命中 400 個三分才能幸存,你能做到嗎?


命中 400 個三分球才能幸存,你會開啟曼巴模式還是聖賢模式?

You're locked in a gym and need to make 400 threes to get out, do you survive? ( self.nba )

你被鎖在一個體育館裡,隻有投進 400 個三分才能夠出去,你能幸存下來嗎?

There is no water, food, AC, or Kawhi. When you leave you get every drink and food yo want. Do you survive?

E: There is only one ball and you have to get it after every shot.

E2: you can not bring anything into the gym except clothing, shoes, and a ball. It's an NBA three

體育館裡沒有水,食物,空調或者倫納德(機器人)。當你投進 400 記三分離開體育館的時候才可以得到你想要的水和食物。你能幸存下來嗎?

前提 1:你隻有一個籃球,每次投籃之後都要自己撿球。

前提 2:除瞭衣服,鞋子和籃球,其餘的東西都不允許帶進體育館。三分線以 NBA 規則為準。

[ – ] Kingspendletonskyforce 29 指標 16 小時前

As long as I have the wifi password.

隻要我能搞到 Wifi 的密碼 ...

[ – ] [ HOU ] Chris PaulBriand2714 1424 指標 18 小時前

Yes you don't know me


[ – ] Trail Blazersneilson241 326 指標 14 小時前

Prove it. I think we should have a r/nba meetup/convention and have people try this.


[ – ] Grumpy_Old_Young_Man 3578 指標 17 小時前

lol at the idea of someone missing a few, curling up on the floor and accepting death


[ – ] SunsCitizenJaggers 291 指標 14 小時前

Leave Deandre Jordan alone.


[ – ] ClippersImabucsfan [ S ] 9 指標 12 小時前

And dwight howard

還得再加一個德懷特 - 霍華德。

[ – ] [ POR ] Clifford RobinsonSardinesGivePower 441 指標 17 小時前

What season is it? If I can average 2 attempts a minute and hit at a 25% rate then it'd take me 13 hours to get out.

If it was summer time, without ac, I get dehydrated and die. If the gym is relatively mild then I'd make it out alive.

認真的回復一下,這是在什麼季節呢?如果我能每分鐘出手兩次並且保持穩定的 25% 命中率,那我 13 個小時左右就可以出去啦。


[ – ] ClippersImabucsfan [ S ] 396 指標 17 小時前

the gym will always be 70 degrees

樓主補充:體育館裡一直是華氏 70 度。

【註】攝氏度 = ( 華氏度 -32 ) ÷1.8,華氏 70 度約為攝氏 21.1 度。

[ – ] Warriorsrevantou 84 指標 15 小時前

Don't forget fatigue. I know that after 300 shots, my arm is rubber. At 25%, I'd still have 1300 shots to shoot.

別忘記考慮疲勞值啊。我知道投瞭 300 次之後,我的胳膊就像橡膠一樣無力瞭。如果以 25% 的命中率來算,那我還得再出手至少 1300 次呢。

[ – ] [ PHI ] Andre Iguodalachakalls 808 指標 18 小時前

I would just waste all my energy jerking off or other some stupid shit


[ – ] Warriors49GiantSharkWarriors 327 指標 18 小時前


I'd probably die before making 75 3s, because I can't shoot at all


我可能會在投進 75 個三分之前就掛掉,因為我壓根兒就不會投籃。

[ – ] Warriorseggzecutor 144 指標 14 小時前

You should be ashamed for wearing that banner

勇士球迷:你真應該為你 ID 前的總冠軍圖標感到羞恥。

【註】Reddit 論壇上主隊為 NBA 當季總冠軍球隊的用戶會得到一個小奧佈萊恩杯的圖標,顯示在個人 ID 之前。

[ – ] [ MIN ] Zach LaVineSherspockHolmes 866 指標 17 小時前 *

Everybody - 5 hours is 300 minutes. If you're getting your own ball, every make is still going to take 15-30 seconds ( unless you're really hustling ) . Every miss is going to take way longer due to bounce. If you're consistently shooting 50%, you're not going to make it in 5-6 hours.

I could do it OP, but after a full day probably, and I'd need water.

我有一言,請諸位靜聽:5 個小時就是 300 分鐘。如果你需要自己去撿球的話,就算你投進瞭那也要花費大約 15-30 秒的時間(除非你真的能一直跑來跑去)。每次投丟的話,則會耗費掉更多的時間因為球會彈到別處去。就算你能保持在穩定的 50% 命中率,那 5 到 6 個小時也都不夠你用的。


[ – ] skyblueleaves 550 指標 16 小時前

Plus fatigue would get me airballing after an hour of shooting


[ – ] PacersGeodesicGroot 676 指標 15 小時前

Granny shot tho. But I'm sure some people would rather die than risk being seen shooting granny style.

Once you got it down the ball would even roll back to you on a lot of the makes.



[ – ] Thunderdreadpirateruss 95 指標 16 小時前

A lot of your misses & even some of your makes will roll right back to you if you're shooting from the top of the key. I don't think it would be worth it to take corner threes, but there's definitely a debate there.


[ – ] Rockets1gnominious 112 指標 15 小時前

Corner 3's would be the worst. If your shot is off on the court side you just bounced it all the way across the gym. At the top of the key when you miss to the sides it just bounces off the wall or gets stuck in the seats.

In an endurance test like this the corner might start out better but would start to crash. The more shots you miss the more you run... the more you run the more shots you miss...


如果是一項耐力測試的話,那可能一開始從底角出手是個不錯的主意,但很快你就會力竭。投丟的越多,你撿球就得跑的更多 ... 你跑的更多,投丟的就會更多 ...

[ – ] RaptorsDaPhoToss 97 指標 15 小時前

It's impossible to keep up pace in chasing down the ball after a couple hours. Eventually a single shot will take awhile, considering there's no water or food.


[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe BryantChampagnesoda 383 指標 17 小時前

If my life is on the line I'm making the 400 threes.

如果我處於命懸一線的危急時刻,我會命中 400 記三分的。

[ – ] Cavalierssomedude224 443 指標 14 小時前

Clutch gene


[ – ] Lakershundreddollarman 40 指標 11 小時前



[ – ] NBANeosporinPapi 11 指標 13 小時前

your will to live is higher than mine


[ – ] Trail BlazersnotDAME 150 指標 16 小時前

high school probablly, but NBA? nah. exhaustion would get to me and i'd need water

高中比賽那種三分我也許還可以做到,但是 NBA 的三分線?算瞭吧還是,我肯定會累得半死並且我需要水!

【註】美國高中聯賽三分線距離為 20 英尺 9 英寸,約為 6.32 米。NBA 頂弧三分線距離為 23 英尺 9 英寸,約為 7.24 米;底角三分線距離為 22 英尺,約為 6.71 米。

[ – ] [ SEA ] Patrick Ewingbigfashionmeme 68 指標 13 小時前

Every shot would have to be a heave for 95% of this sub. Don't think many of us have tried nba 3s

對於百分之九十五的人來說,每次這樣的投籃都會花費你們吃奶的力氣。我不認為有很多人真正嘗試過從 NBA 三分線的距離投籃。

[ – ] RocketsDaroo425 38 指標 11 小時前

It's actually crazy how easily I can throw up high school 3s but it feels like so much more effort to shoot from a couple feet back at the NBA line. Then your form goes to shit. It would be really tough and I consider myself a decent shooter.

這真的有些瘋狂,我可以很輕松的從高中三分線出手,但是如果從幾英尺後的 NBA 標準距離投籃就要費勁兒多瞭。然後你的投籃姿勢就會變形,我一直把自己定位為一個還不錯的投手,但是在 NBA 的距離投進 400 個三分真的很困難啊。

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