大帝不服 2K 評分僅 86?他已是聯盟第 4C


[ Bleacher Report ] Joel Embiid on his 86 Rating: "It should be at least 95... That's bullcrap. I'm not gonna curse. I just got fined." ( twitter.com )

[ Bleacher Report ] 喬爾 - 恩比德得知自己 2k 評分為 86 時的反應:" 我最起碼也得有個 95 分吧 … 這完全就是鬼扯,但我不會爆粗,因為之前才被罰瞭款。"

[ – ] [ NYK ] Tim HardawayJoeTheKnicksFan 46 指標 8 小時前

They did some kind of event today with Joel,Kyrie,PG,Dame,and IT and they announced all their ratings and filmed their reaction to them. the videos of the reaction are on 2ks Instagram

2k 官方今天對恩比德,歐文,喬治,利拉德和小托馬斯錄瞭一個節目,內容就是 2k 工作人員在這些球員面前公佈他們自己的評分,然後錄下他們的反應。這些視頻在 2k 官方的 Instagram 主頁上。

[ – ] Thunder BandwagonNa7eY 198 指標 13 小時前

Wait they have the 2k18 ratings out?!

等等,他們現在就已經放出瞭 2k18 的球員評分嗎?!

[ – ] Lakers BandwagonKamikazeMack 76 指標 8 小時前

No, he's talking about his updated 17rating, which will most likely be the same

不,恩比德談論得是 2k17 對於他最近更新的評分,從而基本上也就是 2k18 裡他的評分瞭。

[ – ] Codeine_Cowboyy 319 指標 14 小時前

Every time I play against him he might as well be a 95. He fucks Chandler up every time.

在遊戲裡每次我對陣恩比德時,他的表現都好像有 95 分一樣。每次他都能完爆我的泰森 - 錢德勒。

[ – ] Wolves BandwagonLetItSano 404 指標 13 小時前

If you choose to play as the Suns in 2k you're just asking to get fucked up.

如果你在 2k 裡選擇太陽去比賽的話,你就是在自討苦吃。

[ – ] 76ersBirdRights 9 指標 11 小時前

he blocks everything, post moves are op, and can hit open threes. if you make him 7'2 it's even dumber

恩比德能冒掉各種投籃,低位的腳步也很無解,同時還能命中空位三分。如果遊戲裡真的把他設定成 2.18 米(7 尺 2)的話,那就更無腦瞭。

[ – ] [ GSW ] Patrick McCawmaybeAriadne 429 指標 13 小時前

You all take people too seriously lmao


[ – ] Clippers Bandwagonsterninator39 160 指標 13 小時前

I've never seen people get so fucking pissed at actual nothingness. There is no way he's actually serious.


[ – ] RaptorsMyManD 17 指標 8 小時前

I don't think athletes get legitimately pissed, but they do care about what their 2K ratings are. I mean they play the game against their team mates and friends, so they all probably know each other's ratings just on a casual dick waving/shit talking basis.

我不認為運動員們真的會對一款遊戲生氣,但是他們確實會去在意自己的 2k 評分。我的意思是,他們會和自己的隊友或是朋友們一起玩這款遊戲,所以在僅僅隻是偶爾的娛樂 / 互相嘲諷的遊戲中,他們大概也都會知道彼此的評分。

[ – ] Rocketsscrewt 1149 指標 14 小時前

86 is pretty generous for someone who didn't even play 40 games.

86 分對於一個連 40 場比賽都沒有達到的球員來說,是非常大方的一個評價瞭。

[ – ] [ DAL ] Dirk NowitzkiRamRiz1302 38 指標 14 小時前

Feel the same way, he ’ s in his second year and he ’ s an 86, that ’ s pretty good

和樓上有同感,恩比德剛剛才進入真正開始打球的第 2 年,然後他的評分就已經到 86 瞭,這非常不錯瞭。

[ – ] Knicks Bandwagonthemariokarters 25 指標 14 小時前

But when he played he was a top 3 center

但是當他真正在場上打球時,他就是聯盟前 3 的中鋒。

[ – ] simpson2020 15 指標 9 小時前 *

i'll take kat, boogie, and gobert before embiid


[ – ] Raptorspussykicker 573 指標 14 小時前

Ben Simmons is a 80 in the game. He never played an NBA game. Injuries don't factor into 2k ratings.

本 - 西蒙斯還不是有 80 的評分,而他甚至連 1 場 NBA 的比賽都沒有打過。傷病並不會影響你的 2k 評分。

[ – ] [ PHI ] Joel Embiidjayzee1138 161 指標 13 小時前

All #1 overall picks start around 80

所有的狀元秀基本上一開始的 2k 評分都在 80 左右。

[ – ] Wolves BandwagonLetItSano 132 指標 13 小時前

Even Kris Dunn was a 77 to start the year last year. Rookies are usually overrated at the beginning of the year in 2k.

就算是克裡斯 - 鄧恩,在去年一開始的時候他的 2k 評分也有 77。新秀在剛開始的時候總會被 2k 高估。

[ – ] 76ersTmwill87 47 指標 12 小時前

Okafor is around an 80

奧卡福也在 80 左右。

[ – ] Cavaliersthirstythecop 16 指標 12 小時前

He came in at 78 iirc

他剛進入聯盟時的評分是 78,如果我沒記錯的話。

[ – ] Raptors BandwagonHouseBoiii 46 指標 11 小時前

acting like the guy didn't average like 16/7 his rookie year 78 seemed fine.oo

你們說的好像這傢夥在他的新秀賽季裡沒有場均 16/7 一樣,78 分對於我來說非常合適。

[ – ] PistonsEd_Wuncler_Da_3rd 56 指標 10 小時前

I remember in 2k9 rookie Steph Curry was rated 69 lol

然而我記得在 2k9 裡,新秀斯蒂芬 - 庫裡的評分隻有 69,哈哈哈。

[ – ] Lakers Bandwagonlakersoffseason 15 指標 7 小時前

2K10 actually. Used him back then when I didn't even know the NBA in the Rookie Game and he used to make threes a lot for me so I was just kinda like "idk who this guy is but he's good"

實際上應該是 2k10。當時我還不怎麼瞭解 NBA,然後在遊戲中的新秀賽裡用瞭庫裡幾次,當時他就能為我的球隊投進很多三分,所以我的反應就有點像:" 好吧,我不知道這傢夥是誰,但是他確實還行。"

[ – ] Ghost_NYC 173 指標 14 小時前

What happened to Derrick Rose attacking the rim rating in 2K17 then?

那麼 2k17 裡羅斯攻擊籃筐的評分變成什麼樣瞭?

[ – ] Raptorspussykicker 69 指標 14 小時前

yeah he was great in 2013 but his rating dropped in 2k14/15. I didn't really mean Injuries don't factor into 2k ratings but for the season only.

羅斯在 2013 年的 2k 中很強,但是他的評分在 2k14/15 裡就降下去瞭。我並不是說傷病不會影響到 2k 評分,僅僅隻是對當賽季的評分有影響罷瞭。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Evan Turnerbillbrown96 126 指標 11 小時前

The same thing that happened to Derrick Rose's attacking the rim in real life


[ – ] TimberwolvesDQMalt 2 指標 5 小時前

But what are his landing mechanics ratings?


[ – ] RaptorsTreChomes 211 指標 14 小時前

Lol 95 you wild

哈哈哈,95 分,恩比德瘋瞭吧。

[ – ] 76ersPhiladelphiaFish 172 指標 14 小時前

I think he was just joking around.


[ – ] bertansd 44 指標 13 小時前

someone needs to tell him getting from 86 to 95 is part of the Process

某個人需要告訴他,把評分從 86 提高到 95 也是 "the Process" 的一部分。

[ – ] Trail Blazersddrdavei2 39 指標 14 小時前

I mean, they update the ratings based on performance anyway. So play like you're one of the best players in the league and it'll be 95.

我的意思是,2k 官方也是根據球員們的實際表現去更新評分的。所以,隻要你打得像聯盟裡最好的球員一樣,你的評分就會達到 95。

[ – ] Thunderdrdownvotes12 15 指標 13 小時前

He did, the guy played like a top 10 player when he was on the court, and he got better as the year went on. He's pretty raw though.

恩比德做到瞭,當他在場上的時候,他就打得像聯盟前 10 的球員一樣,而且隨著比賽的進行,他的表現越來越好。不過對比賽而言,他還是非常的稚嫩。

[ – ] CelticsIfuckinglovebball 49 指標 14 小時前

Even when healthy he's not a fucking 95

就算健康的時候,恩比德也沒有特麼的 95 分這麼高好嗎。

[ – ] [ MIA ] Dwyane WadeErickj 23 指標 14 小時前

Yeah Davis, Cousins, KAT, etc aren't even close to 95 so Embiid shouldn't be either.

是的,濃眉,表妹,唐斯等等的評分都和 95 差遠瞭,所以恩比德也不應該有 95。

[ – ] trueshill2124 21 指標 14 小時前

davis is 94 but yh 95 is for kd, russ, bron kawhi harden

濃眉實際上達到瞭 94,但是確實是像樓上說的那樣,95 是給杜蘭特,威少,勒佈朗,倫納德和哈登這些傢夥的。

[ – ] TimberwolvesFLigh8 21 指標 13 小時前

Curry as well ‘


[ – ] RaptorsDeKobe-DeBryant 49 指標 14 小時前

Embiid is gonna be OP in the game.

7 footer who is really athletic, can dominate in the post, shoot threes, and play defense.


2 米 13 的身高,非常具有運動能力,能夠統治低位,投進三分,並且防守出色。

[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin 122 指標 14 小時前

After you turn off injuries in the settings first

但你得先在設置裡關掉 " 受傷 " 這個選項。

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