

MJ's incredible mid-air body control.Highlights ( streamable.com )



[ – ] ashburner23 49 指標 21 小時前

Air Jordan

" 飛人 " 喬丹。

[ – ] RocketsBitch-Im-Harden 94 指標 19 小時前

Jesus Christ. If you're reading this and you haven't watched the post yet, do it. Mind boggling


[ – ] KnicksSuperstarTinsanity 16 指標 14 小時前

Is it really five minutes of slow mo? I love MJ but my sanity too


[ – ] [ NYK ] Rasheed WallaceMrBokbagok 28 指標 14 小時前

its worth every second imo


[ – ] [ LAL ] D'Angelo RussellHolyRomanPrince 183 指標 20 小時前

Big ass hands + unreal quickness and leaping ability + innate ability to get the ball on the rim through traffic.

一雙大手 + 超人的速度和彈跳 + 在人堆裡把球塞進籃筐的與生俱來的手感。

[ – ] Sixers BandwagonImpBron 122 指標 19 小時前

And ridiculous core strength to push the ball up when he is falling down.


[ – ] Pelicansirrationalportions 9 指標 13 小時前

Strong core.


[ – ] CelticsMexter-Dorgan 73 指標 20 小時前

It's like if I was carrying around a softball for god sakes. How big were his hands???

我的媽,喬丹抓籃球就像我抓一顆壘球一樣輕松 … 他手是有多大???



[ – ] Cavaliers Bandwagonstormstalker 2 指標 10 小時前

I've seen it listed various places that his hands were 11.375", but I dunno if that's verified. If so, that's absolutely fucking gigantic, which wouldn't be surprising. Like, anything over 10" is huge. Over 11" is just absurd, especially for a guy who wasn't especially tall ( by NBA standards anyway ) .

根據我在很多地方看到的數據顯示,他的手掌展開足有 11.375 英寸(約 28.9 厘米),但我不確定這個數據是否得到過證實。如果是真實的,那特麼確實很大,不過這也不奇怪。就好像,10 英寸的手掌很大,超過 11 英寸就很誇張瞭,特別是對於一個身高並不算太高的傢夥(當然,是依 NBA 標準而言)。

[ – ] [ PHO ] Devin Bookerquiznos61 86 指標 19 小時前

Fuckkkk, the amount of finesse he had in his game


[ – ] Bullsbjankles 65 指標 17 小時前

He's like another species whose natural habitat is basketball.


[ – ] kangiskahn 83 指標 19 小時前

imagine being on the receiving end of that shit as a defender. Change my kicks to clown shoes and fucking walk off the court on the spot jeeze


[ – ] Kingsfundraiser 68 指標 19 小時前

He rarely even blew by them when they were in the air. He legit only did it to humiliate the defender, which is probably even more effective than a quick pump fake and dunk.


[ – ] [ NYK ] Rasheed WallaceMrBokbagok 17 指標 15 小時前

lol you can see it in glen rice's face at the end. dude is rethinking his life choices that day

哈哈哈,視頻後面格倫 - 萊斯的表情亮瞭,這老哥當時可能在懷疑人生。

[ – ] BullsFire_Gar_pax 24 指標 17 小時前

lmao he's straight disrespecting at some points in those clips


[ – ] [ LAL ] Wilt ChamberlainKImon123 269 指標 21 小時前

He's the goat for a reason


[ – ] TimberwolvesPKS_5 124 指標 18 小時前

I'm a huge Kobe fan. He was my MJ for all intents and purposes growing up. But damn watching videos like this is where you see the difference.

Everything Kobe could replicate or try to make up for with skill, he did. But you just can't skill your way to MJ's athleticism.

It's crazy when people say Kobe wasn't as skilled as MJ. Look at what the Mamba accomplished with the tools he was given, or for the purposes of that comparison, with the tools he wasn't given.




[ – ] Raptorsintecknicolour 71 指標 15 小時前

kobe was never as good as mj driving to the hoop, not even in the frobe days.

but kobe was the better shooter i would say. mj didn't develop the three until later in his career and still didn't use it that often.



[ – ] NetsChef_Bojan3 76 指標 15 小時前

Kobe was definitely the better three-point shooter ( although that could sometimes hurt him as he'd start taking lower percentage shots than you'd want ) but Jordan's mid range jumper was one of the best ever.


[ – ] Warriorsjackinthebay 21 指標 11 小時前

Jordan's turn around fade away jumper from the corner of the free throw line was unstoppable


[ – ] Pacersc_more_glass 15 指標 11 小時前

Most unstoppable shot after Kareem's sky hook was Jordan's turn around fade away mid range jumper.


[ – ] [ POR ] Geoff PetrieTheGourmet9 10 指標 14 小時前

Maybe. Jordan's ball handling, footwork and passing were all a bit better in my opinion. Phil Jackson put it well once saying that Kobe was better at hitting crazy shots, but Jordan was better at creating a good look for himself. Kobe was probably a better shooter but Jordan could create space for himself better than any wing in NBA history.

也許吧。我覺得喬丹的控球、腳步和傳導都略勝一籌。菲爾 - 傑克遜這一點說得很好:科比更擅於投一些匪夷所思的球,而喬丹則更擅於在場上為自己創造良好的機會。或許科比的投籃更好,但喬丹為自己創造空間去得分的能力比歷史上任何鋒線都要強。

[ – ] [ LAL ] D'Angelo RussellHolyRomanPrince 119 指標 21 小時前

It's basically if you have Kyrie with the same level of quickness and mid air ball skills and gave him a 48 inch vertical, comically large hands and 3 inches of height

基本上可以這麼描述:喬丹的上籃就是——和凱裡 - 歐文一樣的速度、空中技巧,再加上 122 厘米的垂直彈跳、一雙巨手以及比歐文高瞭 7 厘米的身高。

[ – ] Rorge-Dela-Cruz 32 指標 16 小時前

Yea Kyrie is definitely the closest in today's NBA to that sort of finishing. You can also give a shout out to young D-Wade and Derrick Rose. Rose had similar athleticism ( ridiculous core strength and body-control mid-air ) , Wade had the size and creativity ( mainly because of his wingspan and body build, obviously doesn't have the height ) and Kyrie has the craftiness and unpredictability.

沒錯,歐文絕對是當今聯盟中終結能力最接近喬丹的人。當然,你也可以說這裡還包括年輕的韋德和德裡克 - 羅斯。這三個人裡:羅斯擁有相似的運動能力(同樣變態的核心力量以及滯空時的身體控制能力),韋德擁有相似的身材和創造力(這裡主要指臂展和體型,顯然韋德的身高不如喬丹),歐文擁有相似的手活和不可預見性。

[ – ] BullsCreditworthy 6 指標 11 小時前

MJ's gravitational constant was actually lower than others'

喬丹的重力常數 g 肯定比其他人都小。

[ – ] Pacersldclark92 35 指標 17 小時前

Alot of people will say this shows how athletic he was, which is true, but I think this shows how talented and instinctual he was. We have seen lots and lots of amazing athletes in NBA who can hang in the air for a long time. However, none of those guys made the adjustments and finished Jordan did.

Lots of guys can use their athleticism to make impressive dunks, very few have been able to master it into basketball art like Jordan did.

許多人會說,喬丹的運動能力真強,這沒錯。但我認為這更多地體現瞭他的天賦和本能。在 NBA,我們見過太多太多運動能力出色的球員,他們的滯空能力也很強。然而,沒有一個人能像喬丹一樣在空中自如地控制自己的身體,然後把球放入籃筐。

[ – ] THE_REAL_ODB 13 指標 15 小時前

That is a big part of athleticism.

Plenty of athletes are fast and explosive in the nba, but body co-ordination/control like that isn't really teachable.


NBA 跑得快,身體素質爆炸的球員有很多,但是喬丹這種身體協調性和控制力,真的沒法教。

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