

Danny Ainge: "I think the game is getting a lot better. A lot of people I've run into say the game was so much better in the 1980s but I don't see that. I see the NBA is getting better."

丹尼 - 安吉:" 我覺得現在的比賽變得好多瞭。我遇到過的很多人都說,上世紀 80 年代的比賽要好得多,但我並不這麼覺得,我覺得 NBA 正變得越來越好。"

He talks more about the current trend of NBA and players getting better every year with players like Russ, Harden, Lebron, Durant, Curry all improving the quality of the NBA, pretty cool interview. Stark difference from past players who all bash the modern NBA

安吉談論的內容,更多的是有關 NBA 目前的發展趨勢,以及諸如威少、哈登、詹姆斯、杜蘭特、庫裡這樣的球員提高瞭 NBA 的比賽質量,使得球員們每年都在變得更好,這是個相當不錯的采訪。他的看法與那些抨擊現代 NBA 的老派球員截然不同。

[ – ] LakersJakanzi 223 指標 14 小時前

I think it's telling that none of the people who think the game was better back then work for an actual NBA front office.

我覺得,那些覺得以前的 NBA 更好的人沒有一個是真正在 NBA 管理層工作還是很說明問題的。

[ – ] [ LAC ] Doc Riversisaacz321 75 指標 13 小時前

one of the best points on this thread. It's really front office and maybe coaches' opinions who matter, not tv analysts or even worse just old guys not doing anything.

你是這個帖子裡最好的幾個觀點之一。隻有真正的管理層,可能還有教練的觀點才是重要的,而不是 TV 評論員,更不是那些啥也沒做的老傢夥們。

[ – ] [ CLE ] Shaquille O'NealNaywe 417 指標 14 小時前

No shit. People improve with time. The only ones who say otherwise are all blinded by nostalgia.


[ – ] Cavaliers BandwagonMrDingus20 167 指標 14 小時前

You could literally put this comment in almost any subreddit I belong to that is a hobby or a thing I am a fan of and it would fit perfectly. I swear to god we are in the age of nostalgia and it's weird.


[ – ] [ PHI ] Joel EmbiidLRW35 29 指標 12 小時前

The age of nostalgia is perpetual when remembering certain things. People, or rather certain groups, will always think things were better when they were in their own prime.


[ – ] Celticsjgr79 31 指標 13 小時前

Basketball isn't like running where raw speed is the only metric that matters though.

The players are certainly getting better in basketball as well as in all sports – they're faster, stronger, more athletic. But it would be very possible for the players to be getting better but the game to be getting worse.

In fact I think there are a lot of fans who think that exact thing happened from say 1990-2005 compared to, say, the 15 years prior. Scoring had dropped. Pace had dropped. The players were better on paper than the earlier period but the game wasn't as good. There was something unbalanced about the way players were improving that caused the game to be less enjoyable.

These days I think the players are better than in the past and the game is actually better. Certainly than the 90s style, but perhaps even than the 80s style.



實際上,我覺得會有很多的球迷認為,比如與之前的十五年相比,在 1990-2005 這十五年中就發生著(球員更好,比賽卻更糟)這樣的事。球員的得分在不斷下降,比賽節奏逐漸變慢,從理論上來說,那時的球員比以前的球員更加出色,但比賽卻不像以前那樣好看。球員在提高自身水平的過程中存在著某些不平衡的地方,這也導致瞭比賽觀賞性的下降。

現在,我覺得如今的球員相比過去要更加出色,而且實際上比賽也更加好看。肯定是比 90 年代的風格要好看的,也許甚至比 80 年代的風格也要好看。

[ – ] New Jersey NetsFrigidevil 8 指標 11 小時前

The word 'better' is so subjective, it could mean almost anything depending on context. If you like physical play, the 80s are better than today. If you like 3s, today is better than the 80s. If you like short shorts, the 80s blows today out of the water.

" 更好看 " 這個詞太主觀瞭,根據使用環境的不同,這個詞幾乎可以是任何意思。如果你喜歡激烈的身體對抗,80 年代比現在要更好,如果你喜歡看三分,現在的時代比 80 年代要好看,如果你喜歡看超短褲,那和 80 年代相比,現在的比賽簡直沒法看。

[ – ] KingsTheFoxKing5 134 指標 14 小時前

The players have gotten better no doubt. That is an objective fact.

From a purely entertainment perspective, I do miss the 2000's. I just felt like baskets were so much more important. I liked the grind-game. I liked one three pointer being a momentum swing. I liked close games. I liked defensive struggles.

Now there are a lot of blowouts due to the focus on the three ball. Just a lot of back and forth. I know a lot of people love it. I don't personally like it as much. Maybe it's nostalgia. But I really enjoyed game 7 last year when it was 89-89 near the end of the fourth. I'll take 89-89 over 121-121 any day. Like I said, maybe it's just nostalgia talking.


單純從娛樂的角度來看的話,我真的很懷念 2000 年代的比賽,我隻是覺得當時每得一分要比現在重要得多,我喜歡看絞肉機式的比賽,喜歡一記三分就能提升球隊的氣勢,也喜歡膠著的比賽,在防守端不斷地肉搏。

如今,由於三分球成瞭重中之重,導致瞭很多打花的比賽,還有很多來回的對攻。我知道有很多人喜歡看這樣的比賽,然而我個人並不是很喜歡,也許是因為懷舊的原因吧,但我真的很喜歡去年總決賽那個在第四節快結束時,比分仍是 89 平的搶七。無論何時,我都覺得 89 平比 121 平要好看,正如我所說的那樣,也許隻是一種懷舊的說辭吧。

[ – ] [ TOR ] Chris BoshRebounnd 16 指標 14 小時前

Isn't this an objective fact? The only people who think the league was better in the past are older dudes who grew up watching Magic/Bird/Jordan/etc.


[ – ] Knicksbrohymn 50 指標 14 小時前

Interesting enough, I'm probably one of the oldest on here, started watching the NBA at '88 and adamant in arguing that the NBA has never been more skilled and talented as it is today.

Most people my age ( 36 ) that actually watches basketball actually seem to agree but the people that often disagree seem to be younger kids that feel they need to argue for the 80's and 90's based on watching Youtube highlights. Its as if they feel like they are smarter and more wise by being contrarians...

Its a bizarre thing that I see on /r/nba all the time.

I swear, one time some kid was arguing that George Mikan would be a top 5 Center in the league today. Seriously, what? Curiosity got to me and I was looking through his comments and turns out he's a freshman in college. What business does a 18 year old kid have in arguing that Mikan would be one of the best centers in the league today?

樓上真是因吹斯汀,我可能是這裡年紀最大的球迷之一,我從 88 年就開始看 NBA 瞭,而我也堅定的相信,NBA 從沒有像今天這樣充滿瞭技巧和天賦。

大多數像我這個年紀(36 歲),而且真正看過球的人,實際上好像也同意我的觀點,但是通常不認同我看法的那些人,好像都是些因為在 YouTube 上看過高光集錦,就覺得自己有必要為 80 年代和 90 年代站出來說話的毛頭小子,仿佛他們成為瞭天選之子,就能讓他們覺得自己比別人更聰明更博學一樣 ……

這是 SHH 裡一直讓我覺得匪夷所思的一件事。

我發誓,有一次我看到有些小孩在爭論說,在如今的聯盟裡,喬治 - 麥肯會不會成為聯盟前五的中鋒。說真的,搞笑呢?我感到很好奇,然後我仔細的翻瞭下他的評論,發現他是個大一新生。麥肯能不能成為當今聯盟前五的中鋒,和一個 18 歲的小孩有啥關系呢?

[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesswatbustist 5 指標 13 小時前

I'll say this. The TNT guys bring up the fact that in the 80s to be a superstar you had to affect more areas of the game. Pts reb ast def leadership tempo of the game. Now a days you need fewer to be considered a superstar, which I agree with. I also think every team taking a bunch of bad 3s because of how the math works makes for a worse product and more blowouts

我要說的是,TNT 的傢夥們提出瞭這樣的一個事實,那就是在 80 年代,要想成為一個超巨,你需要在比賽更多的方面中發揮作用,得分、籃板、助攻、防守、領袖能力還有比賽節奏。而現在,要成為超巨的話你需要做的會更少一些,這點我是同意的。同時我也覺得,現在每支球隊都會有很多糟糕的三分出手——就隻是因為三分比兩分多一分罷瞭——才出現瞭更糟糕的比賽,以及更多被打花瞭的比賽。

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