

Damian Lillard speaks on the Kyrie Irving situation: "Who wouldn't want to go to the Finals every year? I would love to do that. Just watching from the outside, you see how easy [ LeBron ] makes the game for everybody else. I don't see why anybody wouldn't want to play with him."

利拉德也對歐文和騎士現在的鬧劇發表瞭自己的看法:" 誰不想每年都打入總決賽啊?我反正是求之不得。從一個局外人的角度看,你可以看出勒佈朗是如何讓比賽對於他的隊友來說更輕松的。我不明白為什麼會有人不想跟他打球。"

[ – ] [ BOS ] Isaiah ThomasGhenii 1419 指標 7 小時前

So, how long until people start making "Lillard for Kyrie, who says no" posts?

五樓之內必出現 " 利拉德單換歐文,誰贊成誰反對 "

[ – ] General-Kn0wledge 4263 指標 6 小時前 *

Kyrie says no. Portland is too close to the edge of the Earth



[ – ] Trail BlazersCopsBroughtPizza 225 指標 6 小時前

Portland says no. I can see the argument for Kyrie bring a overall better player on paper, but Dame's leadership and vocal loyalty are invaluable to the franchise. It's not even close to a big enough jump in talent to take the risk and mess with the team chemistry and franchise culture.


[ – ] Trail Blazerszetlali 218 指標 7 小時前

I think most Blazer fans would say no.


[ – ] HeatACNL 63 指標 4 小時前

kyrie is not better than dame. ffs kyrie couldn't lead his squad to jack shit. dame on the other hand DID


[ – ] SenorTrollBad 79 指標 3 小時前

Kyrie was 22 when lebron came back. Lillard has like 2 years on him, had LA before he left, and then had experience and age by the time he was leading rhe team. Not comparable, I'd say Lillard and Kyrie are pretty even.

詹姆斯回歸騎士的時候歐文才 22 歲。利拉德比歐文大兩歲,還曾經跟阿爾德裡奇並肩作戰過。利拉德成為絕對核心的時候已經很有經驗瞭,也不再是毛頭小夥。兩人的情況不可比較。我認為利拉德和歐文打平。

[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesviniribeiro 5564 指標 8 小時前

Speaks like a guy that thinks earth is round


[ – ] RaptorsExtinctLurkasaurus 1013 指標 7 小時前

A rational superstar?? Madnesss!


[ – ] LakersJayveesac 411 指標 7 小時前

Despite being known around the league as a guy who likes to harbor grudges, Dame is a pretty rational guy

He said this about Conley's contract extension last year


去年康利簽瞭大合同後他是這麼說的:" 為他人開心,不要去數別人碗裡的錢。"

[ – ] Trail Blazersiamtheaisle 334 指標 7 小時前

Dame seems like the most legitimately down to earth superstar I've seen


[ – ] LakersJayveesac 206 指標 7 小時前

Not including Kawhi, he has a case


[ – ] Trail BlazersNoveson 462 指標 7 小時前

I didn't think it needed to be said, but we are talking about people here, not robots.


[ – ] mioraka 90 指標 6 小時前

Listening to Lowe, everyone inside and outside of Blazers raves about his leadership and professionalism.

聽聽 Zach Lowe 的電臺吧,開拓者上下每個人都對他的領導能力和職業道德贊不絕口。

[ – ] SpursParkBaller27 224 指標 7 小時前

I think its just a grass is always greener thing. Kyrie wants what lillard has lillard want what kyrie has. Doesn't mean ones right or wrong

我覺得這一系列事件隻不過是 " 月亮還是別人傢的圓 "。歐文想要利拉德擁有的,而利拉德則想要歐文擁有的。這裡沒有對錯。

[ – ] ClippersAnyGivenWednesday 143 指標 6 小時前

Yeah I think a lot of people are having a hard time seeing that different people have different perspectives here. Lillard's never been to a Finals, Kyrie has been to three ( or two I guess ) and won a championship. They're in different places and want different things.

沒錯。在這件事上,我覺得很多人都不明白的是:不同的人有不同的想法。利拉德從來沒進過總決賽,歐文已經進瞭三次瞭(或者說兩次,排除他隻打瞭一個常規時間的 15 年總決賽第一場),而且還贏瞭冠軍。他們現在處於人生中的不同階段,自然想追求不同的目標。

[ – ] CelticsProphet_Of_Helix 113 指標 6 小時前

I don't think anyone doesn't understand that people have different perspectives, it's just people are having trouble understanding why someone would give up their best chance to win championships ( which is the thing that fans care about the most ) just to be the "man" on his team.


Plenty of people are the man. Westbrook is the man. Wall is the man. IT is the man. Dame is the man. Kawhi is the man. AD was the man, now he's got company. Harden is the man. Etc. How many of those guys have rings?


Kyrie can go to whatever team he wants, but even if he goes to another team and puts up 30ppg the rest of his career but never sniffs another ring, he's gonna be consider that pretty good player who had a monster shot in the Finals and is an idiot. He won't ever sniff any All-Time best players lists, and the only way time he'll be remembered is in regards to his years on the Cavs with LeBron being successful.

歐文當然可以去任何他想去的球隊,就算他能在以後場均砍下 30 分但是離冠軍差之千裡,他也會被看作是一個曾經在總決賽投中關鍵球的很好的球員以及,一個蠢貨。他永遠不會被看作是 NBA 歷史最佳球員之一,而且人們會想起他,隻會想起他在騎士跟詹姆斯並肩作戰的那三年成功歲月。

[ – ] RaptorsNot_A_Doctor__ 781 指標 8 小時前

Getting a ring early in his career seems to really have influenced what Kyrie wants next.


[ – ] Magic17hazard 373 指標 7 小時前

That's what strange to me about this. Imagine lebron never returned to Cleveland. Kyrie never has the oppourtunity to take and hit one of the most iconic shots in NBA history. And Kyrie resents lebron still? Sure he might not get as much credit as lebron but lebron puts him in a position to be immortalized. With lebron likely leaving next year the dude can have one more shot at another moment like that, and then get what he wants. If Kyrie is traded I'd say there's a good chance he never is back to the finals, never again has the chance to play on the biggest of stages, all because he's jealous of his teammate?

這也是我想不通原因。如果詹姆斯當初沒有回歸,歐文就絕對不會有機會投入 nba 歷史上最經典的進球之一。而歐文現在做到瞭,竟然還會怨恨詹姆斯?當然他不會得到跟詹姆斯一樣的贊譽,但是是詹姆斯讓他獲得瞭被永遠銘記的機會。如果詹姆斯想的話,他可能下賽季離開騎士,從而歐文今年會獲得另外一次和那年騎士奪冠時相同的表現機會,之後就可以追逐自己想要的東西瞭。可是,如果歐文被交易走瞭,很有可能他永遠都不會進入總決賽瞭,也永遠不會有機會再次在最大的舞臺表現自己,這一切都是因為他嫉妒詹姆斯?

[ – ] Cavaliersgramitchski 455 指標 7 小時前

Man. If I make it to the NBA, and I'm a star, and I have the opportunity to be THE guy and to have MY team, I'd do that. On MyPlayer i dont strive to be #2. I lead that fucking team and being THE guy on the team, carrying them to wins, feels absolutely incredible. And thats a fucking video game. Yall need to put yourselves in his shoes. He already got his chip. Let him do him.

老哥,如果我進入 nba,還是個明星,而且有機會成為球隊的門面,那我就會抓住這個機會的。在 2K 的 " 我的球員 " 模式中,我可不是為瞭成為球隊第二號人物而加班加點按手柄的。我想要成為球隊領袖,帶領他們獲得勝利,這感覺太 tm 棒瞭,而且這還隻是在遊戲中。你們應該站在歐文的角度上考慮下,他已經拿瞭冠軍瞭,讓他做自己吧。

[ – ] Crocoduck 109 指標 4 小時前

Except he named the Wolves and Spurs where he's not going to be THE guy and it won't be HIS team. That's the confusing part to me.


[ – ] Magic17hazard 182 指標 7 小時前

That's possible on 2k but Kyrie will in all likelihood never go to the finals as the main man.

2K 上一切皆有可能,但是現實生活中,把歐文當領袖的球隊是不可能打入總決賽的。

[ – ] [ NYK ] Steve Novakalexyxray 325 指標 6 小時前

its easy to say that as outsiders but no self respecting star approaches their career with that mindset


[ – ] RocketsHereForTheJedi 189 指標 8 小時前

Dame is just trying to get LeBron all buttered up for Portland.


[ – ] MavericksRevinWurant 126 指標 7 小時前

From listening to multiple episodes of Road Trippin featuring Kyrie, I believe he is sincere or at least puts off a genuine vibe, however the thing is he also comes off as a pseudo intellect or at least not completely in tune with the world in a naive way.

The reason I say this isn't just from the flat earth episode but also from the episode about how he is the Luaryn Hil of the NBA and how he wants to and plans on building a commune, his perspectiv was pure but you can tell there isn't depth to why and how any of what he was saying would happen. I've seen this sort of perspective so often from people that are young and sheltered from a life that's uncomfortable, it leads to an entitlement in that things have to be black or white.

我聽瞭很多期歐文作客的 "Road Trippin" 電臺,我相信他在一些事情上的態度是真誠的,但是他很多時候也像一個裝聰明的人,或者說對世界有一些天真幼稚的看法。

我說這些並不隻是因為地球是平的那一期節目,他還說過他是 NBA 的勞倫 - 希爾,他有想法、並計劃著建立一個社區。你可以感覺到他說這些都是很真誠的,但是你也可以感覺到他說的這些都是不現實的。我經常在其他年輕的,未體會過生活艱辛的人身上看到這種態度,這就讓他們理所當然的認為世界是非黑即白的。

【註】勞倫 - 希爾:美國女歌手,早早隱退

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