IT 為奧卡福鳴不平:76 人給他自由吧


IT 為奧卡福鳴不平:76 人給他自由吧丨佈萊索和其他板凳球員點贊?

[ Isaiah Thomas ] Man they acting like @JahlilOkafor don ’ t got game. Let the man go and rock out for somebody else! Crazy how they doing him

小托馬斯發推聲援奧卡福:" 天啊,他們表現的好像 @賈利爾 - 奧卡福不會打球一樣。讓人傢走吧,給別人去打球!他們(76 人隊)對待他的方式真的太瘋狂瞭。"

[ – ] [ HOU ] Stromile Swifticnapple 2176 points 1 day ago

Bledsoe is gonna retweet this


[ – ] CelticsLamarMillerIsCat 693 points 1 day ago

Tbf they are trying to trade him actively. 76ers want him to rot

講句實話,太陽隊還是很積極主動的想交易走佈萊德索的。而 76 人這邊則想讓奧卡福徹底的涼瞭。

[ – ] Wizardslivefreeordont 686 points 1 day ago

76ers want something besides a bag of chips and a napkin for Okafor

除瞭一包薯片和一包紙巾之外,76 人還想用奧卡福換來一些其他東西。

[ – ] [ CLE ] J.R. Smithsba_17 506 points 1 day ago*

To be fair, why would anybody offer more than a bag of chips when they refuse to give him any minutes? All that's showing is "he's too bad to even get minutes on our rebuilding team." Nobody even knows if he's improved because he hasn't had a chance to show anybody.

Edit: I guess theres some semantics about my use of "rebuilding," but my point stands regardless. Sixers are fresh off the rebuilding press.

講道理啊,76 人都不讓他上場打球瞭,怎麼可能還有球隊用超過一包薯片的代價去換取奧卡福?者明白這就是告訴大傢 " 他實在是太差勁瞭,在我們重建球隊裡都沒有一席之地。" 沒人知道他到底有沒有任何進步,因為他根本沒有機會展示給大傢看。

PS:可能我用 " 重建 " 這個詞不太合適,但是我的觀點仍然不變。76 人剛剛度過重建期。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Eddie HouseShinySuitTheory 152 points 1 day ago

That's the problem with the 6ers. They keep tanking the trade value of their own players. Look at Noel. Dude should have fetched at least a real first rounder and more, he had such promise as a player, but that situation got mismanaged too.

這就是 76 人的問題所在啊。他們一直在不斷降低自己球員的交易價值。就比如諾埃爾吧 [ 譯註 1 ] 。起碼能用他換來個還不錯的首輪秀吧?他也是個很有希望的潛力球員啊,但是情況最後也變得失控瞭。

[ 譯註 1 ] 17 年 2 月 24 日,76 人和小牛隊完成交易,用諾埃爾換來瞭安德魯 - 博古特,賈斯汀 - 安德森和一個前 18 順位保護的首輪簽。

[ – ] [ CLE ] Kevin Loveaadair86 93 points 1 day ago

it looks like you are a cavs fan, as i am myself. i think a shumpert for okafor trade could benefit both teams esp now since TT may be hurt.

騎士球迷:看起來你像是個騎士球迷,就跟我一樣。我認為用香波特交易奧卡福應該是一筆雙贏的交易瞭,特別是在特裡斯坦 - 湯普森受傷之後。

[ – ] Wizardsmattinva 145 points 1 day ago

I think the 76ers would much rather have ten millions more in cap space over the next couple of years, since extensions and resignings will be tightening up their space a little.

我覺得 76 人寧可在未來幾年保持工資帽的靈活性和 1000 萬美元左右的薪金空間,因為續約或者重簽球員會讓他們的薪金空間更加吃緊。

[ – ] [ WAS ] Bradley BealA2daRon 65 points 1 day ago

Plus the 76ers have a better record than the Cavs which would allow for Okafor to play for a rebuilding team.

另外啊,76 人現在戰績可比騎士要好。奧卡福這不等於從一支重建球隊到另一支重建球隊打球嘛。

[ – ] Anti_Thon 1347 points 1 day ago

NBA players are gonna start the FreeJah trend and it ’ s gonna gain hype

NBA 球員們應該聯名發起 " 釋放奧卡福 " 的活動,肯定能得到各界的支持。

[ – ] [ MIA ] Dion WaitersTito_Our_Saviour 1040 points 1 day ago

Other benched players "Me too"

其他的板凳球員 " 我們也想要被釋放!"

[ – ] Hornetsdarkknightwinter 476 points 1 day ago

Je Suis Jahlil Okafor

我是賈利爾奧卡福! [ 譯註 2 ]

[ 譯註 2 ] 原為法語 "Je Suis Charlie"(我是查理)。2015 年 1 月 7 日法國巴黎的《查理周刊》遭到恐怖襲擊導致 17 人死亡。全世界網友發起 " 我是查理 " 的活動悼念遇難者,表達出 " 殺死一個查理,還有千千萬萬個查理 " 的意思。

[ – ] Celticsinfinnity 156 points 1 day ago


我也是賈利爾 - 奧卡福!

[ – ] Bullsdrose_mvpmode 56 points 1 day ago


奧卡福的命也是命!【譯註 3】

【譯註 3】原為 "Black Lives Matter"(黑人的命也是命 / 珍視黑人生命)2013 年警察齊默爾曼射殺瞭一位 17 歲的黑人青年。之後在社交網絡上標簽 "#BlackLivesMatter" 迅速流行起來。

[ – ] CavaliersKCheezy95 48 points 1 day ago

Is Emeka included in this?

埃梅卡 - 奧卡福也包括在裡面嘛?

[ – ] Anti_Thon 50 points 1 day ago


釋 放 男 神 辛 格 勒 !

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kareem Abdul-JabbarAgaac1 49 points 1 day ago

I don't think Singler wants to get freed.


[ – ] ThunderL0rv- 58 points 1 day ago

Kyle Singler has my dream job.

雷霆球迷:凱爾 - 辛格勒有著我夢寐以求的工作啊!

[ – ] Charlotte HornetsVgatv 451 points 1 day ago

Let him go to the Pelicans. He can play the 5, AD at the 4, and Cousins at the 3. Spread the floor and let Oak get some easy baskets underneath.

讓他去鵜鶘吧。他可以打 5 號位,安東尼 - 戴維斯可以打 4 號位,然後考辛斯去打 3 號位。把空間拉開然後奧卡福就可以在籃底下輕輕松松的把球打進。

[ – ] Pelicansmuse_iwnl 425 points 1 day ago

Fuck it give him to us, lets just start 4 centers and rondo

鵜鶘球迷:快把奧卡福給我們!我們就可以擺出 4 個先發中鋒加上隆多的陣容瞭!

[ – ] CelticsNippleNugget 175 points 1 day ago

Fuck small ball, pelicans playing big ball


[ – ] [ CLE ] Foots Walkerseanzytheman 87 points 22 hours ago

Trade Rondo for Lonzo and it will definitely be Big Ball


[ – ] WizardsSquilliamFancysonIRL 1950 points 1 day ago

Only player worse on defense than him is you.


" 唯一防守比奧卡福還要差的就是你瞭。" [ 譯註 4 ]

太殘忍瞭 …

[ 譯註 4 ] 該條評論為網友回復以賽亞 - 托馬斯發的 Twitter。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe Bryantuntraiined 537 points 1 day ago

fucking twitter lmaoo


[ – ] 76ersChexmix36 157 points 1 day ago

They aint wrong tho

好像也沒說錯什麼 …

[ – ] [ BOS ] Rajon Rondoburner_for_celtics 325 points 1 day ago

god damn. Can you imagine for a minute if the Cavs worked a deal for him and they ran him out there with like IT, Love, Korver, and JR Smith. There would be less defense than in the ASG

我去,你能想象一下如果騎士真的交易來奧卡福,然後讓他和以賽亞 - 托馬斯,樂福,科沃爾和 JR- 史密斯一起出場嗎?這防守強度都比不過全明星賽啊。

[ – ] HoodieNinja17 160 points 1 day ago

Hire D'antoni score 200 a game while giving up 199

再雇來德安東尼當教練,每場能得到 200 分,然後讓對手得到 199 分。

[ – ] SunsJimmytheCreep 81 points 1 day ago

And then still lose to Popovich in the post season every year


[ – ] HornetsMaryland_Beat_Texas 116 points 1 day ago

JR isn't a bad defender when he tries though

JR 在他認真防守的時候還不算個防守漏洞啊。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Magic Johnsonyoungtrece13 104 points 1 day ago

That is not often anymore. And even when he tries, he's still woefully unaware at times. The only aspects of defense that he's good at when he tries are because of his athleticism, not his IQ


[ – ] Timberwolvesmarkyellowstone 28 points 1 day ago

Lmao JR and defensive awareness

JR 和防守意識?哈哈哈求求你別秀瞭 .

[ – ] Thunderlimark 2062 points 1 day ago

Finally a player starts saying something about this mess!


[ – ] Celticsputinspenis 960 points 1 day ago

IT is the man he ’ s always real and speaks the truth I love his attitude

凱爾特人球迷:IT 就是這樣的人,總是保持真實自我,道出真理。我真的超愛他的態度。

[ – ] Celticsalex878 320 points 1 day ago

IT is the man he ’ s always real and speaks the truth I love his attitude him


[ – ] Buckspoopermacho 469 points 1 day ago

I understand that BC wants some value in return for Oak that's not just another 2nd rounder but holding him hostage like that could fuck with future relations with other FAs. Swallow your pride BC and take the L already.

我理解佈萊恩 - 克朗格洛 [ 譯註 5 ] 想用奧卡福換來更多有價值的東西,而不僅僅是一個二輪簽。但是像綁架人質一樣對待奧卡福真的會毀掉 76 人和其他自由球員的關系的。克朗格洛不要再裝瞭,你就認輸吧。

[ 譯註 5 ] 76 人的總經理為佈萊恩 - 克朗格洛。

[ – ] drawscrew 29 points 1 day ago

Bc fucked this up by not doing this sooner.. He should have done it way before they had to make a decision on picking up the rookie extension and as soon as he knew Jahlil wasn't going to be part of their plans going forward. The longer he waited, the less value he was going to get back

克朗格洛真是搞砸瞭,他應該早點準備交易奧卡福。他應該在決定是否執行新秀合同選項之前,以及意識到奧卡福不在 76 人未來的計劃中的時候就完成交易。他等的越久,換回來的價值越低。

[ – ] LakersDestinySaber 205 points 1 day ago

I know it ’ s business and it ’ s all about profits but when the situation gets this ugly, it ’ s better to just let the man go, instead of holding him hostage, as an outsider, this is just so hard and painful to watch


[ – ] Buckspoopermacho 94 points 1 day ago

Exactly it's a business but we're talking about human beings here. The team doesn't want him, the sixers fanbase doesn't want him, do the man a solid and let him leave.

正是如此,這是商業聯盟但是我們談論的球員也是人啊。球隊不想要他,76 人的球迷也不想要他,給奧卡福找個好下傢放他走吧!

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