讓富爾茨帶傷上場?76 人快把太陽神醫請來


[ Wojnarowski ] Agent to ESPN: Markelle Fultz had fluid drained from shoulder, "literally cannot raise up arms to shoot ..."

沃神:經紀人向 ESPN 透露:馬克爾 - 富爾茨抽取瞭肩膀積液 " 無法舉起手臂投籃 "

[ – ] KnicksLiteral_Satan 5160 指標 11 小時前



[ – ] [ BOS ] Bill Russellthehippykid 2592 指標 11 小時前

That Philly Medical Staff


[ – ] Buckswendellsanders24 781 指標 12 小時前

But didn't they kind of do the opposite with Simmons though, extra cautious? I don't understand this whole situation. Why do it with one and not the other?


[ – ] [ BOS ] Bill Russellthehippykid 871 指標 11 小時前

They realized Fultz couldn't shoot so they decided to shoot themselves in the foot to let him play


[ – ] 76erskinglouislxix 742 指標 11 小時前 *

Tanked for so long that now we don ’ t know how to go back

76 人球迷:擺爛太久,我們都忘瞭如何前進。

[ – ] Wizardsireddit270 176 指標 11 小時前

I have a feeling the front office was possibly worried about public backlash if Fultz didn't play. Since they already went through this with Noel, Embiid, Okafor, Simmons - if they shut down yet another high draft pick people will accuse them of still tanking and they are trying to shake that image.


[ – ] 76ersSt_Bernardus 146 指標 11 小時前

It's pretty obvious they aren't tanking because Okafor isn't getting minutes except when they are forced to use him.

76 人球迷:很明顯他們沒有擺爛,因為除非被迫,奧卡福並沒有得到上場時間。

[ – ] 76ersHelreaver 58 指標 10 小時前

To be fair he's not exactly playing worse than Amir from the few games we've seen.

76 人球迷:說句公道話,就這幾場球,難道阿米爾 - 約翰遜比他強到哪裡去嗎?

[ – ] Framesjanco11 71 指標 10 小時前

From what I've heard from other people, his skills are tough to translate over to the NBA. He's got a great post-up game, but that's becoming outdated in the age of Guards and Stretch Bigs. He's sort of a poor-man's Al Jefferson. Big Al's got amazing footwork and can score on even the most determined bigmen, but he slows down the game and the way he plays is very ball-dominant to score mid-range and post ups; something that is being replaced with the sort of Pace and Space playstyle around the league.

Jah is stuck in NBA limbo right now. He's got NBA level abilities, but demand for a player with his skills is at an all-time low. Then there are questions of work-ethic, motivation, defense, etc that start coming along, fairly or not.

我看到的說法是,奧卡福的技術很難適應 NBA。他有很棒的低位技術,但低位技術已經在後衛和空間長人的時代裡逐漸落伍。他有點像窮人版阿爾 - 傑弗森。傑弗森有美妙的腳步,而且即使面對最強的長人他也能在他們頭上取分,但是他拖慢瞭比賽並且他主打中距離和低位的風格很占球權,那些東西正在聯盟裡被強調空間、節奏的風格取代。

奧卡福現在是失去瞭自己的定位。他有 NBA 級別的能力,但市場上對他這種球員的需求已經到達瞭最低谷。而且他的諸如職業道德、動力、防守這類問題也被人詬病。(誠然,這些詬病可能不夠客觀)

[ – ] [ BOS ] Allan Raysolarscopez 123 指標 11 小時前

Can't rest two #1 picks in back-to-back years! It makes the team look awful!

But fuck Markelle's overall health, right??

What I think is funny is that they can afford to rest him, they have Simmons as a point-forward and they already have a good share of bigs anyways. Depth is not a big problem. Why don't they just rest him??

嗯,這邏輯我給滿分:不能讓連續兩年的狀元都先休戰一年!這樣的話 76 人面子上過不去。至於富兒子的傷病,關我屁事。沒錯吧?

我感覺最可笑的是,76 人實際上能承受讓他休戰的後果,隊裡有西蒙斯打大前鋒而且 76 人的內線人才儲備本來就很溢出。深度不是啥大問題。為什麼不能讓他休戰呢?

[ – ] PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 61 指標 11 小時前

Even past the medical staff. Are the coaches and front office not informed of the situation? Why are they going along with it?


[ – ] WizardsRallyPigeon 29 指標 11 小時前

Brett Brown knew but said it wasn't a big deal basically

佈雷特 - 佈朗知道,但是他那意思是沒啥事。

[ – ] Raptorsdemarderollins 481 指標 11 小時前

seriously fire the sixers training staff. buy the guys in phoenix. embiid will be able to play 100 games a season under their watch. fultz' shoulder will be repaired and he'll shoot 100% from the line.

我說真的,炒瞭 76 人的訓練師吧,把太陽的那些老哥請來。在他們的看護下,恩比德會一季打 100 場的,而富爾茨的肩膀會完全復原,並且在罰球線百發百中。

[ – ] [ PHO ] Devin BookerBows_N_Hoes 319 指標 11 小時前

Embiid 100 games? You think we got witch doctors over here?

太陽球迷:恩比德打 100 場?你以為我們隊裡有巫醫吧?

[ – ] Raptorsdemarderollins 375 指標 11 小時前

I saw what ya'll did for Amare and what Amare looked like the moment he left. YA'LL DEF GOT WITCH DOCTORS.


[ – ] Lakersjaydilla211 164 指標 11 小時前

Because it would make the medical staff look terrible if two #1 picks in a row missed their first season

如果 76 人連續兩個狀元新秀季都報銷,他們的隊醫面子上掛不住。

[ – ] KnicksLiteral_Satan 465 指標 11 小時前

this makes them look even worse


[ – ] 76ersjoelinator 102 指標 11 小時前

So, I've actually had a shoulder injury before playing baseball that could be causing a similar issue. I could not throw overhand, but I could throw side arm and hit so I was able to play second base for about a month until it cleared up ( also had fluid build up ) . So it's entirely possible he can do a lot of things like dribble and pass totally pain free but struggle to shoot, and I don't know if that necessarily is an issue that requires him to be benched. However, would like to see some transparency about what is going on


[ – ] Timberwolveswokethebears 144 指標 11 小時前

Well, if you're physically incapable of shooting I imagine that's going to make you a pretty ineffective basketball player, so he should probably be benched regardless


[ – ] 76ersjoelinator 21 指標 12 小時前

True, I just don't know if from a medical perspective it is something that requires benching. I was able to play with it and also rehab it at the same time without aggravating it. Obviously anecdotal and not a professional opinion, but it's possible


[ – ] Spursssrao24 1238 指標 11 小時前

Philly Medical Staff = WebMD [ 譯註 1 ]

76 人隊醫是在線確診的吧。

[ 譯註 1 ] :WebMD,是美國醫療健康服務網站,擁有健康醫療資訊。

[ – ] [ PHI ] Joel EmbiidiFeelLikeJoJoBruh 719 指標 12 小時前


76 人球迷:富兒子的怪狀現在終於有個稍微清楚點的解釋瞭!

[ – ] LakersKyleVikings 790 指標 12 小時前

WTF is the Sixers staff doing?

76 人的制服組在特麼幹啥?

[ – ] Knicksslyguy183 174 指標 12 小時前

Try to take over the world?


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