


Current progress of every "challenge" Kobe Bryant issued to NBA players during preseason

休賽期科比向各位球員發出 " 科比挑戰 " 進展狀況的大匯總。

John Wall, "First team all defense": Wall is currently ranked 44th in Defensive Win Shares, and is outside the top 30 in BPG and SPG. Short of a complete turnaround, this won't happen.

約翰 - 沃爾," 防守一陣 ":沃爾現在排在防守 WS 值的第 44 位,而且在場均封蓋和搶斷榜上都名列 30 開外。倘若這種情況沒有一個徹底的轉變,他是沒法進入防守一陣的。

Isaiah Thomas, "All-NBA First Team": TBD, Isaiah has yet to play in a game. Is it possible at this point?

小托馬斯," 最佳陣容一陣 ":待定。小托馬斯現在還未出戰一次。他現在還有可能進入一陣嗎?

Giannis Antetokounmpo, "MVP": Unanimously in the top 5, but he'll need to somehow improve his game to make him the standout candidate above Harden & Kyrie the rest of the field.

揚尼斯 - 阿德托昆博,"MVP":毫無爭議的 MVP 前五,但是想要在與哈登和歐文的競爭中殺出重圍,他還需要再提高自己的比賽水準。

Demar DeRozan, "Rekindle lost friendship from your youth in Compton": Contrary to popular belief I am not a close friend with Demar DeRozan and have no update on this

德馬爾 - 德羅贊," 重新點燃你年少時期在康普頓的友誼 ":和流行的看法相反,我和德羅贊沒有什麼親密友誼,我也不知道他這項工作完成的怎麼樣瞭。

[ – ] Raptorsrsrsrsrs 1776 指標 12 小時前

If Isaiah comes back in the second half and averages around 75 PPG, he may have a chance to crack the first team.

如果小托馬斯在賽季後半段復出,並且場均轟下 75 分,他可能會有機會殺進一陣吧。

[ – ] RocketsDaroo425 [ ] 327 指標 9 小時前

I don't know about that... we all know 29/8/7 over a whole season isn't good enough for 3rd team.

火箭球迷:不一定吧。。。我們都知道整季場均 29 分 8 籃板 7 助攻都進不瞭三陣哦。

[ – ] Heatfrankoo123 81 指標 9 小時前

But but but... Harden doesn't play defense /s


[ – ] [ SAS ] Manu GinobiliCameronman1329 126 指標 8 小時前

Well to be fair he didn ’ t that season. Still not enough to leave him off the All NBA teams though, no matter how bad his defence was


[ – ] Bullsidontknow_whatever 207 指標 11 小時前

The midget gonna have to chuck for his contract, especially if he still wants his Brink's trucks.

地表最強 175 將不得不放棄他的合同瞭,尤其是如果他還想要他那 " 一卡車鈔票 " 的話 [ 譯註 1 ] 。

[ 譯註 1 ] :小托馬斯之前接受采訪時提到續約問題,曾說 " 最好開著運鈔車來續約我(better bring out the Brink ’ s truck ) ",遭到調侃。Brink ’ s 指佈林克公司,一傢專門從事運輸錢款的汽車貨運公司。

[ – ] RaptorsToronto416ix 76 指標 9 小時前

Dudes a leprechaun, Im sure hell find his pot of gold

小托馬斯就像個愛爾蘭小妖精 [ 譯註 2 ] ,我敢肯定他能找到自己那一桶金的。

[ 譯註 2 ] :leprechaun 是小托馬斯之前效力的凱爾特人隊的傳統吉祥物,源自愛爾蘭童話,是一種矮人小精靈。

[ – ] Raptorsbukkake_my_prostate 1401 指標 11 小時前

im hoping derozan's lost friendship is with the 3pointer


[ – ] 76ersrumballytron 192 指標 10 小時前

or defence


[ – ] [ TOR ] Roko Ukicp1rke 237 指標 10 小時前

He's playing pretty good defence this year. Maybe this was it?


[ – ] RaptorsToronto416ix 235 指標 9 小時前

Hes playing like his cousin DeFense

他打得就像他表弟德馬爾 - 防守贊。

[ – ] 76ersbetsyforhope 47 指標 9 小時前 *

Like batman going to that mountain to train in martial arts. Derozan goes back to Compton to learn how to stop top tier basketball players..


[ – ] YoungJebediah 220 指標 12 小時前

Wow, that Derozan challenge sounds like a joke gone wrong


[ – ] Knicksdiablofreak 51 指標 10 小時前

Was the really a mamba challenge?

What's the backstory?



[ – ] RaptorsJoseCaldercat 222 指標 10 小時前

Nobody has a fucking clue. I'm not sure Demar even knows.


[ – ] [ TOR ] Vince CarterNortho4 466 指標 12 小時前

Kobe Bryant really hit DeRozan with a retarded challenge, it ’ s not even basketball


[ – ] RaptorsSuchIsTheLifeOfDave 256 指標 12 小時前

The challenges were all a part of a marketing campaign for his new shoe. That ’ s why Kendrick and a female track star also got these challenges. The only 2 players who were originally a part of it were DD and IT4. Then Giannis asked on twitter and idk about Wall ’ s.

這些挑戰就是他為新鞋營銷的一部分罷瞭,所以肯德裡克 - 拉馬爾和一個女性田徑明星 [ 譯註 3 ] 也接到瞭挑戰。原本隻有德羅贊和小托馬斯兩個球員接到挑戰,字母哥自己在推特上要來瞭一個,沃爾的我就不知道瞭。

[ 譯註 3 ] :肯德裡克 - 拉馬爾是一名美國說唱歌手,而那位女性田徑明星指美國奧運會冠軍埃裡森 - 菲利克斯,她是田徑世錦賽歷史上獲得獎牌數最多的運動員。

[ – ] [ CLE ] Matthew DellavedovaSCMAD 312 指標 12 小時前

Isaiah's would require multiple season-ending injuries at this point


[ – ] Raptorsmioraka 99 指標 12 小時前

I guess he will just have to go Tony Montana and ask everyone to say hello to his little friend.

我猜他會變身托尼 - 蒙大拿,然後讓所有人都見識見識他的小傢夥! [ 譯註 4 ]

[ 譯註 4 ] :Tony Montana 是美國著名黑幫電影《疤面煞星》主角,以冷血狠辣著稱,由阿爾 - 帕西諾飾演。片中該人物的一句經典臺詞 "say hello to my little friend" 入選美國電影學院(AFI)影史百大經典臺詞,這是他在影片最後被人圍攻,拼死反擊之際向敵人說的。此處 little friend 指 Tony 手中的突擊步槍。

[ – ] Hornetspwowds 153 指標 10 小時前

He is the little friend.

他就是 " 小傢夥 "。

[ – ] CelticsSandovals_Belt 93 指標 10 小時前

Allow myself to introduce... myself

請允許我自己來介紹一下 … 我自己。

[ – ] Bullsfingerlessgarypayton 43 指標 9 小時前

My name is HOV

大傢好我的名字是 Jay-Z。

[ – ] BullsImRBJ 28 指標 9 小時前

H to the O V

Jay-Z 的 Jay。Jay-Z 的 Z [ 譯註 5 ] 。

[ 譯註 5 ] :HOV 是美國說唱歌手 Jay-Z 的另一個名字,出自 Je-hovah(耶和華)。H to the O V 是 Jay-Z 歌曲《Izzo(H.O.V.A. ) 》中的歌詞。

另,此段提到的 Tony Montana 十分經典,常被嘻哈歌手在歌曲中致敬,因此出現瞭與 Jay-Z 的聯系。

[ – ] WizardsQwxzii 130 指標 11 小時前

John Wall is not top 30 in bpg but I can bet he is the top PG for blocks and a top 3 guard fo

r blocks. That being said based off his performance so far he does not deserve it.

奇才球迷 : 沃爾不在蓋帽榜前三十,但我打賭他的蓋帽能力在控衛中絕對頂尖,在所有後衛中也是前三級別。


[ – ] HesiPullupJimbo [ S ] 137 指標 10 小時前

You're right, he is the leading PG for blocks, right above Lonzo


[ – ] LakersKAhnSolo 80 指標 9 小時前

Insert, "If Lonzo had a mediocre jumper..." comment.

But seriously, Lonzo does everything else well. Can you imagine if he had a mediocre jumper?

湖人球迷:坐等樓下出現 " 如果球哥有普通水準的跳投 …" 這類的評論。


[ – ] [ MIA ] Dwyane WadeImAtlasOk 93 指標 9 小時前

I still can't believe the lakers got him at 27.

仍然不敢相信湖人在 27 順位淘到瞭這塊寶!

[ – ] [ NYK ] Baron Davisthemariokarters 247 指標 12 小時前

hot take: Mamba Curse is now a real thing and none of these will ever happen


[ – ] [ LAL ] Magic Johnsonfds_1 216 指標 11 小時前

I want you to win that 4th ring LeBron.

湖人球迷:" 老詹,去贏得第四枚戒指吧!"

[ – ] LakersSandz_ 143 指標 11 小時前

Why would he want the lakers to lose next year?


[ – ] Agent21EMH 58 指標 11 小時前

TBH he also challenged Dick Sherman to break Seattles single season interception record, Richard is out for the season

說實話,科比還向橄欖球手理查德 - 謝爾曼發出挑戰,讓他打破西雅圖海鷹隊的單賽季抄截數。然後謝爾曼賽季報銷瞭 [ 譯註 6 ] 。

[ 譯註 6 ] :理查德 - 謝爾曼(Richard Sherman,Dick 是 Richard 的昵稱)是美國 NFL 聯盟西雅圖海鷹隊的角衛。

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