魔術師約翰遜新秀賽季,場均 18.0 分 /7.7 籃板 /7.3 助攻,入選全明星,贏得 NBA 總冠軍和總決賽 MVP,但是當年他卻沒有獲得最佳新秀。
In Magic Johnson's rookie season, he averaged 18.0 ppg, 7.7 rpg, 7.3 apg, was selected as an All-Star, won the NBA championship and was named Finals MVP but he didn't win Rookie of the Year.
當年的最佳新秀(1979-80)被拉裡 - 伯德獲得。除瞭力壓魔術師獲得最佳新秀之外,大鳥也同樣入選瞭全明星、而且入選一陣。
It was Larry Bird who won the 1979-80 Rookie of the Year award.
Aside from winning Rookie of the Year over Magic Johnson, Larry Legend was also selected to the All-Star team and was named
All-NBA First team.
[ – ] Shookla 491 指標 10 小時前
I heard some
dude named Larry bird won ROTY that year, wonder what became of him
聽說有個叫拉裡 - 伯德的傢夥那年拿瞭最佳新秀 ... 嗯,不知道他後來混的怎麼樣。
[ – ] [ BOS ] Larry Birdimlarrybird 1034 指標 10 小時前
Larry was also fourth in MVP voting that year. He was then top 2 every single year through the 87-88 season, with the exception of Magic's 1987 MVP year where MJ was second in voting.
凱爾特人球迷(ID 為 " 我是拉裡 - 伯德 "):大鳥那年的 MVP 排名也是第四哦!之後一直到 87-88 賽季每年他都是前兩名。除瞭 86-87 賽季,魔術師獲得瞭 MVP,喬丹排名第二,伯德第三。 [ 譯註 1 ]
[ 譯註 1 ] :拉裡伯德前 9 個賽季,MVP 排名三次第一,四次第二,一次第三,一次第四。
[ – ] NetsDMKarwoski 667 指標 10 小時前
And how would you know that
" 我是拉裡 - 伯德 ",你是怎麼知道這些的呀?
[ – ] Groom_lake_lifeguard 415 指標 7 小時前
He's KD
[ – ] [ MEM ] Tony AllenJoshie_Boy 103 指標 7 小時前
These alts are getting out of control
[ – ] Groom_lake_lifeguard 69 指標 7 小時前
Nice try KD
[ – ] LakersPocket_Dave 48 指標 6 小時前
[ – ] Netscobrotherhood 240 指標 9 小時前
Lol I mentioned on here that bird has a top 5 prime of all time and was heavily downvoted. Motherfuckers forget
[ – ] Thunderdvdov 224 指標 8 小時前
Motherfuckers forget
Motherfuckers are 17 years old
[ – ] Sunssanchostache 35 指標 6 小時前
Whenever I read "Nash made me a Suns fan" I feel ancient
太陽球迷:當我看到 " 我是因為納什,才成為日蜜的 " 的句子時,我都覺得自己老瞭。
[ – ] ThunderDebitsOnTheLeft 19 指標 3 小時前 *
FFS dude if that made you feel old then that's because you ARE old compared to the average /r/nba user! I'm 30 and that sentence seems totally normal to me. I'm also pretty sure 30 is like five years older than the average age around here.
如果這讓你感覺自己老瞭的話,是因為你年紀比濕乎乎 JRs 的平均年齡要大!我今年 30 歲,這個句子對我來說稀松平常。我也很肯定我比這裡的人都要大 5 歲左右。
[ – ] Bucksum420 16 指標 3 小時前 *
I feel ancient at 32 on reddit. Is it me who's wrong? No it's the children who are wrong
作為一個 32 歲的美國濕乎乎用戶,我感覺自己跟化石一樣。是我錯瞭嗎?不,是濕乎乎的孩子們錯瞭。
[ – ] LakersKingSol24 10 指標 5 小時前
This is the problem. Most of
this sub is based off of recency bias
這就是問題所在。濕乎乎裡大部分的 JR 發表評論時都被
" 近期偏差 " 所主導。 [ 譯註 2 ]
[ 譯註 2 ] :偏重最近的經驗或數據,而輕早期數據或經驗的傾向。
[ – ] stream_monster 14 指標 4 小時前
This is why we can't have a good
GOAT discussion on this sub. Every time it's the nostalgia of Jordan vs the recency bias of LeBron. Imo it'll become more clear cut a while after LeBron is retired in 2040 and Mj retires for the 3rd time after his run on the clippers.
這就是為什麼在 Reddit 上根本沒法討論誰是歷史第一人。永遠都是對喬丹的厚古簙今 VS 對詹姆斯的近期偏差。在我看來,老詹 2040 年光榮掛靴後、喬丹在快船完成自己的第三次退役之後,我們會有個更準確的判斷。
[ – ] RocketsHyperactivity786 72 指標 8 小時前 *
I hate when people get so
butt-hurt about lists.
It's probably accurate to say his prime was in the
TIER of top 5 primes. This might just mean that you have 8 players' primes to work with for the top 5, and his is there.
But everytime people get pissed off about top 5, 10, 15, or 20 type lists, they forget that if you were to take every player who is supposedly worthy of, say, a 'top 15 players currently in the NBA' list, we would have 150 players in there. Saying a player is definitely top ten is easy until you have to start actually listing out those ten.
伯德的巔峰屬於歷史前五那一檔可能沒什麼問題,也就是說這一檔有 8 個球員都可以入選,伯德當然在此行列中。
但當我看到很多 JR 對各種前五、前十、前十五或者前二十的榜單氣不打一處來時,我就知道他們根本就忘記瞭這樣一個道理:如果要給所有夠格擠進現役前 15 的球員都列舉出來,最後能列出來好多人啊。說一個球員肯定排得上前十隻是嘴皮子功夫,除非你真的把這十個人都是誰都排出來。
[ – ] [ SAS ] Dennis RodmanXwarsama 29 指標 9 小時前
I'd say
Wilt, MJ, Lebron, and Shaq are shoo-ins for the that list... But I can't think of anyone else that had a better
prime than Bird, so I guess he's top 5.
[ – ] Pelicansdxyyz1 66 指標 9 小時前
[ – ] [ HOU ] Kostas PapanikolaouAkkuron 58 指標 8 小時前
Isn't Kareem the literal opposite of that list? I mean, it's not like his prime wasn't amazing, the man is an all-time-great, but it's his longevity that gets talked about the most.
賈巴爾,難道不是這個榜單的反義詞嗎?這不是說他巔峰不牛 B,他絕對是歷史級別的名宿的,但是大傢談起賈巴爾第一個想起的還是他如常青樹一般的職業生涯啊。
[ – ] [ TOR ] Jonas ValanciunasDavidKirk2000 85 指標 8 小時前
In 71-72, Kareem put up 35/15/5 on 55% shooting and was named MVP. His peak was unreal.
在 71-72 賽季(第三年),賈巴爾就以 55% 的投籃命中率取得 35/15/5 的數據,獲得常規賽 MVP。他的巔峰是假的吧!!!
[ – ] Heatwormhole222 38 指標 7 小時前
It was 57% shooting ( .603 TS% ) . Also, while they didn't record blocks that year it is safe to say he had at least
1 SPG and 3 BPG ( he had at least that every year in the 70s ) .
是 57%(真實命中率 60.3%)。此外,雖然當時還沒統計蓋帽數,但可以肯定他當年場均至少有 1 個搶斷和 3 個蓋帽(在 70 年代,這對於他來說是傢常便飯)。
[ – ] [ BOS ] Jaylen BrownWarcraftFarscape 16 指標 9 小時前
Sir Charles had a great prime, so did Moses.
I guess it depends on what a "prime" is, how many years need to qualify. Like dirk 2011 playoffs was incredible but overall I would say his prime was not top 5 all time.
Good discussion though, takes the longevity piece out of the equation, which is how Shaq being on that list isn ’ t insane.
我覺得這取決於 " 巔峰 " 如何定義,必須滿多少年。就像諾維斯基在 2011 年季後賽的表現令人瞠目結舌,但我覺得他的巔峰期肯定排不進歷史前五。
[ – ] [ CLE ] Jackie RidgleIAmJimmyNeutron 44 指標 9 小時前
Mo Williams 52 point game is definitely a top 5 prime all-time.
騎士球迷:莫 - 威廉姆斯的那場 52 分絕對是這個榜單歷史前五的水平。
[ – ] Knicksiretalia16 134 指標 9 小時前
Him and Larry Bird had two of the best rookie seasons of all time in the same year, kinda crazy
[ – ] HeatGiannis1995 74 指標 8 小時前
Melo was a better rookie than LeBron as well.
[ – ] peppermintpattymills 24 指標 7 小時前
Yeah I'd have probably given it to Melo, though I'd say it was relatively close. Their rookie seasons weren't THAT great though compared to Magic's and Bird's.
[ – ] NBAwhy_rob_y 23 指標 4 小時前
Their rookie seasons weren't THAT great though compared to Magic's and Bird's.
To be fair to Melo and LeBron, they were younger than Bird and Magic during their rookie seasons ( and age is pretty important in the beginning of your NBA career ) . At the times of their respective NBA debuts, LeBron was 18, Melo was 19, Magic was 20, Bird was 22.
公平的講,甜瓜和小皇帝進入聯盟的年紀更小(什麼樣的年齡開始你的 NBA 生涯很重要)。他們各自的生涯首秀是:詹姆斯 18 歲,安東尼 19 歲,魔術師 20 歲,伯德 22 歲。
[ – ] Bucksthisishorsepoop 247 指標 10 小時前
I never realized they were rookies in the same year
[ – ] Cavaliersgoteeeem [ S ] 100 指標 10 小時前
Yes, although Larry was drafted a year earlier ( 1978 ) . He didn't sign with the Celtics immediately to play his final year in college. Thus, starting his rookie year in the 1979-80 season.
對,雖然伯德在 1978 年就參加選秀。但他沒有馬上和凱爾特人簽約,而是打完瞭大學的最後一年。因此他的菜鳥賽季是 1979-80 賽季。
[ – ] Pistonsthe_shins 174 指標 10 小時前
Bird was drafted in '78 though, and Magic in '79
大鳥 78 年參加選秀,魔術師 79 年參加選秀。
[ – ] Korexicanm 247 指標 9 小時前
Bird getting that year later ROTY that Simmons is about to get over Tatum. Time is a flat circle.
伯德被選中後的第二年進入聯盟獲得最佳新秀,而如今的本 - 西蒙斯也將以同樣的方式戰勝塔圖姆。風水輪流轉啊!
[ – ] nend 125 指標 8 小時前
The difference is Bird played college ball for another year after being drafted and didn't have any training or practice in the nba.
其中的不同是,伯德在選秀後,又在大學打瞭一年,沒有在 NBA 進行訓練。
[ – ] [ HOU ] Kostas PapanikolaouAkkuron 271 指標 8 小時前
Ben Simmons also attended college just as much the year after being drafted as he did the previous one.
不過,西蒙斯上大學的那一年跟被選中後的那一個報銷賽季相比沒什麼區別。 [ 譯註 3 ]
[ 譯註 3 ] 西蒙斯最近表示上那一年大學沒屁用。
[ – ] Raptorsiwillbombu 203 指標 10 小時前
Larry increased his teams wins by like 30 or 40 games if I'm not mistaken
如果我沒記錯的話,伯德進入聯盟後讓他的球隊多贏瞭 30-40 場球。
– ] Charlotte HornetsBURRITO_JONES 146 指標 10 小時前 *
Correct. A 32-game turnaround, reaching the conference finals after losing 53 the season before. Magic's Lakers ( or should I say Kareem's ) went from 47 wins to 60, with a teammate who won MVP.
回答正確。多贏瞭 32 場球,直接幫球隊從 29 勝 53 負的魚腩球隊提升到瞭 61 勝 21 負,並打入東部決賽。而魔術師的湖人(或者我應該說賈巴爾的湖人)把勝場數從 47 場增加到瞭 60 場,要知道這是和一個 MVP 級的隊員(賈巴爾)一起完成的。