


John Wall on Kyrie: "If I had been to 3 straight NBA Finals I'd want to stay"

約翰 - 沃爾談到歐文時說道:" 如果我連續三年打入總決賽,我會想要留在球隊中。"

[ – ] CelticsBikrant 1985 指標 11 小時前

This is really of case of how people envy what they can't have, Kyrie has what John and Damian want and vice versa.


[ – ] CavaliersJJWoolls 1525 指標 10 小時前

John Wall for Kyrie! Done. Everyone is happy!


[ – ] WizardsAwkwardQuestions12 1869 指標 10 小時前

I wouldn't be happy at all


[ – ] CavaliersJJWoolls 757 指標 9 小時前

shhh.... it'll all be ok. Just let it happen.


[ – ] WizardsAwkwardQuestions12 584 指標 9 小時前

dad no :/


[ – ] Wizardsacosmichippo 40 指標 9 小時前

as interesting as it would be to see Lebron and mini Lebron on the same team, i ’ m still gonna hav to say no.


[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesxorphz 136 指標 8 小時前

We've seen mini LeBron in the finals when he was adjusting his shorts


譯者註:自行搜索 2015 年總決賽 + 走光。

[ – ] goldengirlsgonewild_ 93 指標 7 小時前

If a cavs fan wouldn't want Kyrie for Wall straight up even before the demands they are an idiot


[ – ] Wizardsaccountaaa 423 指標 9 小時前

John Wall is unquestionably better than Kyrie


[ – ] LakersAK97u 88 指標 9 小時前

I'd probably pick Wall over Irving but its definitely not "unquestionable" as you say. Kyries the better scorer while Walls a better playmaker. Irving has also had a more decorated career so far with a ring and All star MVP.

我大概認為沃爾是更好的球員,但是這絕不是毋庸置疑的。歐文是更好的得分手,沃爾是更好的組織者。歐文目前的職業生涯榮譽也更多,有戒指有全明星 MVP。

[ – ] TheShtuff 327 指標 8 小時前

Ohhh all-star MVP!!!!

哎呀媽呀全明星 MVP 哦!!!

[ – ] SW1V 165 指標 8 小時前

A game where the defensive level is just right for Kyrie.


[ – ] CelticsPlernatious [ ] 78 指標 9 小時前

no they're leagues apart lmfao

they're both super clutch scorers, wall is undeniably a better defender by far, wall is a superior distributor ( one of the best ) , also super fast so transition buckets with bron bron would be frequent

wall/lebron competes with the warriors don't @ me




[ – ] Wizardshappyflappypancakes 36 指標 8 小時前

If anything, Wall/Lebron fastbreaks would be the best since Wade/Lebron.

有一點是確定的,就快攻而言,沃爾 + 詹姆斯會是韋德 + 詹姆斯後最好的二人組。

[ – ] [ CLE ] Shaquille O'NealNaywe 574 指標 11 小時前

Grass is greener on the other side i suppose, you're more than welcomed to join john wall


[ – ] [ WAS ] Bradley BealA2daRon 497 指標 10 小時前

Or Wall could get LeBron to join the Wizards. If LeBron truly wants to follow Jordan's footsteps, LeBron should sign in DC for the minimum and donate his salary.


譯者註:喬丹加盟奇才時是底薪加入,並在 911 事件後捐獻瞭自己的底薪。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Rasheed WallaceCasuallyHuman 191 指標 9 小時前

Don't cause another 9/11 though Lebron.

不過別再搞出個 911 來啊,老詹。

[ – ] rzpieces 37 指標 8 小時前

Jordan would've caused two 9/11s for him to donate his salary to. LeBron clearly doesn't have the killer instinct

換做是喬丹他就能搞出兩個 911 來好讓自己可以捐獻薪水,詹姆斯很顯然沒有喬丹那種殺手本能。

譯者註:此處為諷刺 Skip Bayless、媒體界著名詹黑的言論。他曾多次表示詹姆斯沒有殺手本能,要是喬丹的話會怎麼樣怎麼樣,為 reddit 笑談。

[ – ] justinbanh 1941 指標 12 小時前 *

Watch Kyrie go to a new team and end up being the greatest point guard of all time with 12 rings

大傢等著看吧,歐文加入一支新球隊後會成為歷史最佳控衛,他會拿下 12 枚戒指。

[ – ] RocketsAtallahnator 1865 指標 12 小時前

Lmao will eat my own shit if he becomes the GOAT PG


[ – ] Cavaliers9D_Chess 2155 指標 12 小時前 *

Then you'll truly be a cavs fan hahaha


譯者註:一位參與騎士 2016 年冠軍遊 X 行的球迷在路上撿起一坨馬屎就吃瞭起來,並跟身邊的人慶祝,場面十分喜感。

[ – ] EastGoldenSpikes 198 指標 9 小時前

I look forward to the Poop Man's interview in a few years when someone finds him. Cleveland was just trying to celebrate and this dude stole the show.


[ – ] Warriorseverybodynos 57 指標 8 小時前

No way horse shit is comprised 99% of grains. Human shit has to be like 10x worse

馬屎可比人的糞便強啊!99% 的谷物釀造。人的糞便得糟糕 10 倍吧。

[ – ] Warriorskarna731 94 指標 8 小時前 *

Actually you'd be better off eating human shit. Eating horse shit will introduce bacteria into your gut that could wreck havoc on your GI system. Human shit would be much safer, and we actually use fecal transplants in medicine to treat certain diseases.

其實人的糞便對你的傷害會小一點。吃馬屎會使細菌進入你的腸道,消化系統就 GG 瞭。人的糞便更為安全,實際上,醫學界會使用排泄物做藥物的成分,來治療一些疾病。

[ – ] WarriorsMagicWade 82 指標 10 小時前

If Kyrie moves teams and wins 12 rings ill become a nets fan

勇士球迷:要是歐文換隊後拿下 12 枚戒指,我就去蜜籃網。

[ – ] Yankee_Fever 357 指標 9 小時前

Judging from your flair, you'll be a nets fan next time they win


[ – ] NigeriaBcamaefule 572 指標 12 小時前

Why not go for personal achievements, especially after already winning a ring? He might not ever win again, but he played his huge role in the one he did get.....Kyrie has zero worries

追求個人成就有什麼錯呢?尤其是在已經拿瞭冠軍以後。歐文可能不會再拿冠軍瞭,但是在 2016 年的奪冠歷程中他扮演瞭重要的角色,他現在沒什麼可顧忌的。

[ – ] Heatairus92 255 指標 11 小時前

Seriously. One ring as a second option and ten more years as a number one option putting up close to 30 are probably just about equal career-wise to three rings as a second option and lower career accolades in terms of All NBAs etc. Would you rather have Joe Dumars' career with a couple rings, or Allen Iverson's? I'd rather be AI even if that means never winning a ring, something Kyrie doesn't even have to worry about.

沒錯。一個老二冠軍 +10 年作為第一選擇場均接近砍下 30 分從職業生涯的地位來看基本上就等於三個老二冠軍 + 諸如更低的最佳陣容次數之類的個人榮譽。換你選的話你是選喬 - 杜馬斯還是艾弗森?前者有幾個戒指啊。換我的話我選艾弗森,盡管這意味著無冠,而歐文既然現在已經有冠軍瞭他更不需要擔心這個瞭。

[ – ] BulletsMegaSupremeTaco 287 指標 11 小時前

Joe Dumars is one of the best SGs of his era, part of one of the most iconic teams of all time, in the hall of fame, and had a 13 year with two championships and a finals MVP. Sounds like you're trying to belittle his career when a lot of players would kill to have that level of success in the NBA. Plus he was a pretty good GM in the early 2000s and helped to create another iconic Piston's team that won a championship.

喬 - 杜馬斯是那個年代最好的得分後衛之一,也是歷史最佳球隊之一的重要組成部分。他還是名人堂成員,拿下 2 個冠軍,一個 FMVP。你剛才說的好像是在詆毀他的職業生涯一樣,實際上很多球員都拼瞭老命想要獲得杜馬斯所取得的成功。而且,千禧年早期他也是一個挺不錯的總經理,幫助打造瞭另一支奪冠的偉大的活塞隊。

[ – ] Kingssux2urAssmar 70 指標 10 小時前

The sportsmanship trophy is named after him too

而且體育風度獎也是根據喬 - 杜馬斯的名字命名的。

[ – ] Heatairus92 105 指標 11 小時前

I think he's fantastic, I used him as an example because it has to be clear Kyrie would be giving up something big. I'm not comparing him to Kenny Smith for that reason. But I'd rather have AI's career. Different strokes, but I think it's cooler to have a generation of kids trying to be you than it is having a solid successful career.

我知道他很棒,我用杜馬斯來舉例是因為很顯然歐文需要放棄一些重要的榮譽。這也就是為什麼我沒有拿歐文和肯尼 - 史密斯作比較。但是我更喜歡艾弗森的職業生涯。各有所好,不過我認為讓一個年代的孩子都想成為你要比擁有一個很成功的職業生涯更酷一些。

[ – ] Lakersreddituser165 71 指標 6 小時前


but you never know what type of relationship or what type of details they have going on the backside. Nobody knows what ’ s going on behind closed doors.


" 但是你永遠不知道他們在幕後是什麼關系,細節是怎樣的。沒人知道私底下發生瞭什麼。"

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