

[ Charania ] Free agent Rajon Rondo has reached agreement on a one-year deal with the New Orleans Pelicans, league sources tell The Vertical.

[ Charania ] 聯盟消息源告知 The Vertical,自由球員隆多和新奧爾良鵜鶘達成瞭一份一年合同。

[ – ] [ HOU ] James Hardenfoxsleftear 2038 指標 1 天前

Rondo is about to average 15 APG just by passing to Boogie and AD in the post.

隆多光是靠傳球給低位的表妹和濃眉,就能拿到場均 15 次助攻瞭。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Jeremy Linptam 780 指標 1 天前

That's a conservative estimate


[ – ] ThunderTonyStarksLazySusan 487 指標 1 天前

69 assists?

69 次助攻?

[ – ] CavaliersxOx0xO 304 指標 1 天前

In a quarter, yes.


[ – ] [ OKC ] Álex Abrinesthuggyt 26 指標 1 天前



[ – ] [ CHI ] Scottie Pippenjeric13xd 188 指標 1 天前

He's gonna get paid Mozgov money next year isn't he.

In all seriousness though, I wish him all the best. If it's a big game, you can count on him.



[ – ] MavericksTexasCoconut 122 指標 1 天前

Not always…

小牛球迷:並非總是如此 ...

[ – ] WarriorsLimitedAspirations 100 指標 1 天前

Cuban and Carlisle deserve props for how they handled that situation by going out of their way to help Rondo save face. Could you imagine how Dolan, Phil Jackson or Gilbert would have reacted? Yeesh

庫班和卡萊爾在對待隆多這事上的態度應該值得贊賞,他們站出來,幫隆多保全瞭面子。你能想象像多蘭,菲爾 - 傑克遜或者吉爾伯特這樣的管理層會如何反應麼?天瞭嚕。

[ – ] LakersAleksso 25 指標 1 天前

Phil wouldve sacrificed him for some voodoo magic shit


[ – ] road2five 7 指標 1 天前

What happened?


[ – ] WarriorsLimitedAspirations 25 指標 1 天前 *

From what I can recall, rondo and carlisle had philosophical differences on how the game should be played and clashed with each other constantly. This ultimately led to Rondo quiting on his team in the middle of a playoff game ( he looked like he was intentionally fouling out ) . In the aftermath, Carlisle came out and defended Rondo against the media citing their differences but also stating that they still respected each other and Cuban told the media that Rondo was actually dealing with an injury. To his credit, Rondo did say that he still respected Carlisle and that there was no bad blood between him and the Mavs organization.


[ – ] [ WAS ] John Wallyeezyman 3004 指標 1 天前

Rajon Rondo is the 2017-2018 assist leader

拉簡 - 隆多,2017-2018 賽季聯盟助攻王。

[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 1474 指標 1 天前

Last time he only had Boogie. Now he has Boogie AND AD.

上次他拿下助攻王的時候隻有考辛斯。現在他有瞭考辛斯,和安東尼 - 戴維斯。

[ – ] PelicansHustle_Marsalis 956 指標 1 天前

AD is easier to pass to than boogie. Just throw the ball near the rim.


[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 581 指標 1 天前

Hes gonna have a Stockton like season this year


[ – ] PelicansHustle_Marsalis 432 指標 1 天前

Hope it also helps with Hill and Jrue 3pt shooting with easy Rondo passes.

希望隆多的空位傳球也能幫助希爾和霍樂迪提升 3 分命中率。

[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 702 指標 1 天前

Man, this is such a good fit for Rondo.


[ – ] Bulls BandwagonKevDozer 259 指標 1 天前

Im happy for him then. I loved seeing him play well last year and he deserves a team that wants to win


[ – ] [ WAS ] Paul PierceYou_coward 99 指標 1 天前

Very likely, especially with CP3 and Harden canceling each other out and Paul George likely taking some of Westbrooks usage.

隆多非常有可能拿下助攻王,特別是在保羅和哈登會彼此抵消一些助攻數據,而保羅 - 喬治可能會分享一些威斯佈魯克的使用率的前提下。

[ – ] [ WAS ] Drew Goodenemmanuelemenike2 255 指標 1 天前

Are we all forgetting John Wall averaged basically 11apg last season

我們都忘瞭沃爾上賽季幾乎場均 11 次助攻瞭麼?

[ – ] Thunderthetrain23 117 指標 1 天前

Yes. Yes we are.


[ – ] [ WAS ] John WallKappaMcPussy 66 指標 1 天前

let em sleep

our dad Optimus Dime is going nowhere



[ – ] [ ATL ] Dominique Wilkinslilmigosvert 61 指標 1 天前

certainly ain't going to a conference final


[ – ] NetsJSwaggiee 216 指標 1 天前

UK -> Pelicans.

肯塔基大學校友 -> 鵜鶘隊友。

[ – ] Pelicanstwstr709 114 指標 1 天前

Now we hope John Wall will take $1 to come to NOLA.

現在我們指望著另一位校友沃爾能以 1 美元加盟新奧爾良鵜鶘瞭。

[ – ] [ NOP ] Jannero Pargoflaccidplatypus 53 指標 1 天前

Gotta carve out an extra .75 cents for Booker and unload Asik to Phoenix as well.

鵜鶘球迷:我們還能擠出 75 美分得到佈克,並把阿西克換到鳳凰城去。

[ – ] Pelicanssaintsfan92612 56 指標 1 天前

Fuck it, your 2020 New Orleans Pelicans:

PG- Wall, Rondo, Bledsoe

SG- Booker, Murray, Meeks


PF- Cousins, Randle

C- Towns, Skal

他喵的,你的 2020 年嶄新的新奧爾良鵜鶘隊:

控衛 - 沃爾,隆多,佈萊德索

分衛 - 佈克,默裡,米克斯

小前 - 戴維斯,MKG

大前 - 考辛斯,蘭德爾

中鋒 - 唐斯,拉比西埃

[ – ] [ MIN ] Karl-Anthony TownsTairyHesticles71 22 指標 1 天前

Substitute Monk for Meeks


[ – ] Supersonicsshitty_user 10 指標 1 天前

Does Kanter count as a UK athlete?


[ – ] Kingsjaxi1794 734 指標 1 天前


that 8th seed potential

隆多 / 霍樂迪 / 希爾 / 戴維斯 / 考辛斯。

擁有爭奪西部第 8 的潛力。

[ – ] [ DAL ] Jason KiddBanglayna 316 指標 1 天前

Likely to do better than that

很可能要比 8 號種子再更進一步。

[ – ] [ NOP ] Austin RiversAustinRiversDaGod 259 指標 1 天前

Yeah when the Pelicans started cracking last year they blew out the Rockets and the Spurs IIRC. That teamwas already starting to look scary...they just ran out of games. 7 games out, they were right in the running for the 8th seed, it just didn't materialize.

是的,當鵜鶘上賽季開始嗨起來的時候,他們幹掉瞭火箭和馬刺,如果我沒記錯的話。去年這支球隊已經開始面目可怖瞭 ... 當時他們僅僅隻是剩下的場次不夠瞭而已。最終和季後賽相差 7 個勝場,他們的勢頭本來是奔著 8 號種子去的,一切隻是沒有成真而已。

[ – ] Pelicans504Dug 229 指標 1 天前

It's a nice change of pace to see people not shitting on us, especially when AD and Boogie were playing well together at the end of the year


[ – ] GrizzliesMartinimanjoe 24 指標 1 天前

Our division is so stacked now, and the Grizz maybe the weakest team now, Great pick up Pelican bros!



[ – ] tlow215 7 指標 1 天前

I think you guys will still be better than the Mavs this year even though Dennis Smith is looking beastly. The Grizzlies always find ways to grind out games.

我覺得你熊還是會比小牛好的,即使丹尼斯 - 史密斯看上去是禽獸級別的。灰熊在比賽中永遠能找到辦法去慢慢的碾壓和扼殺對手。

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