

Three UCLA men's basketball players -- including LiAngelo Ball -- arrested in China for shoplifting

包括球傢二公子(圖片左一)在內的三位 UCLA 男籃運動員因商店行竊被中國警方拘留。

[ – ] [ POR ] Caleb Swaniganjackteran23 2013 指標 7 小時前

LiAngelo is the meg of the family

二球就像 Family Guy 裡最不受待見的 Meg。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Kevin GarnettMarkHoppusJr 616 指標 6 小時前

I ’ m picturing Gelo is that one sibling who always get made fun of because he ’ s the least talented one, stole some shit in China to rebel from his family, but is actually the most normal and sane one and stole only because he just wants to be loved and acknowledged by his father and brothers.


[ – ] SqualorVictoria7 73 指標 4 小時前

he gets the chicks though right? Melo and Lonzo seem like awkward spotty teenagers


[ – ] WarriorsNeighborhoodNeckBear 98 指標 4 小時前

He gets the chicks but all he really wants is dad's love...


[ – ] [ NYK ] Enes KanterLouieM13 913 指標 7 小時前

"Lavar pleads to Yao Ming"


[ – ] LakersYaBoiBeefCat 731 指標 7 小時前 *

LaVar: Knocks on door

Yao: Opens door

LaVar: "Yao! What up baby."

Yao: "Who the fuck are you?"

LaVar: "It's me LaVar. You know the man of the triple B's? Got in a son in the NBA that can't make threes?"

Yao: "How do you know where I live?"

球爹敲門,姚明為他開門後球爹開始 BB:" 大姚,別來無恙啊!"

姚明:" 你他媽誰啊?"

球爹:我是球爹啊。三 B 品牌的創始人,兒子在 NBA 打球,不會投三分,想起來沒?"

姚明:" 你咋知道我住哪?"

LaVar: "I have been walking around and stopped at the first house that had a front door taller than 6 feet."

Yao: "What do you need? I am very busy."

LaVar: "Well listen here Asian Shaq. My boy and a couple friends were just being boys and happened to take some stuff without paying for it."

Yao: "Aren't you guys rich?"

LaVar: "Hell no. I am rich, LiAngelo is poor."

Yao: "I am sorry, but I can't help you."

LaVar: Puts on fake shark fin "What about now?"

球爹:" 我就四處走走看看,你的大門高度這裡唯一一個高於一米八的。所以我就知道是你瞭。"

姚明:" 有什麼事嗎?我挺忙的。"

球爹:" 聽好瞭亞洲大鯊魚。我兒子和他的幾個朋友太淘氣瞭,拿走瞭一些東西沒有付錢。"

姚明:" 你傢不是挺有錢嗎?"

球爹:" 開什麼玩笑,我是有錢,但是二球窮 B。"

姚明:" 對不起啊,我幫不瞭你。"

球爹掏出瞭鯊魚鰭的道具,插在自己身上:" 你再想想?"

EDIT: For those that are confused Yao Ming has done amazing for the protection of sharks. In China the poaching of sharks and consumption of shark fin soup has dramatically decreased thanks to his efforts.


[ – ] [ BOS ] Eddie HouseShinySuitTheory 4153 指標 7 小時前

Lavar: "My boy gon be the best thief you ever seen!"

球爹:" 我兒子會成為歷史上最牛逼的小偷!"

[ – ] Spursgsgspursgsg 108 指標 6 小時前

LaVar vs China.

LaVar: "In my heyday I could absolutely take China in 1 vs 1.4 Billion"

球爹 VS 中國

球爹:" 我巔峰時期能單挑中國 14 億人口!"

[ – ] Ohkamil 646 指標 7 小時前

Lavar: "Escobar has NOTHING on my son, he too old ! 1v1 liangelo is the BEST criminal of ALL TIME"

球爹:" 埃斯克巴根本就比不上我兒子,他太老瞭!二球是歷史最偉大的罪犯!" [ 譯註 1 ]

[ 譯註 1 ] 哥倫比亞著名毒梟,Netflix 的精品美劇《Narcos 毒梟》前兩季講述的就是跟他有關的故事。

[ – ] CavaliersItsBenderBro 510 指標 5 小時前

Lavar: "I'm gay"

球爹:" 其實我是同性戀。"(轉移視線)

[ – ] Lakersrohit275 402 指標 7 小時前

Tbh though I'm pretty sure LaVar is the kinda dude who would kick his ass over something like this.


[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jameshiimred2 217 指標 6 小時前

I dunno man this the son he doesn't care about, could be why he's the one out stealin shit too.


[ – ] Lakersjomelle 494 指標 6 小時前

Yup, kids commonly act out to get their parents attention

leans back in chair and admires armchair psychology degree hanging on wall


【不客氣,我是 Reddit 洋溢】

[ – ] Tizzleman 2107 指標 7 小時前

Lavar such a genius he got us talking about a 3 star freshman recruit on r/nba lol


[ – ] remax95 603 指標 6 小時前

The other two involved are both top 50 recruits and we're talking about the unwanted child.


[ – ] LakersNico777 974 指標 7 小時前

Already racking up steals and he isn't even in the NBA yet.

二球還沒進 NBA 就開始積累搶斷(抄截)數據瞭啊!

[ – ] LakersBryantFTW_BAAAAAANG 7189 指標 7 小時前

LiAngelo already averaging 1 steal per game. Next kawhi confirmed?

二球場均一抄截震驚 NBA,他是下一個倫納德?

[ – ] heefledger 1304 指標 5 小時前

1 steal/0 games, this guy is IRRATIONALLY good.

( I know that 1/0 isn ’ t irrational but it ’ s been a while since I ’ ve had a math class and it is close enough )

1 抄截 /0 比賽,二球牛逼的不講理!

(我知道 0 做分母好像有點奇怪,但是我數學都快忘幹凈瞭,就這麼著吧)

[ – ] 76ersTakwin 1771 指標 4 小時前

I am a math teacher, and 1/0 is literally impossible. Therefore, the Ball family has done the unthinkable, the impossible, and divided by zero. Probably be executed for it.

我是數學老師,0 是不能做分母的。所以,球傢做出瞭難以置信的壯舉。這種跨世紀的科研成就很可能給二球帶來血光之災。

[ – ] LakersSirBallalicious 465 指標 6 小時前

Does Kawhi have any steals in China?

倫納德?他配跟二球比?他沒在中國搶抄截吧 ?

[ – ] Trail BlazersErj2969 669 指標 6 小時前

Just their hearts


[ – ] 76ersbasketballwonk 7984 指標 7 小時前

Imagine being rich and stealing


[ – ] [ PHI ] Markelle FultzWilt2DrJ2Chuck2AI2Jo 4586 指標 7 小時前

imagine being rich


[ – ] [ SAS ] Patty MillsMysuggah 2361 指標 7 小時前

imagine being


[ – ] NBAUnknownReed 2001 指標 7 小時前


想象一下 [ 譯註 2 ]

[ – ] LakersApexEngineering 1529 指標 7 小時前

all the people


[ – ] NBAUnknownReed 846 指標 7 小時前

living for today


[ – ] Lakersdougandskeeter 690 指標 7 小時前


噢噢噢 ~~

[ 譯註 2 ] 以上三句歌詞來自 John Lennon 的著名歌曲《Imagine》

[ – ] rethinkingat59 1809 指標 7 小時前 *

Imagine being a 6-5 black person in China and not thinking everybody is not watching every move you make.

There is some weirdness to this story.

Was it a bar in the hotel room with unreported use?




Edit: My comment is not about racism, a tall black guy is a novelty in China, probably assumed to be a professional basketball player in Chinese leagues. My understanding is their friendly curiosity on the streets is constant. ( From conversation years ago from 6 ’ 2 black friend after visit, he was bald, they all assumed he was Jordon. )

Edit 2: other two guys were 6 ’ 10 and 6 ’ 8. They can ’ t go anywhere in the world without some eyes on them.

6 ’ 10 can ’ t hide.


修改:另外兩名被捕的球員一個 2.08 米一個 2.03 米,這特麼走到哪都有人註意啊。


[ – ] TimberwolvesKATAndJokic 512 指標 6 小時前

Bro I'll never forget when I was in china and got harassed about stealing items when I was bringing them to the cashier to buy them.. i'm sure me being the only black guy there had nothing to do with it.

哎,我永遠不會忘記我在中國的時候曾被冤枉偷東西,有沒有搞錯,我是把商品拿到收銀臺結賬啊!嗯,肯定跟我是商店裡唯一的黑人沒關系 … 是吧?

[ – ] wtd2016 419 指標 6 小時前 *

damn that sucks. All my black friends had trouble there, it really hurt me to see my friends go through so much shit. Some of them knew Chinese very well and could hear people say a lot of shit behind their backs and would confront people every once in a while.


Before the following story, I've understood what black people sometimes go through in the USA, but of course not being black I cant really get it on a deeper level other than understanding the how and the why


I have two good friends that are married Black Americans. Phenomenal teachers and I had gotten them a summer job with some Chinese friends I knew that ran a school. I know all about how Chinese can be racist, but my friends were awesome. They got the job without being interviewed because they trusted my word.


One day before the summer I thought that possibly they might have an issue. I didnt want to ask, so we all met for dinner, so they could meet them face to face. Sure enough, after meeting, I got word that they couldnt hire them because of their race... kids and parents might have an issue. I repeatedly said that they shouldnt give a shit and this was a great opportunity for these people to lose their ignorance... but they wouldnt budge.


I had to tell one of my best friends what happened. He was understanding and he's a calm guy, but it hurt so bad to see such a close friend go through this in an intimate way I hadnt experienced before... but his wife... she's very emotional and is far more sensitive to these things.

我就告訴瞭其中一個黑人朋友發生瞭什麼。他理解,而且他也是很冷靜的一個人。但是對於我來說,我看到我這麼好的一個朋友經歷瞭這種事 … 而且是近距離看到他們經歷瞭我從未經歷過的事 … 我真的不好受。至於他的老婆 … 他老婆是挺情緒化的一個人,對於這類事一向比他的丈夫要敏感。

She got really upset and I didnt see her for a couple days and then finally ran into her. She was so upset and we had a heart to heart and even though I was hurt when having to tell her husband what happened, it was on a deeper level when talking with her and I couldnt help but cry. It's a life changing experience, but man words cant really express how I felt or my deeper understanding on this kind of terrible shit people deal with


EDIT: Since /r/nba banned me for responding to someone being an asshole to me, I need to edit this comment. China is a wonderful country. I didnt mean to make the entire place sounds terrible, because I had amazing experiences there, worked with great people, and will forever love China.


修改:Reddit 因為我回擊瞭一個出言不遜的腦殘而把我封瞭,所以我就在這條評論底下直接修改吧:中國是很好的一個國傢,我的用意不是想要抹黑中國,因為我在中國的經歷很美好,我結識瞭許多好人,我也將永遠愛著中國。

[ – ] TimberwolvesKATAndJokic 265 指標 6 小時前

Can't tell you how many times i've been told by white people to just suck it up, both online and in real life.

Racism still exists, just because MLK happened doesn't mean everyone has become a fucking saint.

我都數不清有多少次白人告訴我別 BB 忍忍就過去瞭,無論是在網上還是現實生活中。

種族歧視依然存在,一個馬丁 - 路德 - 金的出現不代表所有人突然之間都是聖人瞭。

[ – ] Warriorstalanted_o 149 指標 5 小時前

man when i read shit people say it really just shows they won't understand till they walked a mile in your shoes. I'm nigerian, and came to america when i was 13 just for education. My highschool was about 30k, and my parents paid out of pocket, the first thing one of admission people asked me was if i showered. That shit hits you like a ton of bricks, and this was my first time interacting with white people

一些人大放厥詞的根本原因是他們從未真正的換位思考過。我是尼日利亞人,13 歲時來到美國接受教育。為瞭我能上美國的高中,我父母大概花瞭 3 萬美元。然而,招生辦問我的第一個問題竟然是我洗澡嗎。這種事真的對你有很大的打擊,而那次也是我第一次與白人打交道。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Paul Pierceunclairvoyance 98 指標 7 小時前 *


[ – ] LakersLeeHarveyMozgod 35 指標 7 小時前

I wish I could speak Chinese. I'm in a class for it but I can't for the life of me remember all the characters. Can you give me advice


[ – ] [ BOS ] Paul Pierceunclairvoyance 95 指標 6 小時前

I'm lucky because I'm a heritage speaker. As for the characters, there's not much to say besides that you just have to put in the work and hours to memorizing them. IMO speaking is honestly an easier part, since there's not really any verb conjugation you have to know subconsciously ( like in the romance languages ) . Try to find a native speaker that you can practice with. Oh, and play close attention to your pronounciation; in my experience, if you haven't developed a good accent after ~2 years of studying, you never really will.


In the end, Chinese isn't really any harder ( inherently ) than any other language ( difficulty of language really just depends on how similar it is to your native language, which is why Chinese is hard for native English speakers ) . And like any other language ( or really anything else you want to get good at ) , you just gotta put in the work and have motivation for it.

Check out r/languagelearning and r/chineselanguage too


PM me for any other questions !

最後我想說的是,中文並沒有比其他語言難太多。你覺得難是因為中文跟你的母語相似處太少,這也就是英語國傢的人們學中文學不明白的原因之一。跟其他語言一樣(跟其他任何你想做好的事一樣),你必須努力學,有充足的動力。你也可以去 Reddit 的語言學習和中文板塊看看。


[ – ] Timberwolvescfv9000 1148 指標 7 小時前

What a bunch of fucking idiots, wonder how strict China is with this stuff.

一幫傻 X。不知道中國在這方面有多嚴格。

[ – ] Heatheatkings1 1422 指標 7 小時前

Very strict. Especially with foreigners. That ucla team is in some deep shit

很嚴格,對外國人尤其嚴格。UCLA 這下是有大麻煩瞭 。

[ – ] Timberwolvescfv9000 527 指標 7 小時前

That's kind of what I figured, imbeciles.


[ – ] Heatheatkings1 488 指標 7 小時前

Stupid to steal shit when you are rich and possibly end up in prison in china


[ – ] [ CHI ] Nate RobinsonJE_12 280 指標 7 小時前

Don't worry, LaVar's tattooing a map of the whole prison on his body as we speak

沒事,球爹這會兒估計在身上紋監獄的地圖呢。 [ 譯註 3 ]

[ 譯註 3 ] 美劇《越獄》中主角 Michael Scofield 準備越獄的橋段。

[ – ] NBAMygaffer 340 指標 7 小時前

They won't get prison time, they will be deported. Perhaps made to admit guilt and pay restitution.


[ – ] Heatheatkings1 105 指標 7 小時前

Still very risky to steal in china


[ – ] [ BOS ] Jaylen BrownGMPunk75 158 指標 7 小時前 *

Stealing in China is pretty strict. Depending on what it was and how much $$ it cost. He could see anything from being fined, to detained. If it was in a first tier City they'll throw the book at you


[ – ] NBAMygaffer 214 指標 7 小時前

Oh for sure, if they really did this then they are beyond stupid. I think a lot of people shoplift at least once in their life, I shop lifted a hentai VHS once from an Fye, but I was like 15 when I did it and I never did it again.

You're supposed to grow out of doing stupid shit like that, especially in foreign countries that are not known for their liberal policies on crime and punishment.

確實蠢啊,如果他們真偷瞭東西,那真蠢的一 B。我覺得很多人都或多或少的偷過東西。我十五歲的時候偷過一次色情錄像帶,但那時候我還很年輕,之後再也沒幹過。


[ – ] Nets BandwagoniGwlbirdy 333 指標 7 小時前

What the fuck

老哥你這說的是特麼是啥啊 …

[ – ] alsofuckswithducks 298 指標 7 小時前

China's super racist too. The second the store employees saw black guys walk in, you know they were being watched every step they took.


[ – ] BucksOutofPlaceOneLiner 237 指標 7 小時前

I guess they were right


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