to try once.

沒錯。我當時是有一些朋友玩毒 X 品也沒什麼事的。但是那哥們給我 devils dust 惡魔粉的時候,奧多姆的故事還在我腦海裡。當時我正喝著酒呢,我告訴他我不需要這些。我經歷瞭這麼多,我不想再經歷奧多姆所承受的那種痛苦瞭。你們要是能張弛有度,玩毒也能控制好自己的話我是沒什麼意見,但我個人是永遠也不想嘗試。

[ – ] Warriorswtfdaemon 8 指標 2 小時前

Good on you, keep it that way. It's not fucking worth it, especially if you already feel its pull. Life can go on, but it's a whole lot goddamn harder when you gain a serious addiction or two.


[ – ] [ SAS ] Tim DuncanDsarg_92 174 指標 7 小時前

When you gone through full of tragedies your whole life, it can really get to you.


[ – ] [ GSW ] Kelenna Azubuikegetsituated 21 指標 3 小時前

after what he's been through, we're just lucky to have the dude still with us


[ – ] Netsaydee123 520 指標 8 小時前

Well they were going to trade him for Chris Paul, an all-time great point guard and first ballot Hall of Famer who was 26 at the time.

Yeah it sucks, but can you really blame the Lakers for getting a player like that?

別忘瞭,湖人用奧多姆可是想換來克裡斯 - 保羅啊,一位偉大的控衛,達到提名條件就可以入選名人堂的球員,而且那時他才 26 歲啊。


[ – ] Lakersso-cal_kid 276 指標 6 小時前

Nope I think Lamar, being the emotional guy he is, just didn't know how to handle it. He probably saw it as another terrible event in his life like the others he had been going through around that same time. For the Lakers FO it was just business and time to rebuild that team around Kobe and CP3.


[ – ] LakersKAhnSolo 53 指標 3 小時前

I remember Lamar initially having a hard time when Phil wanted him to be a 6th man like Ginobli. He felt semi insulted having Ariza or Ron start over him when he was just as good and in some ways better. Though, we all know he eventually came around.

But then to be traded after he gave everything to the team, I could see where he would be hurt. I think in general he's just a sensitive guy. So from his perspective yeah that would be pretty devastating.



[ – ] debaserr 25 指標 3 小時前

And on top of that, the team was really really good, and it was all because of Kobe and that insane Gasol / Odom / Bynum frontline.


[ – ] [ TOR ] Vince CarterImThatGuyYouDontKnow 37 指標 3 小時前

It didn't help that his wife hated being in Dallas and probably made his life even more worse off with the constant cameras and attention to go along with it.


[ – ] PistonssubMJM 3 指標 1 小時前 *

That wasn't even the first time. He averaged 17/10/4 for the Miami Heat in 2003/04 next to a rookie Dwyane Wade. Wade broke out in the playoffs with Odom as the best player next to him. Then Odom and a bunch of other pieces get traded for Shaq in the summer.

You're right though, that's sports in general, not just the NBA. But I get it. It sucks when you work your ass off and establish yourself and you're just used as a trade piece in the end.

這不是奧多姆第一次為球隊犧牲瞭。03-04 年,他在邁阿密熱火隊場均 17 分 10 籃板 4 助攻,僅次於新秀年的韋德。韋德在季後賽爆發,而奧多姆是球隊的第二號人物。然後那個賽季結束後的夏天,奧多姆和其他幾個球員被打包交易換來瞭奧尼爾。

不過你是對的,這就是體育,不隻 NBA 才這樣。但是我理解奧多姆。當你努力拼搏,提升自己,結果最後隻是球隊交易的籌碼,別是一番滋味在心頭啊。

[ – ] LakersThe_Awesometeer 1 指標 50 分鐘前

Ugh the best and worst day. I was so excited and then my dreams were crushed. Glad the NBA stepped in to stop that trade

湖人球迷:哼,那次交易當天真讓我體會到瞭從天堂到地獄的感覺。我激動壞瞭,緊接著就夢碎瞭。我謝謝 NBA 介入阻止瞭這筆交易。謝謝你啊,籃球原因。

[ – ] Raptorstadallagash 447 指標 14 小時前

Poor Lamar, he has had a difficult life despite his successful nba career.

可憐的奧多姆啊,盡管他 NBA 的生涯是成功的,他的生活卻一直不如意。

[ – ] Trail Blazersho_chiminh 265 指標 11 小時前

Once, he walked into practice with the Lakers and witnessed Bryant smash Sasha Vujacic with an elbow to the face, with no warning, no rhyme or reason.

"It was like, ' [ Expletive ] , this mother [ expletive ] Kobe is really serious,'" Odom says. "He's thuggin' at 10 in the morning."

he was probably thuggin at 530, yall just weren't in the gym yet

" 有一次奧多姆來到訓練館,看到科比給武賈西奇的臉上來瞭個狠狠的肘擊,什麼警告也沒有,什麼理由也沒有。"

奧多姆說:" 我當時的反應就是,這 tmd,這 tmd 科比也太狠瞭。他可不是鬧著的玩的主啊。早上十點就開始焦作人瞭。"


[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe Bryantablackcloudupahead 24 指標 7 小時前

I feel for Lamar. This only goes to show you what's just business to some people is personal to others. That's why I don't understand why people get mad at players for leaving teams. Businesses do what's best for them, and people should do the same.

我同情奧多姆。NBA 對於一些人來說可能隻是生意,而對於另一批人來說則不隻是這樣。也因此,我不明白為什麼有人因球員離開球隊而暴怒。既然球隊盡力讓自身利益最大化,那球員也有權這樣。

[ – ] kopkiwi 27 指標 4 小時前 *

There is a website called the secret footballer. It's an ex ( maybe still current ) Premier League football ( soccer ) player in England writing pieces about what life is like being a professional athlete. Few people seem to think they know whom he is based on certain events and timelines he has described.

One piece he wrote a few years back really was an interesting read. Talked about transfers, moving around and basically being uncertain about your future, or even present situation. One day you've settled in nicely at your club, you have your house, friends, social circle, your family is settled in, maybe your kids are at school. Then you get a phone call "We're selling you, you're moving to the other end of the coutry". Now you have to pick up your things, your wife doesn't want to move again, you can't pull your kids out of school and the club hasn't arrange living quarters for you yet so you're stuck in a motel. You have no friends, your family isn't with you. You're alone. In an instant you're entire life has changed. He went on to say there is a lot of depressed athletes going through this exact situation and it is never talked about. People think "you're getting paid massive amounts of money, what have you got to be sad or down about" Doesn't work like that unfortunately. I'll see if I can find the article.

有個網站叫 "The Secret Footballer"。是一名前(可能是現役)英超足球運動員,寫一些文章,記錄一名職業運動員的生活是什麼樣的。似乎很少有人能根據他所描述的某件事或者大事記得知他的真實身份。

有一篇幾年前的文章真的很有趣。談論有關球員流動,球員基本不確定自己的未來會如何,甚至是現狀也不得保證。一天你已經在自己的俱樂部站穩瞭腳跟,你有瞭自己的房子,朋友,社交圈,你的傢庭也安穩瞭下來,可能你的孩子也在這裡上學。然後你接到瞭一通電話,說 " 我們把你兜售瞭,你得去國傢的另外一端 "。現在,你不得不收拾東西,可你的妻子不想再次搬傢,你的孩子不願離開學校。新東傢還沒有給你安排住處所以你隻能先在汽車旅館湊合。你沒有朋友,你的傢人也不在身旁。你孤身一人。就在瞬間,你的生活完全改變瞭。

這個人繼續寫,說,有很多抑鬱的球員經歷過這種情況,卻從未被提及過。人們總覺得說," 你們掙瞭那麼多錢,有什麼可矯情傷感的啊 ",很不幸,事情不是這樣的,不是說一個人有錢瞭就不會傷感。我看看我能不能找到那篇文章的地址。

[ – ] RocketsFeatherySquid 394 指標 14 小時前

I'm pretty sure James Harden was traded after getting 6th Man of the Year. He seems to have done alright.


[ – ] clue3l3ess 180 指標 14 小時前

So was Lou will and he was almost 6th man again last season.

路易斯 - 威廉姆斯也是,而且他上個賽季差點又拿到最佳第六人。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Jeremy Linptam 81 指標 14 小時前

There's probably a pattern here. 6th are good enough to be worth something and if they do too well, another team may value them more as a starter or an equally good bench guy for a different team, which their current team simply may not have a spot for.


[ – ] MavericksEarlTubb 42 指標 8 小時前

Hope he finds lasting peace. Was awfully frustrated with him in Dallas but some things are way bigger than basketball. Being upset about being traded from one NBA to another is a wealthy guy's problem but I can understand being badly hurt by a move like that.


[ – ] Lakerssdnivra94 11 指標 8 小時前

He wanted to stay in la because it was his home. Of course his situation financially is going to always be fine when he's in the nba

他想留在洛杉磯,因為那是他的傢。不過的確,當他在 NBA 的時候,他在財務上的狀況一直還不錯。

[ – ] [ CLE ] Zydrunas Ilgauskasfizzygswag 9 指標 5 小時前

I think Lamar has more than just that as an issue. Dudes battled with depression all his life.


[ – ] MavericksEarlTubb 6 指標 5 小時前

For sure. His situation in LA just seemed to be one of the things that kept the rest of it from crashing down around him.


[ – ] [ CLE ] Zydrunas Ilgauskasfizzygswag 7 指標 5 小時前

Yeah for sure. I just really want nothin but the best for him, his tribune piece just absolutely killed me


[ – ] Bullsmarkseesred 2 指標 4 小時前

That group was tight and having Kobe around probably helped him find his purpose.


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