巔峰奧尼爾,會輕松統治現代 NBA?


[ Shareef O'Neal ] If my dad was in his prime playing in the league now I think he would be even more dominate than he was back then

謝裡夫 - 奧尼爾:" 我爹要是巔峰的時候在如今的聯盟打球,他甚至會比當初還有統冶力。"

[ – ] WarriorsNetscapeNavigation 1281 指標 8 小時前

how come nobody knows it's dominant. that's weird

是 " 統治力的 " 不是 " 統冶 ",怎麼總有人搞錯。

譯者註:dominate 和 dominant 是統治的動詞和形容詞形式,外國人有不少搞混的,在 Reddit 論壇上,每次有人搞錯,網友都會憤怒不已。在這裡謝裡夫 - 奧尼爾錯用成 dominate,實際上應該是 dominant。

[ – ] Vancouver Grizzlieskeefstrong 317 指標 8 小時前 *

Dominant. Here is to hoping he can spell better than his dad shoots FTs. The Big Articulate.

是 " 統治力的 " 不是 " 統冶 "。我希望他識的字比他爹罰進的球多。大亞裡士多德之子。

譯者註:Big Aristotle 大亞裡士多德是奧尼爾自封的外號。Big Articulate 在這裡借用奧尼爾的外號暗諷謝裡夫講話不清楚、沒文化。

[ – ] 76erswheredyagoforest 295 指標 6 小時前

The one that bugs me even more is "definitely" vs "defiantly." They're completely different words.

" 絕對 definitely" 和 " 大膽地、挑戰性地 defiantly" 也是人們容易弄混的兩個詞,但是它倆 tm 根本就是意思完全不相近的兩個詞啊。

[ – ] Mavericksfrvwfr2 9 指標 4 小時前

Bias and biased bug me a LOT. I see it a ton on here.

我一看到人們用混 " 偏見 " 和 " 有偏見的 " 就氣不打一處來。

[ – ] Kings Bandwagoncoopsdad10 76 指標 7 小時前

For the same reason people don't know the difference between lose/loose or there/their/they're. People are stupid and are content being that way for some reason.

同樣,人們也不知道 lose 和 loose(松的、散漫的)的區別,there/their/they ’ re 也 tm 弄不明白。很多人就是蠢,而且還蠢的驕傲。

[ – ] [ NYK ] Baron Davisthemariokarters 186 指標 8 小時前

he isn't exactly training to be a scholar


[ – ] Celtics BandwagonJBJesus 277 指標 7 小時前

Umm he was raised by Dr. O'Neal I have no idea what you're talking about



[ – ] CelticsNippleNugget 77 指標 7 小時前

Dr. O'Neal who happens to also be one of our boys in blue HAVE SOME RESPEK PEOPLE


譯者註:此處應當為調侃,諷刺美國某些團體對警察的崇拜。Boys in blue(警察身著深藍色制服)為警察支持者用的短語。、

[ – ] [ CHA ] Baron DavisHello_Dawl 75 指標 7 小時前

Sheriff O Neal


譯者註:奧尼爾兒子的名字 Shareef 跟警長 Sheriff 有些相似。

[ – ] KnicksBalmyAtom 507 指標 8 小時前

i don't think it matters what era you put him in. no one is stopping that dude. shaq is dominating any era no matter the talent/rules. i don't think he'd be any more dominant today than he was back then though. if anything he'd probably go to the line more which wouldn't be the best for him.


[ – ] BullsManutesBowl 164 指標 8 小時前

He would also be exploited more defensively in the P&R and matched up against small ball 5's. But that goes both ways because he would be utterly dominant offensively.


[ – ] MibuWolve 112 指標 7 小時前

I'm glad you said the both ways thing. Because that's exactly how it would be against a team like the warriors or Cavs. Shaq would dominate whoever they put on him while on defense teams would put him in PnRs.

Although Orlando Shaq was quick as fuck though for a big.. he might do better overall than prime heavy Shaq.



[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe Bryantkimpoiot 148 指標 7 小時前

If Shaq doesn't come back from every offseason fat he'd dominate any era.


[ – ] [ POR ] Ha Seung-JinBxjdkd 22 指標 7 小時前

Cardio really fucks with you when you're that big. Some trainer should have instilled swimming into Shaq way earlier.

On a related note, hopefully Embiid is into swimming.



[ – ] Magictictac9 77 指標 7 小時前

his theory was that he didn't get paid during the off season so he didn't need to work out


[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe Bryantkimpoiot 94 指標 7 小時前

Makes sense when you're an office worker pushing papers. Makes ZERO sense when you're livelihood literally depends on your fitness.


[ – ] Magictictac9 108 指標 7 小時前

I mean it didn't really matter to him he got his rings, hundreds of millions, and had a straight vacation for a third of the year. Sounds like a makes some sense.


[ – ] ThePhoenixJ 42 指標 5 小時前

Depends on his priorities. A lot of people ( myself included ) think he had a real shot at the GOAT conversation if he put more effort into training and fitness.


[ – ] [ IND ] Reggie MillerMy_Diet_DrKelp 126 指標 8 小時前

If Shaq only had a jump shot he woulda been the undisputed GOAT I truly believe that


[ – ] justlurkin1322 98 指標 8 小時前

Have you seen the black steph curry?


譯者註:奧尼爾休賽季曾多次坐著投進超遠三分,他讓別人叫他黑庫裡或斯蒂芬 - 哈登。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Klay ThompsonMrVanillaIceTCube 54 指標 7 小時前

Buddy Hield?

巴迪 - 希爾德 ?

譯者註:國王管理層對巴迪 - 希爾德近乎狂熱的偏愛使 reddit 網友對希爾德的梗層出不窮,"Shoot like curry, big like Klay."(有著克雷身材的庫裡) 便是其中一個。

[ – ] [ HOU ] Charles BarkleyJimHarden 88 指標 8 小時前

Who's stopping Shaq


[ – ] WarriorsDraintheshots 64 指標 8 小時前

Shaq's mom.


[ – ] WarriorsIamtheonedontweigha 23 指標 7 小時前

Microphone wires in the TNT studio.

TNT 演播室的麥克風線。


[ – ] LakersHollywoooooood 104 指標 7 小時前

Shaq dominated in an era that had Olajuwon, Ewing, Robinson, Ben Wallace, Sabonis, Duncan,Mutombo, Rodman just to name a few. I don't think the current crop of centers is anywhere near as good as the centers from the first half of Shaq's career.

You live with any liability of his in the PNR because he's going to score or get fouled every time down the court. In general this is a younger sub. I don't think a lot understand just how ridiculously unstoppable prime Shaq was.

奧尼爾打球的年代有奧拉朱旺、尤因、上將、大本、薩博尼斯、鄧肯、穆大叔、羅德曼,這我還沒說全,他照樣統治無誤。就現在聯盟中鋒的水平離奧尼爾前 10 年的職業生涯對手差遠瞭。奧尼爾在防守擋拆方面是個累贅不錯,但是球隊是可以接受這點的,因為他每次進攻都會得分或者上罰球線。總的來說這是個年輕人的論壇,我認為很多人都不明白巔峰奧尼爾有多恐怖。

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